26 research outputs found

    An observational study to monitor cutaneous adverse drug reaction profile in Dermatology Department of tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Incidence of cutaneous adverse drug reactions (CADRs) in developed countries is 1 to 3% and in developing countries, it is much higher i.e. 2 to 6%. 1 in 1000 hospitalized patients will develop severe cutaneous adverse reaction. Maculopapular rash represents majority of cutaneous drug reaction followed by urticaria. Most frequently elicited CADRs are associated with antimicrobials and NSAIDs. This study was designed to monitor Cutaneous adverse drug reaction profile of tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: This is a prospective observational study of 6 months’ duration to monitor cutaneous adverse drug reactions in dermatology department of tertiary care teaching hospital. CADRs were analysed with respect to demographic details, suspected drugs and type of reaction. Causality assessment is by Naranjo algorithm. Data is represented in tables and graphs. Data is analyzed in Microsoft excel 2007.Results: Total 57 cases of cutaneous adverse drug reactions were reported. Among them, 57.9% were in males and 42.1% were in females. Majority of CADRs were due to antiretroviral drugs (38.5%) followed by antibacterial (28%) and antiepileptics (14%). Maculopapular rash is most common CADR (35%). Causality of 74% CADRs were probable according to Naranjo algorithm.Conclusions: CADRs are more commonly associated with antiretroviral therapy (ART), antibacterial drugs and antiepileptic drugs. In case of ART, antiepileptic drug and drugs used in chronic illness compliance plays a major role in the success of therapy. Adverse drug reactions lead to problem of non compliance and failure of therapy. Cutaneous adverse reactions like FDE heal with hyper pigmentation leads to cosmetic problem. Stevens Johnson syndrome (SJS) is life threatening that requires prompt withdrawal of drug and intensive medical management. Many drugs are available without prescription in India leading to problem of misdiagnosis of CADRs. So, data obtained from this study helps in proper diagnosis and treatment of CADRs

    IRC developing new model for evaluating fire-protection systems in light industrial buildings

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    Aussi disponible en fran\ue7ais: L'IRC met au point un nouveau mod\ue8le pour l'\ue9valuation des syst\ue8mes de protection incendie dans les b\ue2timents industriels \ue0 risques faiblesAlso appeared in Fire and Flammability Bulletin, July 1998, p. 2Peer reviewed: NoNRC publication: Ye

    Research Needs in Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters

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    Previous research into protective clothing for fire fighters is discussed in this report. Particular emphasis is placed on research into estimating the useful life of this clothing. Other areas covered in this review include the development of test standards, moisture transfer in clothing, heat stress, design criteria, chemical protective clothing and heat transfer modelling of protective clothing. Some recommendations for future workare also presented.Ce rapport traite de la recherche ant\ue9rieure dans le domaine des v\ueatements de protection pour les pompiers. On se penche tout particuli\ue8rement sur la recherche effectu\ue9e sur l?estimation de la vie utile de ce type de v\ueatement. Les autres domaines couverts par cet examen comprennent le d\ue9veloppement de normes d?essai, le transfert de l?humidit\ue9 \ue0 travers ces v\ueatements, le stress thermique, les crit\ue8res de conception, les v\ueatements de protection contre les produits chimiques et la mod\ue9lisation du transfert thermique des v\ueatements de protection. Certaines recommandations sont \ue9galement pr\ue9sent\ue9es relativement \ue0 des travaux futurs.Peer reviewed: NoNRC publication: Ye

    Equations and Theory of the Simple Correlation Model of FIERAsystem

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    The Simple Correlations Model of FlERAsystem consists of a number of equations and models that are commonly used by fire protection engineers to quickly estimate various fire characteristics. This report describes the equations used in the Simple Correlations Model, and provides references where more information can be obtained on the underlying theory for each of the equations.Le mod\ue8le \ue0 corr\ue9lations simples de FlERAsystem comporte un certain nombre d?\ue9quations et de mod\ue8les qu?utilisent couramment les ing\ue9nieurs de s\ue9curit\ue9 incendie pour estimer rapidement les caract\ue9ristiques des feux. On d\ue9crit dans ce rapport les \ue9quations utilis\ue9es dans le mod\ue8le \ue0 corr\ue9lations simples, et l?on y renvoie le lecteur \ue0 des documents de r\ue9f\ue9rence o\uf9 il obtiendra plus d?information concernant la th\ue9orie sous-jacente de chacune de ces \ue9quations.Peer reviewed: NoNRC publication: Ye