523 research outputs found

    Modeling line-driven disk wind for broad absorption lines of quasars

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    The disk wind, which is powered by the radiation force due to spectral lines (line force), is studied for broad absorption line (BAL) quasars. We investigate the structure of the disk wind based on the non-hydrodynamic method and compare with wind properties inferred from X-ray observations of BAL quasars. In this paper, we apply the stellar wind theory to the initial condition (the mass outflow rate at the base of the wind). We found the funnel-shaped winds with a half opening angle of 50^{circ} for the case of epsilon=0.3-0.9 and M_{BH}=10^{7-8.5}M_odot, where epsilon is the Eddington ratio and M_{BH} is the black hole mass. Thus, the absorption features are observed for an observer of which a viewing angle is around 50^{circ}. A probability of BAL quasars is 7-11%, which is roughly consistent the abundance ratio of BAL quasars, 10-15%. Here, the probability is estimated by the solid angle, that the absorbing features would be detected, divided by 4pi. In contrast, if the Eddington ratio is smaller than 0.01 or if the black hole is very massive, M_{BH} < 10^9M_{odot}, the disk wind is not launched due to the less effective line force. Then, the quasars are identified as non-BAL quasars independently of the observer's viewing angle.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in PAS

    Geometrical Cross Sections of Dust Aggregates and a Compression Model for Aggregate Collisions

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    Geometrical cross sections of dust aggregates determine their coupling with disk gas, which governs their motions in protoplanetary disks. Collisional outcomes also depend on geometrical cross sections of initial aggregates. In the previous paper, we performed three-dimensional N-body simulations of sequential collisions of aggregates composed of a number of sub-micron-sized icy particles and examined radii of gyration (and bulk densities) of the obtained aggregates. We showed that collisional compression of aggregates is not efficient and that aggregates remain fluffy. In the present study, we examine geometrical cross sections of the aggregates. Their cross sections decreases due to the compression as well as their gyration radii. It is found that a relation between the cross section and the gyration radius proposed by Okuzumi et al. is valid for the compressed aggregates. We also refine the compression model proposed in our previous paper. The refined model enables us to calculate the evolution of both gyration radii and cross sections of growing aggregates and reproduces well our numerical results of sequential aggregate collisions. The refined model can describe non-equal-mass collisions as well as equal-mass case. Although we do not take into account oblique collisions in the present study, oblique collisions would further hinder compression of aggregates

    Survey of Newly-found Nitrile Hydratase-Producing Microorganisma Grown at Higher Temperatures

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    We surveyed some novel nitrile hydratase-producing microorganisms through the enrichment culture technique at higher temperatures. We isolated several spore-forming filamentous bacteria from soil samples. One of them, strain 45A40 exhibited the highest nitrile hydratase activity. Based on taxonomical studies, strain 45A40 was identifind to be genus Streptomyces. It was the first example of a Streptomyces strain exhibiting high nitrile hydratase acitivity. We optimized the culture conditions of Streptomyces 45A40 to enhance the nitrile hydratase activity. The formation of nitrile hydratase was constitutive and was highly enhanced by the addition of cobalt ions. The enzyme acted on various nitriles and showed low Km value for 3-cyanopuridine. The enzyme exhibited tolerance against a high concentration of 3-cyanopyridine ; however, its heat stability was not outstanding.二トリルヒドラターゼは、温和な条件下で二トリルを水和し、極めて効率的にアミドを生産蓄積する反応を触媒することから、ポリマーの原料であるアクリルアミドの工場生産に応用されてきた(Fig.1(1)).またごく最近、ビタミン剤として家畜の飼料添加に用いられるニコチンアミドの工業生産にも本酵素の水和反応プロセスが応用されるようになった(Fig.1(2))1-3).本酵素は今日のバイオインダストリーにおいて、最もポテンシャルの高い酵素の一つであると言える。現在、アクリルアミド、ニコチンアミドの工場生産は、長澤ら4-6)によって確立された方法、即ちRhodococcus rhodochrous J1をコバルトイオンと尿素を添加した培地で培養し、著量の二トリルヒドラターゼを誘導生成させた菌体を直接触媒的に用いる生産プロセスが実用化されている。これまで二トリル分解菌の分離は、二トリルが一般的に低沸点で揮発性であることから、30℃以下の温度域で集積培養し、分離することが一派的であった。これまで報告されている高活性を示す二トリルヒドラターゼ生成菌としては、Pseudomonas属7), Rhodococcus属6,8)の細菌が知られている。新規二トリルヒドラターゼ生成菌の探索を目的として、今回、我々は比較的高沸点の二トリル化合物を単一炭素、窒素源として用いてこれまで試みられなかった37℃-50℃の中高温度域で集積培養を行う新たな二トリル分解菌の探索を試みた

    Structure Effect on Antioxidant Activity of Catecholamines toward Singlet Oxygen and Other Reactive Oxygen Species in vitro

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    The reactivity of catecholamine neurotransmitters and the related metabolites were precisely investigated toward 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals and reactive oxygen species. Catecholamines reacted immediately with DPPH radicals, their reactivity being stronger than that of ascorbic acid as a reference. Superoxide scavenging activities of catecholamines determined by WST-1 and electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trapping methods were also high. Whereas tyrosine, the dopamine precursor showed no reactivity toward superoxide. The reactivity toward singlet oxygen was evaluated by observing specific photon emission from singlet oxygen. The results revealed that reactivity of catecholamines was markedly higher than that of sodium azide, and catechin as catechol reference. The reaction of catecholamines and singlet oxygen was further studied by ESR using 55-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) as a spin trapping reagent and rose bengal as photosensitizer. DMPO-OH signal of epinephrine was significantly small compared to other catecholamines, catechin, and 4-methylcatechol as a reference compound and was as small as that of tyrosine. The signal formation was totally dependent on singlet oxygen, and the presence of catechol compounds. These results indicated that epinephrine is the most potent singlet oxygen quencher than other catecholamines, and the secondary amino group in its alkyl side chain could play a role in unique singlet oxygen quenching property of epinephrine

    Monocyte/macrophage response to β2-microglobulin modified with advanced glycation end products

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    Monocyte/macrophage response to β2-microglobulin modified with advanced glycation end products. We recently found that acidic β2-microglobulin (β2m), a major isoform of β2m in amyloid fibrils of patients with dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA), contained early Amadori products and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formed nonenzymatically between sugar and protein. Further analysis revealed that acidic β2m induces monocyte chemotaxis and macrophage secretion of bone-resorbing cytokines, suggesting the involvement of acidic β2m in the pathogenesis of DRA. Acidic β2m, however, is a mixture of heterogeneous molecular adducts due to various types of modification. In the present study, we investigated the modification responsible for the biological activity of acidic β2m toward monocytes/macrophages. The presence of a fair amount of β2m species with deamidation was detected in acidic β2m isolated from urine of non-diabetic long-term hemodialysis patients, but deamidated β2m had no biological activity. In contrast, normal β2m acquired the activity upon incubation with glucose in vitro. Among the glycated β2m, the pigmented and fluorescent β2m that formed after a long incubation period, that is, AGE-modified β2m, exhibited biological activity, whereas β2m modified with Amadori products, major Maillard products in acidic β2m, had no such activity. These findings suggest that AGEs, although only a minor constituent of acidic β2m, are responsible for monocyte chemotaxis and macrophage secretion of cytokines, implicating the contribution of AGEs to bone and joint destruction in DRA

    National survey of the association of depressive symptoms with the number of off duty and on-call, and sleep hours among physicians working in Japanese hospitals: a cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physicians' mental health may be adversely affected by the number of days of work and time spent on-call, and improved by sleep and days-off. The aim of this study was to determine the associations of depressive symptoms with taking days of off duty, hours of sleep, and the number of days of on-call and overnight work among physicians working in Japanese hospitals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study as a national survey was conducted by mail. The study population was 10,000 randomly selected physicians working in hospitals who were also members of the Japan Medical Association (response rate 40.5%). Self-reported anonymous questionnaire was sent to assess the number of days off-duty, overnight work, and on-calls, and the average number of sleep hours on days not working overnight in the previous one month. Depressive state was determined by the Japanese version of the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the associations between depressive symptoms and the studied variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the respondents, 8.3% of men and 10.5% of women were determined to be depressed. For both men and women, depressive state was associated with having no off-duty days and averaging less than 5 hours of sleep on days not doing overnight work. Depressive state was positively associated with being on-call more than 5 days per month for men, and more than 8 days per month for women, and was negatively associated with being off-duty more than 8 days per month for men.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Some physicians need some support to maintain their mental health. Physicians who do not take enough days-off, who reduced sleep hours, and who have certain number of days on-calls may develop depressive symptoms.</p

    Visceral-to-subcutaneous fat ratio is a possible prognostic factor for type 1 endometrial cancer

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    [Background] Associations have been observed between obesity defined by the body mass index (BMI) and the incidence of endometrial cancer. However, the impact of obesity on the prognosis of endometrial cancer is not yet clear. Recently, visceral fat has been considered to have a greater impact on malignant disease in obese patients than subcutaneous fat. In this study, we investigated the association between prognostic factors of type 1 and type 2 endometrial cancer and obesity parameters. [Methods] The impacts of clinical factors on the progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were analyzed retrospectively in 145 primary endometrial cancer patients. The factors included age, BMI, pathological findings, Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage, status of lymph node metastasis, and the amounts of visceral and subcutaneous fat obtained from computed tomography (CT) data. [Results] Only the visceral-to-subcutaneous fat ratio (V/S ratio) (cutoff value 0.5) corresponded to a significant difference in OS and PFS in type 1 endometrial cancer (p = 0.0080, p = 0.0053) according to the results of log-rank tests of Kaplan–Meier curves. The COX regression univariate analysis revealed that only the V/S ratio was a significant prognostic factor for PFS, but not OS (p = 0.033 and p = 0.270, respectively). [Conclusion] A V/S ratio > 0.5 is a possible factor for poor prognosis in type 1 endometrial cancer. Further research is needed to investigate the preventive and therapeutic effects of reducing visceral fat on the prognosis of this type of cancer