499 research outputs found

    Spectrum-Free Estimation of Doppler Velocities Using Ultra-Wideband Radar

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    A method for estimating Doppler velocities using ultra-wideband radar data is presented. Unlike conventional time-frequency analysis, the proposed method can directly obtain Doppler velocities without searching for peaks in a spectrum. By exploiting closed-form solutions for the Doppler velocities, it avoids the trade-off between time and frequency resolution, thus maintaining high time resolution. Both simulations and measurements are used to evaluate the proposed method versus conventional techniques

    New clinically relevant, orthotopic mouse models of human chondrosarcoma with spontaneous metastasis

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    Chondrosarcoma responds poorly to adjuvant therapy and new, clinically relevant animal models are required to test targeted therapy. Two human chondrosarcoma cell lines, JJ012 and FS090, were evaluated for proliferation, colony formation, invasion, angiogenesis and osteoclastogenesis. Cell lines were also investigated for VEGF, MMP-2, MMP-9, and RECK expression. JJ012 and FS090 were injected separately into the mouse tibia intramedullary canal or tibial periosteum. Animal limbs were measured, and x-rayed for evidence of tumour take and progression. Tibias and lungs were harvested to determine the presence of tumour and lung metastases. JJ012 demonstrated significantly higher proliferative capacity, invasion, and colony formation in collagen I gel. JJ012 conditioned medium stimulated endothelial tube formation and osteoclastogenesis with a greater potency than FS090 conditioned medium, perhaps related to the effects of VEGF and MMP-9. In vivo, tumours formed in intratibial and periosteal groups injected with JJ012, however no mice injected with FS090 developed tumours. JJ012 periosteal tumours grew to 3 times the non-injected limb size by 7 weeks, whereas intratibial injected limbs required 10 weeks to achieve a similar tumour size. Sectioned tumour tissue demonstrated features of grade III chondrosarcoma. All JJ012 periosteal tumours (5/5) resulted in lung micro-metastases, while only 2/4 JJ012 intratibial tumours demonstrated metastases. The established JJ012 models replicate the site, morphology, and many behavioural characteristics of human chondrosarcoma. Local tumour invasion of bone and spontaneous lung metastasis offer valuable assessment tools to test the potential of novel agents for future chondrosarcoma therapy

    Spin-spiral structures in free-standing Fe(110) monolayers

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    MOIRCS Deep Survey V: A Universal Relation for Stellar Mass and Surface Brightness of Galaxies

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    We present a universal linear correlation between the stellar mass and surface brightness (SB) of galaxies at 0.3<z<3, using a deep K-band selected catalog in the GOODS-North region. The correlation has a nearly constant slope, independent of redshift and color of galaxies in the rest-z frame. Considering unresolved compact galaxies, the tight correlation gives a lower boundary of SB for a given stellar mass; lower SB galaxies are prohibited over the boundary. The universal slope suggests that the stellar mass in galaxies was build up over their cosmic histories in a similar manner irrelevant to galaxy mass, as oppose to the scenario that massive galaxies mainly accumulated their stellar mass by major merging. In contrast, SB shows a strong dependence on redshift for a given stellar mass. It evolves as (1+z)^(-2.0~-0.8), in addition to dimming as (1+z)^4 by the cosmological expansion effect. The brightening depends on galaxy color and stellar mass. The blue population (rest-frame U-V<0), which is dominated by young and star-forming galaxies, evolves as ~(1+z)^(-0.8 +-0.3) in the rest-V band. On the other hand, the red population (U-V>0) and the massive galaxies (M_*>10^(10)M_sun) shows stronger brightening, (1+z)^(-1.5+-0.1). Based on the comparison with galaxy evolution models, we find that the phenomena are well explained by the pure luminosity evolution of galaxies out to z~3.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    In vitro and in vivo assays for osteoclast apoptosis

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    Mature osteoclasts, multinucleated giant cells responsible for bone resorption, are terminally differentiated cells with a short life span. Recently, we have demonstrated that osteoclast apoptosis is regulated by ERK activity and Bcl-2 family member Bim. In this paper, we summarize the methods we used to study osteoclast apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Using adenovirus and retrovirus vectors, we were able to introduce foreign genes into osteoclasts and examine their effects on osteoclast survival in vitro. In addition, we established the modified methods for in situ hybridization and BrdU labeling of bone sections from mice to study osteoclast survival in vivo. The detailed methods described here could be useful for studying the biological process in bone

    MOIRCS Deep Survey. X. Evolution of Quiescent Galaxies as a Function of Stellar Mass at 0.5<z<2.5

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    We study the evolution of quiescent galaxies at 0.5<z<2.5 as a function of stellar mass, using very deep NIR imaging data taken with the Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph on the Subaru Telescope in the GOODS-North region. The deep NIR data allow us to construct a stellar mass-limited sample of quiescent galaxies down to ~10^{10} Msun even at z~2 for the first time. We selected quiescent galaxies with age/tau>6 by performing SED fitting of the multi broad-band photometry from the U to Spitzer 5.8um bands with the population synthesis model of Bruzual & Charlot (2003) where exponentially decaying star formation histories are assumed. The number density of quiescent galaxies increases by a factor of ~3 from 1.0<z<1.5 to 0.5<z<1.0, and by a factor of ~10 from 1.5<z<2.5 to 0.5<z<1.0, while that of star-forming galaxies with age/tau<4 increases only by factors of ~2 and ~3 in the same redshift ranges. At 0.5<z<2.5, the low-mass slope of the stellar mass function of quiescent galaxies is alpha ~ 0 -- 0.6, which is significantly flatter than those of star-forming galaxies (alpha ~ -1.3 -- -1.5). As a result, the fraction of quiescent galaxies in the overall galaxy population increases with stellar mass in the redshift range. The fraction of quiescent galaxies at 10^{11}-10^{11.5} Msun increases from ~20-30% at z~2 to ~40-60% at z~0.75, while that at 10^{10}-10^{10.5} Msun increases from <~ 5% to ~15% in the same redshift range. These results could suggest that the quenching of star formation had been more effective in more massive galaxies at 1<~z<~2. Such a mass-dependent quenching could explain the rapid increase of the number density of ~M* galaxies relative to lower-mass galaxies at z >~ 1-1.5.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Subaru special issue). Updated to accepted versio

    MOIRCS Deep Survey. VII: NIR Morphologies of Star-forming Galaxies at Redshift z~1

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    We investigate rest-frame near-infrared (NIR) morphologies of a sample of 139 galaxies with M_{s} >= 1 x 10^{10} M_{sun} at z=0.8-1.2 in the GOODS-North field using our deep NIR imaging data (MOIRCS Deep Survey, MODS). We focus on Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs), which dominate high star formation rate (SFR) density at z~1, in the sample identified by cross-correlating with the Spitzer/MIPS 24um source catalog. We perform two-dimensional light profile fitting of the z~1 galaxies in the Ks-band (rest-frame J-band) with a single component Sersic model. We find that at z~1, ~90% of LIRGs have low Sersic indices (n<2.5, similar to disk-like galaxies) in the Ks-band, and those disk-like LIRGs consist of ~60% of the whole disk-like sample above M_{s} >= 3 x 10^{10} M_{sun}. The z~1 disk-like LIRGs are comparable or ~20% small at a maximum in size compared to local disk-like galaxies in the same stellar mass range. If we examine rest-frame UV-optical morphologies using the HST/ACS images, the rest-frame B-band sizes of the z~1 disk-like galaxies are comparable to those of the local disk-like galaxies as reported by previous studies on size evolution of disk-like galaxies in the rest-frame optical band. Measuring color gradients (galaxy sizes as a function of wavelength) of the z~1 and local disk-like galaxies, we find that the z~1 disk-like galaxies have 3-5 times steeper color gradient than the local ones. Our results indicate that (i) more than a half of relatively massive disk-like galaxies at z~1 are in violent star formation epochs observed as LIRGs, and also (ii) most of those LIRGs are constructing their fundamental disk structure vigorously. The high SFR density in the universe at z~1 may be dominated by such star formation in disk region in massive galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ. Catalog data will be available at http://astr.tohoku.ac.jp/MODS/wiki/index.php soo

    Assembly of Massive Galaxies in a High-z Protocluster

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    We present the results of wide-field deep JHK imaging of the SSA22 field using MOIRCS instrument equipped with Subaru telescope. The observed field is 112 arcmin^2 in area, which covers the z=3.1 protocluster characterized by the overdensities of Ly Alpha emitters (LAEs) and Ly Alpha Blobs (LABs). The 5 sigma limiting magnitude is K_{AB} = 24.3. We extract the potential protocluster members from the K-selected sample by using the multi-band photometric-redshift selection as well as the simple color cut for distant red galaxies (DRGs; J-K_{AB}>1.4). The surface number density of DRGs in our observed fields shows clear excess compared with those in the blank fields, and the location of the densest area whose projected overdensity is twice the average coincides with the large-scale density peak of LAEs. We also found that K-band counterparts with z_{phot} = 3.1 are detected for 75% (15/20) of the LABs within their Ly Alpha halo, and the 40 % (8/20) of LABs have multiple components, which gives a direct evidence of the hierarchical multiple merging in galaxy formation. The stellar mass ofLABs correlates with their luminosity, isophotal area, and the Ly Alpha velocity widths, implying that the physical scale and the dynamical motion of Ly Alpha emission are closely related to their previous star-formation activities. Highly dust-obscured galaxies such as hyper extremely red objects (HEROs; J-K_{AB}>2.1) and plausible K-band counterparts of submillimeter sources are also populated in the high density region.Comment: 21pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa