19 research outputs found

    The hermeneutics of the social self : steps towards a critique of particularistic individualism

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    Im Zentrum des Textes steht eine Diskussion der Bedeutung, die die Artikulation der Perspektive der ersten Person Singular, d. h. der expressive Anteil sprachlicher Verständigung, in kommunikativen Prozessen hat. Dabei geht es zum einen um Aspekte der kommunikativ-intersubjektiven Prägung binnenperspektivischer Wahrnehmung, zum anderen wird die Frage diskutiert, welche Rolle die Äußerung innerer Wahrnehmungen grundsätzlich, vor allem aber in praktischen Diskursen spielt. Neben diesem systematisch-sozialphilosophischen Erkenntnisinteresse, das darauf abzielt, die Kriterien zu bestimmen, unter denen individuelle Bindung an intersubjektive Kommunikation erzielt werden kann und die Bedingungen zu benennen unter denen erwartet werden kann, daß diskursiv gewonnene Einsichten handlungswirksame Kraft entfalten können, verfolgt die Untersuchung eine zweite Absicht: Vor dem Hintergrund der oben angedeuteten Überlegungen soll gezeigt werden, daß in der Entstehungsgeschichte des modernen Individualismus Formen der Artikulation erstpersonaler Wahrnehmungen etabliert wurden, die die spezifischen Funktionen und Potentionale öffentlicher (politischer) Diskurse beeinträchtigen bzw. reduzieren. Im Rahmen einer historisch-rekonstruktiven Argumentation soll diese Entwicklung als ein zentraler Indikator des gesellschaftlichen Strukturwandels in Europa seit Beginn der frühen Neuzeit interpretiert und als Erklärung für zeitgenössische Sozialpathologien in Anschlag gebracht werden. Diese beiden Argumentationslinien werden in der Auseinandersetzung mit Texten von Jürgen Habermas und Richard Sennett entwickelt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die zentralen Charakteristika öffentlicher Kommunikation vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen Strukturveränderungen in Europa seit dem Beginn der frühen Neuzeit umrissen. Im zweiten Teil werden die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse für eine Modifikation des sprechakttheoretischen Kerns der ›Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns‹ genutzt, auf deren Grundlage die Frage nach der Bedeutung der Perspektive der ersten Person Singular auf den verschiedenen Ebenen der Handlungskoordination und Konfliktlösung erörtert werden kann. Im Zentrum dieser Argumentation steht die Entwicklung eines Modells der expressiven Modalisierung zweiter Ordnung, mit dessen Hilfe den performativen Charakteristika menschlichen Sprachgebrauchs adäquat Rechnung getragen werden kann. Hierdurch kann gezeigt werden, daß in metasprachlichen Diskursen die expressiven Bestandteile sprachlicher Äußerungen vor allem dazu dienen, die Opponenten an das Prinzip diskursiver Verständigung zu binden. Auf der Grundlage dieser Einsicht wird erörtert, welche Rolle die Artikulation von Sprecherperspektiven in praktischen Diskursen erfüllt. Hierzu wird Habermas' Diskursethik mit Blick auf die Bedeutung moralischer Gefühle diskutiert. Dabei zeigt sich, daß die kognitivistischen Reduktionismen der TkH sich auch auf die Diskursethik erstrecken. Weil Habermas die affektiven Qualitäten diskursiver Praktiken als Teil der expressiven Artikulation der in ihnen engagierten Teilnehmer ausblendet, gelangt er zu einer pessimistischen Bewertung der Bindungskräfte, die prozedural begründete Normen entfalten können. Nur durch die Erfahrung der autonomiesichernden Kraft verständigungsorientierter Prozesse soll eine existentielle Wertschätzung von Seiten der Akteure erreicht werden können, die hinreichende Bindungsmomente mobilisieren kann. An diesem Punkt tritt die die Doppelfunktion von Expressivität als Medium der Erschliessung und Gestaltung von Selbst und Welt und ihre grundlegende Funktion für die Integration und Steuerung moderner Gesellschaften deutlich zutage. Die Möglichkeit, das Zusammenleben in einer posttraditionalen pluralistischen Gesellschaft befriedigend zu gestalten, hängt wesentlich davon ab, daß es den Akteuren gelingt, ihre Handlungskonflikte so zu lösen, daß alle Beteiligten das Gefühl haben, ihre individuellen Interessen seien gleichermaßen berücksichtigt worden. Die 'Hermeneutik des sozialen Selbst' erweist sich als eine Theorie des Selbst, die die artikulierte Expressivität als Brückenprinzip zwischen Selbstverständigung und Selbstbestimmung ansiedelt. Durch den verständigungsorientierten Austausch ihrer binnenperspektivischen Evaluationen knüpfen die Akteure ein Netz ethisch-existentieller Bedeutsamkeiten, mit dessen Hilfe sie den space of reason (Sellars) in der geteilten Lebenswelt verankern. Je mehr es ihnen gelingt, ihre individuellen Teilnehmerperspektiven zu entschränken und je glaubhafter sie diese Entschränkung in ihren Redebeiträgen expressiv artikulieren, desto wahrscheinlicher wird ein Grad der Selbstaufklärung, der jene Symmetrie der Anerkennungsverhältnisse als wünschenswert erscheinen läßt, die prozedural gewonnenen Normen dadurch handlungsmotivierende Schubkraft verleiht, daß sie in den Adressaten das sentiment of rationality (W. James) auslöst.The text focusses on the meaning that the articulation of individual worldviews i. e. the expressive part of lingual intercourse has regarding communicative processes. On one hand it deals with the way that the inner experience of individuals is formed through communicative intersubjectivity. On the other hand the question is being raised how articulation of this kind of experience affects discursive processes not only in general but with a special interest put on practical discourses. While this systematic interest aims at the criteria that have to be fulfilled for an individual tie to the principle of communicative interaction likely to be created and tries to identify the conditions necessary for discursively generated beliefs to become action-motivating the analysis put forward here follows a second intention. Based on the considerations stated above it is to be shown that throughout the formation of modern individualism ways of articulating the perspective of the first person have been established that affect the specific functions and potentials of political discourses in public in a negative way. A historical reconstruction will be sketched out to interpret this development (a) as a main indicator for the structural transformation of european societies since the end of the middle ages and (b) as an explanation for the social pathologies brought about. Both lines of argumentation are being developed through the discussion of texts written by Jürgen Habermas and Richard Sennett. The first part of the analysis deals with the characteristics of communication in the public sphere on the background of the structural transformations cited above. In the second part the insights won hereby are being used to modify the speechacttheoretical core of Habermas' ›Theory of communicative action‹ in a way that makes it possible to discuss the question on how the perspective of the first person interferes with the different modes of the solving of conflicts and the coordination of actions. The intention of this argumentation is to develop a concept of the second order modalisation of speech acts on behalf of their expressive quality that satifyingly takes the performative characteristics of language use into consideration. It is to be shown hereby that in metalingual discourses it is the main function of expressivity to tie the opponents to the principle of discursive deliberation itself. The next step of the analysis is to discuss the role of the articulation of speaker perspectives in practical discourses. To do so the meaning of moral feelings in Habermas' ethics of discourse are being focussed on. As it turns out the cognitivistic reductionisms pointed out in the analysis of the ›Theory of communicative action‹ can be detected here as well. It is because of Habermas' neglecting the affective qualitites of discursive practices that he considers the motivating power of procedural justified norms to be low. As far as he is concerned it is possible only through the experience of the autonomy securing power of consensus oriented processes that individuals accept this way of cordinating actions as an existential good. At this point of the discussion the twofold function of expressivity reveals itself: first as a means of gaining knowledge of the world and the individual self and second as an important part of the integrating and coordinating processes in modern societies. The possibilities for the social life in posttraditional pluralistic societies to be satisfying depend on how people manage to settle their differences in a way that makes them all feel that their individual needs and interests have been taken into consideration equally. The Hermeneutics of the social self turns out to be a theory of the self that regards articulated expressivity as the bridging principle between self-understanding and self-governance. It is the consensus oriented exchange of their first person evaluations through which speakers and actors tie a net of ethical-existential meanings that links the space of reasons (Sellars) to their mutual lifeworld. The more they manage to widen their individual perspective and the more convincing they articulate this widening the more likely it becomes that they reach a level of self-enlightenment that makes that symmetry of mutual acknowledgement desirable through which procedural justified norms gain action motivating power because it arouses the sentiment of rationality (W. James) in the adressee of an argument

    Shared Memory Support for InfiniBand MPICH2-Device

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    With the Top500 list from June 2004, cluster systems exceeded not only the 50 % threshold in number of systems the first time, but also in total performance. Due to the good price-performance ratio of cluster systems, these rates will further increase in the next lists. Multiprocessor nodes – typically 2 or 4 way systems – can improve that price-performance ratio in clusters. This paper presents our MPICH2 device called SHIBA (Shared-Memory + InfiniBand) which is the logical successor of our InfiniBand-only device to follow the above mentioned trend. We aim to provide a fast connection for intra-node communication and therewith to disburden the PCI connection to the InfiniBand Host Channel Adapter (HCA) for inter-node communication.

    Fremdartige Gerolle aus dem s\ufcdhelvetischen Unter- und Mittel-Eoz\ue4n von St. Pankraz am Haunsberg n\uf6rdlich Salzburg

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    Volume: 31Start Page: 27End Page: 4

    Thin Section Based Cutting Analysis as a New Approach in Rock Type Determination While Drilling Deep Geothermal Wells

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    ABSTRACT Microfacies analyses using thin sections made up from cutting material and side-wall cores are an essential tool in order to scientifically accompany geothermal deep drilling projects. Components and microfabrics which are included in washed cutting material give information about geological origin, mineral composition, diagenetic processes as well as porosity and permeability of the drilled rock formations. Components can be qualitatively observed and quantitatively estimated by particle analyses with the purpose to reconstruct depositional environments. Mineral shape and composition demonstrate diagenetic history and the development of microfabric characteristics. Finally, the occurrences of open porosity and precipitated cements can be identified in thin section based cutting material from deep wells helping to evaluate the porosity of the rock. 3D reconstruction of fracture systems is possible from oriented side-wall cores and indirectly by cutting form analysis from cutting material. In combination with stress field analysis and structural geological analysis from 3D seismic the cutting form analysis helps to identify the dominated fracture pattern in situ which might be below the seismic resolution. These important informations about cap rock and reservoir rock quality needs to be gathered as quick as possible to steer the drilling process and refine targeting. Thin section analysis of cuttings after the drilling operation may help to evaluate reservoir rock properties but cannot steer the drilling process anymore. In a newly established mobile lab, fast thin section production while drilling enables well-site geologists to obtain early information about rock properties within a few hours. This method facilitates rock type determination immediately after sample recovery at the drill-site. This approach of thin-section based cutting analysis-while drilling is newly developed for geothermal wells and represents an essential part in reliable determination of casing shoes, reservoir rock identification and -if the suggested reservoir rock formation is not proven through thin section cutting analysis -drilling targeting. Thin section based cutting analysis requires a detailed understanding of facies and paleontology, opening obviously a new research field in geothermal exploration and well site geology. INTRODUCTION Microfacies analysis of reservoir rocks is an essential tool to investigate depositional properties and reservoir potential resulting from diagenetic alterations and tectonic influence. Drilling operations normally comprise the production of cutting material, sidewall cores or normal cores of the target formations. In scientific drilling projects complete coring of the drilled formations are preferred in order to get undisturbed rock material. The Deep Sea Drilling Project (deep sea drilling.org), the IODP and various scientific continental drilling programs as well as the drilling of ice cores are based on the investigation of complete rock cores. These continuously contain informations about rock properties, facies development and paleontological and stratigraphic evolution. Depending on the budget, industrial wells are mostly not completely cored because of time constraints and expensive operations. Especially in geothermal projects risk management is very important to avoid project failure. In order to minimize costs sampling procedures are reduced to rock analyses performed by mudlogging services and drilling of side-wall cores. Rock analyses and thin sections of these cores normally were made for scientific purposes long after drilling activities. In this way, important informations are not present during the drilling process. Finally, samples of cutting material are observed for lithological aspects from the surfaces of the cuttings and chemical and mechanical indications of the observed rock types. The scientific monitoring methods have to be performed in a mobile lab that contains special grinding and sawing devices. The work flow consists of a sequence of mechanical steps which guarantee the fast production of cutting slabs and thin sections