5 research outputs found

    Adaptación morfofuncional renal tras nefrectomía unilateral en el adulto

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    En el presente estudio se analizaron los cambios morfológicos y funcionales del riñón remanente tras la nefrectomía de riñones con patología urológica crónica y baja función en el adulto. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran algún aumento del aclaramiento de creatinina en el 50% de los casos a los seis días de la nefrectomía, y en el 80 y 60,50% a los treinta y noventa días de la intervencion respectivamente. Desde un punto de vista global ha existido un aumento progresivo del aclaramiento de creatinina en el riñón remanente, si bien, estos aumentos no han sido estadísticamente significativos. Se han observado aumentos significativos de la excreción fraccional de sodio a los treinta y noventa días de la intervención, mientras que a los seis días de la misma estos aumentos no han sido estadísticamente significativos. Se interpreta que los cambios registrados a los seis días son consecuencia de los efectos producidos por una señal inicial de aumento de cloruros, por tanto de sodio, en el túbulo distal, que sobrepasado un umbral determinado activan la secreción del sistema renina angiotensina, así como por los producidos por eferencias simpáticas propias del postoperatorio inmediato. Por el contrario, los resultados obtenidos a los treinta y noventa días de la nefrectomía sugieren la existencia de un predominio de los efectos producidos por la expansión del volumen plasmático, los cuales parecen tender al equilibrio en el control realizado a los tres meses de la intervención. Los resultados obtenidos en relación a las dimensiones renales mostraron un aumento significativo a los seis días de la intervención para después disminuir significativamente a los treinta, aunque manteniendo unos valores medios superiores a los del control preoperatorio, y volver a aumentar de nuevo de forma significativa a los noventa días de la nefrectomía aunque sin alcanzar los valores obtenidos a los seis dias de la intervención. Se interpreta que e

    Regulation of chloride homeostasis in plants by nitrate availability

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    Poster presentado en el XVI Meeting of Plant Molecular Biology (RPMB) 14-16 sept. 2022, SevillaChloride (Clˉ) and nitrate (NO₃ˉ) are the most abundant inorganic anions in plants, sharing physical properties in solution and showing strong dynamic interactions. Thus, a higher tissue concentration of Clˉ leads to a lower concentration of NO₃ˉ and vice versa. This has been explained by the fact that both anions share and compete for similar transport mechanisms, meaning that Clˉ reduces the plants ability to take up NO₃ˉ from the soil. For this reason, Clˉ has been traditionally considered harmful to agriculture. Since NO₃ˉ is an essential nitrogen source, it is currently considered that plants strongly prioritize the uptake of NO₃ˉ over that of Clˉ. NO₃ˉ preference has been explained as: i) the occurrence of NO₃ˉ -selective transporters (e.g. AtNPF6.3 and MtNPF6.7) that mediate Clˉ only when NO₃ˉ is not available (Wen et al., 2018; Xiao et al., 2021); and ii) the occurrence of a signaling mechanism activated by NOзˉ supply that induces selective NO₃ˉ transporters (e.g. MtNPF6.7) while represses selective Clˉ transporters (e.g. MtNPF6.5; Xiao et al., 2021). The signaling cascade involves the AtNPF6.3 transceptor (transporter + receptor), the calcium transporter AtCNGC15 and the transcription factor AtNLP7. We have recently shown that Clˉ has a reduced impact on NO₃ˉ transport while signifcantly improving NO₃ˉ utilization and nitrogen-use efciency (NUE) in several plant species (Rosales et al., 2020). We hypothesize that regulation of NO₃ˉ and Clˉ homeostasis is more complex than currently believed, and other transporters diferent to those of the NPF6 subclade are involved in Clˉ uptake. To better understand the regulation of Clˉ uptake in plants and its interaction with NO₃ˉ availability, Clˉ accumulation has been quantifed in Arabidopsis mutant lines with lack of function for a number of relevant NO₃ˉ transport and NO₃ˉ signaling proteins. References • Rosales et al (2020). Front Plant Sci 11(442) • Wen et al (2018). Front Plant Sci 9(973) • Xiao et al (2021) EMBO J 40:e106847.We acknowledge funding by MICINN-FEDER Projects PID2021-125157OB-I00 and RTI2018-094460-B-100, and the CSIC-2021-JAE-INTRO-21 fellowship.N

    Chloride is required for optimal early vegetative growth and photosynthesis of higher plants

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    Poster presentado en el XVI Meeting of Plant Molecular Biology (RPMB) 14-16 sept. 2022, SevillaAlthough defned as an essential micronutrient, we have shown that adult plants accumulate Clˉ to typical macronutrient levels to optimize cell elongation and the plant efciency in the use of water, nitrogen and CO₂/energy (Colmenero-Flores et al., 2019; Cakmak et al., 2022). We have recently observed that Clˉ limitation during early vegetative growth determines signifcant biomass reduction, a defciency that cannot be compensated by additional NO₃ˉ supply. The main role of Clˉ as an essential micronutrient is the stabilization of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II (PSII-OEC), but adequate assembly/reassembly of the PSII-OEC requires macronutrient Clˉ levels (Raven 2017). Accordingly, CLCe and VCCN1 Clˉ channels in thylakoid membrane fne-tune the electrical (Δψ) and chemical (ΔpH) components of the proton motive force (pmf) (Li et al., 2021). This work aims to determine: i) whether plants have a higher demand of Clˉ during early vegetative development; ii) how Clˉ afects cell growth/anatomy and diferent photosynthetic parameters during early vegetative growth; iii) if these photosynthetic parameters are afected in Arabidopsis thaliana clce and vccn1 knockout mutant lines. References Colmenero-Flores et al (2019) Int. J. Mol. Sci., 20, 4686. Li et al (2021) Nat. Plants, 7, 979-988. Raven, J. A. (2017) J. Exp. Bot. 68, 359-367. Cakmak et al (2022). Chapter 7 - Function of Nutrients: Micronutrients. In Marschner’s Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (Fourth Edition). Academic PressThe following grants are acknowledged: MICINN-FEDER RTI2018-094460-B-I00; CSIC-202040E266 and CSIC202140E023. The Spanish Ministry of science Innovation and Universities-FEDER grant, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement, and CSIC grants supported this research.Peer reviewe

    Chloride is required for optimal seedling stablishment and early vegetative development of plants

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    Poster presentado en el BP2021: XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Biología de Plantas y XVII Congreso Hispano-Luso de Biología de Plantas, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021. onlineAlthough defined as an essential micronutrient, chloride (Cl¿) accumulates in plants to typical macronutrient levels. Our laboratory has recently shown that, at macronutrient concentrations, Cl¿ improves the plant efficiency in the use of water, nitrogen and CO2 (Franco-Navarro et al., 2016, 2019; Colmenero-Flores et al. 2019; Rosales et al., 2020), increasing plant biomass and drought resistance (Franco-Navarro et al., 2021). We show here that Cl¿ is highly and specifically demanded during early plant development. A treatment leading to macronutrient Cl¿ levels (5 mM Cl¿ supplement; CL) is required for optimal seedling development. Growth deficiency under micronutrient Cl¿ supply (75 ¿M Cl¿ in the nutrient solution) cannot be reversed with equivalent supplies of either nitrate (N) or Sulphate + Phosphate (SP) treatments, showing the specific requirement of Cl¿ to promote seedling growth in different species. Recent reports suggest that adequate assembly/reassembly of the PS-II oxygen evolving complex require macronutrient Cl¿ levels (e.g. 40 mM Cl¿ in the chloroplast; Vinyard et al., 2019; Raven, 2020). In addition, macronutrient Cl¿ levels deal to a higher surface area of chloroplasts exposed to the intercellular airspace of mesophyll cells, possibly through stimulation of chloroplast biogenesis (Franco-Navarro et al., 2019). To ascertain whether Cl¿ is required to improve chloroplastic/photosynthetic performance during early plant development, two approaches have been addressed in tobacco plants: 1) quantification of structural and ultra-structural parameters of mesophyll and chloroplast anatomy using electron microscopy; 2) quantification of photosynthetic parameters such as the Electron Transport Rate (ETR), the Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ), etc., using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Our results show that during seedling establishment, 13 days after seeding (das), the CL treatment stimulates the ETR in comparison to N or SP treatments. After seedling establishment, in 24 das and 35 das plants, the CL treatment determines lower ETR and significantly higher NPQ. Interestingly, macronutrient Cl¿ levels determines larger mesophyll cells containing a higher number of chloroplasts with thicker grana and much higher number of starch granules. The results confirm the impact of Cl¿ nutrition on the structure and function of chloroplasts and its relevance on seedling development will be discussed.Financial support of the Spanish Ministry of science Innovaction and Universities-FEDER grant RTI2018-094460-B-100, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement Nº 895613 and Spaish National Research Council grants CSIC-202040E266 and CSIC-202140E023; ii)Peer reviewe

    Hipertrofia benigna de próstata : cáncer de próstata : proceso asistencial integrado. 3ª ed

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    Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)YesEn Andalucía, y tal y como se establece en el III Plan Andaluz de Salud, se ha definido como una de las líneas prioritarias de actuación la reducción de la morbilidad, mortalidad prematura y discapacidad a través del desarrollo de Planes Integrales y de Procesos Asistenciales Integrados. Teniendo en cuenta que el cáncer de próstata constituye uno de los principales problemas de salud de la población masculina, se ha procedido a la revisión y actualización del documento anterior (año 2005)incorporando nuevos aspectos relacionados con dimensiones específicas de calidad