8 research outputs found


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    "There is a growing demand from the general public regarding nutrition topics that has prompted social media such as magazines, newspapers, television, radio and the internet to include more nutritional content. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of nutrition information published by health weeklies in the surroundings of four hospitals in Lima, Peru. A cross- sectional study was conducted using a mixed methodological design involving both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Thirtyseven hard copies of 4 health weeklies were purchased over the 10- week study period. Bivariate Logistic Regression was performed to examine all available journal characteristics associated with the quality of provided information. Logistic Regression Models were estimated for the independent variables that showed statistical significance in the bivariate analysis. Weekly publications with the highest percentage of pages dedicated to nutrition were “My Health” (41.67%), “Natural Health” (48.6%) and those with the lowest percentage were “Sun, medicine and beauty” (19.37%) and “Health, Money and Love” (18.34%). Collected publications included 185 articles that were classified into two groups regarding the validity of the nutrition information presented: supported 50.3% (93/185) and unsupported 49.7% (92/185). Statistical analysis for quality estimated that the “name of weekly” had a p value=0.000, the “topic” had a p value=0.035, and the “objective, source description, quarter of publications” had a p value >0.05. Multivariate logistic regression reports that only the variable “name of the weekly” had statistical significance with p values less than 0.05. The percentage of nutrition information suggests that editors may not be applying journalistic principles and shows the importance of interdisciplinary work, between nutritionists and health journalists, to improve health status of the general population. In the case of weekly health publications, editors responsible for this type of written press could benefit from including nutritionists in charge of providing nutritional information.

    Desigualdades sociais no Município do Rio de Janeiro: uma comparação entre os censos 1991 e 1996 Social inequalities in the city of Rio de Janeiro: a comparison of the 1991 and 1996 censuses

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    O artigo apresenta um modelo de comparação entre os resultados dos censos de 1996 e de 1991, a partir das relaçÔes indicadas pelos resultados deste Ășltimo. Fez-se uma reclassificação do Índice de Qualidade Social (IQS) proposto em Najar (1997) para a comparação dos dois censos, controlando-se para a variĂĄvel "chefes de domicĂ­lio com 15 ou mais anos de estudo". Como se sabe, o censo 1996 foi realizado com a finalidade da contagem de população, sendo seu Ăąmbito de variĂĄveis bastante limitado. Nesse sentido, a comparação que se apresenta tem carĂĄter exploratĂłrio e se limitarĂĄ Ă  variĂĄvel que registrou a escolaridade para os chefes dos domicĂ­lios particulares e permanentes, procurando identificar algumas mudanças. ApĂłs situar a discussĂŁo do ponto de vista das tradiçÔes analĂ­ticas em que se apĂłia, apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados que indicam importantes transformaçÔes na maneira como classicamente a literatura interpretou a distribuição da estrutura social no espaço metropolitano carioca. Verificou-se a elevação, em termos de anos de escolaridade, da população carioca, em especial para o segmento de mulheres chefes de domicĂ­lio. Este trabalho alinha-se, do ponto de vista da tradição metodolĂłgica, com os importantes trabalhos de Vetter (1981) e Pinçon-Charlot et al. (1986).<br>This article presents a comparative model for the results of the 1996 and 1991 censuses, based on the relations indicated by the results from 1991. The authors conduct a reclassification of the social quality index (SQI) proposed by Najar (1997) for comparison of the two censuses, controlling for the variable "heads of households with 15 or more years of schooling". As is known, the 1996 census was conducted with the purpose of counting the population, and its scope of variables was quite limited. In this sense, the comparison presented here is exploratory and is limited to the variable that registers level of schooling for heads of private, permanent households, seeking to identify some changes. After situating the discussion from the perspective of analytical traditions on which it is based, the authors present and discuss the results, indicating important changes in the way the literature classically interpreted the distribution of social structure in Greater Metropolitan Rio de Janeiro. An increase was observed in years of schooling in the Rio de Janeiro population, especially among female heads of households. From the perspective of methodological tradition, this study is also in keeping with the groundbreaking work of Vetter (1981) and Pinçon-Charlot et al. (1986)

    Rationale for the clinical use of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for COVID-19 patients

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