3 research outputs found

    IDEJAEN- Una herramienta para el mantenimiento continuo de la EIEL y su difusi贸n en internet

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    La Diputaci贸n de Ja茅n dispone desde 1998 de un SIG que recoge todos los datos municipales exigidos por la EIEL realiz谩ndose mantenimiento continuo desde el a帽o 2005. Actualmente los 95 ayuntamientos afectados por la EIEL, empresas de abastecimiento de agua y de recogida de residuos demandan informaci贸n geogr谩fica. Hasta 2009 se les facilitaba la informaci贸n mediante mapas en soporte papel. Desde 2009 el mantenimiento de la EIEL hay que hacerlo anualmente por lo que se necesita disponer de servicios de publicaci贸n que satisfagan la demanda existente de IG asegurando su mantenimiento y realimentaci贸n del SIG. En abril 2010 se implemento el Geoportal IdeJaen (http://www.dipujaen.es/geoportal/) que incorpora servicios WMS. Actualmente 61 municipios de la provincia colaboran activamente en el mantenimiento de los datos mediante software libre gvSIG. Se han entregado 57 TabletPC a los ayuntamientos y se han realizado programas de formaci贸n para proporcionar a los mismos los medios t茅cnicos y los conocimientos necesarios para la actualizaci贸n de los datos. Estos servicios WMS ofrecen informaci贸n sobre la EIEL de los 95 municipios con menos de 50,000 habitantes (todos excepto Ja茅n y Linares) con IG a nivel de calle en todos los n煤cleos de poblaci贸n de dichos municipios.Ja茅n Provincial/County Council since 1998 available a GIS that contains all data required by municipal Survey of Local Infraestructure and Equipment (EIEL) ongoing maintenance carried out since 2005. Currently, 95 affected municipalities by the EIEL, water companies and waste collection companies demand geographic information services. So far they are being provided by other means of publication with paper maps. Since 2009 the EIEL maintenance must be done annually for what is needed publishing services available to meet IG existing demand and feedback ensuring maintenance of the GIS. In April 2010 the portal was implemented IdeJaen (http://www.dipujaen.es/geoportal/) incorporating WMS services. Currently 61 province municipalities are actively involved in the data maintenance using free software gvSIG. 57 TabletPC have been delivered to the municipalities, and have been realized training programs that give them the necessarytechnical means and knowledge to updating the data. These WMS services provide information about the 95 municipalities EIEL with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants (all except Linares and Jaen) with IG at street level by all population cores of the above mentioned municipalities

    "Redes geosociales": Una Web cercana, cartogr谩fica y de sensaciones, realizada por todos y basada en el geoconocimiento colectivo

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    Las Redes Geosociales son la clave para permitir converger el saber y el conocimiento tanto de los usuarios como de las distintas instituciones que, pese a tener intereses comunes, hasta ahora solo han desarrollado la visi贸n restringida de sus especialidades y tem谩ticas, limitando as铆 las posibilidades de sus alcances de servicio p煤blico y de participaci贸n informativa de la comunidad. La creaci贸n de Redes Geosociales ofrecer谩n a los usuarios las herramientas necesarias para interactuar con respecto a la ubicaci贸n cartogr谩fica y el tiempo, abriendo as铆 un abanico de posibilidades enorme de servicios y funcionalidades puestas a disposici贸n de todos los usuarios. Para lograrlo, se deben aprovechar plenamente las facilidades de comunicaci贸n que nos permiten las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n (Web2.0), la telefon铆a m贸vil e Internet, con el fin de apoyar la elaboraci贸n descentralizada de pol铆ticas de acceso y uso de la cartograf铆a en favor del Geoconocimiento Colectivo Se trata de compartir entre todos y de crear una Geosociedad cartogr谩fica en red en la que los usuarios tomen el control y conozcan a gente con los mismos gustos que ellos, puedan crear contenidos e informaci贸n cartogr谩fica y subirlos a la red para compartirlos con todos.The geo-social networks are the key to enabling both users' and institutions' knowledge convergence, that despite having common interests, so far they have developed only limited vision of their subject specialties, thus limiting the possibilities of their public service scope and the community in-formative participation. The creation of geo-social networks will offer users the necessary tools to interact in relation to geographic locations and time, thus opening up a huge range of possibilities of functionalities and services. To achieve this we must fully take advantage of the communication aids that IT( web 2.0) allow us, aiming to support the elaboration of decentralized policies of mapping access and use in favour of the collective geoknowledge. It is all about everyone sharing it, creating a Mapping Geosociety network in which users take control and meet people with common tastes, also to create mapping content and information and to upload it to the network sharing it with everybody

    Metastable structural transformations and pressure-induced amorphization in natural (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 olivine under static compression: A Raman spectroscopic study

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    [EN] Raman spectroscopic data were obtained for (Mg,Fe)(2)SiO4 samples during compression to 57 GPa. Single crystals of San Carlos olivine compressed hydrostatically above 41 GPa showed appearance of a new "defect" peak in the 820-840 cm(-1) region associated with SiOSi linkages appearing between adjacent SiO44- tetrahedra to result in five- or sixfold-coordinated silicate species. Appearance of this feature is accompanied by a broad amorphous background. The changes occur at lower pressure than metastable crystalline transitions of end-member Mg2SiO4 forsterite (Fo-I) into Fo-II and Fo-III phases described recently. We complemented our experimental study using density functional theory (DFT) calculations and anisotropic ion molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations to study the Raman spectra and vibrational density of states (VDOS) of metastably compressed Mg2SiO4 olivine, Fo-II and Fo-III, and quenched melts at high and low pressures. By 54 GPa all sharp crystalline peaks disappeared from observed Raman spectra indicating complete pressure-induced amorphization (PIA). The amorphous (Mg,Fe)(2)SiO4 spectrum contains Si-O stretching bands at lower wavenumber than expected for SiO44- indicating high coordination of the silicate units. The amorphous spectrum persisted on decompression to ambient conditions but with evidence for reappearance of tetrahedrally coordinated units. Non hydrostatic compression of polycrystalline olivine samples showed similar appearance of the defect feature and broad amorphous features between 43-44 GPa. Both increased in intensity as the sample was left at pressure overnight but they disappeared during decompression below 17 GPa with recovery of the starting olivine Raman signature. A hydrated San Carlos olivine sample containing 75-150 ppm OH was also studied. Significant broadening of the SiO44- stretching peaks was observed above 43 GPa but without immediate appearance of the defect or broad amorphous features. However, both of these characteristics emerged after leaving the sample at 47 GPa overnight followed by complete amorphization that occurred upon subsequent pressurization to 54 GPa. During decompression the high-density amorphous spectrum was retained to 3 GPa but on final pressure release a spectrum similar to thermally quenched low-pressure olivine glass containing isolated SiO44- groups was obtained. Leaving this sample overnight resulted in recrystallization of olivine. Our experimental data provide new insights into the metastable structural transformations and relaxation behavior of olivine samples including material recovered from meteorites and laboratory shock experiments.Our work was supported by the U.K. NERC via Grant NE/K002902/1 and Spanish MINECO under projects MAT2014-46649-C4-1/2-P.Santamar铆a P茅rez, D.; Thomson, A.; Segura, A.; Pellicer Torres, J.; Manj贸n, F.; Cora, F.; Mccoll, K.... (2016). Metastable structural transformations and pressure-induced amorphization in natural (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 olivine under static compression: A Raman spectroscopic study. American Mineralogist. 101(7):1642-1650. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2016-5389CCBYS16421650101