29,833 research outputs found

    Conformal mapping of ultrasonic crystals: confining ultrasound and cochlear-like wave guiding

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    Conformal mapping of a slab of a two-dimensional ultrasonic crystal generate a closed geometrical arrangement of ultrasonic scatterers with appealing acoustic properties. This acoustic shell is able to confine ultrasonic modes. Some of these internal resonances can be induced from an external wave source. The mapping of a linear defect produces a wave-guide that exhibits a spatial-frequency selection analogous to that characteristic of a synthetic "cochlea". Both, experimental and theoretical results are reported here.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Extended Weyl Calculus and Application to the Phase-Space Schr\"{o}dinger Equation

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    We show that the Schr\"{o}dinger equation in phase space proposed by Torres-Vega and Frederick is canonical in the sense that it is a natural consequence of the extended Weyl calculus obtained by letting the Heisenberg group act on functions (or half-densities) defined on phase space. This allows us, in passing, to solve rigorously the TF equation for all quadratic Hamiltonians.Comment: To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. and genera

    Search for Associations Containing Young stars (SACY): Chemical tagging IC 2391 & the Argus association

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    We explore the possible connection between the open cluster IC 2391 and the unbound Argus association identified by the SACY survey. In addition to common kinematics and ages between these two systems, here we explore their chemical abundance patterns to confirm if the two substructures shared a common origin. We carry out a homogenous high-resolution elemental abundance study of eight confirmed members of IC 2391 as well as six members of the Argus association using UVES spectra. We derive spectroscopic stellar parameters and abundances for Fe, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni and Ba. All stars in the open cluster and Argus association were found to share similar abundances with the scatter well within the uncertainties, where [Fe/H] = -0.04 +/-0.03 for cluster stars and [Fe/H] = -0.06 +/-0.05 for Argus stars. Effects of over-ionisation/excitation were seen for stars cooler than roughly 5200K as previously noted in the literature. Also, enhanced Ba abundances of around 0.6 dex were observed in both systems. The common ages, kinematics and chemical abundances strongly support that the Argus association stars originated from the open cluster IC 2391. Simple modeling of this system find this dissolution to be consistent with two-body interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figs, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Star formation in low density HI gas around the Elliptical Galaxy NGC2865

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    Interacting galaxies surrounded by HI tidal debris are ideal sites for the study of young clusters and tidal galaxy formation. The process that triggers star formation in the low-density environments outside galaxies is still an open question. New clusters and galaxies of tidal origin are expected to have high metallicities for their luminosities. Spectroscopy of such objects is, however, at the limit of what can be done with existing 8-10m class telescopes, which has prevented statistical studies of these objects. NGC2865 is an UV-bright merging elliptical galaxy with shells and extended HI tails. The regions observed in this work were previously detected using multi-slit imaging spectroscopy. We obtain new multislit spectroscopy of six young star-forming regions around NGC2865, to determine their redshifts and metallicities. The six emission-line regions are located 16-40 kpc from NGC2865 and they have similar redshifts. They have ages of ~10Myears and an average metallicity of 12+log(O/H) ~ 8.6, suggesting a tidal origin for the regions. It is noted that they coincide with an extended HI tail, which has projected density of NHI_{HI} < 1019^{19} cm−2^{-2}, and displays a low surface brightness counterpart. These regions may represent the youngest of the three populations of star clusters already identified in NGC2865. The high, nearly-solar, oxygen abundances found for the six regions in the vicinity of NGC2865 suggest that they were formed by pre-enriched material from the parent galaxy, from gas removed during the last major merger. Given the mass and the location of the HII regions, we can speculate that these young star-forming regions are potential precursors of globular clusters that will be part of the halo of NGC2865 in the future. Our result supports the use of the multi-slit imaging spectroscopy as a useful tool for finding nearly-formed stellar systems around galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures accepted in A&

    Coherent delocalization: Views of entanglement in different scenarios

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    The concept of entanglement was originally introduced to explain correlations existing between two spatially separated systems, that cannot be described using classical ideas. Interestingly, in recent years, it has been shown that similar correlations can be observed when considering different degrees of freedom of a single system, even a classical one. Surprisingly, it has also been suggested that entanglement might be playing a relevant role in certain biological processes, such as the functioning of pigment-proteins that constitute light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic bacteria. The aim of this work is to show that the presence of entanglement in all of these different scenarios should not be unexpected, once it is realized that the very same mathematical structure can describe all of them. We show this by considering three different, realistic cases in which the only condition for entanglement to exist is that a single excitation is coherently delocalized between the different subsystems that compose the system of interest

    Observations of three young gamma-ray pulsars with the Gran Telescopio Canarias

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    We report the analysis of the first deep optical observations of three isolated γ\gamma-ray pulsars detected by the {\em Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope}: the radio-loud PSR\, J0248+6021 and PSR\, J0631+1036, and the radio-quiet PSR\, J0633+0632. The latter has also been detected in the X rays. The pulsars are very similar in their spin-down age (τ∼\tau \sim40--60 kyrs), spin-down energy (E˙∼1035\dot{E} \sim10^{35} erg s−1^{-1}), and dipolar surface magnetic field (B∼3B \sim 3--5×10125\times10^{12} G). These pulsars are promising targets for multi-wavelength observations, since they have been already detected in γ\gamma rays and in radio or X-rays. None of them has been detected yet in the optical band. We observed the three pulsar fields in 2014 with the Spanish 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). We could not find any candidate optical counterpart to the three pulsars close to their most recent radio or {\em Chandra} positions down to 3σ3 \sigma limits of g′∼27.3g'\sim27.3, g′∼27g'\sim27, g′∼27.3g'\sim27.3 for PSR\, J0248+6021, J0631+1036, and J0633+0632, respectively. From the inferred optical upper limits and estimated distance and interstellar extinction, we derived limits on the pulsar optical luminosity. We also searched for the X-ray counterpart to PSR\, J0248+6021 with \chan\ but we did not detect the pulsar down to a 3σ\sigma flux limit of 5×10−145 \times 10^{-14} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} (0.3--10 keV). For all these pulsars, we compared the optical flux upper limits with the extrapolations in the optical domain of the γ\gamma-ray spectra and compared their multi-wavelength properties with those of other γ\gamma-ray pulsars of comparable age.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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