27,402 research outputs found

    Transport coefficients of heavy quarks around TcT_c at finite quark chemical potential

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    The interactions of heavy quarks with the partonic environment at finite temperature TT and finite quark chemical potential Ī¼q\mu_q are investigated in terms of transport coefficients within the Dynamical Quasi-Particle model (DQPM) designed to reproduce the lattice-QCD results (including the partonic equation of state) in thermodynamic equilibrium. These results are confronted with those of nuclear many-body calculations close to the critical temperature TcT_c. The hadronic and partonic spatial diffusion coefficients join smoothly and show a pronounced minimum around TcT_c, at Ī¼q=0\mu_q=0 as well as at finite Ī¼q\mu_q. Close and above TcT_c its absolute value matches the lQCD calculations for Ī¼q=0\mu_q=0. The smooth transition of the heavy quark transport coefficients from the hadronic to the partonic medium corresponds to a cross over in line with lattice calculations, and differs substantially from perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations which show a large discontinuity at TcT_c. This indicates that in the vicinity of TcT_c dynamically dressed massive partons and not massless pQCD partons are the effective degrees-of-freedom in the quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Particle Dark Energy

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    We explore the physics of a gas of particles interacting with a condensate that spontaneously breaks Lorentz invariance. The equation of state of this gas varies from 1/3 to less than -1 and can lead to the observed cosmic acceleration. The particles are always stable. In our particular class of models these particles are fermions with a chiral coupling to the condensate. They may behave as relativistic matter at early times, produce a brief period where they dominate the expansion with w<0 today, and behave as matter at late time. There are no small parameters in our models, which generically lead to dark energy clustering and, depending on the choice of parameters, smoothing of small scale power.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; minor update with added refs; version appearing in Phys. Rev.

    What causes the large extensions of red-supergiant atmospheres? Comparisons of interferometric observations with 1-D hydrostatic, 3-D convection, and 1-D pulsating model atmospheres

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    We present the atmospheric structure and the fundamental parameters of three red supergiants, increasing the sample of RSGs observed by near-infrared spectro-interferometry. Additionally, we test possible mechanisms that may explain the large observed atmospheric extensions of RSGs. We carried out spectro-interferometric observations of 3 RSGs in the near-infrared K-band with the VLTI/AMBER instrument at medium spectral resolution. To comprehend the extended atmospheres, we compared our observational results to predictions by available hydrostatic PHOENIX, available 3-D convection, and new 1-D self-excited pulsation models of RSGs. Our near-infrared flux spectra are well reproduced by the PHOENIX model atmospheres. The continuum visibility values are consistent with a limb-darkened disk as predicted by the PHOENIX models, allowing us to determine the angular diameter and the fundamental parameters of our sources. Nonetheless, in the case of V602 Car and HD 95686, the PHOENIX model visibilities do not predict the large observed extensions of molecular layers, most remarkably in the CO bands. Likewise, the 3-D convection models and the 1-D pulsation models with typical parameters of RSGs lead to compact atmospheric structures as well, which are similar to the structure of the hydrostatic PHOENIX models. They can also not explain the observed decreases in the visibilities and thus the large atmospheric molecular extensions. The full sample of our RSGs indicates increasing observed atmospheric extensions with increasing luminosity and decreasing surface gravity, and no correlation with effective temperature or variability amplitude, which supports a scenario of radiative acceleration on Doppler-shifted molecular lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    On the binary nature of 1RXS J162848.1-415241

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    We present spectroscopy of the optical counterpart to 1RXS J162848.1-41524, also known as the microquasar candidate MCQC J162847-4152. All the data indicate that this X-ray source is not a microquasar, and that it is a single-lined chromospherically active binary system with a likely orbital period of 4.9 days. Our analysis supports a K3IV spectral classification for the star, which is dominant at optical wavelengths. The unseen binary component is most likely a late-type (K7-M) dwarf or a white dwarf. Using the high resolution spectra we have measured the K3 star's rotational broadening to be vsini = 43 +/- 3 km/s and determined a lower limit to the binary mass ratio of q(=M2/M1)>2.0. The high rotational broadening together with the strong CaII H & K / Halpha emission and high-amplitude photometric variations indicate that the evolved star is very chromospherically active and responsible for the X-ray/radio emission.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Chandra observations of the millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 in quiescence

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    In this Paper we report on our analysis of three Chandra observations of the accretion-powered millisecond X-ray pulsar IGR J00291+5934 obtained during the late stages of the 2004 outburst. We also report the serendipitous detection of the source in quiescence by ROSAT during MJD 48830-48839. The detected 0.3-10 keV source count rates varied significantly between the Chandra observations from (7.2+-1.2)x10^-3, (6.8+-0.9)x10^-3, and (1.4+-0.1)x10^-2 counts per second for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Chandra observation, on MJD 53371.88, 53383.99, and 53407.57, respectively. The count rate for the 3rd observation is 2.0+-0.4 times as high as that of the average of the first two observations. The unabsorbed 0.5-10 keV source flux for the best-fit power-law model to the source spectrum was (7.9+-2.5)x10^-14, (7.3+-2.0)x10^-14, and (1.17+-0.22)x10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1 for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Chandra observation, respectively. We find that this source flux is consistent with that found by ROSAT [~(5.4+-2.4)x10^-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1]. Under the assumption that the interstellar extinction, N_H, does not vary between the observations, we find that the blackbody temperature during the 2nd Chandra observation is significantly higher than that during the 1st and 3rd observation. Furthermore, the effective temperature of the neutron star derived from fitting an absorbed blackbody or neutron star atmosphere model to the data is rather high in comparison with many other neutron star soft X-ray transients in quiescence, even during the 1st and 3rd observation. If we assume that the source quiescent luminosity is similar to that measured for two other accretion powered millisecond pulsars in quiescence, the distance to IGR J00291+5934 is 2.6-3.6 kpc.Comment: 7 pages, 3 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Micromagnetic understanding of stochastic resonance driven by spin-transfertorque

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    In this paper, we employ micromagnetic simulations to study non-adiabatic stochastic resonance (NASR) excited by spin-transfer torque in a super-paramagnetic free layer nanomagnet of a nanoscale spin valve. We find that NASR dynamics involves thermally activated transitions among two static states and a single dynamic state of the nanomagnet and can be well understood in the framework of Markov chain rate theory. Our simulations show that a direct voltage generated by the spin valve at the NASR frequency is at least one order of magnitude greater than the dc voltage generated off the NASR frequency. Our computations also reproduce the main experimentally observed features of NASR such as the resonance frequency, the temperature dependence and the current bias dependence of the resonance amplitude. We propose a simple design of a microwave signal detector based on NASR driven by spin transfer torque.Comment: 25 pages 8 figures, accepted for pubblication on Phys. Rev.

    Spatio-temporal vortex beams and angular momentum

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    We present a space-time generalization of the known spatial (monochromatic) wave vortex beams carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM) along the propagation direction. Generic spatio-temporal vortex beams are polychromatic and can carry intrinsic OAM at an arbitrary angle to the mean momentum. Applying either (i) a transverse wave-vector shift or (ii) a Lorentz boost to a monochromatic Bessel beam, we construct a family of either (i) time-diffracting or (ii) non-diffracting spatio-temporal Bessel beams, which are exact solutions of the Klein-Gordon wave equations. The proposed spatio-temporal OAM states are able to describe either photon or electron vortex states (both relativistic and nonrelativistic), and can find applications in particle collisions, optics of moving media, quantum communications, and astrophysics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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