4 research outputs found

    Optimizing blood pressure control through telemedicine in Primary Care in Spain (Iniciativa Óptima): Results from a Delphi study

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    Atención primaria; Hipertensión; TelemedicinaAtenció primària; Hipertensió; TelemedicinaPrimary care; Hypertension; TelemedicineAim: Members of the working groups on hypertension or cardiovascular disease of the Spanish Societies of Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) [SEMERGEN], Family and Community Medicine [semFYC] and General and Family Physicians [SEMG], conducted a Delphi study to validate with a panel of PCPs with expertise in hypertension several recommendations to optimize teleconsultation in hypertensive patients. Materials and methods: Delphi study based on an online questionnaire with 59 recommendations based on the available evidence and the clinical experience of the authors. Results: 118 PCPs participated in two rounds of the questionnaire (98.3% of the invited physicians), reaching consensus in 53/62 statements (85%). The Primary Care team must proactively select the hypertensive patients suitable for telematic consultation and contact them to set up an appointment. Telematic consultation must begin explaining the reason and aims pursued, continuing with anamnesis, which must explore signs and symptoms of disease worsening, current treatments and level of adherence. In patients with a home blood pressure measurement (HBPM) ≤135/85mmHg, it is recommended to schedule a new telematic appointment in 3-6months. On the contrary, asymptomatic patients with a HBPM ≥135/85mmHg should undergo ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, treatment modification or, in case of warning signs or symptoms, referral to a face-to-face visit or to emergency department. Conclusions: Teleconsultation can complement face-to-face consultation, constituting an additional tool for the appropriate follow-up of hypertensive patients.Objetivo Representantes de los grupos de trabajo de hipertensión o enfermedad cardiovascular de las Sociedades Españolas de Médicos de Atención Primaria (MAP) [SEMERGEN], de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria [semFYC] y de Médicos Generales y de Familia [SEMG] realizaron un estudio Delphi para validar con un panel de MAP expertos en hipertensión una propuesta de recomendaciones para optimizar la teleconsulta en pacientes hipertensos. Materiales y métodos Estudio Delphi basado en un cuestionario online con 59 recomendaciones, elaborado en base a la bibliografía relacionada disponible y a la experiencia clínica aportada por los autores. Resultados Un total de 118 MAP participaron en dos rondas del cuestionario (98,3% de los invitados), alcanzándose el consenso en 53/62 sentencias (85%). El equipo de Atención Primaria debe seleccionar a los pacientes hipertensos candidatos a realizar la consulta telemática proactivamente, informando de la cita con antelación. Al iniciar la consulta telemática, se recomienda explicar el motivo y los objetivos de la misma, y realizar la anamnesis preguntando por signos y síntomas de empeoramiento de la enfermedad, tratamientos actuales y adherencia a los mismos. En pacientes con una automedida de la presión arterial (AMPA) ≤ 135/85 mmHg se recomienda pautar una nueva cita telemática en 3-6 meses. Por el contrario, en pacientes asintomáticos que reporten una AMPA ≥ 135/85 mmHg se recomienda la monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial, modificar el tratamiento, o derivar al paciente a visita presencial o al hospital en caso de signos o síntomas de alarma. Conclusiones La teleconsulta puede complementar la consulta presencial, constituyendo un elemento más a tener en cuenta para el adecuado control de los pacientes hipertensos

    Clinical Perspectives on Using Remote Measurement Technology in Assessing Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Depression: Delphi Study

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS), epilepsy, and depression are chronic central nervous system conditions in which remote measurement technology (RMT) may offer benefits compared with usual assessment. We previously worked with clinicians, patients, and researchers to develop 13 use cases for RMT: 5 in epilepsy (seizure alert, seizure counting, risk scoring, triage support, and trend analysis), 3 in MS (detecting silent progression, detecting depression in MS, and donating data to a biobank), and 5 in depression (detecting trends, reviewing treatment, self-management, comorbid monitoring, and carer alert). Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the use cases and related implementation issues with an expert panel of clinicians external to our project consortium. Methods: We used a Delphi exercise to validate the use cases and suggest a prioritization among them and to ascertain the importance of a variety of implementation issues related to RMT. The expert panel included clinicians from across Europe who were external to the project consortium. The study had 2 survey rounds (n=23 and n=17) and a follow-up interview round (n=9). Data were analyzed for consensus between participants and for stability between survey rounds. The interviews explored the reasons for answers given in the survey. Results: The findings showed high stability between rounds on questions related to specific use cases but lower stability on questions relating to wider issues around the implementation of RMT. Overall, questions on wider issues also had less consensus. All 5 use cases for epilepsy (seizure alert, seizure counting, risk scoring, triage support, and trend analysis) were considered beneficial, with consensus among participants above the a priori threshold for most questions, although use case 3 (risk scoring) was considered less likely to facilitate or catalyze care. There was very little consensus on the benefits of the use cases in MS, although this may have resulted from a higher dropout rate of MS clinicians (50%). Participants agreed that there would be benefits for all 5 of the depression use cases, although fewer questions on use case 4 (triage support) reached consensus agreement than for depression use cases 1 (detecting trends), 2 (reviewing treatment), 3 (self-management), and 5 (carer alert). The qualitative analysis revealed further insights into each use case and generated 8 themes on practical issues related to implementation. Conclusions: Overall, these findings inform the prioritization of use cases for RMT that could be developed in future work, which may include clinical trials, cost-effectiveness studies, and the commercial development of RMT products and services. Priorities for further development include the use of RMT to provide more accurate records of symptoms and treatment response than is currently possible and to provide data that could help inform patient triage and generate timely alerts for patients and carers

    Optimizing blood pressure control through telemedicine in Primary Care in Spain (Iniciativa Óptima): Results from a Delphi study

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    Objetivo Representantes de los grupos de trabajo de hipertensión o enfermedad cardiovascular de las Sociedades Españolas de Médicos de Atención Primaria (MAP) [SEMERGEN], de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria [semFYC] y de Médicos Generales y de Familia [SEMG] realizaron un estudio Delphi para validar con un panel de MAP expertos en hipertensión una propuesta de recomendaciones para optimizar la teleconsulta en pacientes hipertensos. Materiales y métodos Estudio Delphi basado en un cuestionario online con 59 recomendaciones, elaborado en base a la bibliografía relacionada disponible y a la experiencia clínica aportada por los autores. Resultados Un total de 118 MAP participaron en dos rondas del cuestionario (98,3% de los invitados), alcanzándose el consenso en 53/62 sentencias (85%). El equipo de Atención Primaria debe seleccionar a los pacientes hipertensos candidatos a realizar la consulta telemática proactivamente, informando de la cita con antelación. Al iniciar la consulta telemática, se recomienda explicar el motivo y los objetivos de la misma, y realizar la anamnesis preguntando por signos y síntomas de empeoramiento de la enfermedad, tratamientos actuales y adherencia a los mismos. En pacientes con una automedida de la presión arterial (AMPA) ≤ 135/85 mmHg se recomienda pautar una nueva cita telemática en 3-6 meses. Por el contrario, en pacientes asintomáticos que reporten una AMPA ≥ 135/85 mmHg se recomienda la monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial, modificar el tratamiento, o derivar al paciente a visita presencial o al hospital en caso de signos o síntomas de alarma. Conclusiones La teleconsulta puede complementar la consulta presencial, constituyendo un elemento más a tener en cuenta para el adecuado control de los pacientes hipertensos.Aim Members of the working groups on hypertension or cardiovascular disease of the Spanish Societies of Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) [SEMERGEN], Family and Community Medicine [semFYC] and General and Family Physicians [SEMG], conducted a Delphi study to validate with a panel of PCPs with expertise in hypertension several recommendations to optimize teleconsultation in hypertensive patients. Materials and methods Delphi study based on an online questionnaire with 59 recommendations based on the available evidence and the clinical experience of the authors. Results 118 PCPs participated in two rounds of the questionnaire (98.3% of the invited physicians), reaching consensus in 53/62 statements (85%). The Primary Care team must proactively select the hypertensive patients suitable for telematic consultation and contact them to set up an appointment. Telematic consultation must begin explaining the reason and aims pursued, continuing with anamnesis, which must explore signs and symptoms of disease worsening, current treatments and level of adherence. In patients with a home blood pressure measurement (HBPM) ≤ 135/85 mmHg, it is recommended to schedule a new telematic appointment in 3-6 months. On the contrary, asymptomatic patients with a HBPM ≥ 135/85 mmHg should undergo ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, treatment modification or, in case of warning signs or symptoms, referral to a face-to-face visit or to emergency department. Conclusions Teleconsultation can complement face-to-face consultation, constituting an additional tool for the appropriate follow-up of hypertensive patients