12 research outputs found

    Gradient matching for domain generalization

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    Machine learning systems typically assume that the distributions of training and test sets match closely. However, a critical requirement of such systems in the real world is their ability to generalize to unseen domains. Here, we propose an inter-domain gradient matching objective that targets domain generalization by maximizing the inner product between gradients from different domains. Since direct optimization of the gradient inner product can be computationally prohibitive - it requires computation of second-order derivatives - we derive a simpler first-order algorithm named Fish that approximates its optimization. We perform experiments on the WILDS benchmark, which captures distribution shift in the real world, as well as the DOMAINBED benchmark that focuses more on synthetic-to-real transfer. Our method produces competitive results on both benchmarks, demonstrating its effectiveness across a wide range of domain generalization tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/YugeTen/fish

    FACMAC: Factored Multi-Agent Centralised Policy Gradients

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    We propose FACtored Multi-Agent Centralised policy gradients (FACMAC), a new method for cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning in both discrete and continuous action spaces. Like MADDPG, a popular multi-agent actor-critic method, our approach uses deep deterministic policy gradients to learn policies. However, FACMAC learns a centralised but factored critic, which combines per-agent utilities into the joint action-value function via a non-linear monotonic function, as in QMIX, a popular multi-agent Q-learning algorithm. However, unlike QMIX, there are no inherent constraints on factoring the critic. We thus also employ a nonmonotonic factorisation and empirically demonstrate that its increased representational capacity allows it to solve some tasks that cannot be solved with monolithic, or monotonically factored critics. In addition, FACMAC uses a centralised policy gradient estimator that optimises over the entire joint action space, rather than optimising over each agent's action space separately as in MADDPG. This allows for more coordinated policy changes and fully reaps the benefits of a centralised critic. We evaluate FACMAC on variants of the multi-agent particle environments, a novel multi-agent MuJoCo benchmark, and a challenging set of StarCraft II micromanagement tasks. Empirical results demonstrate FACMAC's superior performance over MADDPG and other baselines on all three domains

    The Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2015 challenge results

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    The Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking challenge 2015, VOT-TIR2015, aims at comparing short-term single-object visual trackers that work on thermal infrared (TIR) sequences and do not apply pre-learned models of object appearance. VOT-TIR2015 is the first benchmark on short-term tracking in TIR sequences. Results of 24 trackers are presented. For each participating tracker, a short description is provided in the appendix. The VOT-TIR2015 challenge is based on the VOT2013 challenge, but introduces the following novelties: (i) the newly collected LTIR (Link - ping TIR) dataset is used, (ii) the VOT2013 attributes are adapted to TIR data, (iii) the evaluation is performed using insights gained during VOT2013 and VOT2014 and is similar to VOT2015

    Object proposal generation using two-stage Cascade SVMs

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    Object proposal algorithms have shown great promise as a first step for object recognition and detection. Good object proposal generation algorithms require high object detection recall rate as well as low computational cost, because generating object proposals is usually utilized as a preprocessing step. The problem of how to accelerate the object proposal generation and evaluation process without decreasing recall is thus of great interest. In this paper, we propose a new object proposal generation method using two-stage cascade support vector machines (SVMs), where in the first stage linear filters are learned for predefined quantized scales/aspect-ratios independently, and in the second stage a global linear classifier is learned across all the quantized scales/aspect-ratios for calibration, so that all the windows from the first stage can be compared properly. The windows with highest scores from the second stage are kept as inputs to our new efficient proposal calibration algorithm to improve their localization quality significantly, resulting in our final object proposals. We explain our scale/aspect-ratio quantization scheme, and investigate the effects of combinations of l1 and l2 regularizers in cascade SVMs with/without ranking constraints in learning. Comprehensive experiments on VOC2007 dataset are conducted, and our method is comparable with the current state-of-the-art methods with much better computational efficiency

    Semantic-aware auto-encoders for self-supervised representation learning

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    The resurgence of unsupervised learning can be attributed to the remarkable progress of self-supervised learning, which includes generative (G)(\mathcal{G}) and discriminative (D)(\mathcal{D}) models. In computer vision, the mainstream self-supervised learning algorithms are D\mathcal{D} models. However, designing a D\mathcal{D} model could be over-complicated; also, some studies hinted that a D\mathcal{D} model might not be as general and interpretable as a G\mathcal{G} model. In this paper, we switch from D\mathcal{D} models to G\mathcal{G} models using the classical auto-encoder (AE)(AE) . Note that a vanilla G\mathcal{G} model was far less efficient than a D\mathcal{D} model in self-supervised computer vision tasks, as it wastes model capability on overfitting semantic-agnostic high-frequency details. Inspired by perceptual learning that could use cross-view learning to perceive concepts and semantics 1 1 Following [26], we refer to semantics as visual concepts, e.g., a semantic-ware model indicates the model can perceive visual concepts, and the learned features are efficient in object recognition, detection, etc., we propose a novel AEAE that could learn semantic-aware representation via cross-view image reconstruction. We use one view of an image as the input and another view of the same image as the reconstruction target. This kind of AEAE has rarely been studied before, and the optimization is very difficult. To enhance learning ability and find a feasible solution, we propose a semantic aligner that uses geometric transformation knowledge to align the hidden code of AEAE to help optimization. These techniques significantly improve the representation learning ability of AEAE and make selfsupervised learning with G\mathcal{G} models possible. Extensive experiments on many large-scale benchmarks (e.g., ImageNet, COCO 2017, and SYSU-30k) demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. Code is available at https://github.com/wanggrun/Semantic-Aware-AE

    Fairness in AI and its long-term implications on society

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    Successful deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in various settings has led to numerous positive outcomes for individuals and society. However, AI systems have also been shown to harm parts of the population due to biased predictions. We take a closer look at AI fairness and analyse how lack of AI fairness can lead to deepening of biases over time and act as a social stressor. If the issues persist, it could have undesirable long-term implications on society, reinforced by interactions with other risks. We examine current strategies for improving AI fairness, assess their limitations in terms of real-world deployment, and explore potential paths forward to ensure we reap AI’s benefits without harming significant parts of the society

    Random forests versus Neural Networks—What's best for camera localization?

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    This work addresses the task of camera localization in a known 3D scene given a single input RGB image. State-of-the-art approaches accomplish this in two steps: firstly, regressing for every pixel in the image its 3D scene coordinate and subsequently, using these coordinates to estimate the final 6D camera pose via RANSAC. To solve the first step, Random Forests (RFs) are typically used. On the other hand, Neural Networks (NNs) reign in many dense regression tasks, but are not test-time efficient. We ask the question: which of the two is best for camera localization? To address this, we make two method contributions: (1) a test-time efficient NN architecture which we term a ForestNet that is derived and initialized from a RF, and (2) a new fully-differentiable robust averaging technique for regression ensembles which can be trained endto- end with a NN. Our experimental findings show that for scene coordinate regression, traditional NN architectures are superior to test-time efficient RFs and ForestNets, however, this does not translate to final 6D camera pose accuracy where RFs and ForestNets perform slightly better. To summarize, our best method, a ForestNet with a robust average, which has an equivalent fast and lightweight RF, improves over the state-of-the-art for camera localization on the 7-Scenes dataset [1]. While this work focuses on scene coordinate regression for camera localization, our innovations may also be applied to other continuous regression tasks