10,807 research outputs found

    On the splitting of nucleon effective masses at high isospin density: reaction observables

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    We review the present status of the nucleon effective mass splitting puzzlepuzzle in asymmetric matter, with controversial predictions within both non-relativistic andand relativistic approaches to the effective in medium interactions. Based on microscopic transport simulations we suggest some rather sensitive observables in collisions of asymmetric (unstable) ions at intermediate (RIARIA) energies: i) Energy systematics of Lane Potentials; ii) Isospin content of fast emitted nucleons; iii) Differential Collective Flows. Similar measurements for light isobars (like 3H−3He^3H-^3He) could be also important.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures; NSCL/RIA Workshop on "Reaction Mechanisms for Rare Isotope Beams", March 2005, AIP Proc. Latex Styl

    Isospin in Reaction Dynamics. The Case of Dissipative Collisions at Fermi Energies

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    A key question in the physics of unstable nuclei is the knowledge of the EOSEOS for asymmetric nuclear matter (ANMANM) away from normal conditions. We recall that the symmetry energy at low densities has important effects on the neutron skin structure, while the knowledge in high densities region is crucial for supernovae dynamics and neutron star properties. The onlyonly way to probe such region of the isovector EOSEOS in terrestrial laboratories is through very dissipative collisions of asymmetric (up to exotic) heavy ions from low to relativistic energies. A general introduction to the topic is firstly presented. We pass then to a detailed discussion on the neck−fragmentationneck-fragmentation process as the main dissipative mechanism at the Fermi energies and to the related isospin dynamics. From Stochastic Mean Field simulations the isospin effects on all the phases of the reaction dynamics are thoroughly analysed, from the fast nucleon emission to the mid-rapidity fragment formation up to the dynamical fission of the spectatorspectator residues. Simulations have been performed with an increasing stiffness of the symmetry term of the EOSEOS. Some differences have been noticed, especially for the fragment charge asymmetry. New isospin effects have been revealed from the correlation of fragment asymmetry with dynamical quantities at the freeze-out time. A series of isospin sensitive observables to be further measured are finally listed.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Contribution to the 5th Italy-Japan Symposium, Recent Achievements and Perspectives in Nuclear Physics, Naples Nov.3-7 2004, World Sci. in press. Latex in WorldSci/proc/styl

    Searching for statistical equilibrium in a dynamical multifragmentation path

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    A method for identifying statistical equilibrium stages in dynamical multifragmentation paths as provided by transport models, already successfully tested for for the reaction ^{129}Xe+^{119}Sn at 32 MeV/u is applied here to a higher energy reaction, ^{129}Xe+^{119}Sn at 50 MeV/u. The method evaluates equilibrium from the point of view of the microcanonical multifragmentation model (MMM) and reactions are simulated by means of the stochastic mean field model (SMF). A unique solution, corresponding to the maximum population of the system phase space, was identified suggesting that a huge part of the available phase space is occupied even in the case of the 50 MeV/u reaction, in presence of a considerable amount of radial collective flow. The specific equilibration time and volume are identified and differences between the two systems are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Scalings of Elliptic Flow for a Fluid at Finite Shear Viscosity

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    Within a parton cascade approach we investigate the scaling of the differential elliptic flow v2(pT)v_2(p_T) with eccentricity ϵx\epsilon_x and system size and its sensitivity to finite shear viscosity. We present calculations for shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s in the range from 1/4π1/4\pi up to 1/π1/\pi, finding that the v2v_2 saturation value varies by about a factor 2. Scaling of v2(pT)/ϵxv_2(p_T)/\epsilon_x is seen also for finite η/s\eta/s which indicates that it does not prove a perfect hydrodynamical behavior, but is compatible with a plasma at finite η/s\eta/s. Introducing a suitable freeze-out condition, we see a significant reduction of v2(pT)v_2(p_T) especially at intermediate pTp_T and for more peripheral collisions. This causes a breaking of the scaling for both v2(pT)v_2(p_T) and the pT−p_T-averaged v2v_2, while keeping the scaling of v_2(p_T)/\la v_2\ra. This is in better agreement with the experimental observations and shows as a first indication that the η/s\eta/s should be significantly lower than the pQCD estimates. We finally point out the necessity to include the hadronization via coalescence for a definite evaluation of η/s\eta/s from intermediate pTp_T data.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Two points in fig.4 has been change

    Impact of temperature dependence of the energy loss on jet quenching observables

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    The quenching of jets (particles with pT>>T,ΛQCDp_T>>T, \Lambda_{QCD}) in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions has been one of the main prediction and discovery at RHIC. We have studied, by a simple jet quenching modeling, the correlation between different observables like the nuclear modification factor \Rapt, the elliptic flow v2v_2 and the ratio of quark to gluon suppression RAA(quark)/RAA(gluon)R_{AA}(quark)/R_{AA}(gluon). We show that the relation among these observables is strongly affected by the temperature dependence of the energy loss. In particular the large v2v_2 and and the nearly equal \Rapt of quarks and gluons can be accounted for only if the energy loss occurs mainly around the temperature TcT_c and the flavour conversion is significant.Finally we point out that the efficency in the conversion of the space eccentricity into the momentum one (v2v_2) results to be quite smaller respect to the one coming from elastic scatterings in a fluid with a viscosity to entropy density ratio 4πη/s=14\pi\eta/s=1.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Workshop WISH 201
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