53 research outputs found

    Regeneration of plants from embryogenic callus-derived protoplasts of Garganega and Sangiovese grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars

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    Protoplasts are useful research tools for basic and applied plant science, but the regeneration of whole plants from protoplasts is challenging in most of agronomically important crops, including grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). Here we describe an efficient protocol for the induction of embryogenic callus, the isolation of protoplasts, and the regeneration of whole grapevine plants in two Italian grapevine cultivars. Embryogenic callus was induced successfully from stamens collected from immature flowers. Isolated protoplasts were tested to confirm their viability and then cultivated using the disc-culture method, at a density of 1\u2009 7\u2009105 protoplasts/mL in solid Nitsch\u2019s medium supplemented with 2 mg/L 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 0.5 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine. After 3\u20134 months, the protoplasts of both cultivars regenerated with similar efficiency into cotyledonal-stage somatic embryos. The somatic embryos were transferred to solid Nitsch\u2019s medium supplemented with 30 g/L sucrose and 2 g/L gellan gum, and were maintained in the dark for 4 weeks. This step was necessary for the embryo to complete germination, allowing subsequent shoot elongation in response to light on a medium with 4 \ub5M 6-benzylaminopurine. Then root elongation occurred after transferring on a medium with 0.5 \ub5M 1-naphthaleneacetic. After\u2009~\u20096 months from the isolation of protoplasts, normal plants were regenerated, which were moved to the greenhouse. The protoplasts could also be transfected using the polyethylene glycol method, as confirmed using a plasmid carrying the yellow florescent protein marker gene. The new method is therefore compatible with biotechnological applications such as gene transfer and genome editing

    A major QTL is associated with berry grape texture characteristics

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    Berry texture and berry skin mechanical properties are traits with high agronomic relevance because they are related to quality parameters and marketing requirements of wine, table, and raisin grapes. Searching for QTLs linked to berry texture, an F1 population of 152 individuals and their parents were used in this study. These F1 plants were obtained crossing Raboso Veronese, a seeded black wine grape cultivar, and Sultanina, a seedless white grape variety, especially used for raisins. Density flotation was applied for berry sorting improving the management of many and highly variable genotypes, irrespective of the quantification of specific molecule classes. Berries were evaluated for technological ripeness parameters and mechanical properties. Texture parameters were taken as raw data and as data normalised on berry dimensions, i.e., berry diameter or surface or volume. SSR molecular markers were used to produce a genetic map and a major QTL for berry texture was found on chromosome 18 with traits related to berry firmness showing a phenotypical explained variance higher than 60 %, and traits related to berry resilience, springiness and cohesiveness showing a variance higher than 50 %. Surprisingly, this QTL showed to be associated with SSR markers linked to VviAGL11, the main gene linked to seedlessness. VviAGL11 expression and co-expression profiling during grape ripening was evaluated using available information; this data suggested a role for this gene on the texture of a ripe berry

    Lo sviluppo delle conoscenze genomiche in vite e il loro potenziale utilizzo nella viticoltura attuale e futura

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    Nel 2007 sono stati pubblicati i risultati del sequenziamento e dell\u2019analisi dettagliata del genoma di Vitis vinifera frutto di due iniziative indipendenti, una italo-francese e l\u2019altra italo-americana. Questi risultati costituiscono la base per studi futuri e gettano le fondamenta per l\u2019adozione di metodologie innovative per sviluppare e rafforzare la viticoltura italiana e mondiale del XXI secolo. In questa review verranno illustrate le potenzialit\ue0 delle tecnologie derivate dalla conoscenza del genoma come ad esempio lo sviluppo di strumenti per l\u2019analisi di espressione genica su larga scala, e riportati alcuni esempi inerenti al loro impiego attuale e futuro in viticoltura

    L’appassimento in fruttaio come tecnica per il potenziamento dell’identità dei vini Recioto e Amarone della Valpolicella

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    L’appassimento in fruttaio come tecnica per il potenziamento dell’identità dei vini Recioto e Amarone della Valpolicell
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