6 research outputs found

    Vægt og kapital – Differentieret vægt hos voksne og børn analyseret gennem Bourdieus begreber om habitus og kapital

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    Forekomsten af overvægt og fedme er steget i den danske befolkning inden for de seneste årtier. En betydelig mængde forskning har påvist sammenhænge mellem vægt og socioøkonomiske karakteristika så som uddannelse og indkomst. I denne artikel søger jeg at belyse disse sammenhænge gennem et sociologisk teoretisk perspektiv. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i Bourdieus praksisteori og begreber som livsstil, habitus og kapital, der forbinder objektive livsvilkår med handlinger, præferencer og værdier. Det undersøges, hvordan økonomisk, kulturel og social kapital er korreleret med børn og voksnes vægt. Analyserne tyder på en klar sammenhæng mellem vægt og kapital. Der ses endvidere klare kønsforskelle. Undersøgelserne er baseret på danske survey-data fra 2007. Jeg benytter statistiske analysemetoder til at undersøge sammenhængen mellem vægt og kapital, herunder faktoranalyse til at konstruere variable som måler kapitalbesiddelser. Søgeord: Vægt, BMI, Bourdieu, kapital, køn. ENGELSKE ABSTRACTS: Vibeke Tornhøj Christensen: Weight and Capital – The Application of Bourdieu’s Concepts of Habitus and Capital in an Analysis of Differentiated Weight Levels among Adults and Children The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased in the Danish population in the past decades. Considerable research in recent years has shown a correlation between weight and socio-economic characteristics such as education and income. This article seeks to provide an extension to previous research by applying a theoretical perspective using Bourdieu’s theory of practice connecting objective conditions of life with behaviour, preferences and values. The article examines how adult and child weight correlates with economic, cultural and social capital. The results show a clear correlation between weight and capital and demonstrate clear gender-differences. The study is based on Danish survey data from 2007 and uses factor analyses as well as linear and generalized ordered logit regressions for estimations. Key words: Weight, BMI, Bourdieu, capital, gender

    Weight and social comparison: Does the weight of a stranger affect a person’s perception of their own weight?

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    Research suggests that social context affects individuals’ perception of their own weight. Using face-to-face interviews as the social context, we analyze the effect of interviewers’ (N = 90) body mass index on respondents’ (N = 3068) self-perceived weight level. Respondents reported a higher weight level when the interviewer had a higher body mass index (absolute social comparison). Female respondents reported a lower weight level if interviewers had a higher body mass index than they did (relative social comparison). Results suggest that weight perception reflects both absolute and relative social comparison, especially among women. Future research should consider causation and self-selection when studying social context and body image

    Muligheder og barrierer for videregående uddannelse blandt unge med en erhvervsuddannelse (EUD)

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