61 research outputs found

    Plasma metabolites associated with exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances and risk of type 2 diabetes - A nested case-control study

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    Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widespread persistent environmental pollutants. There is evidence that PFAS induce metabolic perturbations in humans, but underlying mechanisms are still unknown. In this exploratory study, we investigated PFAS-related plasma metabolites for their associations with type 2 diabetes (T2D) to gain potential mechanistic insight in these perturbations.We used untargeted LC-MS metabolomics to find metabolites related to PFAS exposures in a case-control study on T2D (n = 187 matched pairs) nested within the Vasterbotten Intervention Programme cohort. Following principal component analysis (PCA), six PFAS measured in plasma appeared in two groups: 1) perfluorononanoic acid, perfluorodecanoic acid and perfluoroundecanoic acid and 2) perfluorohexane sulfonic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid. Using a random forest algorithm, we discovered metabolite features associated with individual PFAS and PFAS exposure groups which were subsequently investigated for associations with risk of T2D.PFAS levels correlated with 171 metabolite features (0.16 <= vertical bar r vertical bar <= 0.37, false discovery rate (FDR) adjusted p < 0.05). Out of these, 35 associated with T2D (p < 0.05), with 7 remaining after multiple testing adjustment (FDR < 0.05). PCA of the 35 PFAS- and T2D-related metabolite features revealed two patterns, dominated by glycerophospholipids and diacylglycerols, with opposite T2D associations. The glycerophospholipids correlated positively with PFAS and associated inversely with risk for T2D (Odds Ratio (OR) per 1 standard deviation (1-SD) increase in metabolite PCA pattern score = 0.2; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.1-0.4). The diacylglycerols also correlated positively with PFAS, but they associated with increased risk for T2D (OR per 1-SD = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.3-2.7). These results suggest that PFAS associate with two groups of lipid species with opposite relations to T2D risk

    Respiratory Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke during Summer of 2018 in the Jämtland Härjedalen Region, Sweden

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    During the summer of 2018 Sweden experienced a high occurrence of wildfires, most intense in the low-densely populated Jämtland Härjedalen region. The aim of this study was to investigate any short-term respiratory health effects due to deteriorated air quality generated by the smoke from wildfires. For each municipality in the region Jämtland Härjedalen, daily population-weighted concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were calculated through the application of the MATCH chemistry transport model. Modelled levels of PM2.5 were obtained for two summer periods (2017, 2018). Potential health effects of wildfire related levels of PM2.5 were examined by studying daily health care contacts concerning respiratory problems in each municipality in a quasi-Poisson regression model, adjusting for long-term trends, weekday patterns and weather conditions. In the municipality most exposed to wildfire smoke, having 9 days with daily maximum 1-h mean of PM2.5 &gt; 20 μg/m3, smoke days resulted in a significant increase in daily asthma visits the same and two following days (relative risk (RR) = 2.64, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.28–5.47). Meta-estimates for all eight municipalities revealed statistically significant increase in asthma visits (RR = 1.68, 95% CI: 1.09–2.57) and also when grouping all disorders of the lower airways (RR = 1.40, 95% CI: 1.01–1.92)

    Precipitation, Raw Water Quality, Drinking Water Treatment and Gastrointestinal Illness

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    Background On numerous occasions, outbreaks of acute gastrointestinal illnesses (AGI) have been linked to municipal drinking water in the industrialised world. Many of the reported outbreaks were observed after heavy rainfall events, which suggests that such events could result in a deterioration in the quality of drinking water. The observed drinking water-related outbreaks are, however, probably just the tip of the iceberg, and the extent to which public drinking water also influences the endemic level of gastroenteritis during non-outbreak periods is largely unknown. With climate change projected to increase the frequency of extreme weather events, data for preventive actions are needed now, to ensure safe drinking water today and in the future. The primary aim of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of the extent to which rainfall can still be a risk for insufficient drinking water quality, even with modern drinking water production methods. We aim to study if the incidence of gastroenteritis during normal endemic levels can be associated with water quality and the efficacy of pathogen elimination in different treatment processes. The thesis focuses first on AGI in the Gothenburg population and how precipitation affects its main fresh water supply (papers I-III); this is followed by a broader comparison of AGI in 20 cities across Sweden (Paper IV). Methods Observational time series data was used for all papers to construct generalized additive regression models, using smooth functions to adjust for long-term trends. Delayed effects on the outcome were evaluated using distributed lag non-linear models. In Paper I, the raw water-quality data for the river Göta älv were analysed – this water is used to produce drinking water for the population living in the north part of City of Gothenburg. The short-term variation of daily mean turbidity measurements and samples of three different types of indicator bacteria were modelled with daily precipitation using seven years of data. In papers II and III, the analyses aimed to determine whether the daily incidence of AGI in the population which households received drinking water produced from the river water could be associated with precipitation. As a measure of AGI, we used four years of data on the daily number of phone calls to the nurse advice line about vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain (Paper II), and six years of data of the daily number of visits to health care clinics, when individuals were diagnosed with gastrointestinal infections (Paper III). Paper III also evaluates the similarities and differences between the frequency of nurse advice calls and primary health care visits. Paper IV analyses and compares the occurrence and seasonal patterns of nurse advice calls in twenty cities in Sweden, using seven years of data. The water treatment technique used by the public drinking water plants was obtained, and the processes theoretical efficacy of pathogen elimination was determined. The extent of AGI calls in relation to the pathogen elimination efficacy was analysed using a binomial regression design, adjusting for population size, age distribution and geographical area. Results We observed a strong relation between precipitation and the water quality in the Göta älv. A heavy rainfall event was related to increased concentrations of E. coli bacteria for several days, with the peak increase two days after the event. Precipitation was found to affect raw water quality parameters across all seasons. Heavy precipitation was also associated with a significant increase in the daily number of nurse advice calls due to AGI symptoms, with the number of calls peaking five days later. Consecutive wet weather periods were associated with both an increased number of AGI calls, as well as visits to clinics that led to diagnoses of AGI. Finally, we observed in Paper IV that cities with a higher pathogen elimination efficacy in their drinking water utility had a lower amount of AGI calls. The relations applied both to surface water and groundwater utilities, although the protective effect of a more advanced drinking water treatment on AGI was observed to be most significant in cities with surface water plants during the winter season. Conclusions The results suggest it is possible to reduce the occurrence of endemic gastroenteritis with a more advanced treatment process for drinking water. The delay between a heavy rainfall event (and the resulting decrease in raw water quality) and the increased number of nurse advice calls suggests viruses are the main cause, as the timing is consistent with viral incubation times. A viral transmission was also proposed when comparing different cities, as a more advanced water treatment process seems to be most beneficial during seasons where viruses are acknowledged as the main cause of AGI. Our research suggests that upgrades to drinking water treatment techniques, especially those aiming to better eliminate viruses, are warrante

    Samband mellan partikelhalten i Visby och akuta kontakter för astma och sjukdomar i andningsorganen

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    Denna rapport presenterar en studie för Naturvårdsverkets hälsorelaterade miljöövervakning om partikelhalter i Visby och korttidseffekter på antalet akutbesök för astma och övriga sjukdomar i andningsorganen under perioden 2013-2019. Höga halter har framförallt uppmätts under januari-april, med högst värden under mars. Årstidsmönstret bedöms främst bero på att kalksten från lokal gatubeläggning och halkbekämpning genom nötning, särskiltvid dubbdäcksanvändning, bildar ett damm som vid torr väderlek når höga halter. Inom den hälsorelaterade miljöövervakningen har konstaterats att PM10 i storstäderna ger akuta effekter som syns exempelvis i form av fler akutbesök för astma, och vägdamm är en orsak. Det speciella partikelproblemet i Visby har föranlett en liknande undersökning av eventuella samband. Trots att halterna av PM10 i Visby är högre under januari-april så konstateras betydligt tydligare samband under maj-december. Då ses bland annat effekter av partikelhalten på dagligt antal akuta besök för astma på cirka 4-5% per 10 µg/m3 ökning av PM10 som medelvärde över de två senaste dygnen, vilket stämmer väl med resultat som nyligen presenterats för de tre största svenska städerna. För alla diagnoser gällandede nedre luftvägarna är riskökningen också statistiskt signifikant totalt för alla åldrar liksom för barn. Det enda statistiskt säkerställda sambandet med PM10-halten under januari-april, ”vägdammsperioden”, gäller besöken för de övre luftvägarna bland vuxna. Dessa ökar med cirka 1% per 10 µg/m3. I övrigt visaranalyserna för den perioden oftast på svaga och osäkra tendenser i båda riktningarna, vilket talar för attdessa partiklar med högt innehåll av kalksten kan utgöra ett mindre problem ur hälsosynpunkt än befarat utifrån de höga halterna

    Luftföroreningars effekt på akutbesök för andningsorganen och uttag av astmamedicin

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    Denna rapport presenterar den femte studien för Naturvårdsverkets hälsorelaterade miljöövervakning inom detta område, och syftar till att analysera luftföroreningars korttidseffekter på antalet akutbesök för astma och övriga sjukdomar i andningsorganen under perioden 2013-2018 i Sveriges tre största storstadsområden. Som tillägg i denna studie är har även antalet astmamedicinuttag studerats. Uppgifter om akutbesök och läkemedelsuttag kommer från Socialstyrelsens register. I en gemensam analys, med alla tre områden och alla åldersgrupper, visar på att akutbesök för astma påverkas av de senaste två dygnens halt av alla tre studerade föroreningstyper: PM10, ozon och kvävedioxid, medan det för övriga akutbesök för andningsorganen enbart är PM10 som visar ett statistisk säkerställt samband totalt sett. I jämförelse med tidigare analysers resultat angående sambanden mellan PM10 och akutbesök för astma så ses ingen säkerställd trend sedan 2001, men i den senaste analyserade perioden ses den största effekten med omkring 4 % fler akutbesök per 10 μg/m3 för PM10. Medan det främst finns samband mellan partikelkoncentrationen som PM10 och akutbesök, ses för uttag av astmaläkemedel främst ett samband med halten av kvävedioxid, och särskilt för barn 0-17 år. För alla tre studieområdena och båda typerna av astmaläkemedel uppvisades liknande samband mellan NO2 och uttag av medicin, vilket kan motivera fördjupade analyser kring avgaskomponenter och mildare uttryck för astmabesvär än akutbesök

    Hälsorelaterad miljöövervakning. : Cancerframkallande ämnen i tätortsluft i Umeå 2021

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    Undersökningen kartlägger allmänbefolkningens exponering via luften för vissa cancerframkallande ämnen (bensen, 1,3-butadien, formaldehyd) och kvävedioxid. Undersökningen genomfördes i centrala Umeå under hösten 2021, och inkluderade totalt 40 slumpvis utvalda personer i åldrarna 20-60 år.Mätningarna upprepades på 20 personer. Utöver de personburna mätningarna genomfördes även stationära mätningar på två platser utomhus. Svarsfrekvensen var 61% och medelåldern var 41 år. Medianhalten för personburna mätningar av bensen och 1,3-butadien var 0,57 µg/m3respektive 0,03µg/m3 vilket är lägre än tidigare mätomgångar i Umeå. Motsvarande medianhalt för formaldehyd var 8,3µg/m3, där halterna var högre bland de som bodde i radhus eller villa jämfört med lägenhet. Medianhalten för de personburna mätningarna av kvävedioxid var 7,6 µg/m3, vilket var i samma storleksordning uppmätt i Umeå 2001, men lägre än övriga mättillfällen. Ingen signifikant skillnad i halter för något av ämnena kunde påvisas mellan män och kvinnor.De stationära mätningarna genomfördes som veckomätningar vid kommunens urbana bakgrundsstationsamt vid en gatustation. Medianhalt av bensen, 1,3-butadien, formaldehyd samt kvävedioxid vid respektive mätstation var samtliga lägre jämfört med tidigare å

    Increase in daily asthma medication sales in association with air pollution levels in Greater Stockholm

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    Background: Daily air pollution levels are known to influence the number of patients with acute asthma. We investigated the short-term effects of air pollution exposure on the daily number of asthma medication purchases in the Greater Stockholm area, Sweden. Methods: We conducted a time-series study with data on asthma medication purchases and daily mean values of particulate matter ≤10 µm (PM10), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and ozone during 2018-2019. We used nonlinear distributed lag quasi-Poisson regression models to estimate the associations between air pollution levels and medication purchases, adjusting for meteorological variables, pollen levels, day of the week, and long-term trends. The models established linear relationships between air pollutants and the outcome, and potential delayed effects were smoothed with a spline across a lag period of 2 weeks. We applied separate models for each municipality (n = 21) in Greater Stockholm, and calculated pooled estimates to achieve combined results for the whole region. Results: We observed associations between daily levels of air pollution and purchases of asthma medications, most clearly for PM10. The pooled estimates of the relative risks for asthma medication purchases across all 21 municipalities associated with a 10 μg m-3increase in PM10the same day (lag 0) was 1.7% [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2%, 2.1%], a cumulative increase of 4.6% (95% CI: 3.7%, 5.6%) over one week (lag 0-6), and a 6.5% (95% CI: 5%, 8%) increase over 2 weeks (lag 0-13). The corresponding pooled effect per 10 μg m-3increase in NOxand ozone were 2.8% (95% CI: 1.6%, 4.1%) and 0.7% (95% CI: 0%, 1.4%) over 2 weeks (lag 0-13), respectively. Conclusions: Our study revealed short-term associations between air pollution, especially PM10, and purchases of asthma medications

    Precipitation and primary health care visits for gastrointestinal illness in Gothenburg, Sweden

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    BACKGROUND: The river Göta Älv is a source of freshwater for the City of Gothenburg, Sweden, and we recently identified a clear influence of upstream precipitation on concentrations of indicator bacteria in the river water, as well as an association with the daily number of phone calls to the nurse advice line related to acute gastrointestinal illnesses (AGI calls). This study aimed to examine visits to primary health-care centers owing to similar symptoms (AGI visits) in the same area, to explore associations with precipitation, and to compare variability in AGI visits and AGI calls. METHODS: We obtained data covering six years (2007-2012) of daily AGI visits and studied their association with prior precipitation (0-28 days) using a distributed lag nonlinear Poisson regression model, adjusting for seasonal patterns and covariates. In addition, we studied the effects of prolonged wet and dry weather on AGI visits. We analyzed lagged short-term relations between AGI visits and AGI calls, and we studied differences in their seasonal patterns using a binomial regression model. RESULTS: The study period saw a total of 17,030 AGI visits, and the number of daily visits decreased on days when precipitation occurred. However, prolonged wet weather was associated with an elevated number of AGI visits. Differences in seasonality patterns were observed between AGI visits and AGI calls, as visits were relatively less frequent during winter and relatively more frequent in August, and only weak short-term relations were found. CONCLUSION: AGI visits and AGI calls seems to partly reflect different types of AGI illnesses, and the patients' choice of medical contact (in-person visits versus phone calls) appears to depend on current weather conditions. An association between prolonged wet weather and increased AGI visits supports the hypothesis that the drinking water is related to an increased risk of AGI illnesses

    Short-Term Associations between PM10 and Respiratory Health Effects in Visby, Sweden

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    The old Swedish city Visby, located on the island Gotland, has, for several years, reported higher PM10 concentrations than any other city in Sweden. In Visby, local limestone is used, both in road paving and as sand used for anti-slip measures, resulting in a clear annual pattern of PM10 with the highest concentrations during winter/spring when studded tires are allowed. This study analyzes the short-term associations between PM10 and daily number of patients with acute respiratory problems (ICD-10 diagnoses: J00-J99) seeking care at the hospital or primary healthcare units in Visby during the period of 2013-2019. The daily mean of PM10 was on average 45 µg m-3 during winter/spring and 18 µg m-3 during summer/autumn. Four outcome categories were analyzed using quasi-Poisson regression models, stratifying for period and adjusting for calendar variables and weather. An increase in respiratory visits was associated with increasing concentrations in PM10 during the summer/autumn period, most prominent among children, where asthma visits increased by 5% (95% CI: 2-9%) per 10 µg m-3 increase in PM10. For the winter/spring period, no significant effects were observed, except for the diagnose group 'upper airways' in adults, where respiratory visits increased by 1% (95% CI: 0.1-1.9%) per 10 µg m-3 increase. According to the results, limestone in particles seem to be relatively harmless at the exposure concentrations observed in Visby, and this is in line with the results from a few experimental and occupational studies.This article belongs to the Special Issue Analysis, Exposure and Health Risk of Atmospheric Pollution.</p

    Hälsorelaterad miljöövervakning. : Cancerframkallande ämnen i tätortsluft i Umeå 2021

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    Undersökningen kartlägger allmänbefolkningens exponering via luften för vissa cancerframkallande ämnen (bensen, 1,3-butadien, formaldehyd) och kvävedioxid. Undersökningen genomfördes i centrala Umeå under hösten 2021, och inkluderade totalt 40 slumpvis utvalda personer i åldrarna 20-60 år.Mätningarna upprepades på 20 personer. Utöver de personburna mätningarna genomfördes även stationära mätningar på två platser utomhus. Svarsfrekvensen var 61% och medelåldern var 41 år. Medianhalten för personburna mätningar av bensen och 1,3-butadien var 0,57 µg/m3respektive 0,03µg/m3 vilket är lägre än tidigare mätomgångar i Umeå. Motsvarande medianhalt för formaldehyd var 8,3µg/m3, där halterna var högre bland de som bodde i radhus eller villa jämfört med lägenhet. Medianhalten för de personburna mätningarna av kvävedioxid var 7,6 µg/m3, vilket var i samma storleksordning uppmätt i Umeå 2001, men lägre än övriga mättillfällen. Ingen signifikant skillnad i halter för något av ämnena kunde påvisas mellan män och kvinnor.De stationära mätningarna genomfördes som veckomätningar vid kommunens urbana bakgrundsstationsamt vid en gatustation. Medianhalt av bensen, 1,3-butadien, formaldehyd samt kvävedioxid vid respektive mätstation var samtliga lägre jämfört med tidigare å