5 research outputs found

    Estrategia de enseñanza a través de diferentes campos de conocimiento en primer curso del grado en arquitectura técnica

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    [EN] The higher education area needs new methodological implementations that facilitate active learning. Therefore, this text aims to demonstrate the experience developed in the project of Educational Innovation and Improvement in the subjects of construction and economy teached on first semester of the first year of the Degree in Technical Architecture (UPV), for the development of a Business Plan in the Construction sector. The methodology used is based on activities for projects, so that the student uses the acquired knowledge actively to the development of a project interconnecting the competency of the different subjects. The results show that this methodology has allowed the interdisciplinary knowledge of both subjects. This allows watertight knowledge a priori of the two subjects, can be understood and work together, assimilating and applying the same concepts. Thanks to that, the student performance has been much positive due to prior knowledge on the subject to be treated and its direct application.[ES] El área de la educación superior necesita nuevas implementaciones metodológicas que facilitan el aprendizaje activo. El presente documento pretende demostrar la experiencia desarrollada en el proyecto de innovación educativa y mejora, en las materias de construcción I y economía en el primer semestre del primer curso del Grado en Arquitectura Técnica (UPV), para el desarrollo de un Plan de Negocios en el sector de la construcción. La metodología utilizada se basa en las actividades de los proyectos, de manera que el alumno utiliza los conocimientos adquiridos de forma activa al desarrollo de un proyecto de interconexión de la competencia de los diferentes temas. Los resultados muestran que esta metodología ha permitido el conocimiento interdisciplinario de ambas materias. Esto permite que el conocimiento hermético “a priori” de las dos asignaturas, se puede entender y trabajar de manera conjunta, asimilando y aplicando los mismos conceptos. Gracias a ello, el rendimiento de los estudiantes ha sido más positivo debido a los conocimientos previos en la materia a tratar, y de su aplicación directa.Angulo Ibáñez, Q.; Pons Morera, M.; Garcia Tremps, A.; Torner Feltrer, MEM. (2016). Estrategia de enseñanza a través de diferentes campos de conocimiento en primer curso del grado en arquitectura técnica. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4333OC

    Flexural Strengthening of Damaged T-Joists with Severe Corrosion Using CFRP Sheets

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    [EN] This paper evaluates the residual safety of isolated T-joists with severe corrosion for the two extreme cases of boundary conditions, simply supported and fixed-ended, in order to help in making decisions about the magnitude of the necessary intervention. When the T-joist is part of a complete slab, the boundary conditions will be in an intermediate situation between these two extreme cases, so that it is possible to assess the safety with respect to its degree of embedding. The research is conducted for the cases of healthy T-joist, T-joist with complete corrosion of the lower reinforcement, and repaired T-joists with a variable number of CFRP sheets. This work is based on the ACI 318 load test to maintain a structure in use and proposes a Load Factor (LF), which estimates the safety reserve. The simply supported T-joists specimens with severe corrosion do not meet the Load Factor or ACI 318 criteria, even with a large number of CFRP sheets. On the other hand, fixed-ended cases can be kept in use despite corrosion by applying light CFRP strengthening, and with four sheets the initial safety is restored.Vercher Sanchis, JM.; Gil Benso, E.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C.; Torner Feltrer, MEM. (2017). Flexural Strengthening of Damaged T-Joists with Severe Corrosion Using CFRP Sheets. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2017:1-9. doi:10.1155/2017/6030357S19201

    Methodology for the study of the traces and the intrinsic relationship at the "Asunción Church" in Llíria

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    [EN] ‘La Asunción’ church in Llíria, Valencia (Spain), is one of the most important and more unknown buildings of the valencian baroque. Through this unique temple it is proposed a methodology of analysis applied to other studies of historic buildings in which we haven’t any search based in the detailed study of the traces of the temple and the subsequent construction of these. It has been obtained as a result of that the development of an unedited hypothesis of how the sequential process of the first traces could have been, supporting us in different architectural treatises of the time and on the careful study of the temple’s plans to obtain the results. By the obtaining of the traces it has been performed both an analysis in terms of metric and geometric level and the relationship between them with the purpose of obtaining the intrinsic properties of the building.[ES] La iglesia de la Asunción de Llíria, Valencia (España), es uno de los edificios más importantes y a su vez mas desconocidos del barroco valenciano. Se propone a través de este templo una metodología de análisis extrapolable a otros estudios de edificios históricos, en los que como en este caso, no tengamos documentación basada en el estudio pormenorizado de las trazas del templo y la posterior construcción. Se ha obtenido como resultado la elaboración de una hipótesis inédita de cómo podría haber sido el proceso secuencial de las trazas previas tanto de la planta como de la sección apoyándonos para la obtención del resultado en los distintos tratados arquitectónicos y el estudio de los planos del templo. Con la obtención de las trazas se ha realizado un análisis a nivel métrico, a nivel geométrico y la relación entre ambos con la finalidad de obtener las propiedades intrínsecas del edificio.Torner Feltrer, MEM.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C.; Gil Benso, E. (2015). Metodología para el estudio de las trazas y relaciones intrínsecas en la Iglesia de la Asunción de Llíria. Informes de la Construcción. 67(538):1-9. doi:10.3989/ic.13.118S196753

    Workshop Docente de Estructuras Desplegables Utilizando Materiales Básicos

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    [EN] Included within the teaching framework proposed by the School of Engineering Building, within the day of the EXCO, the workshop "drop-down structures using basic materials" is incorporated. The main objective of the workshop is to incorporate a new educational methodology within the scope of the structures. Mainly it is intended that a group of students can build with their own hands a singular structure with design features proposed for them. For the construction of this appliance, students work with conventional materials and supply for all, so that they understand the functionality of the mock as a scale model capable of representing the reality of a structure designed a priori and the potential of this system practical in the design of structural element. In this way is intended for students at the end of the workshop fully understand the operation of these tipology and can replace the preconceived theoretical idea of the way we teach the behavior of structures.[ES] Incluido dentro del marco docente propuesto por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieria de Edificación, dentro de la jornada de la EXCO, se incorpora el taller “Estructuras despleglables utilizando materiales básicos”. El principal objetivo del taller consiste en incorporar una nueva metodología educativa dentro del ámbito de las estructuras. Principalmente se pretende que un grupo de alumnos construyan con sus propias manos una estructura singular con unas características de diseño propuestas por ellos.Para la construcción de este artefacto, los alumnos trabajaran con materiales convencionales y al alcance de todos, de forma que comprendan la funcionalidad de la maqueta como un modelo a escala capaz de representar la realidad de una estructura diseñada a priori y el potencial de este sistema práctico en la concepción de elemento estructural.Con ello, se pretende que el alumno al finalizar el taller entienda perfectamente el funcionamiento de estas tipologías y sustituya la concepción teórica preconcebida de la forma de enseñar el comportamiento de las estructuras.Molines Cano, JM.; Fernández Plazaola, I.; Llinares Millán, J.; Torner Feltrer, MEM.; Navarro García, ML.; Sanchis Sampedro, FJ. (2016). Workshop Docente de Estructuras Desplegables Utilizando Materiales Básicos. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4406OC

    Analysis Method for Studying Groundwater under a Church

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    [EN] The Church of Asunción of Llíria (Valencia, Spain) is one of the best examples of the Valencian Baroque of the seventeenth century. This research has been based on the study of the building from an urban, historical, and especially, a constructive view. In fact, the location of this particular church is very unique because it is embedded within the mountain. For the construction of the church, first, it was necessary to dig into the mountain. Thus, there is a strong gap between the main entrance of the church and the rear. This research work provides the analysis of the ground humidity throughout the GPR technique. We have analyzed the subsoil of the whole church by various cuts or paths, longitudinal and transversal measurements that have allowed us to produce a three-dimensional model of the land on which the church stands. We have also analyzed the homogeneity or the heterogeneity of the land in each area and the presence of certain ground water routes. It has been analyzed the rising damp on the walls and pillars of the church. To this end, it has been employed a moisture analyzer and it has been obtained the moisture content over a period of six months. With this information it has been able to identify those points that are systematically wetter.Torner-Feltrer, MEM.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C.; Gil Benso, E.; Vercher Sanchis, JM.; Padin Devesa, J.; Herráez Boquera, J. (2017). Analysis Method for Studying Groundwater under a Church. Applied Mechanics and Materials (Online). 861:263-270. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.861.263S26327086