8 research outputs found

    Colonização ictiofaunística do Reservatório de Itaipu e áreas adjacentes Ichthyofaunistic colonization of the Itaipu Reservoir and vicinity áreas

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    <abstract language="eng">Samples were taken from November 1983 to October 1989 in sites along the main body of the Itaipu reservoir and its area of influence to evaluate the impacts of this reservoir on ichthyofauna and to provide information about the colonization process in the dammed area. The ichthyofaunistic similarity between the sites was analysed during the studied period. Spatial and temporal variations of the ichthyofaunistic diversity were also done, using Shannon-Winer Index of Diversity, eveness and species richness, comparing the results with those obtained before the damming. After Itaipu Reservoir formation, it was observed significative alteration in specific abundance and ichthyofauna structure of the Paraná River, with an increase in species number in ali tributaries of the reservoir, and a high replacement in species. Diversity and species richness were higher in the dammed stretch of the Paraná river and in its tributaries of the left side after the Itaipu reservoir formation. Among the sampled sites, the highest values of the diversity index were registered in Paraná River upstream and downstream the reservoir, Iguatemi river and Arroio Guaçu. Based on information of similarity in species composition and abundance in the sampled area, five site groups could be identified

    Larval development of Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel) (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) of Itaipu reservoir (Paraná river, Brazil)

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    The aim of the present study was to characterize the larval development of Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel, 1840) morphometrically, collected at Itaipu reservoir from March 1988 to April 1990. It was obtained the samples monthly, with a conic-cylindrical plankton net with 0.5mm mesh. The morphological description of the larvae of P. squamosissimus was based on different stages of development. The specimens less than 6mm long present a moderate sized head and those that are larger than this length, present a large head. The pectoral fins are in an elevated position, near the operculum bones, and the ventral fins are in thoracic positions, the body has a moderate height, the eyes are small to moderate and the mouth is large with caniniform teeth. This species presents a proportional growth among the different parts of the body, as can be seen by the high correlation coefficient values (r>0.98; p<0.001)

    Morphological characteristics of ovarian development of two Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) strains in mixed-culture systems Características morfológicas do desenvolvimento ovariano de duas linhagens de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), em sistemas de cultivo misto

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    This study was carried out to morphologically characterize and classify the stages of gonad development in different Nile tilapia strains (Oreochromis niloticus). Eighty-four and ninety-two ovaries from Bouaké and Chitralada strains, respectively, were evaluated at different ovarian developmental phases: initial (104 days of culture), intermediate (152 days of culture), and the final (279 days of culture). The ovaries were microscopically evaluated and submitted to histological processing and hematoxylin-eosin staining to determine their characteristics and be classified. No morphological differences in ovaries between strains were observed during the initial phase (stage A - immature). During the intermediate growing phase, higher gonad development was observed for Chitralada strain (stage B - maturation) in comparison with Bouaké strain (stage A - immature). During the final growing phase, no differences between strains were observed for morphological characteristics (stage C - mature). Despite the similarities in reproductive behavior of the Bouaké and Chitralada females at the end of the final growing phase (gain weight phase), differences for macroscopic and microscopic aspects and oocytes during the initial and intermediate growing phases of the strains were observed.<br>Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar morfologicamente e classificar os estádios de desenvolvimento gonadal de tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) de linhagens distintas. Foram avaliados 84 ovários da linhagem Bouaké e 92 da linhagem Chitralada, em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento: inicial (imatura - 104 dias de cultivo), intermediária (crescimento - 152 dias de cultivo) e final (ganho de peso - 279 dias de cultivo). Os ovários foram analisados macroscopicamente e submetidos a procedimento histológico, corados com hematoxilina-eosina, para determinação das características microscópicas e subsequente classificação. Não foram observadas diferenças morfológicas nos ovários entre as linhagens na fase inicial (estádio A - imaturo). Na fase intermediária, os ovários revelaram diferenças morfológicas, evidenciando maior desenvolvimento gonadal para a linhagem Chitralada, (estádio B - maturação) em relação à Bouaké (estádio A). Na fase final (ganho de peso) os ovários não apresentaram diferenças morfológicas entre as linhagens (estádio C - maduro). Apesar de semelhanças no comportamento reprodutivo das fêmeas das linhagens Bouaké e Chitralada, na fase final (ganho de peso), diferenças, em relação à classificação da fase intermediária nos aspectos macroscópicos e microscópicos e diâmetro dos ovócitos, foram observadas

    Occurrence of Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller) (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) in Leopoldo\u27s inlet (Ressaco do Leopoldo), upper Paran\ue1 River, Porto Rico, Paran\ue1, Brazil

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    Studies on the occurrence, temporal distribution and nychthemeral variation of Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) were undertaken in Leopoldo's Inlet, upper Paraná River, Porto Rico, Paraná, Brazil. Seventeen thousand and sixty specimens (11,786 larvae and 5,274 juveniles) were captured with a conicalcylindrical plankton net of mesh 0.5mm in monthly samples between February 1991 and February 1992. Results show that the greatest densities of larvae (301.83 larvae/10m³) and juveniles (168.8/10m³) of this species were caught in December 1991. Largest captures were made during the night. With regard to abiotic factors water temperature ranged from 20º to 30ºC, pH ranged from 5.66 to 7.37 and electric conductivity ranged from 51.83 to 65.33µS/cm. Relationship between the density of larvae and juveniles and abiotic factors was calculated by the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) which revealed the influence of some limnological variables especially on the distribution of larvae

    Exotic species of freshwater decapod crustaceans in the state of São Paulo, Brazil: records and possible causes of their introduction

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