124 research outputs found

    Chapter The Value Proposition of Organizations for Young Graduates and their Employability

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    Certain young people are being propelled towards a more promising future than in the past, due to – amongst other things – continuous learning, which guarantees their productive capabilities. Employers are called upon to arrange a cogent value proposition to support young people in their constant growth that would also help them create an autonomous professional identit


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    Innovative learning models for prisoners

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    Policies for REgional COoperation in the field of Lifelong Learning

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    This document constitutes the Policy Paper of the Precoll project-Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Università degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi/University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes (Agreement nr 2008-11294), in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andalucía, Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government, Jämtland County Council, NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, subcontractor Melius Srl (www.mutual-learning.eu). This document has been endorsed by the Earlall General Assembly held in Brussels on 16th February 2010. Moreover Cedefop has been supporting the quality of the work thanks to the regular advice and suggestions delivered by Steven Bainbridge.This document constitutes the Policy Paper of the Precoll project-Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Università degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi/University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes (Agreement nr 2008-11294), in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andalucía, Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government, Jämtland County Council, NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, subcontractor Melius Srl (www.mutual-learning.eu). This document has been endorsed by the Earlall General Assembly held in Brussels on 16th February 2010. Moreover Cedefop has been supporting the quality of the work thanks to the regular advice and suggestions delivered by Steven Bainbridge

    La formazione incorporata nei contesti lavorativi

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    Learning devices can be embedded into organizational contexts. Through them learning processes can be intentionally activated as to transform employees while working. Workplaces have their own learning potential due to their high level of structuring and regulation. Their learning potential transform organizational actors while they are in the productive actions. Identifying embedded learning processes helps in intercepting learning valencies of workplace experiences and observing learning actions that can lead to transformative processes. Results of related research activities are presented in the volume. They have been carried out in more than ten years of research implemented in three types of organisations: business, museum, prison. Research experiences are analysed by using a model of study that is based on the reconstruction of the learning processes as they are experienced by the actors considered. Moreover the model is based on the analysis of learning actions that are embedded into the productive and service provision processes. Factors and conditions are analysed as well through which organisations can act on employees transformation

    Methods, tools and instruments for the core contents’ definition of the First degree in Education Sciences

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    The Teco-D research dealing with the first degree in Education Sciences along with the related methods, instruments and tools are the object of this paper. The aim is to build up a common framework of core contents for the L-19 first degree in Education Sciences. It also wants to define assessment test and evaluate learning outcomes achieved by students at the end of their studies. Our paper is focused on the process that accompanied the research implemented by a set of communities of practices, each of them having its own roles, tasks, responsibilities. The main tools and instruments are presented in relation to the methodology they are affiliated to: content analysis, the coordinated management of meaning. We want to provide readers with methodological hints that are useful to define core contents of  a university course based on the shared definition. Metodi e strumenti per la definizione dei contenuti core del Corso di Laurea L-19 in Scienze dell’educazione e della formazioneIl percorso di ricerca del progetto Teco-D del Corso di laurea (CdL) L19 in Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione, i metodi e gli strumenti utilizzati costituiscono l’oggetto di questo contributo. Obiettivo della ricerca è rappresentato dalla costruzione di un “quadro di riferimento” dei contenuti core comuni alla formazione dei professionisti dell’educazione e della formazione in uscita dai CdL-L19 e dalla somministrazione di test e valutazione dei learning outcomes. L’articolo presenta il processo attraverso cui è stata svolta la ricerca mediante la costituzione di una costellazione di comunità di pratiche con propri ruoli, compiti e responsabilità. I principali strumenti che hanno accompagnato il processo sono presentati in relazione alle opzioni metodologiche cui si collegano: dalla analisi del contenuto alla costruzione di significati condivisi. L’intento è di proporre al lettore le coordinate metodologiche di un percorso di definizione dei contenuti core del CdL fondato sulla loro costruzione condivisa


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