16 research outputs found

    A new era for the Journal of the South African Veterinary Association

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    No abstract available.http://www.jsava.co.zaam2023Companion Animal Clinical Studie

    Editorial : veterinary dentistry and oromaxillofacial surgery in wild and exotic animals

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    No abstract available.https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/veterinary-sciencedm2022Companion Animal Clinical StudiesParaclinical Science

    Agreement of high-definition oscillometry at two cuff locations with invasively measured arterial blood pressures in anaesthetised cheetahs

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    OBJECTIVES : To evaluate the agreement between high-definition oscillometry (HDO) used on the metatarsus or tail base with invasive arterial blood pressures measured in the dorsal pedal artery in anaesthetised cheetahs. STUDY DESIGN : Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS : A group of 13 captive adult cheetahs. METHODS : Cheetahs were immobilised with medetomidine (32–45 μg kg–1) and tiletamine/zolazepam (0.93–1.39 mg kg–1) administered intramuscularly, and anaesthesia was maintained with either isoflurane in oxygen or continuous propofol infusion. Invasive blood pressure was measured via a 20 gauge intra-arterial catheter in the dorsal pedal artery in the metatarsus and used as a reference method for pressures simultaneously estimated using HDO on the contralateral metatarsus and tail base. Bland–Altman plots (for repeated measurements) and criteria defined by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) were used to compare agreement according to the anatomical location of the cuff, the anaesthetic maintenance agent and magnitude of the blood pressure. RESULTS : A total of 147 paired measurements were obtained with HDO on the metatarsus and 135 on the tail. Agreement with invasive pressures was better when HDO was used on the tail (rather than on the metatarsus) with all ACVIM criteria being met. Mean bias (a positive bias meaning that HDO overestimated the invasively measured pressures) ± standard deviation of differences for systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressures were –7.0 ± 13.9, 4.2 ±12.1 and 4.6 ±11.2 mmHg, respectively, for HDO on the tail, and –11.9 ±15.1, 2.8 ±16.5 and 2.1 ±13.2 mmHg, respectively, for HDO on the metatarsus. Agreement was better during isoflurane anaesthesia than propofol, and at lower blood pressures than at higher. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE : When used on the tail base of anaesthetised cheetahs, HDO met the ACVIM validation criteria for a noninvasive device, as compared to invasively measured pressures in the dorsal pedal artery.https://www.journals.elsevier.com/veterinary-anaesthesia-and-analgesia2023-02-26hj2023Paraclinical Science

    Assessment of a portable lactate meter for field use in the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)

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    Blood lactate is a predictor of mortality in critically ill humans and animals. Handheld lactate meters have the potential to be used in the field to evaluate the condition of severely injured rhinoceroses but have not been compared with laboratory-based methods. Agreement between a handheld lactate meter and a laboratory method was assessed, as was the stability of rhino blood lactate in the anticoagulant sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate (fluoride/oxalate). Blood samples were obtained from 53 white rhinos that had been immobilised for management reasons. Lactate was measured by means of a handheld meter using whole blood in heparin (WBHEP), whole blood in fluoride/oxalate (WBFO) and fluoride/oxalate plasma (PFO). Results were recorded in both blood (BL) and plasma (PL) modes and compared to an established laboratory method for measuring plasma lactate. To assess the stability of lactate over time, blood lactate in fluoride/oxalate was measured on the handheld meter at intervals for up to 91 h. Agreement was best using WBFO in PL mode, with small bias (-0.16), tight 95% limits of agreement (LOA) (-1.46, 1.14) and a Pc (95% CI) of 0.97 (0.92, 0.99). The agreement was improved for all sample types when using the PL mode compared to the blood lactate (BL) mode. Blood lactate was stable in fluoride/oxalate for 91 h, with a mean change from baseline of 0.15 (-0.178, 0.478) mmol/L (mean, 95% CI). The handheld meter was found to be suitable for field use in white rhinos but provided more reliable results with the device in PL mode. Furthermore, rhino blood lactate was found to be stable in fluoride/oxalate for as long as 3 days.The Zebra Foundation of the British Veterinary Zoological Societyhttp://www.ojvr.orgam2018Companion Animal Clinical StudiesParaclinical Science

    Ketamine-medetomidine compared to tiletamine-zolazepam-medetomidine for immobilisation of semi-captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)

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    The immobilisation time and cardiopulmonary effects of ketamine-medetomidine (KM) and tiletamine-zolazepam-medetomidine (TZM) were compared in semi-captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Seven healthy adult cheetahs were included in a randomised prospective crossover study. Each cheetah was immobilised on two occasions by remote injection, once with a combination of ketamine (4.93 ± 0.75 mg/kg) and medetomidine (0.038 ± 0.003 mg/kg) (KM) and once with tiletamine-zolazepam (1.16 ± 0.12 mg/kg) and medetomidine (0.039 ± 0.002 mg/kg) (TZM). Time to safe approach, characterised by absent responses to an ear flick and tail tug, was recorded as the immobilisation time. Following immobilisation, cardiopulmonary parameters were recorded, and an arterial blood gas sample analysed. Data is reported as mean ± SD and compared using a general linear mixed model (p < 0.05). Immobilisation times were no different between combinations, 11.4 ± 5.7 minutes for KM and 13.2 ± 4.6 minutes for TZM (p = 0.528). Systolic blood pressure was 218 ± 22 mmHg for KM and 210 ± 28 mmHg for TZM (p = 0.594). There was moderate hypoxaemia with both combinations with arterial oxygen partial pressure of 58.4 ± 6.6 mmHg for KM and 61.3 ± 4.2 mmHg for TZM (p = 0.368). Haematocrit was higher with KM (40.7 ± 2.5) than TZM (35.8 ± 2.8, p = 0.007). There were differences in electrolytes, with TZM resulting in higher serum potassium (4.3 ± 0.2 mmol/L, p < 0.001) and glucose (11.8 ± 2.9 mmol/L, p = 0.039) than KM. Both combinations provided acceptable immobilisation for field use, although severe hypertension was a consistent finding. Supplementation with oxygen is recommended with both combinations.http://www.jsava.co.zaam2023Companion Animal Clinical Studie

    A cross-over dietary intervention in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) : investigating the effects of glycine supplementation on blood parameters

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    DATA AVAILABILITY: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Captive cheetahs are prone to unusual diseases which may be attributed to their high muscle meat, collagen deficient captive diet. Glycine is a simple amino acid that is abundant in collagen rich tissues and has many physiological functions, specifically in collagen synthesis and in the conjugation of detrimental by-products produced during gut bacterial fermentation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a 4 week glycine supplementation on the body measurements, haematology and serum blood parameters of 10 captive cheetahs using a randomised controlled cross-over design. This approach has not yet been used to investigate the effect of diet in captive cheetahs. Cheetahs were randomly assigned to a control diet (horse meat only) or a glycine diet (30 g glycine per 1 kg meat) for 4 weeks before being crossed over. Blood was collected at baseline and after each intervention. The glycine diet resulted in a decreased serum albumin, alkaline phosphatase and total calcium concentration and increases in eosinophils and basophils counts compared to the control diet. Body weight also decreased on the glycine diet which may be due to increased β-oxidation and fat loss. This was the first study to investigate the effect of glycine supplementation, which resulted in slight body and blood changes, in captive cheetahs using a cross-over design and this approach should be utilised for future dietary studies.The South African National Research Foundation and South African Veterinary Foundation.https://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/zooCentre for Veterinary Wildlife StudiesParaclinical Science

    Responses to reduced feeding frequency in captive-born cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) : implications for behavioural and physiological stress and gastrointestinal health

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    DATA AVAILABILITY: The data presented in this study are available in Supplementary Materials.Unnatural diet composition and frequent feeding regimes may play an aetiological role in the multiple diseases prevalent in captive cheetahs. This study investigated the responses of captive-born (hand-reared) cheetahs (n = 6) to a reduced feeding frequency schedule distinguished by offering larger quantities of food less frequently. The study cheetahs were fed four once-daily meals per week during the 3-week treatment period, followed by a 3-week control period in which they were fed two daily rations six days a week. Total weekly food intake was maintained throughout the study. Variations in behaviour, faecal consistency score (FCS), and faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentration were measured. Less frequent feeding resulted in higher FCS (p < 0.01) and locomotory behaviour (p < 0.05) among the studied cheetahs. Faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentration demonstrated an initial acute stress response to the change in feeding frequency (p < 0.05) and subsequent adaptation. The results of the FCS analysis suggest that the more natural feeding pattern could have benefited the studied cheetahs’ gastrointestinal health without a significant behavioural or physiological stress response overall to the change in feeding frequency.The Doctoral Research Bursary of the University of Pretoria.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/animalsCentre for Veterinary Wildlife StudiesCompanion Animal Clinical StudiesHistorical and Heritage StudiesMammal Research InstituteParaclinical SciencesZoology and Entomolog

    Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry profiles of urinary organic acids in healthy captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)

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    In captivity, cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) frequently suffer from several unusual chronic diseases that rarely occur in their free-ranging counterparts. In order to develop a better understanding of their metabolism and health we documented the urine organic acids of 41 apparently healthy captive cheetahs, in an untargeted metabolomic study, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total of 339 organic acids were detected and annotated. Phenolic compounds, thought to be produced by the anaerobic fermentation of aromatic amino acids in the distal colon, as well as their corresponding glycine conjugates, were present in high concentrations. The most abundant organic acids in the cheetahs urine were an as yet unidentified compound and a novel cadaverine metabolite, tentatively identified as N1,N5-dimethylpentane-1,5-diamine. Pantothenic acid and citramalic acid concentrations correlated negatively with age, while glutaric acid concentrations correlated positively with age, suggesting possible dysregulation of coenzyme A metabolism in older cheetahs. This study provides a baseline of urine organic acid reference values in captive cheetahs and suggests important avenues for future research in this species.The National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, the AfriCat Foundation and North West University.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/chromb2018-04-30hb2017Paraclinical Science

    Optimizing extraction of pelargonium sidoides roots : impact of ethanol concentration on biological activity of extracts

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    Pelargonium sidoides DC. (Geraniaceae) is an important indigenous medicinal plant in South Africa, historically employed by various ethnic groups to treat respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments. The proprietary herbal tincture, Umckaloabo , utilizes an ethanolic extract (EPs 7630) from the roots of P. sidoides, and has demonstrated effectiveness in alleviating symptoms of respiratory infections. P. sidoides roots contain numerous highly oxygenated coumarins and phenolic metabolites, notably the marker compound umckalin. While Umckaloabo is prepared using 11 % ethanol extraction, the South African commercial market predominantly employs 60 % ethanol extraction due to its consistent umckalin yield and antimicrobial activity. The effects of these extraction methods on chemical composition and in vitro pharmacological activity remain poorly understood. This study confirmed superior antibacterial and antifungal activity in the 60 % ethanol extracts prepared from six root samples compared to the 11 % ethanol extracts. MIC values for both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria ranged from 0.078 to 2.5 mg/mL in the 60 % extracts. Remarkably, two of the root extracts exhibited excellent to very good activity against C. albicans and C. neoformans with MIC values of 0.039 and 0.078 mg/mL, respectively. A positive correlation was identified between total minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) levels and polyphenol content, rather than umckalin levels. The influence of these extracts on the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 was assessed. Both 60 % and 11 % root extracts of P. sidoides at 100 mg/mL significantly reduced IL-6 production, with the 60 % extracts demonstrating a more pronounced effect (p = 0.008). Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between 11 % and 60 % ethanol extractions in terms of average MIC overall, average Gram-negative MIC, average Gram-positive MIC, fungal MIC, and IL-6 levels. Extracts with higher polyphenol values exhibited superior antimicrobial activity and antioxidant potential, suggesting that polyphenol content may serve as a more reliable indicator of antimicrobial activity than umckalin levels. Additionally, polyphenol levels in the roots may vary with altitude and other environmental factors, warranting further research.The National Research Foundation and Nativa (Pty) Ltd, South Africa.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/sajbam2024ChemistryParaclinical SciencesNon