11 research outputs found

    Hemicrania continua: major shortcomings in the new classification

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    Hemicrania continua ( HC) was described and coined by Sjaastad and Spierings in 1984. Later cases, carrying this appellation should, grossly, conform to this original description. The proposed classification criteria (ICHD, 3rd edition beta version) for HC has major shortcomings, and ordinary HC cases do not fulfill the proposed criteria. Relatively rare symptoms and signs are e.g. made obligatory (point C 1). And the recommended dosage of indomethacin- both test and long-term dosages-is unallowably high. In this way, bogus HC cases are systematically created. This irrational diagnostic system is in urgent need of a major revision

    Shortlasting unilateral neuralgiform conjunctival injection and tearing syndrome: The term and new view points

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    A solitary patient with symptoms similar to those of shortlasting unilateral neuralgiform conjunctival injection and tearing Short lasting, Unilateral, Neuralgiform headache attacks with Conjunctival injection, Tearing, sweating and rhinorrhoea (SUNCT) was first mentioned in 1978. The term SUNCT was first used in 1991. SUNCT is an acronym; the “S” signifies “Shortlasting”; the “U” symbolizes “Unilateral”; “N” stands for “Neuralgiform”; the “C” for “Conjunctival injection”; and “T” for “Tearing.” The term short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial autonomic symptoms were marketed in 2004. The terminology and new view points are discussed and nosography proposal for SUNCT is presented

    Prognosis in subarachnoid hemorrhage of unknown etiology

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