7 research outputs found

    Trend of metabolic phenotypes over time in Danish twins.

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    <p>Scatter plots showing the residuals of phenotype measurement from the mixed effect model at time 1 (horizontal axis) against that at time 2 (vertical axis) for 12 phenotypes in Danish twins (females in red; males in black). TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; HDL: high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL: low density lipoprotein cholesterol; GLU: fasting blood glucose; WT: body weight; BMI: body mass index; WAIST: waist circumference; HIP: hip circumference; WHR: waist-to-hip ratio; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: DP: diastolic blood pressure.</p

    Path diagram of the bivariate twin model applied to longitudinal data assuming additive genetic (A), common environmental (C), and unique environmental (E) components in the variances and covariance of phenotype measurements at time 1 (baseline) and time 2 (follow-up).

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    <p>The genetic correlation is set 1.0 in MZ twin pairs and 0.5 in DZ twin pairs. The shared environmental correlations is set to 1.0 in all twin pairs; <i>r</i><sub><i>g</i></sub>, <i>r</i><sub><i>c</i></sub>, <i>r</i><sub><i>e</i></sub> are the genetic, shared environmental and unique environmental correlations on phenotype levels at the two time points, respectively. Hereof <i>r</i><sub><i>g</i></sub> can be calculated as , where var<sub>g</sub> (Time 1), var<sub>g</sub> (Time 2) are the additive genetic variance of Time 1 and Time 2 respectively, and cov<sub>g</sub> (Time 1,Time 2) is their genetic covariance. Likewise, correlations for common environmental (<i>r</i><sub><i>c</i></sub>), and unique environmental (<i>r</i><sub><i>e</i></sub>) factors can be calculated.</p

    Trend of metabolic phenotypes over time in Chinese twins.

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    <p>Scatter plots showing the residuals of phenotype measurement from the mixed effect model at time 1 (horizontal axis) against that at time 2 (vertical axis) for 12 phenotypes in Chinese twins (females in red; males in black). TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; HDL: high density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL: low density lipoprotein cholesterol; GLU: fasting blood glucose; WT: body weight; BMI: body mass index; WAIST: waist circumference; HIP: hip circumference; WHR: waist-to-hip ratio; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: DP: diastolic blood pressure.</p