56 research outputs found

    The Study of Education Effect on Knowledge of, and Attitudes Toward Electroconvulsive Therapy Among Iranian Nurses and Patients’ Relatives in a Psychiatric Hospital, 2009-2010

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    AbstractElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a cost effective method in the treatment of some psychiatric disorders. Although, service users such as health providers and nurses, also patients and their relatives may refuse ECT when indicated, due to the myths and little or lack of knowledge about the procedure. The knowledge of and attitudes toward ECT among nurses, may reflect on patients and influence treatment choice. For doing this procedure relatives informed consent is necessary, so their knowledge of and attitude toward ECT is important for getting informed consent and following treatment sessions. Objective: This research was conducted as a quasi-experimental study to measure knowledge of and attitudes toward ECT in 2 groups: relatives and nursing. Also, to study the effect of education on knowledge of and attitudes toward ECT in 2 groups. Methods: In this research the pre and post test self – administered questionnaires were completed by 46 relatives and 46 nurses before and after education about ECT. Results: Nurses in this research received a mean score of X=34.97 knowledge before education and X=39.78 after education (t=2.02, p<0.05), and a mean score of X=33.41 attitude before education and, X=42.82 after education (t=-14.25, p<0.001). Relatives received a mean score of X=23.41 knowledge before education and X=30.15 after education (t=-12.44, p<0.001), and a mean score of X=33.39 attitude before education and, X=41.13 after education (t=-9.10, p<0.001). The differences between the 2 means among two groups were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: Education given to nurses and relatives about ECT increased their knowledge of, and improved their attitudes toward ECT. For this reason it is recommended that continuing education about ECT process should be planned and given at regular intervals

    Uptake of prenatal diagnostic testing for retinoblastoma compared to other hereditary cancer syndromes in the Netherlands

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    Since the 1980s the genetic cause of many hereditary tumor syndromes has been elucidated. As a consequence, carriers of a deleterious mutation in these genes may opt for prenatal diagnoses (PND). We studied the uptake of prenatal diagnosis for five hereditary cancer syndromes in the Netherlands. Uptake for retinoblastoma (Rb) was compared with uptake for Von Hippel–Lindau disease (VHL), Li–Fraumeni syndrome (LFS), familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), and hereditary breast ovarian cancer (HBOC). A questionnaire was completed by all nine DNA-diagnostic laboratories assessing the number of independent mutation-positive families identified from the start of diagnostic testing until May 2013, and the number of PNDs performed for these syndromes within these families. Of 187 families with a known Rb-gene mutation, 22 had performed PND (11.8%), this was significantly higher than uptake for FAP (1.6%) and HBOC (<0.2%). For VHL (6.5%) and LFS (4.9%) the difference was not statistically significant. PND for Rb started 3 years after introduction of diagnostic DNA testing and remained stable over the years. For the other cancer syndromes PND started 10–15 years after the introduction and uptake for PND showed an increase after 2009. We conclude that uptake of PND for Rb was significantly higher than for FAP and HBOC, but not different from VHL and LFS. Early onset, high penetrance, lack of preventive surgery and perceived burden of disease may explain these differences

    Gynecological surveillance and surgery outcomes in dutch lynch syndrome carriers

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    Female Lynch syndrome (LS) carriers have an increased risk to develop endometrial and ovarian cancer. In the Netherlands, carriers are therefore advised annual gynecological surveillance and eventually, risk-reducing surgery. Global gynecological LS surveillance guidelines are scarce and based on limited evidence. These are, however, warranted to offer accurate surveillance. To provide more insight into surveillance outcomes, this study assessed outcomes of gynecological surveillance and risk-reducing surgery in 164 LS carriers diagnosed in our center, with a median follow-up of 5.6 years per carrier. Although most surveillance visits happened within an advised timeframe, we observed large variability in how gynecological surveillance visits were performed. This finding stresses the need for development of clear and evidence-based guidelines. Endometrial cancers identified at surveillance were all found in early stage, mostly symptomatic, questioning surveillance benefit. Large, prospective studies should assess to what extent current LS surveillance programs contribute to early detection of gynecological tumors. Lynch syndrome (LS) is caused by pathogenic germline variants in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes, predisposing female carriers for endometrial cancer (EC) and ovarian cancer (OC). Since gynecological LS surveillance guidelines are based on little evidence, we assessed its outcomes. Data regarding gynecological tumors, surveillance, and (risk-reducing) surgery were collected from female LS carriers diagnosed in our center since 1993. Of 505 female carriers, 104 had a gynecological malignancy prior to genetic LS diagnosis. Of 264 carriers eligible for gynecological management, 164 carriers gave informed consent and had available surveillance data: 38 MLH1, 25 MSH2, 82 MSH6, and 19 PMS2 carriers (median follow-up 5.6 years). Surveillance intervals were within advised time in >80%. Transvaginal ultrasound, endometrial sampling, and CA125 measurements were performed in 76.8%, 35.9%, and 40.6%, respectively. Four symptomatic ECs, one symptomatic OC, and one asymptomatic EC were diagnosed. Endometrial hyperplasia was found in eight carriers, of whomthree were symptomatic. Risk-reducing surgery was performed in 73 (45.5%) carriers (median age 51 years), revealing two asymptomatic ECs. All ECs were diagnosed in FIGO I. Gynecological management in LS carriers varied largely, stressing the need for uniform, evidence-based guidelines. Most ECs presented early and symptomatically, questioning the surveillance benefit in its current form

    The CHEK2 1100delC mutation identifies families with a hereditary breast and colorectal cancer phenotype

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    Because of genetic heterogeneity, the identification of breast cancer-susceptibility genes has proven to be exceedingly difficult. Here, we define a new subset of families with breast cancer characterized by the presence of colorectal cancer cases. The 1100delC variant of the cell cycle checkpoint kinase CHEK2 gene was present in 18% of 55 families with hereditary breast and colorectal cancer (HBCC) as compared with 4% of 380 families with non-HBCC (P<.001), thus providing genetic evidence for the HBCC phenotype. The CHEK2 1100delC mutation was, however, not the major predisposing factor for the HBCC phenotype but appeared to act in synergy with another, as-yet-unknown susceptibility gene(s). The unequivocal definition of the HBCC phenotype opens new avenues to search for thi

    Whole Gene Capture Analysis of 15 CRC Susceptibility Genes in Suspected Lynch Syndrome Patients

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    Background and Aims Lynch Syndrome (LS) is caused by pathogenic germline variants in one of the mismatch repair (MMR) genes. However, up to 60% of MMR-deficient colorectal cancer cases are categorized as suspected Lynch Syndrome (sLS) because no pathogenic MMR germline variant can be identified, which leads to difficulties in clinical management. We therefore analyzed the genomic regions of 15 CRC susceptibility genes in leukocyte DNA of 34 unrelated sLS patients and 11 patients with MLH1 hypermethylated tumors with a clear family history. Methods Using targeted next-generation sequencing, we analyzed the entire non-repetitive genomic sequence, including intronic and regulatory sequences, of 15 CRC susceptibility genes. In addition, tumor DNA from 28 sLS patients was analyzed for somatic MMR variants. Results Of 1979 germline variants found in the leukocyte DNA of 34 sLS patients, one was a pathogenic variant (MLH1 c.1667+1delG). Leukocyte DNA of 11 patients with MLH1 hypermethylated tumors was negative for pathogenic germline variants in the tested CRC susceptibility genes and for germline MLH1 hypermethylation. Somatic DNA analysis of 28 sLS tumors identified eight (29%) cases with two pathogenic somatic variants, one with a VUS predicted to pathogenic and LOH, and nine cases (32%) with one pathogenic somatic variant (n = 8) or one VUS predicted to be pathogenic (n = 1). Conclusions This is the first study in sLS patients to include the entire genomic sequence of CRC susceptibility genes. An underlying somatic or germline MMR gene defect was identified in ten of 34 sLS patients (29%). In the remaining sLS patients, the underlying genetic defect explaining the MMRdeficiency in their tumors might be found outside the genomic regions harboring the MMR and other known CRC susceptibility genes

    SNP association study in PMS2-associated Lynch syndrome

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    Lynch syndrome (LS) patients are at high risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC). Phenotypic variability might in part be explained by common susceptibility loci identified in Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS). Previous studies focused mostly on MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 carriers, with conflicting results. We aimed to determine the role of GWAS SNPs in PMS2 mutation carriers. A cohort study was performed in 507 PMS2 carriers (124 CRC cases), genotyped for 24 GWAS SNPs, including SNPs at 11q23.1 and 8q23.3. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using a weighted Cox regression analysis to correct for ascertainment bias. Discrimination was assessed with a concordance statistic in a bootstrap cross-validation procedure. Individual SNPs only had non-significant associations with CRC occurrence with HRs lower than 2, although male carriers of allele A at rs1321311 (6p21.31) may have increased risk of CRC (HR = 2.1, 95% CI 1.2–3.0). A polygenic risk score (PRS) based on 24 HRs had an HR of 2.6 (95% CI 1.5–4.6) for the highest compared to the lowest quartile, but had no discriminative ability (c statistic 0.52). Previously suggested SNPs do not modify CRC risk in PMS2 carriers. Future large studies are needed for improved risk stratification among Lynch syndrome patients

    Recurrent Coding Sequence Variation Explains only A Small Fraction of the Genetic Architecture of Colorectal Cancer

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    Whilst common genetic variation in many non-coding genomic regulatory regions are known to impart risk of colorectal cancer (CRC), much of the heritability of CRC remains unexplained. To examine the role of recurrent coding sequence variation in CRC aetiology, we genotyped 12,638 CRCs cases and 29,045 controls from six European populations. Single-variant analysis identified a coding variant (rs3184504) in SH2B3 (12q24) associated with CRC risk (OR = 1.08, P = 3.9 Ă— 10-7), and novel damaging coding variants in 3 genes previously tagged by GWAS efforts; rs16888728 (8q24) in UTP23 (OR = 1.15, P = 1.4 Ă— 10-7); rs6580742 and rs12303082 (12q13) in FAM186A (OR = 1.11, P = 1.2 Ă— 10-

    Colorectal carcinomas in MUTYH-associated polyposis display histopathological similarities to microsatellite unstable carcinomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) is a recessively inherited disorder which predisposes biallelic carriers for a high risk of polyposis and colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Since about one third of the biallelic MAP patients in population based CRC series has no adenomas, this study aimed to identify specific clinicopathological characteristics of MAP CRCs and compare these with reported data on sporadic and Lynch CRCs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From 44 MAP patients who developed ≥ 1 CRCs, 42 of 58 tumours were analyzed histologically and 35 immunohistochemically for p53 and beta-catenin. Cell densities of CD3, CD8, CD57, and granzyme B positive lymphocytes were determined. <it>KRAS2</it>, the mutation cluster region (MCR) of <it>APC, p53</it>, and <it>SMAD4 </it>were analyzed for somatic mutations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MAP CRCs frequently localized to the proximal colon (69%, 40/58), were mucinous in 21% (9/42), and had a conspicuous Crohn's like infiltrate reaction in 33% (13/40); all of these parameters occurred at a higher rate than reported for sporadic CRCs. Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) were also highly prevalent in MAP CRCs. Somatic <it>APC </it>MCR mutations occurred in 14% (5/36) while 64% (23/36) had <it>KRAS2 </it>mutations (22/23 c.34G>T). G>T tranversions were found in <it>p53 </it>and <it>SMAD4</it>, although the relative frequency compared to other mutations was low.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MAP CRCs show some similarities to micro-satellite unstable cancers, with a preferential proximal location, a high rate of mucinous histotype and increased presence of TILs. These features should direct the practicing pathologist towards a MAP aetiology of CRC as an alternative for a mismatch repair deficient cause. High frequent G>T transversions in <it>APC </it>and <it>KRAS2 </it>(mutated in early tumour development) but not in <it>P53 </it>and <it>SMAD4 </it>(implicated in tumour progression) might indicate a predominant MUTYH effect in <it>early </it>carcinogenesis.</p

    Early onset MSI-H colon cancer with MLH1 promoter methylation, is there a genetic predisposition?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To investigate the etiology of <it>MLH1 </it>promoter methylation in mismatch repair (MMR) mutation-negative early onset MSI-H colon cancer. As this type of colon cancer is associated with high ages, young patients bearing this type of malignancy are rare and could provide additional insight into the etiology of sporadic MSI-H colon cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied a set of 46 MSI-H colon tumors cases with <it>MLH1 </it>promoter methylation which was enriched for patients with an age of onset below 50 years (n = 13). Tumors were tested for CIMP marker methylation and mutations linked to methylation: <it>BRAF, KRAS</it>, <it>GADD45A </it>and the <it>MLH1 </it>-93G>A polymorphism. When available, normal colon and leukocyte DNA was tested for <it>GADD45A </it>mutations and germline <it>MLH1 </it>methylation. SNP array analysis was performed on a subset of tumors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified two cases (33 and 60 years) with <it>MLH1 </it>germline promoter methylation. <it>BRAF </it>mutations were less frequent in colon cancer patients below 50 years relative to patients above 50 years (p-value: 0.044). CIMP-high was infrequent and related to <it>BRAF </it>mutations in patients below 50 years. In comparison with published controls the G>A polymorphism was associated with our cohort. Although similar distribution of the pathogenic A allele was observed in the patients with an age of onset above and below 50 years, the significance for the association was lost for the group under 50 years. <it>GADD45A </it>sequencing yielded an unclassified variant. Tumors from both age groups showed infrequent copy number changes and loss-of-heterozygosity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Somatic or germline <it>GADD45A </it>mutations did not explain sporadic MSI-H colon cancer. Although germline <it>MLH1 </it>methylation was found in two individuals, locus-specific somatic <it>MLH1 </it>hypermethylation explained the majority of sporadic early onset MSI-H colon cancer cases. Our data do not suggest an intrinsic tendency for CpG island hypermethylation in these early onset MSI-H tumors other than through somatic mutation of <it>BRAF</it>.</p
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