1,502 research outputs found

    BCI-assisted training for upper limb motor rehabilitation: estimation of effects on individual brain connectivity and motor functions

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    The aim of the study is to quantify individual changes in scalp connectivity patterns associated to the affected hand movement in stroke patients after a 1-month training based on BCIsupported motor imagery to improve upper limb motor recovery. To perform the statistical evaluation between pre- and post-training conditions at the single subject level, a resampling approach was applied to EEG datasets acquired from 12 stroke patients during the execution of a motor task with the stroke affected hand before and after the rehabilitative intervention. Significant patterns of the network reinforced after the training were extracted and a significant correlation was found between indices related to the reinforced pattern and the clinical outcome indicated by clinical scales

    Experimental testing of an adsorption thermal energy storage system

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    The objective of this work is to test and characterize a lab-scale silica gel/water test bench realized at POLIMI labs and operating as Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system for domestic applications. Several charging and discharging cycles were performed setting 20-35, 30-50, and 80-90 °C as heat transfer fluid temperatures for the evaporation, condensation/adsorption and desorption processes. The system performance is evaluated in terms of energy efficiency, charge and discharge rate, and operating cost

    Testing of an adsorption chiller prototype for data center cooling.

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    The main objective of this study is to present a novel adsorption chiller prototype (designed and realized by the company Sorption Technologies GmbH) that is suitable for cooling of data center servers. This prototype has been designed to fit into commercially-available data center racks. This adsorption prototype has been designed to cool down the rack servers by means of liquid cooling. Furthermore, an air-cooler heat exchanger is also integrated into the adsorption machine to cool down the rest of the rack components (i.e., patch panels, HDD). This way, the adsorption system is able to cool down all rack components. Phase-change chambers are integrated into the adsorption modules for direct evaporation/condensation, removing the need of large vacuum valves and allowing to have a more simpler and compact vacuum system. This also means that the refrigerant distribution is completely done in liquid phase. The prototype is installed at the Department of Energy at the Politecnico di Milano and testing will be carried out using cooling water temperatures in the range 25 – 30 °C and hot water temperatures in the range 55 – 65 °C

    A novel approach to measure brain-to-brain spatial and temporal alignment during positive empathy

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    : Empathy is defined as the ability to vicariously experience others' suffering (vicarious pain) or feeling their joy (vicarious reward). While most neuroimaging studies have focused on vicarious pain and describe similar neural responses during the observed and the personal negative affective involvement, only initial evidence has been reported for the neural responses to others' rewards and positive empathy. Here, we propose a novel approach, based on the simultaneous recording of multi-subject EEG signals and exploiting the wavelet coherence decomposition to measure the temporal alignment between ERPs in a dyad of interacting subjects. We used the Third-Party Punishment (TPP) paradigm to elicit the personal and vicarious experiences. During a positive experience, we observed the simultaneous presence in both agents of the Late Positive Potential (LPP), an ERP component related to emotion processing, as well as the existence of an inter-subject ERPs synchronization in the related time window. Moreover, the amplitude of the LPP synchronization was modulated by the presence of a human-agent. Finally, the localized brain circuits subtending the ERP-synchronization correspond to key-regions of personal and vicarious reward. Our findings suggest that the temporal and spatial ERPs alignment might be a novel and direct proxy measure of empathy

    Multiple-Brain connectivity during third party punishment: an EEG hyperscanning study

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    Compassion is a particular form of empathic reaction to harm that befalls others and is accompanied by a desire to alleviate their suffering. This altruistic behavior is often manifested through altruistic punishment, wherein individuals penalize a deprecated human's actions, even if they are directed toward strangers. By adopting a dual approach, we provide empirical evidence that compassion is a multifaceted prosocial behavior and can predict altruistic punishment. In particular, in this multiple-brain connectivity study in an EEG hyperscanning setting, compassion was examined during real-time social interactions in a third-party punishment (TPP) experiment. We observed that specific connectivity patterns were linked to behavioral and psychological intra- and interpersonal factors. Thus, our results suggest that an ecological approach based on simultaneous dual-scanning and multiple-brain connectivity is suitable for analyzing complex social phenomena

    Distinctive physiological muscle synergy patterns define the Box and Block Task execution as revealed by electromyographic features

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    Stroke survivors experience muscular pattern alterations of the upper limb that decrease their ability to perform daily-living activities. The Box and Block test (BBT) is widely used to assess the unilateral manual dexterity. Although BBT provides insights into functional performance, it returns limited information about the mechanisms contributing to the impaired movement. This study aims at exploring the BBT by means of muscle synergies analysis during the execution of BBT in a sample of 12 healthy participants with their dominant and non-dominant upper limb. Results revealed that: (i) the BBT can be described by 1 or 2 synergies; the number of synergies (ii) does not differ between dominant and non-dominant sides and (iii) varies considering each phase of the task; (iv) the transfer phase requires more synergies. Clinical Relevance— This preliminary study characterizes muscular synergies during the BBT task in order to establish normative patterns that could assist in understanding the neuromuscular demands and support future evaluations of stroke deficit

    Language-Related Brain Potentials in Patients With Disorders of Consciousness: A Follow-up Study to Detect “Covert” Language Disorders

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    Background. Language disorders may occur in patients with disorders of consciousness (DoCs), and they could interfere with the behavioral assessment of consciousness and responsiveness. Objective. In this study, we retrospectively explored whether ERP N400 was eventually associated with the presence of aphasia diagnosed in those patients who had evolved into Exit-Minimally Conscious State (E-MCS) at the clinical follow-up. Methods. In this retrospective cohort study, the ERPs elicited by an auditory sentences task were retrospectively examined in a sample of 15 DoC patients diagnosed according to the Coma Recovery Scale–Revised (CRS-R). All these 15 DoC patients underwent a (at least) 1-year clinical follow-up, which included a neuropsychological evaluation to assess language function among other cognitive functions. Ten healthy individuals also underwent the same paradigm to investigate the variability of ERPs characteristics. Results. The N400 ERP component with centroparietal topography was found in 9 of 10 healthy controls in response to the ill-formed sentences. Analysis of patients’ data revealed that (1) a significant N400 component could be detected in 64% (9 of 14 patients) of the DoC patients regardless of the type of DoC; (2) no significant N400 ERP component was retrospectively detected in those E-MCS patients who showed aphasia at the follow-up; and (3) the presence/absence of the N400-ERP component was consistent with the brain lesion side and significantly predict the recovery. Conclusion. These preliminary findings indicate that the absence of N400 was significantly associated with the presence of aphasia diagnosed at the clinical follow-up in E-MCS patients

    Correlation between hormonal homeostasis and morphogenic responses in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings growing in a Cd/Cu/Zn multi-pollution context

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    To date, almost no information is available in roots and shoots of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana about the hierarchic relationship between metal accumulation, phytohormone levels, and glutathione/phytochelatin content, and how this relation affects root development. For this purpose, specific concentrations of cadmium, copper and zinc, alone or in triple combination, were supplied for 12 days to in vitro growing seedlings. The accumulation of these metals was measured in roots and shoots, and a significant competition in metal uptake was observed. Microscopic analyses revealed that root morphology was affected by metal exposure, and that the levels of trans-zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin riboside, indole-3-acetic acid, and the auxin/cytokinin ratio varied accordingly. By contrast, under metal treatments, minor modifications in gibberellic acid and abscisic acid levels occurred. RT-PCR analysis of some genes involved in auxin and cytokinin synthesis (e.g., AtNIT in roots and AtIPT in shoots) showed on average a metal up-regulated transcription. The production of thiol-peptides was induced by all the metals, alone or in combination, and the expression of the genes involved in thiol-peptide synthesis (AtGSH1, AtGSH2, AtPCS1 and AtPCS2) was not stimulated by the metals, suggesting a full post-transcriptional control. Results show that the Cd/Cu/Zn-induced changes in root morphology are caused by a hormonal unbalance, mainly governed by the auxin/cytokinin ratio

    Phytoplasma infection in tomato is associated with re-organization of plasma membrane, ER stacks, and actin filaments in sieve elements

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    Phytoplasmas, biotrophic wall-less prokaryotes, only reside in sieve elements of their host plants. The essentials of the intimate interaction between phytoplasmas and their hosts are poorly understood, which calls for research on potential ultrastructural modifications. We investigated modifications of the sieve-element ultrastructure induced in tomato plants by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani,’ the pathogen associated with the stolbur disease. Phytoplasma infection induces a drastic re-organization of sieve-element substructures including changes in plasma membrane surface and distortion of the sieve-element reticulum. Observations of healthy and stolbur-diseased plants provided evidence for the emergence of structural links between sieve-element plasma membrane and phytoplasmas. One-sided actin aggregates on the phytoplasma surface also inferred a connection between phytoplasma and sieve-element cytoskeleton. Actin filaments displaced from the sieve-element mictoplasm to the surface of the phytoplasmas in infected sieve elements. Western blot analysis revealed a decrease of actin and an increase of ER-resident chaperone luminal binding protein (BiP) in midribs of phytoplasma-infected plants. Collectively, the studies provided novel insights into ultrastructural responses of host sieve elements to phloem-restricted prokaryotes