14 research outputs found

    Home enteral nutrition in children—2010 nationwide survey of the polish society for clinical nutrition of children

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    Published epidemiologic data on the administration rates of enteral/parenteral home nutrition is very limited. The aim of this first nationwide study was to assess the availability of pediatric home enteral nutrition (HEN) services in Poland. The questionnaire was sent to all regional centers providing pediatric HEN services in Poland (n = 14). The analysis included the number of pediatric patients who received HEN in 2010, their demographic characteristics and geographical distribution. Furthermore, the distributions of indications and methods of enteral nutrition administration were analyzed, along with the reasons of withdrawal from the HEN program. The number and fraction of children receiving HEN increased in 2010, from 433 (11.34 per 1 million inhabitants) on January 1st to 525 (13.75) on December 31st. Marked differences were observed in geographical distribution of this parameter, from zero to up to 30 pediatric patients per 1 million inhabitants. Median age of patients was 6 years (range: 9 months–18 years). In most cases, HEN was prescribed due to neurological disorders (n = 337, 64.2%), and administered by means of gastrostomy (n = 450, 85.71%). This study revealed the dynamic development of pediatric HEN services in Poland but also documented their potential regional shortages

    Polish statement on food allergy in children and adolescents

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    An adverse food reaction is defined as clinical symptoms occurring in children, adolescents or adults after ingestion of a food or chemical food additives. This reaction does not occur in healthy subjects. In certain individuals is a manifestation of the body hypersensitivity, i.e. qualitatively altered response to the consumed food. The disease symptoms observed after ingestion of the food can be triggered by two pathogenetic mechanisms; this allows adverse food reactions to be divided into allergic and non-allergic food hypersensitivity (food intolerance). Food allergy is defined as an abnormal immune response to ingested food (humoral, cellular or mixed). Non-immunological mechanisms (metabolic, pharmacological, microbiological or other) are responsible for clinical symptoms after food ingestion which occur in non-allergic hypersensitivity (food intolerance). Food allergy is considered a serious health problem in modern society. The prevalence of this disorder is varied and depends, among other factors, on the study population, its age, dietary habits, ethnic differences, and the degree of economic development of a given country. It is estimated that food allergy occurs most often among the youngest children (about 6-8% in infancy); the prevalence is lower among adolescents (approximately 3-4%) and adults (about 1-3%). The most common, age-dependent cause of hypersensitivity, expressed as sensitization or allergic disease (food allergy), are food allergens (trophoallergens). These are glycoproteins of animal or plant origine contained in: cow's milk, chicken egg, soybean, cereals, meat and fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, molluscs, shellfish and other food products. Some of these allergens can cause cross-reactions, occurring as a result of concurrent hypersensitivity to food, inhaled or contact allergens. The development of an allergic process is a consequence of adverse health effects on the human body of different factors: genetic, environmental and supportive. In people predisposed (genetically) to atopy or allergy, the development of food allergy is determined by four allergic-immunological mechanisms, which were classified and described by Gell-Coombs. It is estimated that in approximately 48-50% of patients, allergic symptoms are caused only by type I reaction, the IgEmediated (immediate) mechanism. In the remaining patients, symptoms of food hypersensitivity are the result of other pathogenetic mechanisms, non-IgE mediated (delayed, late) or mixed (IgE mediated, non-IgE mediated). Clinical symptomatology of food allergy varies individually and depends on the type of food induced pathogenetic mechanism responsible for their occurrence. They relate to the organ or system in which the allergic reaction has occurred (the effector organ). Most commonly the symptoms involve many systems (gastrointestinal tract, skin, respiratory system, other organs), and approximately 10% of patients have isolated symptoms. The time of symptoms onset after eating the causative food is varied and determined by the pathogenetic mechanism of the allergic immune reaction (immediate, delayed or late symptoms). In the youngest patients, the main cause of food reactions is allergy to cow’s milk. In developmental age, the clinical picture of food allergy can change, as reflected in the so-called allergic march, which is the result of anatomical and functional maturation of the effector organs, affected by various harmful allergens (ingested, inhaled, contact allergens and allergic cross-reactions). The diagnosis of food allergy is a complex, long-term and time-consuming process, involving analysis of the allergic history (personal and in the family), a thorough evaluation of clinical signs, as well as correctly planned allergic and immune tests. The underlying cause of diagnostic difficulties in food allergy is the lack of a single universal laboratory test to identify both IgE-mediated and non-IgE mediated as well as mixed pathogenetic mechanisms of allergic reactions triggered by harmful food allergens. In food allergy diagnostics is only possible to identify an IgE-mediated allergic process (skin prick tests with food allergens, levels of specific IgE antibodies to food allergens). This allows one to confirm the diagnosis in patients whose symptoms are triggered in this pathogenetic mechanism (about 50% of patients). The method allowing one to conclude on the presence or absence of food hypersensitivity and its cause is a food challenge test (open, blinded, placebo-controlled). The occurrence of clinical symptoms after the administration of food allergen confirms the cause of food allergy (positive test) whereas the time elapsing between the triggering dose ingestion and the occurrence of clinical symptoms indicate the pathogenetic mechanisms of food allergy (immediate, delayed, late). The mainstay of causal treatment is temporary removal of harmful food from the patient’s diet, with the introduction of substitute ingredients with the nutritional value equivalent to the eliminated food. The duration of dietary treatment should be determined individually, and the measures of the effectiveness of the therapeutic elimination diet should include the absence or relief of allergic symptoms as well as normal physical and psychomotor development of the treated child. A variant alternative for dietary treatment of food allergy is specific induction of food tolerance by intended contact of the patient with the native or thermally processed harmful allergen (oral immunotherapy). This method has been used in the treatment of IgE-mediated allergy (to cow's milk protein, egg protein, peanut allergens). The obtained effect of tolerance is usually temporary. In order to avoid unnecessary prolongation of treatment in a child treated with an elimination diet, it is recommended to perform a food challenge test at least once a year. This test allows one to assess the body's current ability to acquire immune or clinical tolerance. A negative result of the test makes it possible to return to a normal diet, whereas a positive test is an indication for continued dietary treatment (persistent food allergy). Approximately 80% of children diagnosed with food allergy in infancy "grow out" of the disease before the age of 4-5 years. In children with non-IgE mediated food allergy the acquisition of food tolerance is faster and occurs in a higher percentage of treated patients compared to children with IgE-mediated food allergy. Pharmacological treatment is a necessary adjunct to dietary treatment in food allergy. It is used to control the rapidly increasing allergic symptoms (temporarily) or to achieve remission and to prevent relapses (long-term treatment). Preventive measures (primary prevention of allergies) are recommended for children born in a "high risk" group for the disease. These are comprehensive measures aimed at preventing sensitization of the body (an appropriate way of feeding the child, avoiding exposure to some allergens and adverse environmental factors). First of all, the infants should be breast-fed during the first 4-6 months of life, and solid foods (non milk products, including those containing gluten) should be introduced no earlier than 4 months of age, but no later than 6 months of age. An elimination diet is not recommended for pregnant women (prevention of intrauterine sensitization of the fetus and unborn child). The merits of introducing an elimination diet in mothers of exclusively breast-fed infants, when the child responds with allergic symptoms to the specific diet of the mother, are disputable. Secondary prevention focuses on preventing the recurrence of already diagnosed allergic disease; tertiary prevention is the fight against organ disability resulting from the chronicity and recurrences of an allergic disease process. Food allergy can adversely affect the physical development and the psycho-emotional condition of a sick child, and significantly interfere with his social contacts with peers. A long-term disease process, recurrence of clinical symptoms, and difficult course of elimination diet therapy are factors that impair the quality of life of a sick child and his family. The economic costs generated by food allergies affect both the patient's family budget (in the household), and the overall financial resources allocated to health care (at the state level). The adverse socio-economic effects of food allergy can be reduced by educational activities in the patient’s environment and dissemination of knowledge about the disease in the society

    The influence of dietary immunomodulatory factors on development of food allergy in children

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    In the last few years many studies have been conducted on the role of dietary and environmental factors in the prevention of allergic diseases among children. Many studies have shown that the diet of pregnant women and children in their early postnatal life, rich in antioxidants, vitamin D, and fatty acids is beneficial as it reduces the risk of allergy in their future life. Moreover, there are many reports about the main role of gut microbiota and probiotics in the allergy prevention, what can indicate new ways of procedures in allergic diseases

    Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Enterally Fed Children with Severe Central Nervous System Impairment

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    Children with severe central nervous system (CNS) impairment are at risk of developing various degrees of nutritional deficit that require long-term nutritional intervention. Interventions are most often implemented through enteral nutrition (EN) using commercially manufactured feeds administered via gastro/jejunostomy or nasogastric or nasojejunal tubes. The modality of feeding—continuous feeding or bolus feeding—is dependent on the function of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the efficiency of gastric emptying. In the literature, the relationship between this type of nutrition and the occurrence of hyperglycaemia is often discussed. In addition, children with chronic neurological diseases are vulnerable to disorders of many mechanisms of neurohormonal counter-regulation related to carbohydrate management, and due to limited verbal and logical contact, it is difficult to recognise the symptoms of hypoglycaemia in such patients. We aimed to assess the carbohydrate metabolism in children with severe CNS impairment, with enteral nutrition delivered via nasogastric, nasoenteral, or percutaneous tubes, based on continuous glycaemic monitoring (CGM) and the measurement of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. Materials and methods: This prospective, observational study included nineteen patients (median (25–75 pc) age: 12.75 (6.17–15.55) years) with permanent CNS damage (Gross Motor Function Classification System V) receiving long-term tube enteral feeding, recruited from two paediatric university nutritional treatment centres. Patients with acute conditions and diagnosed diabetes were excluded. The nutritional status and nutritional support were analysed in all the inpatients in accordance with a uniform protocol. Using the CGM system (Medtronic iPro2), glycaemic curves were analysed, and in addition, HbA1C levels were determined in fourteen patients. CGM results were analysed using GlyCulator2.0. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica version 11 software (StatSoft Inc. Tulsa, OK, USA). Results: More than half (11/19; 58%) of the patients were undernourished (BMI < 3 pc for age and gender), with the stature age being significantly lower than calendar age (5 (4.5–9) vs. 12.75 (6.17–15.55) years; p = 0.0010). The actual caloric intake was 50 (37.7–68.8) kcal/kg (median; 25–75 pc). In patients fed using the bolus method, the number of calories consumed per day was statistically significantly higher than in children subjected to a continuous feeding supply (56.00 (41.00–75.00) vs. 33.40 (26.70–50.00) kcal/kg BW (body weight; p = 0.0159). Decreases in blood glucose levels below the alarm level (<70 mg/dL) were recorded in fifteen patients (78.9%), including two patients with episodes of clinically significant hypoglycaemia (<54 mg/dL). The minimum and maximum glycaemic values recorded in any individual CGM records were 67 mg/dL (median) (minimum: 41 mg/dL; maximum: 77 mg/dL) and 146 (minimum: 114 mg/dL; maximum: 180 g/dL), respectively, for the entire recording. The maximum percentage of glycaemic concentrations > 140 mg/dL (TAR 140) recorded overnight in children with BMI ≥ 3 amounted to 1.6% vs. 0% in undernourished patients (TAR 140: 0.0 (0.00–1.6%) vs. 0% (0.00–0.0%; p = 0.0375); the percentage of glycaemic concentrations <70 mg/dL in the entire recording was comparable (0.77% (0.13–2.2%) vs. 1.8% (0.5–14.4%) vs. p = 0.2629). There was a positive correlation between the mean daily glucose recorded using the CGM method and patients’ BMI z-scores (R = 0.48, p = 0.0397). No statistically significant relationship was demonstrated between the occurrence of alarm hypoglycaemia events in the CGM records and undernutrition expressed by BMI z-scores (OR = 1.50 (95%CI: 0.16–13.75), the type of diet (for commercially manufactured OR = 0.36 (95%CI: 0.04–3.52), and the modality of diet delivery (for bolus feeding OR = 2.75 (95%CI: 0.28–26.61). Conclusions: In children with chronic OU damage, enteral feeding is associated with a risk of hypoglycaemia, but further studies involving a larger number of patients are needed, and CGM might be a useful tool to estimate the metabolic adequacy of enteral nutritional support in terms of glucose control

    Endoscopic therapy of oesophageal strictures in children : a multicentre study

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    Introduction: Oesophageal strictures are rare in children but may require endoscopic dilation. Aim: To gather information on centres performing endoscopic oesophageal dilation in Poland. Material and methods: The data were obtained from questionnaires concerning the relevant data mailed to 22 paediatric endoscopy centres. Completed questionnaires were received from 11 centres. Results: In 2010 the 11 Polish paediatric endoscopy centres performed a total of 10,650 endoscopic procedures. This included 347 oesophageal dilations in 106 paediatric patients aged from 1 month to 18 years. The numbers of patients treated at individual centres ranged from 2 to 40. The indications for oesophageal dilation were as follows: postoperative strictures in 68 children, oesophageal burns in 17 children, postinflammatory strictures in 14 children, achalasia in 4 children, and strictures caused by a foreign body in 3 children. Rigid guidewire dilators were used in the majority of procedures (271), rigid dilators without a guidewire in 32 procedures, and balloon dilators in 45 procedures. A total of 203 procedures were conducted under fluoroscopic guidance, and 144 without the use of fluoroscopy. The number of dilating sessions performed in individual children varied from 1 to 6 and more. Conclusions: Oesophageal dilation constituted a minor proportion of all paediatric endoscopic procedures. The majority of children requiring dilation were patients up to 3 years of age with postoperative oesophageal strictures. In the majority of the centres rigid guidewire dilators were used, and in one third of the procedures these dilators were introduced without fluoroscopic guidance

    Pediatric endoscopy in times of pandemic: A nationwide retrospective analysis

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    Background: Gastrointestinal endoscopy is a procedure that carries an increased risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection to medical staff. In patients, COVID-19 is a risk factor for adverse events of medical procedures. This study analyzed the real-life risk of, and factors contributing to, infection transmission to endoscopic personnel, and possible adverse events of the endoscopy procedure and anesthesia in children with COVID-19. Methods: Nationwide retrospective analysis of medical records of children with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection who underwent gastrointestinal endoscopy in Poland between February 2020 and February 2022. Results: Fifty-eight patients were included in the analysis, 35% of whom had COVID-19 symptoms at the time of endoscopy. The dominant indications for endoscopy were foreign body or corrosive substance ingestion and gastrointestinal bleeding. Nine cases of virus transmission were registered among endoscopic personnel. In all of these cases, the endoscopy team was unaware of the patient's infection (p < 0.01), although symptoms were present in 78% of the children. Lack of use of personal protective equipment was the strongest predictor of SARS-CoV-2 transmission (p < 0.01). The risk of infection was not statistically significantly dependent on the method of anesthesia, intubation or the type of endoscopy. No statistically significant correlation was found between symptomatic infection and adverse events of endoscopy or anesthesia occurrence. There was one reported anesthesia-related adverse event involving extubation difficulties due to worsening respiratory infection symptoms. Conclusions: The risk of transmitting SARS-CoV-2 to endoscopic personnel during procedures in children is low and depends on compliance with infection prevention and control measures. Performing gastrointestinal endoscopy in children with COVID-19 does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of adverse events