534 research outputs found

    Biliopancreatic complex in functional aspect

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    Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: For centuries the public health services as well as private institutions service everywhere have had the purpose of solving of biliopancreatic pathologies problems, particularly those that require operator intervention. At the same time, has been accumulated a number of interpretations, working hypotheses which elucidate different, even more, controvesial structural-functional peculiarities of the constituents of duodenobilio-pancreatic complex. Thus, obtaining information as ample and perfect about coledoco-duodenal junction presents an imperative in fundamental aspect, as well as clinical. It gives to the interested reader a dynamic vision in knowing the installation mechanisms of pathologies in the very area, to improve the methods of diagnosis and treatment of the concerned anatomical formation diseases. So it would be incorrect to claim that up to present insufficient attention was paid to the morphology, function and clinical significance of constituent in anatomical formations of the coledoco-duodenal junction. Yet, for the moment, some structural-function and topographic aspects including those with the reference to duodenal papilla, hide some enigmas. In such cases involving morphologies clarifying some controversial moments is more than necessary, especially when solving problems and they are a true support in terms of quantity – a sufficient number of investigated cases to make authentic conclusions and quality - a meticulous analysis, complex, multi-planned of the obtained results, confronted the information on the already known topic. Conclusions: Thus, carrying out a comprehensive study had as an impulse the frequency in continuous growing of coledoco-pancreatico-duodenal area pathologies, especially at the ends of common bile duct and pancreatic duct. Moreover, the bilio-pancreatico-duodenal intersection is a vital part of hepatology and pancreatology

    Anatomo-clinical aspects in hirudotherapy

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    Catedra de anatomie topografică și chirurgie operatorie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, 15-16 octombrie 2015Abstract Background: According to the literature, the history of hirudotherapy includes several millenniums. With the development of science, researches in medicine have resulted in rapid and quite good treatment of acute diseases. In this way, in a short period of time a strong pharmaceutical industry, which proposes large amounts of synthetic drugs,has been developed. As a result, the share of natural remedies has considerably decreased, and the specialists of this field were essentially distressed. Today we observe that modern medicine rediscovers hirudotherapy. The leeches possess a mechanism that locks the system of hemostasis of the donor, represented by biologically active substances, secreted by the salivary glands. Due to these substances, hirudotherapy has many therapeutic effects. As mentioned before, hirudotherapy acts on the human body through general, local and bioenergetical effects. Conclusions: First of all, zonality of curative effect is determined by regional adjusting of blood and lymphatic circulation. Therefore, the local action is the most important manifestation of hirudotherapy. The general action is based on the application of leeches in certain reflexogenic areas, arranged to the skin, and in regions of anastomoses between the deep and superficial venous system. In this context, the role of clinical anatomy is essential in determination of the points and areas where leeches are applied

    Do Search for Dibaryonic De - Excitations in Relativistic Nuclear Reactions

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    Some odd characteristics are observed in the single particle distributions obtained from He+Li He + Li interactions at 4.5AGeV/c 4.5 AGeV/c momenta which are explained as the manifestation of a new mechanism of strangeness production via dibaryonic de-excitations. A signature of the formation of hadronic and baryonic clusters is also reported. The di-pionic signals of the dibaryonic orbital de-excitations are analyzed in the frame of the MIT - bag Model and a Monte Carlo simulation.The role played by the dibaryonic resonances in relativistic nuclear collisions could be a significant one. Key words: Relativistic nuclear interactions negative pions, negative kaons, di-pions , streamer chamber, dibaryons, MIT - bag model PACS codes: 25.75.+r,14.40.Aq,14.20.Pt,12.40.AsComment: 17 pages,LATEX, preprint ICTP -243 1993,figures available by reques

    Baryon Junction Loops in HIJING/B\=Bv2.0 and the Baryon/Meson Anomaly at RHIC

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    A new version, v2.0, of the HIJING/B\=B Monte Carlo nuclear collision event generator is introduced in order to explore further the possible role of baryon junctions loops in the baryon/meson anomaly (2 <pT<< p_{T} < 5 GeV/c) observed in 200A GeV Au+Au reactions at RHIC. We show that junction loops with an enhanced intrinsic kT1k_T\approx 1 GeV/c transverse momentum kick may provide a partial explanation of the anomaly as well as other important baryon stopping observables.Comment: 27 pages, Latex(revtex), 8 figure

    Anti-Hyperon Enhancement through Baryon Junction Loops

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    The baryon junction exchange mechanism recently proposed to explain valence baryon number transport in nuclear collisions is extended to study midrapidity anti-hyperon production. Baryon junction-anti-junction (J anti-J) loops are shown to enhance anti-Lambda, anti-Xi, anti-Omega yields as well as lead to long range rapidity correlations. Results are compared to recent WA97 Pb + Pb -> Y + anti-Y + X data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Marine Protected Areas Enhance Coral Reef Functioning By Promoting Fish Biodiversity

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    Preserving biodiversity and ecosystem function in the Anthropocene is one of humanity\u27s greatest challenges. Ecosystem‐based management and area closures are considered an effective way to maintain ecological processes, especially in marine systems. Although there is strong evidence that such measures positively affect community structure, their impact on the rate of key ecological processes remains unclear. Here, we provide evidence that marine protected areas enhance herbivory rates on coral reefs via direct and indirect pathways. Using meta‐analysis and a path‐analytical framework, we demonstrate that, on average, protected areas increase the species richness of herbivorous fishes, which, in turn, enhances browsing rates on macroalgae. However, in all three regions studied (the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean), a small subset of the herbivore assemblage accounted for the majority of browsing. Our results therefore indicate that ecosystem functioning on coral reefs may respond positively to both area closures and the protection of key species

    Automated information system as quality management providing human tissue banks

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    School of Management, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Info World Company, Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Cell Cultures, Bank of Human TissuesBackground: Modern tissue bank should have management autonomy, to be equipped with modern equipment for tissue grafts procurement, processing, preservation and storage that met the requirements of the profile structures of the EU Directives and Authorized National Health Services. Material and methods: Article represents the analysis of the needs to create and use in human tissues and cells bank an automated information system (AIS) to provide qualitative and safe tissue and cells grafts for transplantation in the Republic of Moldova. Automated Information System components are analyzed and characterized, elucidated the functions they have to fulfill, their role in ensuring the effective management of human tissue bank (HTB) in providing secure grafts for health system in the Republic of Moldova. Results: Basic functions of the HTB AIS include: management of the life cycle of donated products; information about products recording and storing; grafts records and relevant information about them; monitoring of the stored products; indexing exactly the products location in storage devices; a comprehensive view of patient information products; listing information in real and historical time by textual and graphical means; generating and scanning labels for each product; evidence of testing and validation samples; view reports using aggregate data; restricting access rights per each group of users. Conclusions: Thus it appears that AIS is an important element in ensuring a strict accounting of human allergic graft throughout their movement from the procurement, processing, validation, storage, distribution and transplantation. AIS also permits easier integration into the European network for tissue, because it allows encoding of grafts according to European unique codes way enabling the identification of tissue grafts as Bank products and follow their path. The computerized record of practical grafts excludes human errors in grafts distribution

    Chemical equilibration of strangeness

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    Thermal models are very useful in the understanding of particle production in general and especially in the case of strangeness. We summarize the assumptions which go into a thermal model calculation and which differ in the application of various groups. We compare the different results to each other. Using our own calculation we discuss the validity of the thermal model and the amount of strangeness equilibration at CERN-SPS energies. Finally the implications of the thermal analysis on the reaction dynamics are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX (figures included); Talk given at the Int. Symposium on Strangeness in Quark Matter 1997, Santorini (Greece), April 199