14 research outputs found

    Differentiation and preservation status of wet meadows of the Calthion palustris alliance in areas covered by the agri-environmental scheme

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    The research subject is the differentiation of plant communities and the preservation status of wet meadows of the Calthion palustris alliance at sites included in subsidy packages 4 and 5 of the agri-environmental scheme. The habitat was studied on 697 agri-environmental plots located in different areas of Poland. The obtained results show high differentiation of the plant communities, which could be considered as representative of the Calthion palustris alliance meadows in Poland. Disturbances in the habitat conditions were observed on most of the plots and they included: disappearance of characteristic species of the Calthion palustris alliance, encroachment of native, expansive species as well as desiccation of the habitat and the associated eutrophication, caused mostly by unidirectional land drainage systems. The study also attempted to determine the conservation prospects of the habitat considering measures implemented under the agri-environmental scheme

    Psychological problems of patients after implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator

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    Od czasu zatwierdzenia przez Agencję ds. Żywności i Leków wszczepialnych kardiowerterów-defibrylatorów (ICD) serca w 1985 roku stały się one metodą z wyboru w zapobieganiu nagłym zgonom sercowym (SCD). W badaniach wykazano, że zastosowanie ICD istotnie zwiększa skuteczność zapobiegania SCD oraz zmniejsza liczbę działań niepożądanych w porównaniu z farmakoterapią. W związku z rozszerzeniem przez Europejskie Towarzystwo Kardiologiczne w 2001 roku wskazań do wszczepiania ICD w ramach profilaktyki pierwotnej znacznie wzrosła liczba osób z tym urządzeniem. Życie pacjentów z wszczepionym ICD ulega zmianie i wiele z nich (do 87%) odczuwa niepokój związany z działaniem urządzenia. W badaniach dowiedziono, że czynnikami predysponującymi do zaburzeń psychicznych pojawiających się po wszczepieniu ICD są: wiek poniżej 50. roku życia, płeć żeńska, brak wsparcia społecznego i rodzinnego, liczne wyła­dowania urządzenia. Pacjenci powinni być świadomi działania urządzenia ICD oraz uczestniczyć w terapiach i grupach wsparcia, które pomogą im opanować negatywne emocje tj. lęk, niepokój i stres związane z wszczepionym urządzeniem. Należy pamiętać, że od dobrostanu psychicznego pacjenta zależy pełen sukces terapeutyczny po wszczepieniu ICD.The implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) have become the method of choice for the prevention of sudden cardiac death (SCD) since its approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 1985. Studies have shown that the use of ICD significantly increases the effectiveness of preventing SCD and reduces side effects compared with pharmacotherapy. In connection with the extension of the indications for implantation ICD in primary prevention by the European Society of Cardiology in 2001, significantly increased the number of people with this device. The lives of patients with ICD are changing and many people (up to 87%) feel the anxiety associated with the working of the device. Studies have shown that predisposing factors for mental disorders occurring after implantation of the ICD are: patients younger than 50 years, female sex, lack of social and family support and numerous discharge devices. Patients should be aware of the working of ICD and participate in the therapies and support groups to help them control negative emotions, i.e. fear, anxiety and stress associated with the implanted device. Keep in mind that full therapeutic success after ICD implantation also depends on the patient’s psychological well-being.

    Ocena pobrania z dietą wybranych składników mineralnych przez młodzież w wieku 13-15 lat w zależności od płci oraz miejsca zamieszkania

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    Absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population aged 13-15 depending on gender and place of residenceIntroduction.The life period between 11-19 years of age is defined as the adolescence (phase), which is a period of intense growth and development, during which the organism ultimately heads for achieving a biological, psychological and social maturity. During this period, proper nutrition is an essential factor in the harmonious development of the young organism and to achieve a high health potential.The aim.The aim of this study was to evaluate the absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population depending on gender and place of residence.Material and methods.The evaluation was performed by 24 hours diet recall in randomly selected schools in Krakow and Skawina area. The content of mineral compounds (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu) consumed by the subjects was assessed by the use of the "Dieta 2.0" software.Results. It were discovered a numerous irregularities in consumption of selected minerals, including significant calcium deficiency, and also the excess of sodium in the diet. Calcium deficiency combined the excess of phosphorus can adversely affect the achievement of the peak bone mass and increase the risk of osteoporosis in later stages of life. Also demonstrated high sodium and low potassium intakes could contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease

    Effect of the ruthenium loading and barium addition on the activity of ruthenium/carbon catalysts in carbon monoxide methanation

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    A group of supported ruthenium catalysts was prepared and tested in methanation of small CO amounts (7000 ppm) in hydrogen-rich streams. High surface area graphitized carbon (484 m2/g) was used as a support for ruthenium and RuCl3 was used as a Ru precursor. Some of the Ru/C systems were additionally doped with barium (Ba(NO3)2 was barium precursor). The catalysts were characterized by the chemisorption technique using CO as an adsorbate. To determine the resistance of the catalysts to undesired carbon support methanation, the TG-MS experiments were performed. They revealed that the barium addition inhibits support losses. The studies of CO methanation (fl ow reactor, atmospheric pressure) have shown that some of the supported ruthenium catalysts exhibit high activities referred to the metal mass. The catalytic properties of ruthenium proved to be dependent on metal dispersion. Some of the Ru/C and Ba-Ru/C systems exhibit higher activity in CO hydrogenation than the commercial nickel-based catalyst

    Effect of the ruthenium loading and barium addition on the activity of ruthenium/carbon catalysts in carbon monoxide methanation

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    A group of supported ruthenium catalysts was prepared and tested in methanation of small CO amounts (7000 ppm) in hydrogen-rich streams. High surface area graphitized carbon (484 m2/g) was used as a support for ruthenium and RuCl3 was used as a Ru precursor. Some of the Ru/C systems were additionally doped with barium (Ba(NO3)2 was barium precursor). The catalysts were characterized by the chemisorption technique using CO as an adsorbate. To determine the resistance of the catalysts to undesired carbon support methanation, the TG-MS experiments were performed. They revealed that the barium addition inhibits support losses. The studies of CO methanation (fl ow reactor, atmospheric pressure) have shown that some of the supported ruthenium catalysts exhibit high activities referred to the metal mass. The catalytic properties of ruthenium proved to be dependent on metal dispersion. Some of the Ru/C and Ba-Ru/C systems exhibit higher activity in CO hydrogenation than the commercial nickel-based catalyst

    Effect of the ruthenium loading and barium addition on the activity of ruthenium/carbon catalysts in carbon monoxide methanation

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    A group of supported ruthenium catalysts was prepared and tested in methanation of small CO amounts (7000 ppm) in hydrogen-rich streams. High surface area graphitized carbon (484 m2/g) was used as a support for ruthenium and RuCl3 was used as a Ru precursor. Some of the Ru/C systems were additionally doped with barium (Ba(NO3)2 was barium precursor). The catalysts were characterized by the chemisorption technique using CO as an adsorbate. To determine the resistance of the catalysts to undesired carbon support methanation, the TG-MS experiments were performed. They revealed that the barium addition inhibits support losses. The studies of CO methanation (fl ow reactor, atmospheric pressure) have shown that some of the supported ruthenium catalysts exhibit high activities referred to the metal mass. The catalytic properties of ruthenium proved to be dependent on metal dispersion. Some of the Ru/C and Ba-Ru/C systems exhibit higher activity in CO hydrogenation than the commercial nickel-based catalyst

    Ocena pobrania z dietą wybranych składników mineralnych przez młodzież w wieku 13-15 lat w zależności od płci oraz miejsca zamieszkania

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    Absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population aged 13-15 depending on gender and place of residenceIntroduction.The life period between 11-19 years of age is defined as the adolescence (phase), which is a period of intense growth and development, during which the organism ultimately heads for achieving a biological, psychological and social maturity. During this period, proper nutrition is an essential factor in the harmonious development of the young organism and to achieve a high health potential.The aim.The aim of this study was to evaluate the absorption of minerals compound by the investigated population depending on gender and place of residence.Material and methods.The evaluation was performed by 24 hours diet recall in randomly selected schools in Krakow and Skawina area. The content of mineral compounds (Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu) consumed by the subjects was assessed by the use of the "Dieta 2.0" software.Results. It were discovered a numerous irregularities in consumption of selected minerals, including significant calcium deficiency, and also the excess of sodium in the diet. Calcium deficiency combined the excess of phosphorus can adversely affect the achievement of the peak bone mass and increase the risk of osteoporosis in later stages of life. Also demonstrated high sodium and low potassium intakes could contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease

    Czynniki predykcyjne rocznej śmiertelności i wewnątrzszpitalnych zdarzeń niepożądanych u pacjentów po wszczepieniu stymulatora serca w trybie pilnym

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    Background: Permanent cardiac pacing is the treatment of choice for severe and symptomatic bradycardia. Patients undergoing emergency pacemaker implantation are stabilised earlier by the insertion of a temporary emergency pacing lead, and they experience more comorbidities than with planned admissions. Aim: To identify the parameters associated with one-year mortality and in-hospital adverse events after emergency permanent pacemaker implantation. Methods: This retrospective study analyses data from 131 consecutive emergency pacemaker implantations performed within a single centre. Results: Cox regression analysis revealed the independent predictors of death to be: use of a temporary transvenous pacing lead (TTPL) (HR = 2.82, 95% CI 1.21–6.58, p = 0.02), age ≥ 78 years (OR = 3.01, 95% CI 1.22–7.42, p = 0.02), longer baseline QRS duration (HR = 1.02, 95% CI 1.00–1.03, p = 0.03), and history of myocardial infarction (MI) (HR = 2.43, 95% CI 1.04–5.68, p = 0.04). Twenty-six patients experienced in-hospital adverse events, such as: death (n = 6), cardiac arrest (n = 3), surgical complications (lead dislocation: n = 4, haematoma: n = 4, microperforation: n = 2), pneumonia or respiratory tract disease (n = 7), wound infection treated with antibiotics (n = 1), and subsequent MI following pacemaker implantation (n = 2). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that independent parameters associated with in-hospital adverse events were history of MI (OR = 5.01, 95% CI 1.88–13.3, p = 0.001) and stroke (OR = 3.51, 95% CI 1.16–10.55, p = 0.03). Conclusions: Our results suggest that the most serious risk factors of one-year mortality related to the use of TTPL are: age ≥ 78 years, longer baseline QRS duration, and history of MI. The independent parameters associated with in-hospital adverse events were the presence of a history of MI and stroke.Wstęp: Stała stymulacja serca stanowi terapię z wyboru w ciężkiej i objawowej bradykardii. Pacjenci przyjęci do szpitala w celu implantacji stymulatora serca w trybie pilnym są częściej zaopatrzeni elektrodą do czasowej stymulacji serca i współistnieje u nich więcej chorób niż u pacjentów przyjętych do szpitala planowo. Cel: Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena czynników predykcyjnych związanych z roczną śmiertelnością i wewnątrzszpitalnymi zdarzeniami niepożądanymi po implantacji stymulatora serca w trybie pilnym. Metody: W retrospektywnym, jednoośrodkowym badaniu przeanalizowano dane z 131 kolejnych implantacji stymulatora serca w trybie pilnym. Wyniki: Analiza wieloczynnikowa regresji Coxa wykazała, że niezależnymi czynnikami predykcyjnymi rocznej śmiertelności były: użycie elektrody do czasowej przezżylnej stymulacji (TTPL) (HR = 2,82; 95% CI 1,21–6,58; p = 0,02), wiek ≥ 78 lat (OR = 3,01; 95% CI 1,22–7,42; p = 0,02), dłuższy czas trwania własnego zespołu QRS (HR = 1,02; 95% CI 1,00–1,03; p = 0,03) i przebyty zawał serca (HR = 2,43; 95% CI 1,04–5,68; p = 0,04). U 26 pacjentów stwierdzono zdarzenia niepożądane, takie jak zgon (n = 6), zatrzymanie akcji serca (n = 3), powikłanie zabiegowe (dyslokacja: n = 4, krwiak: n = 4, mikroperforacja: n = 2), zapalenie płuc lub choroba układu oddechowego (n = 7), infekcja loży stymulatora leczona antybiotykiem (n = 1), zawał serca po implantacji stymulatora serca (n = 2). W modelu wieloczynnikowej regresji logistycznej czynnikami istotnymi statystycznie w ocenie ryzyka wystąpienia zdarzeń niepożądanych okazały się: przebyty zawał serca (OR = 5,01; 95% CI 1,88–13,3; p = 0,001) i udaru mózgu (OR = 3,51; 95% CI 1,16–10,55; p = 0,03). Wnioski: Niezależnymi czynnikami predykcyjnymi rocznej śmiertelności u osób po pilnej implantacji stymulatora serca były: TTPL, wiek ≥ 78 lat, dłuższy czas trwania zespołu QRS oraz przebyty zawał serca. Z kolei niezależnymi czynnikami predykcyjnymi wewnątrzszpitalnych zdarzeń niepożądanych były przebyty zawał serca i udar mózgu