5 research outputs found

    Deep remineralization method used in initial caries lesions treatment

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    Summary In the clinical study were evaluated 30 pacientes having 72 initial caries lesions who were splited in 3 groups (first group included pacientes with lesions treated using deep remineralization method, the second group pacientes having lesions treated using clasical fluorization and the third group pacientes who did not received any treatment for the caries lesions). The results have demonstrated higher efficiency of deep fluorization method when compare with the clasical fluorization. Good effects of this therapy were obtained both in depth and in width of the caries lesions. An important advantage of this method consisted in a long time remineralization and a deep remineralization of the caries defect.Rezumat Cercetările clinice realizate pe 30 pacienţi, respectiv 86 leziuni carioase incipiente repartizate pe 3 loturi (lot 1 tratament prin remineralizare profundă, lot 2 tratament prin fluorizare clasică, lot 3-Martor, care nu a fost supus nici unui tratament de fluorizare, decât că au fost aplicate măsuri de îndepărtare a factorilor etiologici). S-a demonstrat eficacitatea net superioară a metodei de remineralizare profundă instituită în leziunile carioase incipiente, obţinându-se astfel un efect terapeutic mai bun atât în profunzime cât şi în suprafaţa acestuia. Un alt avantaj major este obţinerea unui efect remineralizant de mai lungă durată şi o remineralizare a focarului până în profunzimea defectului

    Клинические и радиографические исследования по поводу этиологических факторов способсвующих развитию верхушечных хронических периодонтитов

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    Our clinical and radiographic study aimed to assess some potential factors producing chronic periapical periodontitis. Our lot included 128 patients , every patient being submissed to clinical and radiography exam. The chronic periapical lesions were classified in four categories: fibrous periapical lesions, periapical granuloma, radicular cyst, periapical osteitis. Our study established a relation between odontal status, amalgam and composite resins restorations status, radicular canal obturations, and chronic periapical lesions.Клинические и радиографические анализы оценивают роль потенциальных факторов способствующих развитию верхушечных хронических периодонтитов. Исследования проводились на 128 пациентах у которых проводился анализ клинических и радиологических параметров. При анализе результатов было установленно что есть реальная связь между зубным статусом, реставрациями из амальгамы и композита и правильностью канального обтурирования и типа хронических периодонтитов

    Matemathics Model Analysis of Biomechanical Behaviour of Three Dental Materials to Loading Related to Bruxism

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    The aim of study is to highlights the biomechanical behaviour of three dental materials during loading related to bruxism. It was created a finite element model of mandibular canin. The modelling was performed in Rhinoceros, AutoCad and the finite element analysis was performed in COSMOSWorks 2010. Occlusal loading was applied vertical and had a value of 1000N. The analysed cervical restorations were performed by dental amalgam, composite resins and glassionomer cements. The results confirm clinical observations related to the correlations between maximal occlusal forces to incisal margin of canin and maximal tensions to the level of cervical restorations

    Экспериментальные исследования трёх адгезивных систем исспользуемых для имобилизации зубов при пародонтальных заболеваниях

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    This study assessed, through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the behaviour of adhesive systems used for bonding fiberglass-reinforced splint system to enamel surfaces ofperiodontally compromised anterior teeth. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations of the fracture behaviour, shear bond strength and interfacial morphology were performed initially, after 7 days and after 6 months. SEM illustrations revealed various degrees of intermingling between the adhesive material and dental enamel. The best results were performed by Admira Bond system, followed by Scotchbond system. The lowest shear bond strength were assessed for Te Econom system, with high leakage values between dental surface and adhesive resin. Fiber-reinforced splint systems bonded with adhesive and composite resins can be used with good results instead of classical splint systems, especially in frontal areas.В этой работе исследуются с помощью электронной микроскопии три адгезивные системы для фиксации временных шин из стекло-волокна (fiberglass-reinforced splint system), исспользуемых для имобилиза- ции передних зубов в пародонтальных заболеваниях. Электронно-микроскопические изображения показывают значительные различия в качестве адгезии в зависимости от типа адгезионной системы и от прошедшего времени. Самые лудшие результаты показали система Admira Bond и Scotchbond, а самый слабый Te Econom. Результаты работы демонстрируют, что этот метод имобилизации который использует для фиксации композит и адгезивные системы можно исспользовать с успехом в пародонтологии для имобилизации небольших размеров и при высоких эстетических требованиях