560 research outputs found

    Potential Mentoring Impacts on Oklahoma Induction-Year School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers: A Modified Delphi Study

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    Literature supports benefits of mentoring for induction-year school-based agricultural education (SBAE) teachers. Yet for the past 15 years, no structured mentoring program has been offered for Oklahoma SBAE induction-year teachers. This study sought to find consensus among an expert panel representing Oklahoma SBAE regarding the impact on induction-year SBAE teachers without a structured mentoring program. Panel members were asked to respond to three open-ended questions representing goals, outcomes, and impacts of a mentoring program. Sixty-two unique statements representing eight themes met consensus. Themes included building mentoring relationships, effective emotional management, effective SBAE program management, impact to the profession, student learning, teacher retention, introduction to school climate, and reinforcing effective teaching behaviors. Oklahoma SBAE induction-year teachers and programs are negatively impacted from the lack of a structured mentoring program. The planning, funding, and implementation of a mentoring program for Oklahoma SBAE induction-year teachers should be a focus of professional development

    Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Aerobic Isolates from Respiratory Samples of Young New Zealand Horses

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    3rd Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, Phoenix, AZ, 17-22 September 2011This paper presents a method of mitigating the transient overshoots of DC-DC converters operating with large load disturbances. The method involves a small auxiliary power circuit with a complementary control scheme that provides a smooth absorption and release of excess energy from and to the main DC-DC converter in the events of large load changes. This control mechanism interactively mitigates the large transient overshoots which would otherwise appear at the converter output. Since the control scheme involves an adjustable-energy-storage feature, the proposed solution is effective for any level of step-load change within a pre-specified range.Department of Electronic and Information EngineeringRefereed conference pape

    “It gave me something big in my life to wonder and think about which took over the space 
 and not MS”: Managing well-being in multiple sclerosis through art-making

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2014 Informa UK Ltd.Background and aim: Individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) often face progressive loss of function, uncertainty and disruption to self-image and valued roles. Previous studies show that creative self-expression is valued by some people living with long-term illness, yet its meaning for people living with MS is unclear. This research study explored the meanings of leisure-based visual art-making for people living with MS. Method: This qualitative study followed guidelines for Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Single semi-structured interviews were conducted with five adults (2 males; 3 females; 40–65 years), recruited from MS Ireland. Findings: Participants valued art-making for contributing to a more satisfying way of life; for filling occupational voids and using time well. Deep immersion offered respite from worry about illness. Creative classes offered social camaraderie and opportunities for learning and development. Art-making processes and products were highly affirmative, increasing emotional well-being and promoting self-worth. Most felt that they expressed valued aspects of self through their art. Art-making appeared to assist with identity maintenance, accommodating functional losses associated with MS whilst opening “new doors”. Conclusion: Art-making offered a multi-faceted means of supporting identity and increasing fulfilment in lives that were restricted in many ways by MS

    Teacher Locus of Control and Teacher Self-Efficacy of Agricultural Educators in Southeast Missouri

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    This study sought to describe the self-efficacy, locus of control (LOC), sex, age, teaching experience, and number of teaching partners of school-based agricultural educators (SBAE) in Southeast Missouri and the relationships between those variables. A census of teachers in the district was conducted using the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale and Teacher Locus of Control Scale during district Career Development Event competitions. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used to analyze data. The average SBAE teacher in Southeast Missouri is male, 38 years old, has taught for 12 years, is in a single teacher program, has a high teacher self-efficacy, and external teacher locus of control beliefs. Although self-efficacy was not found to hold statistically significant correlations with LOC, relationships with age and experience level were statistically significant. The SBAE teachers' LOC differed based on their age, experience level, and program type. Male and females were found to be statistically significantly different in age, experience, and number of co-teachers. A relationship was found between the SBAE teachers' age and each of the research variables. No other relationships were deemed statistically significant. In Southeast Missouri, as male SBAE teachers in single programs age and gain experience, they gain self-efficacy and become more external in LOC. To improve self-efficacy of younger teachers, SBAE leaders in Southeast Missouri should create a coaching and mentoring program to follow Bandura's modeling social learning theory. Researchers should develop an instrument to assess the LOC of SBAE teachers and compare the data across populations. Additional research is necessary in agricultural education literature to understand fully these results.Agricultural Educatio

    Professional development needs of Oklahoma induction-year school-based agricultural education teachers across certification pathways: A mixed methods approach

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    School-based agricultural education (SBAE), like many other subject areas, suffers from a critical teacher shortage. Oklahoma has chosen to combat this shortage by offering temporary emergency teaching certifications with minimal qualifications and no requirements for professional development. Recruitment is only half of the solution to teacher shortages. Retention is needed to stem the flow of novice teachers exiting the profession. Induction support through professional development is a necessary component to teacher retention. Although all SBAE induction-year teachers require support, how do the professional development needs differ across certification pathways? Previous research has approached this question with quantitative, self-report measures. However, one must ask whether these beginning professionals are knowledgeable enough about their abilities to report professional development needs. This study sought to answer those questions using mixed methodologies. Grounded in Bandura's (1997) theory of self-efficacy and using a convergent parallel model, preexisting instruments were used to gather Oklahoma induction-year SBAE teachers' (N = 29) sense of self-efficacy in the areas of instruction, FFA, and SAE. Items receiving a rating of low teacher self-efficacy were recorded as self-identified professional development needs. From this population, five case study participants were selected for the qualitative phase. Interview transcripts, observation notes, and artifacts were collected during two site visits to each case study participant. Emergency certified teachers returned more professional development needs from teaching observations but reported fewer areas of low teacher self-efficacy on quantitative instruments in comparison to their traditionally certified counterparts. The areas of professional development needs varied widely between individuals. Personal, environmental, and behavioral factors played a part in determining the professional development needs for each SBAE induction-year teacher. Therefore, it is recommended professional development be tailored to the individual induction-year teacher. Mentoring and online resource banks have the potential to provide the necessary individualized professional development support of SBAE induction-year teachers

    Editorial: Ethics, Values, and Designer Responsibility

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    As we rely upon increasingly complex sociotechnical systems to support ourselves and, by extension, the structures of society, it becomes yet more important to consider how ethics and values intertwine in design activity. Numerous methods that address issues related to ethics and value-centeredness in design activity exist, but it is unclear what role the design research and practice communities should play in shaping the future of these design approaches. Importantly, how might researchers and practitioners become more aware of the normative assumptions that underlie both their design activity and the design artifacts that result

    Frames for Justice Consciousness

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    We describe how UX design students become aware of citizen-engaged design work, and indicate the extent to which a progression toward social justice-focused design work might be possible in a single project cycle. Our study site is a sophomore-level UX design studio at a large Midwestern US university—part of a five-semester sequence in which students engage in a range of projects that address competence in user research, prototyping, and evaluation. The project cycle we focus on directly challenges the apolitical framing in most foundational UX methods literature, explicitly asking students to engage with issues of power disparities. We analyzed three years of digital civics-focused project work (2018 n=6 groups; 2019 n=7; 2020 n=8) undertaken by students in groups of five over a seven-week period, representing the work of 100 students over three years of this course offering. We analyzed the resulting data that supported the development of the Frames for Justice Consciousness model, mapping a range of trajectories of student engagement with social justice-focused design philosophies, highlighting cases where students were able to successfully “pivot” or re-frame the design situation in ways that were consistent with the digital civics philosophy of engagement, addressing goals of participation and advocacy, as well as cases where students tended to repeat common solutionist framings of work within an “apolitical” or product-focused human-centered philosophy. The model facilitates instructor reflection on differing student trajectories that may inform changes to the types of critique given or instructional scaffolds provided in social justice-informed design work

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Kinase Domain Region Receptor Are Involved in Both Seminiferous Cord Formation and Vascular Development During Testis Morphogenesis in the Rat

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    Morphological male sex determination is dependent on migration of endothelial and preperitubular cells from the adjacent mesonephros into the developing testis. Our hypothesis is that VEGFA and its receptor KDR are necessary for both testicular cord formation and neovascularization. The Vegfa gene has 8 exons with many splice variants. Vegfa120, Vegfa164, and Vegfa188 mRNA isoforms were detected on Embryonic Day (E) 13.5 (plug date = E0) in the rat. Vegfa120, Vegfa144, Vegfa164, Vegfa188, and Vegfa205 mRNA were detected at E18 and Postnatal Day 3 (P3). Kdr mRNA was present on E13.5, whereas Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 receptor (Flt1) mRNA was not detected until E18. VEGFA protein was localized to Sertoli cells at cord formation and KDR to germ and interstitial cells. The VEGFA signaling inhibitors SU1498 (40 ÎŒM) and VEGFR-TKI (8 ÎŒM) inhibited cord formation in E13 testis cultures with 90% reduced vascular density (P \u3c 0.01) in VEGFR-TKI-treated organs. Furthermore, Je-11 (10 ÎŒM), an antagonist to VEGFA, also perturbed cord formation and inhibited vascular density by more than 50% (P \u3c 0.01). To determine signal transduction pathways involved in VEGFA’s regulation of testis morphogenesis, E13 testis were treated with LY 294002 (15 ÎŒM), a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway inhibitor, resulting in inhibition of both vascular density (46%) and cord formation. Thus, we support our hypothesis and conclude that VEGFA, secreted by the Sertoli cell, is involved in both neovascularization and cord formation and potentially acts through the PI3K pathway during testis morphogenesis to elicit its effects

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Kinase Domain Region Receptor Are Involved in Both Seminiferous Cord Formation and Vascular Development During Testis Morphogenesis in the Rat

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    Morphological male sex determination is dependent on migration of endothelial and preperitubular cells from the adjacent mesonephros into the developing testis. Our hypothesis is that VEGFA and its receptor KDR are necessary for both testicular cord formation and neovascularization. The Vegfa gene has 8 exons with many splice variants. Vegfa120, Vegfa164, and Vegfa188 mRNA isoforms were detected on Embryonic Day (E) 13.5 (plug date = E0) in the rat. Vegfa120, Vegfa144, Vegfa164, Vegfa188, and Vegfa205 mRNA were detected at E18 and Postnatal Day 3 (P3). Kdr mRNA was present on E13.5, whereas Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 receptor (Flt1) mRNA was not detected until E18. VEGFA protein was localized to Sertoli cells at cord formation and KDR to germ and interstitial cells. The VEGFA signaling inhibitors SU1498 (40 ÎŒM) and VEGFR-TKI (8 ÎŒM) inhibited cord formation in E13 testis cultures with 90% reduced vascular density (P \u3c 0.01) in VEGFR-TKI-treated organs. Furthermore, Je-11 (10 ÎŒM), an antagonist to VEGFA, also perturbed cord formation and inhibited vascular density by more than 50% (P \u3c 0.01). To determine signal transduction pathways involved in VEGFA’s regulation of testis morphogenesis, E13 testis were treated with LY 294002 (15 ÎŒM), a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway inhibitor, resulting in inhibition of both vascular density (46%) and cord formation. Thus, we support our hypothesis and conclude that VEGFA, secreted by the Sertoli cell, is involved in both neovascularization and cord formation and potentially acts through the PI3K pathway during testis morphogenesis to elicit its effects
