54 research outputs found


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    The author studied the abnormal electrocardiogram which was obtained from a horse showing gas colic with heart dysfunctions, and also he recorded the phonocardiogram. The electrocardiogram exhibited several factors such as irregularity of impulse arising at the sinus node, incomplete A-V block; first degree of A-V block, ectopic focus in the auricle; diphasic P' waves, multiform ventricular premature beats; ventricular extrasystoles, and the paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia; short run type. These changes continued for 3 days with having close relation with each other. Phonocardiogram of the VPB showed remarkable changes such as decrease in amplitude and shortage in duration, which differ from those of normal curves. Discussion of the significance of the waves was also added


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    Cows with dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy, chronic large abscesses of the pericardium and bovine leukemia were examined using echocardiography to determine its diagnostic capacities. M-mode echocardiographic data from 15 normal Holstein cows were collected to evaluate abnormalities associated with three cases. Case 1 with dilated cardiomyopathy was grossly characterized by dilatation of all four cardiac cavities and poor ventricular function. Case 2 showed large pericardial abscesses accompanied by cardial atrophy echocardiographically. For the purpose of the differential diagnosis, drainage from both thoracic cavities and biopsy of the lump within the abscess were performed and securely done under ultrasound guidance. Case 2 could be differentiated from dilated cardiomyopathy and traumatic pericarditis by echocardiography. The echocardiographic features of case 3 were strikingly symmetrical thickened ventricular walls due to leukemic infiltration of the myocardium. Cases 1 and 2 were characterized by an abnormal mitral closure on the M-mode echocardiogram indicative of an elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. Echocardiographic findings reflected grossly pathological findings. By echocardiographic measurement, the left ventricular wall thickness at the end-systole of each case did not differ from that by necropsy measurement. Echocardiography was found to be an accurate technique for obtaining pathophysiological information on bovine cardiac diseases


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    Bovine vegetative valvular endocarditis in 5 cases was examined using echocardiography to determine its diagnostic capacities, and in addition, observations on the abnormality of the liver associated with heart failure were performed by ultrasonography. In 4 out of 5 cases, the vegetations revealed echogenic or "shaggy" masses of various sizes, and one of them also contained the cystic pattern. In the remaining one case, a vegetation demonstrated the pattern of acoustic reverberation reflecting microbubbles. The smallest vegetation which was detectable in this study was 0.5×1 cm in size. Due to its technical facility, two-dimensional echocardiography was more beneficial for detecting vegetations as compared with the M-mode technique, and it allowed easy estimation of the size, shape, attached portion and mobility of the vegetation. In addition, ventricular hyperkinesis and eccentric hypertrophy of the ventricle on the side with affected valve were recognized in the indirect echocardiographic findings in this disease. In Cases 1 and 2, the congested and enlarged liver with notably dilated hepatic veins was visualized in a wider area than in normal cattle. Ultrasonographically, the lower margin of the liver, whose parenchyma revealed a tightly packed and high-level echo pattern, was wide angled and somewhat roundish


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    Twenty-one Shepherd dogs and 22 Karafuto dogs were examined. Limb lead (I, II&III), unipolar limb lead (aVR, aVL&aVF) and unipolar chest lead (V1∿V6) were employed for these experiments. Classification was made of waves and measurements of each wave of each lead. The results are summarized as follows; 1. Arrhythmia was seen in 15 out of 21 cases in the S dogs and in 20 out of 22 cases in the K dogs. All of the arrhythmia were sinus arrhythmia including some cases of respiratory arrhythmia. The cases of sinus arrhythmia showed clinically abnormal heart sound. 2. Electrocardiogram of S dogs traced by three different kinds of lead methods are as follows. P wave mostly showed positive in each lead except for negative waves in leads aVR and V1. PQ segment always showed flat wave paralleled with 0-line except the waves in some cases of leads II and aVR. QRS complex may be divided into 12 types. Through out all lead recordings, qR type was mostly observed with R and Rs types being second. But the QRS complex which was constructed of only Q and S waves were observed in leads aVR, aVL and V1. Further, no S wave was seen in leads II and aVF, and no Q wave was observed in V3 and V4. ST segment mostly showed the flat wave and upward waves. T wave showed mainly positive form but diphasic type was sometimes seen. Notching formation on QRS complex was traced mostly on the downward deflection of R and secondly on top of R waves. Close relation may be recognized between the form of ST segment and direction of deflection of T wave. 3. Electrocardiogram of K dogs are characterized as follows. P wave in most cases showed positive wave excepting negative one in leads aVR and V1. PQ segment showed flat wave in limb lead, aVL and aVF, but in recordings from the unipolar chest lead the segment showed downward deflection. QRS complex may be classified into 12 types. Rs and RS types were mostly seen but the QRS in aVR and aVL was mainly constructed of Q and S waves. In the unipolar chest lead, Q waves were not observed in recording of V3. Upward deflection and 0-line type of ST in limb lead, downward in aVL&aVR, and upward in unipolar chest lead were respectively observed. Positive T waves were observed in most cases, but in aVR and aVL the T waves showed negative. Notchings on QRS were usually found on the downward deflection of R and next most frequently on upward deflection of R. In regard to the relationship between the forms of ST and T waves, same conclusions were reached as in the S dogs. 4. Some differences were observed between the electrocardiograms of S and K dogs, which were concerned with figure and measurement value of each wave in each lead. But fundamental differences were not observed electrocardiographically. 5. In regard to the clinical application of the electrocardiogram on dogs, the authors considered that the electrocardiograph is a useful instrument for diagnose of the heart conditions. First of all fixing method is important : the writers consider it best to put the dog on his back with extremities bandaged to the table, because the movement of the dog may be prevented during the recording of the electrocardiogram. The needle electrode is useful. The electrode is applied to the subcutaneous area under the lead position, then for some time the electrode should be kept as it is, so the injury current may be destroyed and no influence of injury currents may be recognized in the traced wave. It is needful for diagnosis of the heart condition that recording of the electrocardiogram should be made by many leads as possible. But in clinic many leads are not applied to the patient. Therefore, authors consider it practical and useful for clinical examination that diagnosis of arrhythmia be conducted by lead II of the limb lead, and then that unipolar lead be used to learn about the positional changes of the heart. Records from the unipolar chest lead are valuable for learning about the heart muscle condition especially to ascertain if there have been damages to the ventriclar muscles


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    Canine serum creatine phosphokinase isoenzymes were determined in seven cases of Spondylosis deformans. The BB fraction of CPK isoenzymes in these cases was superior to that of other fractions except in one case which was accompanied by traumatic muscular damages because of decubitus. The isoenzyme distribution patterns changed into MM fraction superiority as in normal dogs as motor dysfunction improved


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    Fetal, maternal and newborn electrocardiograms were studied on a seven-year-old mare during the entire course of normal parturition. A summary of the results is as follows : 1) The fetal heart rate indicated 60〜66 beats per minute before the onset of parturition, and it declined a little with the commencement of the first stage of labor, keeping a level of 54〜60 until the fetus was expelled. The heart rate of the newborn foal increased rapidly, ranging 108〜216. These values of the newborn corresponded to about 2〜4 times those before expulsion. 2) Throughout the whole course of parturition, the maternal heart rate was generally stable with a range of 48〜60,but arrhythmia was sometimes observed especially at later stages of parturition. This arrhythmia was characterized by incomplete A-V block. 3) After when the fetal head was exposed, fetal Q-Q intervals become highly irregular. 4) Characteristic changes of the pattern of fetal QRS were recognized at respective labor stages during parturition : Rs type before the onset of labor pains, types of qRS, Rs and QR from the commencement of the first stage of labor to 2 minutes before rupture of the amniotic sac, and Qr type immediately before the rupture. Relationships between these types of fetal QRS and fetal positions in the uterus were also discussed from the viewpoint of obstetrical use of ECG during parturition of the horse


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    Some fundamental problems on fetal electrocardiogram (F-ECG) were studied with 10 pregnant Holstein cows at various gestational stages. The results obtained will be summarized as follows : 1) It is possible to obtain a satisfactory F-ECG without electrical noise by the application of special electrodes and some suitable lead methods in dairy cattle under experimental or field conditions. 2) The positivity in F-ECG is 100 per cent during the period from 146 days of pregnancy to termination, whereas, at more early stages, F-ECG cannot be recorded by the procedures taken by the present authors. 3) The fetal heart rate has a tendency to decrease with the progress in fetal growth, averaging about 142 per minute at 161〜190 days in gestation (I), 141 at 191〜220 days (II), 128 at 221〜250 days (III) and 120 at 251〜280 days (IV), respectively. The differences between stages I vs. III, I vs. IV, II vs. III, and II vs. IV are statistically significant (P<0.01). 4) The pattern of fetal QRS complex varies depending on the different lead methods applied or gestational stages, particularly with its amplitude and polarity of initial deflection. Throughout the whole recordable period, the detection of F-ECG is usually superior when utilizing leads from the right side abdomen or rectum to other leads. 5) The clinical application of the F-ECG technique will be effective toward an accurate diagnosis of fetal death at the later half of gestation or multiple pregnancies


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    Configurations and calculations in the limb lead were conducted in normal horses as a part of project in electrocardiographic studies. The results thus obtained are summarized as follows. 1. Cardiac displacement may be observed in the limb lead by the directions of recordings of R_ and R_ waves. Although 40% of dropped heart and 30% of transversed heart were observed, 30% could not be classified to any types. 2. The intricate triphasic waves in P wave were found in from 70 to 80%. Appearance of this type was found usually in normal horses in the limb lead. 3. Isoelectric waves in the PR(PQ) were shown in from 70 to 80%, but other cases indicated descending, ascending and vibratory. No appearances of isoelectric waves were ever found in the latter cases, except for the presence of disturbances, in the results of calculations of PR(PQ) intervals. Therefore, it will be thought that the measurement of PR(PQ) intervals in disturbances of auriculoventricular conduction has an important significance. 4. Notchings on the down or upstroke were found 20% in R_I, 10% in R_ and 20% in R_, and then, notchings of the apex of R waves in R_ and R_ were seen 20 and 30% respectively. The appearance of notching in negative R, except for R_I, seemed to have some correlations with the cardiac displacement. 5. Arc curved S waves were found in 80% in lead I, 66% in lead II and 90% in lead III. They appeared on the terminal part of the downstroke of R and succeeded to RS-T segments. 6. In RS-T segments or junctions, each 60% in leads I and II, and 80% in lead III indicated isoelectric types. In other cases were found the types of descending, ascending and slight vibratory to the zero line. 7. Monophasic negative waves were always observed in the T wave of lead I. In leads II and III, 66 and 90% of them indicated monophasic positive waves. Other cases were the diphasic which showed positive deflections after negative. 8. The amplitudes in each wave were higher in the mean values than those of LANNEK & RUTQVIST. The authors considered that such results may be ascribed to the position differences of electrodes. The mean values of durations and intervals nearly approached the results reported by DUKES & BATT and by LANNEK & RUTQVIST