3,119 research outputs found

    Floquet engineering from long-range to short-range interactions

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    Quantum simulators based on atoms or molecules often have long-range interactions due to dipolar or Coulomb interactions. We present a method based on Floquet engineering to turn a long-range interaction into a short-range one. By modulating a magnetic-field gradient with one or a few frequencies, one reshapes the interaction profile, such that the system behaves as if it only had nearest-neighbor interactions. Our approach works in both one and two dimensions and for both spin-1/2 and spin-1 systems. It does not require individual addressing, and is applicable to all experimental systems with long-range interactions: trapped ions, polar molecules, Rydberg atoms, nitrogen-vacancy centers, and cavity QED. Our approach allows one achieve a short-range interaction without relying on Hubbard superexchange.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The Fundi Effect: Activism through Empowerment

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    The participatory democracy strategy of organization used by Ella Baker was greatly productive in grassroots activism, and has the potential to strengthen the political struggles of the present to the height of the movements in times past. Ella Baker was a prominent figure in the black freedom struggle. She was active in fighting for equal rights for Afrikans in America for over five decades. Her approach was characterized by an ability to mobilize and influence youth to action. In this work, there will be an analytical examination of how this methodology is equipped to stand the tests of time through what will be called The Fundi Effect. The Fundi Effect is a method of activism that is capable of being applied inter-generationally, and has the ability to address the reactionary manner with which injustice is dealt in attempts at social movements at present. Keywords: Ella Baker, civil rights movement, The Fundi Effect, youth activism, grassroots organizatio

    Crosstalk-free Conjugate Networks for Optical Multicast Switching

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    High-speed photonic switching networks can switch optical signals at the rate of several terabits per second. However, they suffer from an intrinsic crosstalk problem when two optical signals cross at the same switch element. To avoid crosstalk, active connections must be node-disjoint in the switching network. In this paper, we propose a sequence of decomposition and merge operations, called conjugate transformation, performed on each switch element to tackle this problem. The network resulting from this transformation is called conjugate network. By using the numbering-schemes of networks, we prove that if the route assignments in the original network are link-disjoint, their corresponding ones in the conjugate network would be node-disjoint. Thus, traditional nonblocking switching networks can be transformed into crosstalk-free optical switches in a routine manner. Furthermore, we show that crosstalk-free multicast switches can also be obtained from existing nonblocking multicast switches via the same conjugate transformation.Comment: 10 page

    Pattern formation of quantum jumps with Rydberg atoms

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    We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum jumps in a one-dimensional chain of atoms. Each atom is driven on a strong transition to a short-lived state and on a weak transition to a metastable state. We choose the metastable state to be a Rydberg state so that when an atom jumps to the Rydberg state, it inhibits or enhances jumps in the neighboring atoms. This leads to rich spatiotemporal dynamics that are visible in the fluorescence of the strong transition. It also allows one to dissipatively prepare Rydberg crystals

    Heralded magnetism in non-Hermitian atomic systems

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    Quantum phase transitions are usually studied in terms of Hermitian Hamiltonians. However, cold-atom experiments are intrinsically non-Hermitian due to spontaneous decay. Here, we show that non-Hermitian systems exhibit quantum phase transitions that are beyond the paradigm of Hermitian physics. We consider the non-Hermitian XY model, which can be implemented using three-level atoms with spontaneous decay. We exactly solve the model in one dimension and show that there is a quantum phase transition from short-range order to quasi-long-range order despite the absence of a continuous symmetry in the Hamiltonian. The ordered phase has a frustrated spin pattern. The critical exponent ν\nu can be 1 or 1/2. Our results can be seen experimentally with trapped ions, cavity QED, and atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 7 pages + appendi
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