27 research outputs found

    Quantum-enhanced imaging and sensing with spatially correlated biphotons

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    In this thesis I discuss the experimental demonstration of quantum-enhanced imaging and sensing schemes able to surpass the performance of their classical counterparts. This is achieved by exploiting the spatial properties of quantum correlated biphotons. Over the next chapters I first discuss the production and detection of quantum correlated photons using a type-I nonlinear crystal and a single-photon sensitive electron-multiplying CCD camera. I then provide a simple yet powerful description of the spatially resolved detection of biphotons, allowing to accurately model and assess the performance of the quantum-enhanced schemes featured in this thesis. These consist of a shadow-sensing and an imaging scheme able to respectively beat the shot-noise-limit in the optical measurement of the position of a shadow and the diffraction limit in the full-field imaging of real-world objects. A combination of simulated and experimental results are used to investigate both the achieved and theoretically available quantum advantage. Optical losses and detector noise are found to limit the better-than-classical performance of the schemes, which rely on the ability to jointly detect an as high as possible number of spatially correlated biphotons

    The transition from a coherent optical vortex to a Rankine vortex: beam contrast dependence on topological charge

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    Spatially coherent helically phased light beams carry orbital angular momentum (OAM) and contain phase singularities at their centre. Destructive interference at the position of the phase singularity means the intensity at this point is necessarily zero, which results in a high contrast between the centre and the surrounding annular intensity distribution. Beams of reduced spatial coherence yet still carrying OAM have previously been referred to as Rankine vortices. Such beams no longer possess zero intensity at their centre, exhibiting a contrast that decreases as their spatial coherence is reduced. In this work, we study the contrast of a vortex beam as a function of its spatial coherence and topological charge. We show that beams carrying higher values of topological charge display a radial intensity contrast that is more resilient to a reduction in spatial coherence of the source

    Beating classical imaging limits with entangled photons

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    How can quantum mechanics deliver better imaging performance? Parametric down-conversion sources produce pairs of photons that are correlated in many degrees of freedom, including their spatial positions. By using a camera to detect these pairs of photons it is possible configure imaging systems that can either beat the classical resolution limit or the classical noise limit. We demonstrate how a simple down-conversion source based on a laser and non-linear crystal can be combined with an EMCCD camera to achieve either of these outcomes. Firstly, when both photons pass through the sample, we show a full-field, resolution-enhancing scheme, based on the centroid estimation of the photon pairs. By optimising the software control of the EMCCD camera running in the photon-sparse regime we achieve a resolution enhancement over the equivalent classical limit. Secondly, we show a similar scheme but where only one of the two photons pass through the sample and the other acts as a reference, in this case the ratio of the two resulting images eliminates the background noise of the camera, and background light, achieving an increase in image contrast

    Imaging with quantum states of light

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    The production of pairs of entangled photons simply by focusing a laser beam onto a crystal with a nonlinear optical response was used to test quantum mechanics and to open new approaches in imaging. The development of the latter was enabled by the emergence of single-photon-sensitive cameras that are able to characterize spatial correlations and high-dimensional entanglement. Thereby, new techniques emerged, such as ghost imaging of objects — in which the quantum correlations between photons reveal the image from photons that have never interacted with the object — or imaging with undetected photons by using nonlinear interferometers. In addition, quantum approaches in imaging can also lead to an improvement in the performance of conventional imaging systems. These improvements can be obtained by means of image contrast, resolution enhancement that exceeds the classical limit and acquisition of sub-shot-noise phase or amplitude images. In this Review, we discuss the application of quantum states of light for advanced imaging techniques

    Imaging through noise with quantum illumination

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    The contrast of an image can be degraded by the presence of background light and sensor noise. To overcome this degradation, quantum illumination protocols have been theorized that exploit the spatial correlations between photon pairs. Here, we demonstrate the first full-field imaging system using quantum illumination by an enhanced detection protocol. With our current technology, we achieve a rejection of background and stray light of up to 5.8 and also report an image contrast improvement up to a factor of 11, which is resilient to both environmental noise and transmission losses. The quantum illumination protocol differs from usual quantum schemes in that the advantage is maintained even in the presence of noise and loss. Our approach may enable laboratory-based quantum imaging to be applied to real-world applications where the suppression of background light and noise is important, such as imaging under low photon flux and quantum LIDAR

    Sub-shot-noise shadow sensing with quantum correlations

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    The quantised nature of the electromagnetic field sets the classical limit to the sensitivity of position measurements. However, techniques based on the properties of quantum states can be exploited to accurately measure the relative displacement of a physical object beyond this classical limit. In this work, we use a simple scheme based on the split-detection of quantum correlations to measure the position of a shadow at the single-photon light level, with a precision that exceeds the shot-noise limit. This result is obtained by analysing the correlated signals of bi-photon pairs, created in parametric downconversion and detected by an electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera employed as a split-detector. By comparing the measured statistics of spatially anticorrelated and uncorrelated photons we were able to observe a significant noise reduction corresponding to an improvement in position sensitivity of up to 17% (0.8dB). Our straightforward approach to sub-shot-noise position measurement is compatible with conventional shadow-sensing techniques based on the split-detection of light-fields, and yields an improvement that scales favourably with the detector’s quantum efficiency

    Single-pixel imaging using caustic patterns

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    Single-pixel imaging uses a time-varying transmission mask placed in the illumination to achieve imaging without the use of detector arrays. While most research in this field uses sophisticated masks implemented using spatial light modulators, such methods are not available at all lengthscales and wavelengths of illumination. Here we show that alternatively a sequence of projected caustic intensity patterns can be used as the basis for the single-pixel imaging of objects. Caustics can be formed using slowly varying random phase masks, such as for example the surface of a swimming pool, which potentially makes using caustics an option at a range of lengthscales and wavelengths

    Resolution limits of quantum ghost imaging

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    Quantum ghost imaging uses photon pairs produced from parametric downconversion to enable an alternative method of image acquisition. Information from either one of the photons does not yield an image, but an image can be obtained by harnessing the correlations between them. Here we present an examination of the resolution limits of such ghost imaging systems. In both conventional imaging and quantum ghost imaging the resolution of the image is limited by the point-spread function of the optics associated with the spatially resolving detector. However, whereas in conventional imaging systems the resolution is limited only by this point spread function, in ghost imaging we show that the resolution can be further degraded by reducing the strength of the spatial correlations inherent in the downconversion process