3,813 research outputs found

    Crossing w=−1w=-1 by a single scalar field coupling with matter and the observational constraints

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    Motivated by Yang-Mills dark energy model, we propose a new model by introducing a logarithmic correction. we find that this model can avoid the coincidence problem naturally and gives an equation of state ww smoothly crossing -1 if an interaction between dark energy and dark matter exists. It has a stable tracker solution as well. To confront with observations based on the combined data of SNIa, BAO, CMB and Hubble parameter, we obtain the best fit values of the parameters with 1σ,2σ,3σ1\sigma, 2\sigma, 3\sigma errors for the noncoupled model: Ωm=0.276±0.008−0.015−0.022+0.016+0.024\Omega_m=0.276\pm0.008^{+0.016+0.024}_{-0.015-0.022}, h=0.699±0.003±0.006±0.008h=0.699\pm0.003\pm0.006\pm0.008, and for the coupled model with a decaying rate γ=0.2\gamma=0.2: Ωm=0.291±0.004−0.007−0.011+0.008+0.012\Omega_m=0.291\pm0.004^{+0.008+0.012}_{-0.007-0.011}, h=0.701±0.002±0.005±0.007h=0.701\pm0.002\pm0.005\pm0.007. In particular, it is found that the non-coupled model has a dynamic evolution almost undistinguishable to Λ\LambdaCDM at the late-time Universe.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, the published versio

    Probability Thermodynamics and Probability Quantum Field

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    In this paper, we introduce probability thermodynamics and probability quantum fields. By probability we mean that there is an unknown operator, physical or nonphysical, whose eigenvalues obey a certain statistical distribution. Eigenvalue spectra define spectral functions. Various thermodynamic quantities in thermodynamics and effective actions in quantum field theory are all spectral functions. In the scheme, eigenvalues obey a probability distribution, so a probability distribution determines a family of spectral functions in thermodynamics and in quantum field theory. This leads to probability thermodynamics and probability quantum fields determined by a probability distribution. There are two types of spectra: lower bounded spectra, corresponding to the probability distribution with nonnegative random variables, and the lower unbounded spectra, corresponding to probability distributions with negative random variables. For lower unbounded spectra, we use the generalized definition of spectral functions. In some cases, we encounter divergences. We remove the divergence by a renormalization procedure. Moreover, in virtue of spectral theory in physics, we generalize some concepts in probability theory. For example, the moment generating function in probability theory does not always exist. We redefine the moment generating function as the generalized heat kernel, which makes the concept definable when the definition in probability theory fails. As examples, we construct examples corresponding to some probability distributions. Thermodynamic quantities, vacuum amplitudes, one-loop effective actions, and vacuum energies for various probability distributions are presented

    The D4/D8 model and holographic QCD

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    As a top-down holographic approach, the D4/D8 model is expected to be the holographic version of QCD since it almost includes all the elementary features of QCD based on string theory. In this manuscript, we review the fundamental properties of the D4/D8 model with respect to the D4-brane background, embedment of flavor branes and holographic quark, gluon, meson, baryon and glueball with various symmetries, then we also take a look at some interesting applications and developments based on this model.Comment: 66 pages, 8 Figures, invited paper by Symmetr

    Electromagnetic counterparts of high-frequency gravitational waves having additional polarization states: distinguishing and probing tensor-mode, vector-mode and scalar-mode gravitons

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    GWs from extra dimensions, very early universe, and some high-energy astrophysical process, might have at most six polarizations: plus- and cross-type (tensor-mode gravitons), x-, y-type (vector-mode), and b-, l-type (scalar-mode). Peak or partial peak regions of some of such GWs are just distributed in GHz or higher frequency band, which would be optimal band for electromagnetic(EM) response. In this paper we investigate EM response to such high-frequency GWs(HFGWs) having additional polarizations. For the first time we address:(1)concrete forms of analytic solutions for perturbed EM fields caused by HFGWs having all six possible polarizations in background stable EM fields; (2)perturbed EM signals of HFGWs with additional polarizations in three-dimensional-synchro-resonance-system(3DSR system) and in galactic-extragalactic background EM fields. These perturbative EM fields are actually EM counterparts of HFGWs, and such results provide a novel way to simultaneously distinguish and display all possible six polarizations. It is also shown: (i)In EM response, pure cross-, x-type and pure y-type polarizations can independently generate perturbative photon fluxes(PPFs, signals), while plus-, b- and l-type polarizations produce PPFs in different combination states. (ii) All such six polarizations have separability and detectability. (iii)In EM response to HFGWs from extra-dimensions, distinguishing and displaying different polarizations would be quite possible due to their very high frequencies, large energy densities and special properties of spectrum. (iv)Detection band(10^8 to 10^12 Hz or higher) of PPFs by 3DSR and observation range(7*10^7 to 3*10^9 Hz) of PPFs by FAST (Five-hundred-meter-Aperture-Spherical Telescope, China), have a certain overlapping property, so their coincidence experiments will have high complementarity.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figure


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    KEMENTRIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAANUNIVERSITAS SYIAH KUALAFAKULTAS KEDOKTERANPROGRAM STUDI ILMU KEPERAWATANSKRIPSI7 Oktober 2012Xiv + VI Bab + 73 halaman + 13 tabel + 1 skema + 14 lampiranAAN SOFYANA0807101060003HUBUNGAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN KONSEP DIRI PASIENTUBERKULOSIS PARU DI BALAI KESEHATAN PARU MASYARAKATBANDA ACEH TAHUN 2012ABSTRAKPenderita TB Paru masih mengalami stigma sosial dan ketidakadilan di masyarakat,diantaranya yaitu gangguan komponen konsep diri. Keluarga dapat menjadikelompok pendukung utama dalam hal pencegahan terjadinya gangguan komponenkonsep diri pada pasien TB Paru. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungandukungan keluarga dengan konsep diri pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Balai KesehatanParu Masyarakat Banda Aceh 2012. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif korelatif.Desain penelitian cross sectional study melalui tekhnik purposive sampling denganjumlah sampel sebanyak 63 pasien TB Paru. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukanmulai tanggal 3 - 6 september 2012 dengan membagikan kuisioner yang terdiri dari35 item pernyataan dalam skala likert dan dichotomous choice. Metode analisis datadengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square, hasil penelitian adalah ada hubunganantara dukungan sosial keluarga (P-value 0,005), dukungan penilaian (P-value0,010), dukungan tambahan (P-value 0,010) dan dukungan emosional (P-value0,022) dengan konsep diri pasien TB Paru. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa adahubungan antara dukungan keluarga (P-value 0,005) dengan konsep diri pasienTuberkulosis paru di Balai Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Banda Aceh tahun 2012.Saran bagi Poliklinik Paru BKPM adalah agar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuanpasien TB Paru bahwa penyakit TB Paru dapat disembuhkan dengan berobat secarateratur dan bagi keluarga untuk dapat memberikan dukungan sehingga dapatmeningkatkan konsep diri pasien kearah yang positif.Kata kunci : Tuberkulosis paru, konsep diri, dukungan keluargaDaftar bacaan : 24 buku + 8 jurnal + 4 internet (1999-2012)Banda Ace
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