35,181 research outputs found

    The Quantum Dynamics of Heterotic Vortex Strings

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    We study the quantum dynamics of vortex strings in N=1 SQCD with U(N_c) gauge group and N_f=N_c quarks. The classical worldsheet of the string has N=(0,2) supersymmetry, but this is broken by quantum effects. We show how the pattern of supersymmetry breaking and restoration on the worldsheet captures the quantum dynamics of the underlying 4d theory. We also find qualitative matching of the meson spectrum in 4d and the spectrum on the worldsheet.Comment: 13 page

    MALA-within-Gibbs samplers for high-dimensional distributions with sparse conditional structure

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers are numerical methods for drawing samples from a given target probability distribution. We discuss one particular MCMC sampler, the MALA-within-Gibbs sampler, from the theoretical and practical perspectives. We first show that the acceptance ratio and step size of this sampler are independent of the overall problem dimension when (i) the target distribution has sparse conditional structure, and (ii) this structure is reflected in the partial updating strategy of MALA-within-Gibbs. If, in addition, the target density is blockwise log-concave, then the sampler's convergence rate is independent of dimension. From a practical perspective, we expect that MALA-within-Gibbs is useful for solving high-dimensional Bayesian inference problems where the posterior exhibits sparse conditional structure at least approximately. In this context, a partitioning of the state that correctly reflects the sparse conditional structure must be found, and we illustrate this process in two numerical examples. We also discuss trade-offs between the block size used for partial updating and computational requirements that may increase with the number of blocks

    Sudden jumps and plateaus in the quench dynamics of a Bloch state

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    We take a one-dimensional tight binding chain with periodic boundary condition and put a particle in an arbitrary Bloch state, then quench it by suddenly changing the potential of an arbitrary site. In the ensuing time evolution, the probability density of the wave function at an arbitrary site \emph{jumps indefinitely between plateaus}. This phenomenon adds to a former one in which the survival probability of the particle in the initial Bloch state shows \emph{cusps} periodically, which was found in the same scenario [Zhang J. M. and Yang H.-T., EPL, \textbf{114} (2016) 60001]. The plateaus support the scattering wave picture of the quench dynamics of the Bloch state. Underlying the cusps and jumps is the exactly solvable, nonanalytic dynamics of a Luttinger-like model, based on which, the locations of the jumps and the heights of the plateaus are accurately predicted.Comment: final versio
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