187 research outputs found

    Shear wave anisotropy beneath the volcanic front in South Kyushu area, Japan: Development of C-type olivine CPO under H2O-rich conditions

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    Shear wave splitting from local intermediate-depth earthquakes is investigated to detect the anisotropic structure in the mantle wedge beneath the South Kyushu area, Japan. We observed shear wave splitting with NEE-SWW to NWW-SEE polarization directions and delay times of 0.04-0.63 s. Trench-normal shear wave polarization anisotropy with a delay time greater than 0.3 s probably overlaps in the high VP/VS region at a depth of 100-150 km beneath the volcanic front. Model calculations for the cause of the anisotropy suggest that the development of "C-type" olivine crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) with a trench-parallel b axis concentration and a trench-normal a axis concentration best reproduces observations compared to A-, B-, or E-type olivine CPOs and antigorite CPO. We conclude that a thick anisotropic layer, approximately 50 km, is formed by concentration of interstitial fluid in peridotite. We briefly discuss the mechanism carrying water to the deep mantle wedge. A possible explanation is that interstitial fluids in the mantle wedge are effectively released because of a decrease in dihedral angles of olivine-fluid interfaces at 150 km depth. Our results imply a close relation between the high density of explosive volcanoes in the South Kyushu area and the underlying water-rich mantle. © 2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Infrared Imaging of z=2.43 Radio Galaxy B3 0731+438 with the Subaru Telescope - Detection of Hα\alpha Ionization Cones of a Powerful Radio Galaxy

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    We report on infrared imaging observations of the z=2.429 radio galaxy B3 0731+438 with the Subaru telescope. The images were taken with the K'-band filter and the 2.25 um narrow-band filter to examine the structure and properties of the Ha+[N II] 6548,6583 emission-line components. The Ha+[N II] emission-line image shows biconical lobes with an extent of 40 kpc, which are aligned with the radio axis. The rest-frame equivalent widths of the emission lines at these cones are as large as 1100 AA, and can be well explained by a gas-cloud model photoionized by power-law continuum radiation. The isotropic ionizing photon luminosity necessary to ionize the hydrogen gas in these cones amounts to 1e57(photons/s), which is larger than that in the majority of radio-loud QSOs. From these results, we propose that the Ha alignment effect in this object is produced by biconical gas clouds, which are swept up by the passage of radio jets, and are ionized by strong UV radiation from a hidden AGN. The continuum image consists of two components, a stellar-like point source and an extended diffuse galaxy. These are supposed to be a type-2 AGN and its host galaxy. The SED is fitted by a combination of spectra of a reddened dust-scattered AGN and an instantaneous starburst population of 500 Myr old. The stellar mass of the galaxy is estimated to be 3e11 M_solar, which is as large as that of typical 3C radio galaxies at z=1.Comment: 12 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses PASJ2.sty, PASJ95.sty, PASJadd.sty. Accepted for publication in PASJ (2000

    Thermal-infrared adaptive optics imaging- and spectro-polarimetry with the infrared camera and spectrograph (IRCS) for the Subaru Telescope

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    A thermal-infrared polarimetric capability of the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS) for the Subaru Telescope is described. A new half-wave retarder for the thermal-infrared band in 2–5 µm is introduced into the Waveplate Unit of the Nasmyth platform on the infrared side of the telescope to realize imaging- and low resolution spectro-polarimetry in that wavelength region. Through day-time calibrations using a wire-grid polarizer, the peak efficiency of the polarization is found to be 90-98% consistently in both imaging- and spectro- polarimetry in the thermal-infrared bands. In 2016 May and 2017 June, two engineering observing runs have been carried out to verify the on-sky performance
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