115 research outputs found

    Direct electrochemical analyses of human cytochromes b5 with a mutated heme pocket showed a good correlation between their midpoint and half wave potentials

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cytochrome <it>b</it><sub>5 </sub>performs central roles in various biological electron transfer reactions, where difference in the redox potential of two reactant proteins provides the driving force. Redox potentials of cytochromes <it>b</it><sub>5 </sub>span a very wide range of ~400 mV, in which surface charge and hydrophobicity around the heme moiety are proposed to have crucial roles based on previous site-directed mutagenesis analyses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Effects of mutations at conserved hydrophobic amino acid residues consisting of the heme pocket of cytochrome <it>b</it><sub>5 </sub>were analyzed by EPR and electrochemical methods. Cyclic voltammetry of the heme-binding domain of human cytochrome <it>b</it><sub>5 </sub>(HLMW<it>b</it><sub>5</sub>) and its site-directed mutants was conducted using a gold electrode pre-treated with β-mercarptopropionic acid by inclusion of positively-charged poly-L-lysine. On the other hand, static midpoint potentials were measured under a similar condition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Titration of HLMW<it>b</it><sub>5 </sub>with poly-L-lysine indicated that half-wave potential up-shifted to -19.5 mV when the concentration reached to form a complex. On the other hand, midpoint potentials of -3.2 and +16.5 mV were obtained for HLMW<it>b</it><sub>5 </sub>in the absence and presence of poly-L-lysine, respectively, by a spectroscopic electrochemical titration, suggesting that positive charges introduced by binding of poly-L-lysine around an exposed heme propionate resulted in a positive shift of the potential. Analyses on the five site-specific mutants showed a good correlation between the half-wave and the midpoint potentials, in which the former were 16~32 mV more negative than the latter, suggesting that both binding of poly-L-lysine and hydrophobicity around the heme moiety regulate the overall redox potentials.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Present study showed that simultaneous measurements of the midpoint and the half-wave potentials could be a good evaluating methodology for the analyses of static and dynamic redox properties of various hemoproteins including cytochrome <it>b</it><sub>5</sub>. The potentials might be modulated by a gross conformational change in the tertiary structure, by a slight change in the local structure, or by a change in the hydrophobicity around the heme moiety as found for the interaction with poly-L-lysine. Therefore, the system consisting of cytochrome <it>b</it><sub>5 </sub>and its partner proteins or peptides might be a good paradigm for studying the biological electron transfer reactions.</p

    内視鏡超音波ガイド下穿刺吸引の液状検体の残余を用いたK-ras 遺伝子検査は正診率を高める

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    Background: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) technology is widely used for the diagnosis of pancreatic masses. However, in some cases, inadequate tissue volume or difficulty of morphological diagnosis are constraining factors for adequate cytopathological evaluation. K-ras mutation is the most frequently acquired genetic abnormality, occurring in approximately 90% of all patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). In the present study, the clinical utility of residual liquid-based cytology (LBC) specimens obtained using EUS-FNA for K-ras mutation analysis was evaluated. Methods: In this study, 81 patients with pancreatic lesions were examined. The cell block (CB) specimens separated from EUS-FNA samples were morphologically evaluated by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. Final diagnoses were confirmed by CB specimens, surgical resection specimens, diagnostic imaging, and clinical follow-up. Genomic DNA of residual LBC specimens stored at 4°C for several months were extracted and assessed for K-ras mutations using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based preferential homoduplex formation assay. Results: K-ras mutation analysis using residual LBC samples was successful in all cases. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of CB examination alone were 77.4%, 100%, and 81.3%, respectively, and those of the combination of CB examination and K-ras mutation analysis were 90.3%, 92.3%, and 90.7%, respectively. Furthermore, K-ras mutations were detected in 8 (57.1%) of 14 PDAC samples for which the CB results were inconclusive. Conclusion: These findings suggest that K-ras mutation analysis using residual LBC specimens improves the diagnostic accuracy of EUS-FNA.博士(医学)・乙第1492号・令和2年12月24日Copyright: © 2018 Sekita-Hatakeyama et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    The globular cluster VVV CL002 falling down to the hazardous Galactic centre

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Context. The Galactic centre is hazardous for stellar clusters because of the strong tidal force in action there. It is believed that many clusters were destroyed there and contributed stars to the crowded stellar field of the bulge and the nuclear stellar cluster. However, the development of a realistic model to predict the long-term evolution of the complex inner Galaxy has proven difficult, and observations of surviving clusters in the central region would provide crucial insights into destruction processes. Aims: Among the known Galactic globular clusters, VVV CL002 is the closest to the centre, at 0.4 kpc, but has a very high transverse velocity of 400 km s−1. The nature of this cluster and its impact on Galactic astronomy need to be addressed with spectroscopic follow up. Methods: Here we report the first measurements of its radial velocity and chemical abundance based on near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy. Results: We find that this cluster has a counter-rotating orbit constrained within 1.0 kpc of the centre, and as close as 0.2 kpc at the perigalacticon, confirming that the cluster is not a passerby from the halo but a genuine survivor enduring the harsh conditions of the tidal forces of the Galactic mill. In addition, its metallicity and α abundance ([α/Fe] ≃ +0.4 and [Fe/H] = −0.54) are similar to those of some globular clusters in the bulge. Recent studies suggest that stars with such α-enhanced stars were more common at 3-6 kpc from the centre around 10 Gyr ago. Conclusions: We infer that VVV CL002 was formed outside but is currently falling down to the centre, showcasing a real-time event that must have occurred to many clusters a long time ago.Peer reviewe

    Cerebral Blood Flow during Rest Associates with General Intelligence and Creativity

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    Recently, much scientific attention has been focused on resting brain activity and its investigation through such methods as the analysis of functional connectivity during rest (the temporal correlation of brain activities in different regions). However, investigation of the magnitude of brain activity during rest has focused on the relative decrease of brain activity during a task, rather than on the absolute resting brain activity. It is thus necessary to investigate the association between cognitive factors and measures of absolute resting brain activity, such as cerebral blood flow (CBF), during rest (rest-CBF). In this study, we examined this association using multiple regression analyses. Rest-CBF was the dependent variable and the independent variables included two essential components of cognitive functions, psychometric general intelligence and creativity. CBF was measured using arterial spin labeling and there were three analyses for rest-CBF; namely mean gray matter rest-CBF, mean white matter rest-CBF, and regional rest-CBF. The results showed that mean gray and white matter rest-CBF were significantly and positively correlated with individual psychometric intelligence. Furthermore, mean white matter rest-CBF was significantly and positively correlated with creativity. After correcting the effect of mean gray matter rest-CBF the significant and positive correlation between regional rest-CBF in the perisylvian anatomical cluster that includes the left superior temporal gyrus and insula and individual psychometric intelligence was found. Also, regional rest-CBF in the precuneus was significantly and negatively correlated with individual creativity. Significance of these results of regional rest-CBF did not change when the effect of regional gray matter density was corrected. The findings showed mean and regional rest-CBF in healthy young subjects to be correlated with cognitive functions. The findings also suggest that, even in young cognitively intact subjects, resting brain activity (possibly underlain by default cognitive activity or metabolic demand from developed brain structures) is associated with cognitive functions

    Chondroitin sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-1 is required for normal cartilage development

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    CS (chondroitin sulfate) is a glycosaminoglycan species that is widely distributed in the extracellular matrix. To understand the physiological roles of enzymes involved in CS synthesis, we produced CSGalNAcT1 (CS N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1)-null mice. CS production was reduced by approximately half in CSGalNAcT1-null mice, and the amount of short-chain CS was also reduced. Moreover, the cartilage of the null mice was significantly smaller than that of wild-type mice. Additionally, type-II collagen fibres in developing cartilage were abnormally aggregated and disarranged in the homozygous mutant mice. These results suggest that CSGalNAcT1 is required for normal CS production in developing cartilage

    Evolutionary histories of breast cancer and related clones

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    乳がん発生の進化の歴史を解明 --ゲノム解析による発がんメカニズムの探索--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-07-28.Tracking the ol' mutation trail: Unraveling the long history of breast cancer formation. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-08-31.Recent studies have documented frequent evolution of clones carrying common cancer mutations in apparently normal tissues, which are implicated in cancer development1, 2, 3. However, our knowledge is still missing with regard to what additional driver events take place in what order, before one or more of these clones in normal tissues ultimately evolve to cancer. Here, using phylogenetic analyses of multiple microdissected samples from both cancer and non-cancer lesions, we show unique evolutionary histories of breast cancers harbouring der(1;16), a common driver alteration found in roughly 20% of breast cancers. The approximate timing of early evolutionary events was estimated from the mutation rate measured in normal epithelial cells. In der(1;16)(+) cancers, the derivative chromosome was acquired from early puberty to late adolescence, followed by the emergence of a common ancestor by the patient’s early 30s, from which both cancer and non-cancer clones evolved. Replacing the pre-existing mammary epithelium in the following years, these clones occupied a large area within the premenopausal breast tissues by the time of cancer diagnosis. Evolution of multiple independent cancer founders from the non-cancer ancestors was common, contributing to intratumour heterogeneity. The number of driver events did not correlate with histology, suggesting the role of local microenvironments and/or epigenetic driver events. A similar evolutionary pattern was also observed in another case evolving from an AKT1-mutated founder. Taken together, our findings provide new insight into how breast cancer evolves

    Importance of pre pump arterial pres sure monitoring in hemodialysis patients

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    Pre-pump arterial pressure (PreAP) is monitored to avoid generating excessive negative pressure. National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for vascular access recommend that PreAP should not fall below-250 mmHg because excessive negative PreAP can lead to a decrease in the delivery of blood flow, inadequate dialysis, and hemolysis. Nonetheless, these recommendations are consistently disregarded in clinical practice and pressure sensors are often removed from the dialysis circuit.Thus far,delivered blood flow has been reported to decrease at values more negative than -150 mmHg of PreAP. These values have been analyzed by an ultrasonic flowmeter and not directly measured. Furthermore, no known group has evaluated whether PreAP-induced hemolysis occurs at a particular threshold. Therefore, the aim of this study was to clarify the importance of PreAP in the prediction of inadequate dialysis and hemolysis. By using different diameter needles, human blood samples from healthy volunteers were circulated in a closed dialysis circuit. The relationship between PreAP and delivered blood flow or PreAP and hemolysis was investigated. We also investigated the optimal value for PreAP using several empirical monitoring methods, such as a pressure pillow. Our investigation indicated that PreAP is a critical factor in the determination of delivered blood flow and hemolysis,both of which occured at pressure values more negative than -150 mmHg. With the exception of direct pressure monitoring, commonly used monitoring methods for PreAP were determined to be ineffective. We propose that the use of a vacuum monitor would permit regular measurement of PreAP

    Genetic and clinical landscape of breast cancers with germline BRCA1/2 variants

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    遺伝性乳癌の遺伝学的・臨床学的特徴を解明 --BRCA1/2 変異乳癌は両アレルの不活化の有無により異なった特徴を持つ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-10-26.The genetic and clinical characteristics of breast tumors with germline variants, including their association with biallelic inactivation through loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) and second somatic mutations, remain elusive. We analyzed germline variants of 11 breast cancer susceptibility genes for 1, 995 Japanese breast cancer patients, and identified 101 (5.1%) pathogenic variants, including 62 BRCA2 and 15 BRCA1 mutations. Genetic analysis of 64 BRCA1/2-mutated tumors including TCGA dataset tumors, revealed an association of biallelic inactivation with more extensive deletions, copy neutral LOH, gain with LOH and younger onset. Strikingly, TP53 and RB1 mutations were frequently observed in BRCA1- (94%) and BRCA2- (9.7%) mutated tumors with biallelic inactivation. Inactivation of TP53 and RB1 together with BRCA1 and BRCA2, respectively, involved LOH of chromosomes 17 and 13. Notably, BRCA1/2 tumors without biallelic inactivation were indistinguishable from those without germline variants. Our study highlights the heterogeneity and unique clonal selection pattern in breast cancers with germline variants

    Central control of bone remodeling by neuromidin U.

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    Bone remodeling, the function affected in osteoporosis, the most common of bone diseases, comprises two phases: bone formation by matrix-producing osteoblasts 1 and bone resorption by osteoclasts 2 . The demonstration that the anorexigenic hormone leptin 3-5 inhibits bone formation through a hypothalamic relay Bone mass is maintained at a constant level between puberty and menopause by a succession of bone-resorption and bone-formation phases NMU is a small peptide produced by nerve cells in the submucosal and myenteric plexuses in the small intestine, and also by structures in the brain, including the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus 9 . It is generally assumed that NMU acts as a neuropeptide to regulate various aspects of physiology, including appetite, stress response and SNS activation 9 . Indeed, NMU-deficient (Nmu -/-) mice develop obesity due to increased food intake and reduced locomotor activity that is believed, at least in part, to be leptin independent 8 . In addition, expression of NMU is diminished in leptin-deficient (Lep ob ) mice 18 , but can be induced in these mice by leptin treatment When assessed at 3 and 6 months of age, both male and female Nmu -/-mice showed a high bone mass phenotype as compared to the wild type (WT), with male mice more severely affected than female mic

    Raman spectroscopic detection of the T-HgII-T base pair and the ionic characteristics of mercury

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    Developing applications for metal-mediated base pairs (metallo-base-pair) has recently become a high-priority area in nucleic acid research, and physicochemical analyses are important for designing and fine-tuning molecular devices using metallo-base-pairs. In this study, we characterized the HgII-mediated T-T (T-HgII-T) base pair by Raman spectroscopy, which revealed the unique physical and chemical properties of HgII. A characteristic Raman marker band at 1586 cm−1 was observed and assigned to the C4=O4 stretching mode. We confirmed the assignment by the isotopic shift (18O-labeling at O4) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The unusually low wavenumber of the C4=O4 stretching suggested that the bond order of the C4=O4 bond reduced from its canonical value. This reduction of the bond order can be explained if the enolate-like structure (N3=C4-O4−) is involved as a resonance contributor in the thymine ring of the T-HgII-T pair. This resonance includes the N-HgII-bonded state (HgII-N3-C4=O4) and the N-HgII-dissociated state (HgII+ N3=C4-O4−), and the latter contributor reduced the bond order of N-HgII. Consequently, the HgII nucleus in the T-HgII-T pair exhibited a cationic character. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis supports the interpretations of the Raman experiments