31 research outputs found

    Positive Regulation by GABABR1 Subunit of Leptin Expression through Gene Transactivation in Adipocytes

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    Background: The view that c-aminobutyric acid (GABA) plays a functional role in non-neuronal tissues, in addition to an inhibitory neurotransmitter role in the mammalian central nervous system, is prevailing, while little attention has been paid to GABAergic signaling machineries expressed by adipocytes to date. In this study, we attempted to demonstrate the possible functional expression of GABAergic signaling machineries by adipocytes. Methodology/Principal Findings: GABAB receptor 1 (GABABR1) subunit was constitutively expressed by mouse embryonic fibroblasts differentiated into adipocytes and adipocytic 3T3-L1 cells in culture, as well as mouse white adipose tissue, with no responsiveness to GABA BR ligands. However, no prominent expression was seen with mRNA for GABA BR2 subunit required for heteromeric orchestration of the functional GABABR by any adipocytic cells and tissues. Leptin mRNA expression was significantly and selectively decreased in adipose tissue and embryonic fibroblasts, along with drastically reduced plasma leptin levels, in GABA BR1-null mice than in wild-type mice. Knockdown by siRNA of GABA BR1 subunit led to significant decreases in leptin promoter activity and leptin mRNA levels in 3T3-L1 cells. Conclusions/Significance: Our results indicate that GABABR1 subunit is constitutively expressed by adipocytes to primarily regulate leptin expression at the transcriptional level through a mechanism not relevant to the function as a partner o

    Cerebral Blood Flow during Rest Associates with General Intelligence and Creativity

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    Recently, much scientific attention has been focused on resting brain activity and its investigation through such methods as the analysis of functional connectivity during rest (the temporal correlation of brain activities in different regions). However, investigation of the magnitude of brain activity during rest has focused on the relative decrease of brain activity during a task, rather than on the absolute resting brain activity. It is thus necessary to investigate the association between cognitive factors and measures of absolute resting brain activity, such as cerebral blood flow (CBF), during rest (rest-CBF). In this study, we examined this association using multiple regression analyses. Rest-CBF was the dependent variable and the independent variables included two essential components of cognitive functions, psychometric general intelligence and creativity. CBF was measured using arterial spin labeling and there were three analyses for rest-CBF; namely mean gray matter rest-CBF, mean white matter rest-CBF, and regional rest-CBF. The results showed that mean gray and white matter rest-CBF were significantly and positively correlated with individual psychometric intelligence. Furthermore, mean white matter rest-CBF was significantly and positively correlated with creativity. After correcting the effect of mean gray matter rest-CBF the significant and positive correlation between regional rest-CBF in the perisylvian anatomical cluster that includes the left superior temporal gyrus and insula and individual psychometric intelligence was found. Also, regional rest-CBF in the precuneus was significantly and negatively correlated with individual creativity. Significance of these results of regional rest-CBF did not change when the effect of regional gray matter density was corrected. The findings showed mean and regional rest-CBF in healthy young subjects to be correlated with cognitive functions. The findings also suggest that, even in young cognitively intact subjects, resting brain activity (possibly underlain by default cognitive activity or metabolic demand from developed brain structures) is associated with cognitive functions

    Striking Species Difference in the Contribution of Concentrative Nucleoside Transporter 2 to Nucleoside Uptake between Mouse and Rat Hepatocytes▿ †

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    Concentrative nucleoside transporter 2 (CNT2) (encoded by the SLC28A2 gene) transports various antiviral or antitumor purine nucleoside analogs to be involved in their pharmacokinetics and pharmacological actions. The results of our study showed that mouse hepatocytes hardly expressed CNT2 mRNA and no CNT2-dependent nucleoside uptake was observed, while rat hepatocytes exhibited high CNT2-dependent nucleoside uptake activity levels with abundant CNT2 mRNA expression. We concluded that CNT2 contributes considerably to nucleoside uptake in rat hepatocytes but not in mouse hepatocytes

    Nasal Vaccination with the 40-Kilodalton Outer Membrane Protein of Porphyromonas gingivalis and a Nontoxic Chimeric Enterotoxin Adjuvant Induces Long-Term Protective Immunity with Reduced Levels of Immunoglobulin E Antibodies▿

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    In this study, we demonstrated that the 40-kDa outer membrane protein of Porphyromonas gingivalis (40-kDa OMP) nasally administered with a nontoxic chimeric adjuvant that combines the A subunit of mutant cholera toxin E112K with the pentameric B subunit of heat-labile enterotoxin from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (mCTA/LTB) elicited a long-term protective immune response. Immunization with the 40-kDa OMP and mCTA/LTB induced high levels of 40-kDa-OMP-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgA antibodies (Abs) in sera and elicited a significant IgA anti-40-kDa OMP Ab response in saliva. These Ab responses were maintained for at least 1 year after the immunization. Although using adjuvant mCTA/LTB gave Ab responses in the saliva comparable to those obtained using native cholera toxin (nCT) as the adjuvant, the levels of total IgE and 40-kDa-OMP-specific IgE Abs as well as interleukin-4 levels induced by the immunization with mCTA/LTB were lower than those induced by the immunization with nCT. Importantly, IgG Abs generated by nasal immunization with the 40-kDa OMP plus mCTA/LTB inhibited the coaggregation and hemagglutinin activities of P. gingivalis. Furthermore, the mice given nasal 40-kDa OMP plus mCTA/LTB showed a significant reduction of alveolar bone loss caused by oral infection with P. gingivalis even 1 year after the immunization compared to the loss in unimmunized mice. Because mCTA/LTB is nontoxic, nasally administered 40-kDa OMP together with mCTA/LTB should be an effective and safe mucosal vaccine against P. gingivalis infection in humans and may be an important tool for the prevention of chronic periodontitis

    Peyer's Patches Are Required for Intestinal Immunoglobulin A Responses to Salmonella spp.▿

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    Previous studies have shown that Peyer's patches (PP) are not required for intestinal immunoglobulin A (IgA) responses to orally administered soluble protein. However, the roles of PP in regulation of mucosal immune responses against bacterial antigen remain to be clarified. In the present study, we generated several gut-associated lymphoreticular tissue-null mice by treatment with anti-interleukin-7 receptor antibody, the fusion protein of lymphotoxin β receptor and IgG Fc, and/or tumor necrosis factor receptor p55 and IgG Fc. These mice were then immunized with recombinant Salmonella expressing the C fragment of the tetanus toxin (rSalmonella-Tox C). Orally immunized PP-null mice as well as isolated lymphoid follicle (ILF)-null, PP/ILF-null, and PP/ILF/mesenteric lymph node-null mice induced identical levels of tetanus toxoid (TT)-specific systemic IgG responses to those of control mice. However, PP-null mice, but not ILF-null mice, failed to induce TT-specific intestinal IgA antibodies. Analysis of TT-specific CD4+ T-cell responses showed a reduction of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) synthesis in the intestinal lamina propriae of PP-null mice given oral rSalmonella-Tox C. In contrast, TT-specific IFN-γ responses in the spleen and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses were intact in those immunized mice. Interestingly, Salmonella lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific fecal IgA responses were not elicited in PP-null mice, while serum IgG anti-LPS antibodies were identical to those of control mice. These results suggest that while none of the gut-associated lymphoreticular tissues are required for the induction of systemic immune responses, PP are an essential lymphoid tissue for induction and regulation of intestinal IgA immunity against orally administered rSalmonella

    Statistical values of the multiple regression analysis with mean gray matter rest-CBF as the dependent variable and five other variables [RAPM score, the total S-A creativity test score, age, sex (male = 0, female = 1), and the POMS score] as independent variables.

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    <p>Statistical values of the multiple regression analysis with mean gray matter rest-CBF as the dependent variable and five other variables [RAPM score, the total S-A creativity test score, age, sex (male = 0, female = 1), and the POMS score] as independent variables.</p