146 research outputs found

    In-situ preservation of nitrogen-bearing organics in Noachian Martian carbonates

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    Understanding the origin of organic material on Mars is a major issue in modern planetary science. Recent robotic exploration of Martian sedimentary rocks and laboratory analyses of Martian meteorites have both reported plausible indigenous organic components. However, little is known about their origin, evolution, and preservation. Here we report that 4-billion-year-old (Ga) carbonates in Martian meteorite, Allan Hills 84001, preserve indigenous nitrogen(N)-bearing organics by developing a new technique for high-spatial resolution in situ N-chemical speciation. The organic materials were synthesized locally and/or delivered meteoritically on Mars during Noachian age. The carbonates, alteration minerals from the Martian near-surface aqueous fluid, trapped and kept the organic materials intact over long geological times. This presence of N-bearing compounds requires abiotic or possibly biotic N-fixation and ammonia storage, suggesting that early Mars had a less oxidizing environment than today

    Analytical solutions for black-hole critical behaviour

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    Dynamical Einstein cluster is a spherical self-gravitating system of counterrotating particles, which may expand, oscillate and collapse. This system exhibits critical behaviour in its collapse at the threshold of black hole formation. It appears when the specific angular momentum of particles is tuned finely to the critical value. We find the unique exact self-similar solution at the threshold. This solution begins with a regular surface, involves timelike naked singularity formation and asymptotically approaches a static self-similar cluster.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitation, typos correcte

    Critical phenomena in Newtonian gravity

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    We investigate the stability of self-similar solutions for a gravitationally collapsing isothermal sphere in Newtonian gravity by means of a normal mode analysis. It is found that the Hunter series of solutions are highly unstable, while neither the Larson-Penston solution nor the homogeneous collapse one have an analytic unstable mode. Since the homogeneous collapse solution is known to suffer the kink instability, the present result and recent numerical simulations strongly support a proposition that the Larson-Penston solution will be realized in astrophysical situations. It is also found that the Hunter (A) solution has a single unstable mode, which implies that it is a critical solution associated with some critical phenomena which are analogous to those in general relativity. The critical exponent γ\gamma is calculated as γ0.10567\gamma\simeq 0.10567. In contrast to the general relativistic case, the order parameter will be the collapsed mass. In order to obtain a complete picture of the Newtonian critical phenomena, full numerical simulations will be needed.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Border of Spacetime

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    It is still uncertain whether the cosmic censorship conjecture is true or not. To get a new insight into this issue, we propose the concept of the border of spacetime as a generalization of the spacetime singularity and discuss its visibility. The visible border, corresponding to the naked singularity, is not only relevant to mathematical completeness of general relativity but also a window into new physics in strongly curved spacetimes, which is in principle observable.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review D, typos correcte

    Criticality and convergence in Newtonian collapse

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    We study through numerical simulation the spherical collapse of isothermal gas in Newtonian gravity. We observe a critical behavior which occurs at the threshold of gravitational instability leading to core formation. For a given initial density profile, we find a critical temperature, which is of the same order as the virial temperature of the initial configuration. For the exact critical temperature, the collapse converges to a self-similar form, the first member in Hunter's family of self-similar solutions. For a temperature close to the critical value, the collapse first approaches this critical solution. Later on, in the supercritical case, the collapse converges to another self-similar solution, which is called the Larson-Penston solution. In the subcritical case, the gas bounces and disperses to infinity. We find two scaling laws: one for the collapsed mass in the supercritical case and the other for the maximum density reached before dispersal in the subcritical case. The value of the critical exponent is measured to be 0.11\simeq 0.11 in the supercritical case, which agrees well with the predicted value 0.10567\simeq 0.10567. These critical properties are quite similar to those observed in the collapse of a radiation fluid in general relativity. We study the response of the system to temperature fluctuation and discuss astrophysical implications for the insterstellar medium structure and for the star formation process. Newtonian critical behavior is important not only because it provides a simple model for general relativity but also because it is relevant for astrophysical systems such as molecular clouds.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PRD, figures 1 and 3 at lower resolution than in journal version, typos correcte

    Convergence to a self-similar solution in general relativistic gravitational collapse

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    We study the spherical collapse of a perfect fluid with an equation of state P=kρP=k\rho by full general relativistic numerical simulations. For 0, it has been known that there exists a general relativistic counterpart of the Larson-Penston self-similar Newtonian solution. The numerical simulations strongly suggest that, in the neighborhood of the center, generic collapse converges to this solution in an approach to a singularity and that self-similar solutions other than this solution, including a ``critical solution'' in the black hole critical behavior, are relevant only when the parameters which parametrize initial data are fine-tuned. This result is supported by a mode analysis on the pertinent self-similar solutions. Since a naked singularity forms in the general relativistic Larson-Penston solution for 0, this will be the most serious known counterexample against cosmic censorship. It also provides strong evidence for the self-similarity hypothesis in general relativistic gravitational collapse. The direct consequence is that critical phenomena will be observed in the collapse of isothermal gas in Newton gravity, and the critical exponent γ\gamma will be given by γ0.11\gamma\approx 0.11, though the order parameter cannot be the black hole mass.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review D, reference added, typos correcte

    Stability criterion for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid in general relativity

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    A stability criterion is derived in general relativity for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid, which is a perfect fluid with the equation of state P=ρP=\rho. A wide class of self-similar solutions turn out to be unstable against kink mode perturbation. According to the criterion, the Evans-Coleman stiff-fluid solution is unstable and cannot be a critical solution for the spherical collapse of a stiff fluid if we allow sufficiently small discontinuity in the density gradient field in the initial data sets. The self-similar scalar-field solution, which was recently found numerically by Brady {\it et al.} (2002 {\it Class. Quantum. Grav.} {\bf 19} 6359), is also unstable. Both the flat Friedmann universe with a scalar field and that with a stiff fluid suffer from kink instability at the particle horizon scale.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity, typos correcte