26 research outputs found

    Asymmetric smooth pursuit eye movements and visual motion reaction time

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    Smooth pursuit eye movements often show directional asymmetry in pursuit initiation or steady‐state pursuit in both humans and monkeys. It has been demonstrated that the initial part of smooth pursuit is driven by visual motion related signals in cortical areas. Parietal cortex such as middle temporal (MT) and medial superior temporal (MST) areas are known to be involved in visual motion perception as well as pursuit initiation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine whether directional asymmetry in pursuit initiation is associated with visual motion perception. We used a step‐ramp paradigm to induce horizontal smooth pursuit eye movements and then tested visual motion reaction time (RT). Visual motion RT was measured to the visual motion stimuli that moved leftward or rightward, which is an important parameter of our sensory motor processing based on visual motion perception. Nineteen healthy male subjects participated in the study. We found that some of our subjects showed directional asymmetries in initial pursuit acceleration between the leftward and rightward directions, which were consistent with an asymmetric bias in visual motion RT. Therefore, our results suggest that asymmetric pursuit initiation is associated with, at least in part, a bias of visual motion perception. These results could be due to a common neuronal pathway involved in both pursuit initiation and visual motion RT


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    科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書:基盤研究(C)2014-2016課題番号 : 2635070

    Properties of smooth pursuit and visual motion reaction time to second-order motion stimuli.

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    A large number of psychophysical and neurophysiological studies have demonstrated that smooth pursuit eye movements are tightly related to visual motion perception. This could be due to the fact that visual motion sensitive cortical areas such as meddle temporal (MT), medial superior temporal (MST) areas are involved in motion perception as well as pursuit initiation. Although the directional-discrimination and perceived target velocity tasks are used to evaluate visual motion perception, it is still uncertain whether the speed of visual motion perception, which is determined by visuomotor reaction time (RT) to a small target, is related to pursuit initiation. Therefore, we attempted to determine the relationship between pursuit latency/acceleration and the visual motion RT which was measured to the visual motion stimuli that moved leftward or rightward. The participants were instructed to fixate on a stationary target and press one of the buttons corresponding to the direction of target motion as soon as possible once the target starts to move. We applied five different visual motion stimuli including first- and second-order motion for smooth pursuit and visual motion RT tasks. It is well known that second-order motion induces lower retinal image motion, which elicits weaker responses in MT and MST compared to first-order motion stimuli. Our results showed that pursuit initiation including latency and initial eye acceleration were suppressed by second-order motion. In addition, second-order motion caused a delay in visual motion RT. The better performances in both pursuit initiation and visual motion RT were observed for first-order motion, whereas second-order (theta motion) induced remarkable deficits in both variables. Furthermore, significant Pearson's correlation and within-subjects correlation coefficients were obtained between visual motion RT and pursuit latency/acceleration. Our findings support the suggestion that there is a common neuronal pathway involved in both pursuit initiation and the speed of visual motion perception

    The effect of eccentricity on visual motion prediction in peripheral vision

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    Abstract The purpose of the current study was to clarify the effect of eccentricity on visual motion prediction using a time‐to‐contact (TTC) task. TTC indicates the predictive ability to accurately estimate the time‐to‐contact of a moving object based on visual motion perception. We also measured motion reaction time (motion RT) as an indicator of the speed of visual motion perception. The TTC task was to press a button when the moving target would arrive at the stationary goal. In the occluded condition, the target dot was occluded 500 ms before the time to contact. The motion RT task was to press a button as soon as the target moved. The visual targets were randomly presented at five different eccentricities (4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, 12°) and moved on a circular trajectory at a constant tangent velocity (8°/s) to keep the eccentricity constant. Our results showed that TTC in the occluded condition showed an earlier response as the eccentricity increased. Furthermore, the motion RT became longer as the eccentricity increased. Therefore, it is most likely that a slower speed perception in peripheral vision delays the perceived speed of motion onset and leads to an earlier response in the TTC task