34 research outputs found

    Tremella rhizocarpicola sp. nov. and other interesting lichenicolous Tremellales and Filobasidiales in the Nordic countries

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    This is the published version of a paper published in MycoKeys. Citation for the original published paper (version of record): Millanes, A., Diederich, P., Westberg, M., Knutsson, T., Wedin, M. (2014) Abstract New data on the diversity and geographical distribution of lichenicolous Tremellales and Filobasidiales in the Nordic countries is presented. One new species, Tremella rhizocarpicola, is formally described. Tremella pertusariae and T. protoparmeliae are reported as new to the Nordic countries, Syzygospora physciacearum is new to Iceland, Tremella rinodinae is new to Sweden, and T. caloplacae is new to Norway. Nine species are reported as new to a number of Swedish provinces, including Biatoropsis usnearum, Syzygospora bachmannii, S. physciacearum, Tremella caloplacae, T. cetrariicola, T. cladoniae, T. coppinsii, T. diploschistina, and T. hypogymniae

    Hotspots för sällsynta svampar i Ölands sandstäpper och annan sandvegetation.

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    Buksvampar (Gatseromyceter) såsom jordstjärnor, stjälkröksvampar, diskröksvampar är svampar väl anpassade till torra och på andra sätt ekologiskt krävande naturtyper. Genom sin speciella morfologi och ekologi utgör de ett mycket viktigt inslag i mer eller mindre stäppliknande miljöer. Påfallande många har sina växtplatser i kalkrika områden med sandmarker utsatta för speciella klimatförhållanden såsom långvarig torka, oregelbunden nederbörd och höga sommartemperaturer. De olika vegetationstyperna på sandmarker beskrivs i rapporten liksom dess karakteristik och mångfald av svampar och kärlväxter. Viss utblick görs även internationellt. Skillnaderna mellan vegetationen i olika sandrika områden är stor bl.a. tack vare olika hög grad av påverkan av kalkrik sand resp. urlakning. Dessa pH-förhållanden har även stor inverkan på den funga som kan påträffas i olika områden. Erfarenheter från svamparna bidrar i hög grad till ett utvidgat synsätt på ”stäpp-” resp. ”hedserien” i sandmarksvegetationen. Bland annat så förekommer ett antal ”stäppsvampar” ofta i vegetationstyper även utan samband med en av dess ledarter tofsäxing (Koeleria glauca). Dessa insikter bör bidra till ett vidare synsätt på termen ”sandstäpp” till att omfatta vegetationstyper på kalkrik sandmark, även om tofsäxing saknas. De i rapporten behandlade svamparterna presenteras vad gäller öländsk, nationell och internationell status samt något om deras hot och ekologi. Många av dem presenteras i bild. Sammanlagt har 33 olika arter röksvampar (i vid bemärkelse) påträffats i de öländska sandmarkerna varav 19 bedömdes som naturvårdsintressanta i den bemärkelse att de visar på skyddsvärda och/eller hotade biotoper. Av de funna arterna är 16 rödlistade (3 CR, 7 EN, 2 VU och 4 NT). För många av arterna utgör de öländska förekomsterna betydande andelar av de svenska och i vissa fall även europeiska populationerna. Fältbesök gjordes på ett 50-tal lokaler för de utvalda svamparna 2006-2008 och i rapporten presenteras de 39 mest värdefulla lokalerna på Öland för rödlistade och naturvårdsintressanta buksvampar (Gasteromyceter) växande i sandrika habitat på Öland. Lokalerna avgränsas, deras naturvärden och dagens markanvändning beskrivs översiktligt. Vidare ges ett tidsfönster med bedömningar av graden av hot mot lokalen och i de flesta fall specificeras åtgärdsbehov och rekommendationer ges för framtida skötsel. Av de 39 värdefullaste lokalerna ansågs 24 (62 %) tillhöra den högsta naturvärdesklassen medan nio (23 %) resp. sex (15 %) bedömdes ha något lägre prioritet för naturvården. Åtgärdsbehovet ansågs akut på sju av lokalerna (18 %) men nästa lika angelägna (”snarast”) på 13 lokaler (33 %). Nitton av lokalerna (49%) har ett utseende och markanvändning som idag upprätthåller bra förutsättningar för sandsvamparna. Rapporten är framtagen för att underlätta urval och prioriteringar av naturvårdsåtgärder de närmast kommande åren. De öländska sandmarkslokaler som ur mykologisk synpunkt hyser högsta naturvärde och samtidigt är i akut behov av skötselåtgärder om inte naturvärdena ska försvinna är: • Gåtebo sandstäpp, Bredsättra • Gårdby sandhed, Gårdby • Triberga-Alby mosse, Hulterstad • Sandby kyrkvägskäl, SandbyRegionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p

    Use of scrap tyres as insulation layer in road construction

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    Used tyres are not allowed to be placed on landfills any more, but can be used as insulation materials with very good results. The present paper describes a study in which tyre shreds (50mm * 50 mm) were used as insulation material in a road construction. The tyre shreds had a thickness of 600 mm and were covered with 875 mm of road  superstructure. The effect of the layer on frost depth and frost heave was measured during three winters. As scrap tyres are a highly elastic the bearing capacity and Young's module were measure directly on the road by the use of a falling weight deflectometer. The potential environmental impact was also studied. The scrap tyres showed a very good insulation performance, mostly due to its high porosity. Effects of frost action were not visible or recorded. The studied construction had deformation pattern of the road surface was within acceptable limits. The environmental impact was studied before the pavement was placed at the top and therefore leakage could be detected.Godkänd; 2007; 20090814 (svek

    Use of scrap tyres as insulation layer in road construction

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    Used tyres are not allowed to be placed on landfills any more, but can be used as insulation materials with very good results. The present paper describes a study in which tyre shreds (50mm * 50 mm) were used as insulation material in a road construction. The tyre shreds had a thickness of 600 mm and were covered with 875 mm of road  superstructure. The effect of the layer on frost depth and frost heave was measured during three winters. As scrap tyres are a highly elastic the bearing capacity and Young's module were measure directly on the road by the use of a falling weight deflectometer. The potential environmental impact was also studied. The scrap tyres showed a very good insulation performance, mostly due to its high porosity. Effects of frost action were not visible or recorded. The studied construction had deformation pattern of the road surface was within acceptable limits. The environmental impact was studied before the pavement was placed at the top and therefore leakage could be detected.Godkänd; 2007; 20090814 (svek

    Mechanical Properties of Soft Tailings from a Swedish Tailings Impoundment : Results from Direct Shear Tests

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    The shear strength of tailings can vary depending upon the type of ore and method of construction. Tailings dams may possess loose layers in subsequent layers, which may have low shear strength. Since the tailings dams are made-up to last for longer times, the strength parameters and material behaviors are essential to understand, especially potential for static liquefaction in loose layers. This article presents the results from direct shear tests performed on samples from loose layer of a tailings dam. Both drained and undrained tests are carried out. The results indicated the strain hardening behavior in tailings material which indicates loose condition. The shear strength was found to be relatively low as compared to typical values of tailings in literature. A contractant volume behavior was observed for all the tests. During shear tests the vertical height reductions in samples were observed. These changes were significantly increased after peak shear followed by slight increment in pore pressure along shearing angle. The reasons for these height changes are not fully known, but may be a rearrangement in skeleton or breakage of particles during shear which needs further investigative studies.Validerad; 2014; 20141008 (riabha)</p

    Numerical analysis of frost penetration around footings of power mills in subarctic conditions

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    The potential for establishing wind power farms in the subarctic areas is high due to the combination of large available areas and few conflicting interests. In subarctic climate frost and thaw are major principal design aspects. In foundation work the major impact of frost action is at the outer peripheries of the foundation. Therefore most analysis work and prevention actions such as insulation around the foundation are concentrated to this part of the structure. The gravity foundations of wind power plants are often constructed as a reinforced concrete monolite. In the centre of the footing a steel cage is attached for anchoring the wind mill tower. This steel cage ends close to the sub-grade and can due to considerably higher thermal conductivity, compared to the concrete structure, transport a lot more heat. By FEM analysis, the frost penetration around, and under two typical wind-power foundations have been analyzed for different climate conditions in Sweden. In addition, different soil types have also been used. The result shows that the frost penetration in the centre of the foundation needs to be considered. Further it is shown that it is larger in the centre than compared to the periphery.Godkänd; 2009; Bibliografisk uppgift: USB; 20090814 (svek

    Mechanical Behavior of Uniformed Tailings Material in Triaxial Tests

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    Tailings dams are raised with time depending upon rate of generation of waste. A tailings dam can contain different particle sized materials within its dam body. The newly raised embankment in a tailings dam can be considered as vertical load being applied on subsequent layer. The applied loads can cause deformations and breakage of particles. The particle breakage can then lead to a skeleton with new particle size particles and hence can lead to new material properties. This paper provides the results from triaxial tests conducted on uniformed particle sizes as, 0.5mm-0.25mm, 0.25mm-0.125mm and 0.125mm-0.063mm.  The tests are performed at various effective radial stresses. The results are evaluated and compared with each particle size. The results include stress-strain and volumetric behavior during shearing, the effective stress ratio and stress-dilatancy plot. The friction angles are also evaluated and compared with different particle sized specimens. It was found that effective stress ratios were slightly higher when tests were performed at lower confining stresses and vice versa. It was also observed that particle size did not show any effect of friction angles.Validerad; 2017; Nivå 1; 2017-04-03 (andbra)</p

    Comparison between temperature based thaw weakening prediction model and field observation methods

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    Structures like roads and port yards located in cold climate are affected by freezing and thawing every year. The global trend of a warmer climate and temperatures around 0°C for longer periods of time will change the freezing/thawing behaviour in many locations. The tendency will changeto have several freezing /thawing cycles in a given location every year. The bearing capacity of low volume roads and simple port yards will be affected by a prolonged thawing period with lower bearing capacity as a consequence. Bearing capacity problems can lead to increased costs for traffic as well as increased maintenance costs. Due to very high costs for destroyed structuresduring thaw, a lot can be gained if bearing capacity problems at a given site can be forecasted well in advance in order not to destroy the structure. Such a method should preferably be based upon simple measurements like air temperatures to make it easy to use also in remote areas. In the described temperature based model air and ground temperatures are used to develop anaccumulated thaw index and corresponding limits. When the thaw index limit is reached, the construction at the evaluated depth thaws, leading to increased pore water pressure and reduction of strength and bearing capacity. This paper presents a study of the application of the model at low volume roads in Sweden. Bearing capacity at the road was evaluated from field tests by falling weight deflectometer (FWD) test carried out 24 times during the thawing season i.e.March 4 through June 9. Predictions made by the model were compared with the subgrade module evaluated from the FWD series. The results show that the model might be possible to use in Sweden and elsewhere if minor adjustments are carried out.Godkänd; 2011; Bibliografisk uppgift: Paper no 11-87; 20121114 (tomede

    Grundläggning av vindkraftverk med hänsyn till tjäle

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    På grund av den snabba utbyggnaden av vindkraftverk är erfarenheten från byggande i kallt klimat för dessa konstruktioner begränsad. Den forskning som bedrivs idag är mestadels inriktad mot vindkraftens miljöpåverkan samt frågor för att underlätta utbyggnaden och förbättra kostnadseffektiviteten, Statens energimyndighet (2008). Utbyggnad av vindkraftverk i extrema miljöer skapar nya frågor som bör utredas för att säkerställa verkens kvalitet i ett långtidsperspektiv. I denna artikel vill vi belysa frågan om tjäle och hur den är kopplad till grundläggning av vindkraftverk.Godkänd; 2010; 20100202 (svek