140 research outputs found

    Kasvun keskukset

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    Digitalization is strongly present in the current Maritime Studies of the Baltic Sea at the University of Turku

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    Systems of environmental innovation: sectoral and technological perspectives on ballast water treatment systems

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    The research on innovation in the maritime sector has commonly focused on the implementation of innovation rather than on more complex issues such as the interplay between technological aspects, market conditions, and, particularly, regulatory regimes in shaping the emergence and growth of global systems involved with the development, production, and use of environmental innovation. Therefore, this paper sets out to analyze—by combining insights from sectoral (SSI) and technological (TIS) systems of innovation concepts—ballast water treatment systems (BWTS), designed to prevent the negative impacts of invasive species, as an example of such complex interaction. The results show how public policy and institutional acceptance have shaped the market for BWTS. First, BWTS were induced by environmental regulations mandating their use. Second, the demand for BWTS increases substantially when the implementation date of the regulations approaches. Third, differences in regulatory regimes shape the demand for various available technologies. Without coordinated regulations, this unclear operating environment remains a definite concern for shipowners when choosing the specific type of BWTS technology for onboard installation. The results also underline that the combined SSI/TIS framework, utilized in this paper, is a feasible analytical framework for studying environmental innovation.</div

    Reviewing Truck Logistics: Solutions for Achieving Low Emission Road Freight Transport

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    Low emission logistics have become an expected and desired goal in all fields of transportation, particularly in the European Union. Heavy-duty trucks (HDTs) are significant producers of emissions and pollution in inland transports. Their role is significant, as in multimodal transport chains truck transportation is, in most cases, the only viable solution to connect hinterlands with ports. Diesel engines are the main power source of trucks and their emission efficiency is the key challenge in environmentally sound freight transportation. This review paper addresses the academic literature focusing on truck emissions. The paper relies on the preliminary hypothesis that simple single solutions are nonexistent and that there will be a collection of suggestions and solutions for improving the emission efficiency in trucks. The paper focuses on the technical properties, emission types, and fuel solutions used in freight logistics. Truck manufacturing, maintenance, and other indirect emissions like construction of road infrastructure have been excluded from this review. </p

    Drivers behind the public perception of artificial intelligence: insights from major Australian cities

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is not only disrupting industries and businesses, particularly the ones have fallen behind the adoption, but also significantly impacting public life as well. This calls for government authorities pay attention to public opinions and sentiments towards AI. Nonetheless, there is limited knowledge on what the drivers behind the public perception of AI are. Bridging this gap is the rationale of this paper. As the methodological approach, the study conducts an online public perception survey with the residents of Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, and explores the collected survey data through statistical analysis. The analysis reveals that: (a) the public is concerned of AI invading their privacy, but not much concerned of AI becoming more intelligent than humans; (b) the public trusts AI in their lifestyle, but the trust is lower for companies and government deploying AI; (c) the public appreciates the benefits of AI in urban services and disaster management; (d) depending on the local context, public perceptions vary; and (e) the drivers behind the public perception include gender, age, AI knowledge, and AI experience. The findings inform authorities in developing policies to minimise public concerns and maximise AI awareness. </p

    Public Perceptions on Application Areas and Adoption Challenges of AI in Urban Services

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) deployment is exceedingly relevant to local governments, for example, in planning and delivering urban services. AI adoption in urban services, however, is an understudied area, particularly because there is limited knowledge and hence a research gap on the public's perceptions-users/receivers of these services. This study aims to examine people’s behaviors and preferences regarding the most suited urban services for application of AI technology and the challenges for governments to adopt AI for urban service delivery. The methodological approach includes data collection through an online survey from Australia and Hong Kong and statistical analysis of the data through binary logistic regression modeling. The study finds that: (a) Attitudes toward AI applications and ease of use have significant effects on forming an opinion on AI; (b) initial thoughts regarding the meaning of AI have a significant impact on AI application areas and adoption challenges; (c) perception differences between the two countries in AI application areas are significant; and (d) perception differences between the two countries in government AI adoption challenges are minimal. The study consolidates our understanding of how the public perceives the application areas and adoption challenges of AI, particularly in urban services, which informs local authorities that deploy or plan to adopt AI in their urban services. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-01 Full Text: PD
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