21 research outputs found

    Magnetically driven micromachines created by two-photon microfabrication and selective electroless magnetite plating for lab-on-a-chip applications

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    We propose a novel method to fabricate three-dimensional magnetic microparts, which can be integrated in functional microfluidic networks and lab-on-a-chip devices, by the combination of two-photonmicrofabrication and selective electroless plating. In our experiments, magneticmicroparts could be successfully fabricated by optimizing various experimental conditions of electroless plating. In addition, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) clarified that iron oxide nanoparticles were deposited onto the polymeric microstructure site-selectively. We also fabricated magnetic microrotors which could smoothly rotate using common laboratory equipment. Since such magnetic microparts can be remotely driven with an external magnetic field, our fabrication process can be applied to functional lab-on-a-chip devices for analytical and biological applications

    Thermally-Reconfigurable Quantum Photonic Circuits at Telecom Wavelength by Femtosecond Laser Micromachining

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    The importance of integrated quantum photonics in the telecom band resides on the possibility of interfacing with the optical network infrastructure developed for classical communications. In this framework, femtosecond laser written integrated photonic circuits, already assessed for quantum information experiments in the 800 nm wavelength range, have great potentials. In fact these circuits, written in glass, can be perfectly mode-matched at telecom wavelength to the in/out coupling fibers, which is a key requirement for a low-loss processing node in future quantum optical networks. In addition, for several applications quantum photonic devices will also need to be dynamically reconfigurable. Here we experimentally demonstrate the high performance of femtosecond laser written photonic circuits for quantum experiments in the telecom band and we show the use of thermal shifters, also fabricated by the same femtosecond laser, to accurately tune them. State-of-the-art manipulation of single and two-photon states is demonstrated, with fringe visibilities greater than 95%. This opens the way to the realization of reconfigurable quantum photonic circuits on this technological platform

    quantification of the foreign body reaction by means of a miniaturized imaging window for intravital nonlinear microscopy

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    Brand new biomaterials, intended to be used on humans, must undergo in vivo quantification standardized, expensive and unethical procedures mainly based on histopathological analysis, from dissections, as defined by the ISO 10993 normative set. The aim is to prove the biomaterials biocompatibility. There exist no methods based on intravital microscopy able to satisfy the normative quantification requirements both reducing the number of employed animals and related costs. We developed a miniaturized imaging window, the Microatlas, which allows subcutaneous repeated observations in vivo of the foreign body reactions, for example to the implantation of a biomaterial. Confocal and twophoton microscopy inspections at Microatlas implantation sites demonstrated growth of the recipient tissue inside the microgrids both with micro vascularization formation and collagen generation. In conclusion, the Microatlas guided in vivo a quantifiable localized reaction inside its microscaffold, both in terms of cell repopulation, collagen and capillary formation as a probable foreign body reaction

    Magnetically Driven Micromachines Created by Two-Photon Microfabrication and Selective Electroless Magnetite Plating for Lab-on-a-Chip Applications

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    We propose a novel method to fabricate three-dimensional magnetic microparts, which can be integrated in functional microfluidic networks and lab-on-a-chip devices, by the combination of two-photon microfabrication and selective electroless plating. In our experiments, magnetic microparts could be successfully fabricated by optimizing various experimental conditions of electroless plating. In addition, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) clarified that iron oxide nanoparticles were deposited onto the polymeric microstructure site-selectively. We also fabricated magnetic microrotors which could smoothly rotate using common laboratory equipment. Since such magnetic microparts can be remotely driven with an external magnetic field, our fabrication process can be applied to functional lab-on-a-chip devices for analytical and biological applications

    Breaking the resolution limits of 3D bioprinting: future opportunities and present challenges

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    Bioprinting aims to produce 3D structures from which embedded cells can receive mechanical and chemical stimuli that influence their behavior, direct their organization and migration, and promote differentiation, in a similar way to what happens within the native extracellular matrix. However, limited spatial resolution has been a bottleneck for conventional 3D bioprinting approaches. Reproducing fine features at the cellular scale, while maintaining a reasonable printing volume, is necessary to enable the biofabrication of more complex and functional tissue and organ models. In this opinion article we recount the emergence of, and discuss the most promising, high-definition (HD) bioprinting techniques to achieve this goal, discussing which obstacles remain to be overcome, and which applications are envisioned in the tissue engineering field

    Breaking the resolution limits of 3D bioprinting: future opportunities and present challenges

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    Bioprinting aims to produce 3D structures from which embedded cells can receive mechanical and chemical stimuli that influence their behavior, direct their organization and migration, and promote differentiation, in a similar way to what happens within the native extracellular matrix. However, limited spatial resolution has been a bottleneck for conventional 3D bioprinting approaches. Reproducing fine features at the cellular scale, while maintaining a reasonable printing volume, is necessary to enable the biofabrication of more complex and functional tissue and organ models. In this opinion article we recount the emergence of, and discuss the most promising, high-definition (HD) bioprinting techniques to achieve this goal, discussing which obstacles remain to be overcome, and which applications are envisioned in the tissue engineering field

    Particle Manipulation by Optical Forces in Microfluidic Devices

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    Since the pioneering work of Ashkin and coworkers, back in 1970, optical manipulation gained an increasing interest among the scientific community. Indeed, the advantages and the possibilities of this technique are unsubtle, allowing for the manipulation of small particles with a broad spectrum of dimensions (nanometers to micrometers size), with no physical contact and without affecting the sample viability. Thus, optical manipulation rapidly found a large set of applications in different fields, such as cell biology, biophysics, and genetics. Moreover, large benefits followed the combination of optical manipulation and microfluidic channels, adding to optical manipulation the advantages of microfluidics, such as a continuous sample replacement and therefore high throughput and automatic sample processing. In this work, we will discuss the state of the art of these optofluidic devices, where optical manipulation is used in combination with microfluidic devices. We will distinguish on the optical method implemented and three main categories will be presented and explored: (i) a single highly focused beam used to manipulate the sample, (ii) one or more diverging beams imping on the sample, or (iii) evanescent wave based manipulation

    Microstructured Phononic Crystal Isolates from Ultrasonic Mechanical Vibrations

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    The functioning of many micro-electromechanical devices with parts oscillating at high frequencies require isolation from external vibration. Phononic crystals, presenting band-gaps in the dispersion spectrum, i.e., interval of frequency in which propagating waves are attenuated, can provide an effective solution for vibration shielding at the microscale. In the present work, we design—through numerical simulations—a 3D phononic crystal with a micrometric unit cell able to work as vibration isolator for a micro system. We exploit the direct writing technique based on two-photon polymerization to realize three prototypes of different dimensions. Experimental measurements performed with a Michelson interferometer demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposal