4 research outputs found

    Stres i radna sposobnost radnika u naftnoj industriji

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    This cross-sectional study conducted between March and June 2006 examined stress at work and work ability of 180 people with different workplaces within an oil company. Office, laboratory, and oil-field workers were invited to complete the “Occupational Stress Assessment Questionnaire – the Oil Industry Version and Work Ability Index (WAI) Questionnaire”. The overall response rate was 69.4 %, and the final sample size was 125 workers who completed the questionnaires (57 office, 41 laboratory, 27 oil-field workers). Office, laboratory, and oil-field workers differed significantly with respect to age (P<0.001). The oldest were oil-field workers and the youngest were office workers. The average WAI score for office workers was 44.9, for laboratory workers 43.2 and for field workers 39.7, indicating satisfying work ability. After adjusting for age, the difference in WAI score between the groups of workers was still significant (P<0.001). Over 75 % of all workers believed their job was stressful, but the perception of specific stressors depended on the workplace.Cilj ovog ispitivanja bio je procijeniti doživljaj stresa na radnome mjestu i radnu sposobnost zaposlenih u različitim dijelovima radnog procesa naftne industrije. Presječno istraživanje provedeno je u hrvatskoj naftnoj industriji, u razdoblju od ožujka do lipnja 2006. s uzorkom od 180 prigodno odabranih zaposlenika. Zaposlenici u uredu, laboratoriju za preradu nafte i naftnom pogonu trebali su ispuniti Upitnik o stresu na radu – verzija za naftnu industriju i Upitnik za procjenu indeksa radne sposobnosti (WAI). Ukupni odaziv ispitanika bio je 69,4 % te je obrađeno 125 ispunjenih upitnika (57 radnika iz ureda, 41 iz laboratorija i 27 iz naftnog pogona). Radnici iz ureda, laboratorija i naftnih pogona značajno su se razlikovali u dobi (P<0,001). Najstariji su bili radnici u naftnim pogonima, dok su najmlađi bili radnici u uredu. Prosječni WAI za uredske zaposlenike bio je 44,9, za laboratorijske 43,2, a za zaposlenike u naftnom pogonu 39,7, što upućuje na zadovoljavajuću radnu sposobnost. Uzevši u obzir utjecaj dobi pri testiranju razlika, utvrđeno je kako se WAI promatranih skupina statistički značajno razlikuju (P<0,001). Više od tri četvrtine svih ispitanika procjenjuje svoj posao kao stresan, no vrste stresora koje doživljavaju razlikuju se ovisno o radnome mjestu

    Dressed and undressed weight in naturally bred wild boar (Sus scrofa): The possible influence of crossbreeding

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    The aim of this study was to determine and compare field dressing percentage in free-living wild boars from lowland (Spačva) and hilly (Papuk) habitats in Croatia. The obtained data indicate a better dressing percentage for wild boars from the Papuk region, with mean values of 77.35% for piglets, 79.61% for yearlings, 80.1% for subadults and 81.93% for adults. The dressing percentage for wild boars from the Spačva region was on average 75.10% for piglets, 73.68% for yearlings, 74.85% for subadults and 63.24% for adults. Furthermore, the internal organs were divided into eatable (heart, liver and kidneys) and non-eatable viscera. Of the complete viscera weight, the eatable part represented 17.57% in piglets, 17.97% in yearlings, 13.37% in subadults and 15.69% in adult boars from the Papuk region. The same values for the Spačva region were 19.79% in piglets, 14.06% into yearlings, 12.87% in subadults and 8.67% in adults. The results obtained in this study indicate a better growth rate and dressing percentage for wild boars from the Papuk region. When the similar feeding potential and habitat characteristics of both hunting grounds are taken in consideration, the most possible explanation for the observed differences is crossbreeding of wild boars with domestic pigs. The nomadic keeping of domestic pigs in the area of Spačva remains a huge problem for the preservation of the pure, autochthonous wild boar genome