37 research outputs found

    On Appel Index of MATH/CHEM/COMP Conference

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    An index measuring the mathematical content of an interdisciplinary area is described and calculated for the MATH/CHEM/COMP conference. Some further areas of application of this index in mathematical chemistry are indicated

    Savršeno sparivanje kod rešetkastih životinja i rešetkastih putova uz ograničenja

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    In the first part of this paper it is shown how to use ear decomposition techniques in proving existence and establishing lower bounds to the number of perfect matchings in lattice animals. A correspondence is then established between perfect matchings in certain classes of benzenoid graphs and paths in the rectangular lattice that satisfy certain diagonal constraints. This correspondence is used to give explicit formulas for the number of perfect matchings in hexagonal benzenoid graphs and to derive some identities involving Fibonacci numbers and binomial coefficients. Some of the results about benzenoid graphs are also translated into the context of polyominoes.U prvom je dijelu članka pokazana uporaba tehnika ušnog rastava u dokazivanju postojanja i izvođenju donjih ocjena broja savršenih sparivanja u benzenoidnim grafovima i poliominima. Nakon toga je uspostavljena korespondencija između savršenih sparivanja u nekim klasama benzenoidnih grafova i putova u pravokutnim rešetkama koji zadovoljavaju određena ograničenja zadana dijagonalama. Korespondencija je zatim rabljena za dobivanje eksplicitnih formula za broj savršenih sparivanja u benzenoidnim grafovima i za izvo|enje identiteta koji uključuju Fibonaccijeve brojeve i binomne koeficijente. Neki od rezultata za benzenoidne grafove su zatim prevedeni u kontekst poliomina

    Importance and Redundancy in Fullerene Graphs

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    The concept of importance of an edge in a fullerene graph has been defined and lower bounds have been established for this quantity. These lower bounds are then used to obtain an improved lower bound on the number of perfect matchings in fullerene graphs

    Morgan Trees and Dyck Paths

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    A simple bijection is established between Morgan trees and Dyck paths. As a consequence, exact enumerative results for Morgan trees on given number of vertices are obtained in terms of Catalan numbers. The results are further refined by enumerating all Morgan trees with prescribed number of internal vertices and by computing the average number of internal vertices in a Morgan tree

    Enumerative aspects of secondary structures

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    AbstractA secondary structure is a planar, labeled graph on the vertex set {1,…,n} having two kind of edges: the segments [i,i+1], for 1⩽i⩽n−1 and arcs in the upper half-plane connecting some vertices i,j, i⩽j, where j−i>l, for some fixed integer l. Any two arcs must be totally disjoint. We enumerate secondary structures with respect to their size n, rank l and order k (number of arcs), obtaining recursions and, in some cases, explicit formulae in terms of Motzkin, Catalan, and Narayana numbers. We give the asymptotics for the enumerating sequences and prove their log-convexity, log-concavity and unimodality. It is shown how these structures are connected with hypergeometric functions and orthogonal polynomials

    On the Narumi-Katayama Index of Composite Graphs

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    The Narumi-Katayama index of a graph G, denoted by N K(G), is equal to the product of degrees of vertices of G. In this paper we investigate its behavior under several binary operations on graphs. We present explicit formulas for its values for composite graphs in terms of its values for operands and some auxiliary invariants. We demonstrate applications of our results to several chemically relevant classes of graphs and show how the Narumi-Katayama index can be used as a measure of graph irregularity. (doi: 10.5562/cca2329