61 research outputs found

    Leaching Behaviour of Nitrogen in Forage Rice Cultivation that Applied with Animal Manure

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    Increased use of N fertilizer may substantially increase of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) leaching, which potentially pollutes groundwater.  Leaching behaviour of nitrogen (N) was observed in the paddy field of forage rice cultivation. Two kinds of animal manure, cattle manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM) at 5 levels of N application (0, 70, 140, 210, 280 kg N ha-1) as the organic N sources, and without any chemical fertilizers. “Tachisuzuka” forage rice variety was conducted in the experimental plot. Porous ceramic cups were installed in triplicate of each treatment at 45 cm depth to collect the percolation water samples during the cultivation rice periods. The concentration of total N, NH4-N, NO2-N and NO3-N of water (surface and percolation) and soil sample solution were analysed using a Hach DR/2800 spectrophotometer. Result showed that NO3-N leaching was higher than NH4-N in the percolation water during the cultivation of forage rice periods. The highest NO3-N leaching was found in 280 kg N ha-1 (6.3 mg L-1), that it was indicated on the polluted levels. The highest of biomass production was in N280 (16.22 t ha-1) and nearly similar result in N140, N210 and N280. It was concluded that the best application of N-fertilizer in 140 kg N ha-1 because it greatly enhanced N-fertilizer efficiency, and decreased steadily of NO3-N concentration leaching in the environment of the groundwater.Keywords: Ammonium (NH4-N), Forage rice, N behavior, Nitrate (NO3-N), N leaching[How to Cite: Gusmini, K Nishimura, Adrinal, and T Itani. 2013. Leaching Behaviour of Nitrogen in Forage Rice Cultivation that Applied with Animal Manure. JTrop Soils 18 (3): 209-216. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2013.18.3.209][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2013.18.3.209]REFERENCESAgrawal GD, SK Lunkad and T Malkhed. 1999. Difusse agricultural nitrate pollution of groundwater in India. 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    FFC Ceramic Water(TM) Enhances Plant Apyrase Activity

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    The FFC ceramics(TM) from FFC Japan Co., Ltd. are now widely used in the fields of agriculture, fishery and food industry in Japan. Recently the FFC ceramic beads-based technology has been also applied to meet several environmental problems including pollution in sea, lakes and rivers. In this study the FFC ceramic water was tested for effect on plant enzyme, potato apyrase (EC; ATP-diphosphohydrolase), which hydrolyses nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) and -diphosphate (NDP) to produce corresponding nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Addition of the FFC ceramic water to the enzyme reaction mixture markedly enhanced ATP-hydrolyzing activity, when used as ATP as substrate. However, the concomitant presence of Ca(2+) chelator, EGTA (O,O'-bis(2-aminoethyl)ethyleneglycol-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid) with the FFC ceramic water, completely abolished the enzyme activation. In fact, exogenous calcium ion such as CaSO4 mimicked the FFC ceramic water. These results indicate that apyrase activation by the FFC ceramic water largely depends on calcium ions. On the other hand, when the FFC ceramic water prepared from "used" ceramics was tested for the apyrase activity, the enhanced effect on apyrase was decreased compared to the FFC ceramic water from "new" ones. This result, consistent with our present data covering concentration of calcium ions and conductivity, indicates that long and/or successive usage of the ceramic beads results in decrease of contents of released minerals, especially calcium ions. The apyrase-based enzyme assay presented here is probably applicable to estimate and quantify the effect of FFC ceramic water.本報は,FFC セラミックス(TM)(㈱エフエフシー・ジャパン)で調製した FFC セラミック水(FFC 水)の植物アピラーゼ(ECの活性に及ぼす直接的な作用について調べたものである.FFC 水はアピラーゼがもつ ATP加水分解活性を促進し,その作用は反応液への添加量に依存した.先の無機元素分析結果から,FFC 水に含まれる主要な塩類はCa(2+)であることが判明している.そこで,Ca(2+)キレート剤EGTAを反応液へ加え,その影響について調べたところ,FFC 水による活性化作用は消失することが明らかとなった.また,FFC 水と類似の作用は,硫酸カルシウム,塩化カルシウムまたは硝酸カルシウムの添加で認められ,陰イオンの種類によって明確な違いはなかった.これらの結果から,FFC 水が植物アピラーゼに及ぼす活性化作用の一因は,セラミックスから遊離する Ca(2+)に依存しているものと推察された.一方,アピラーゼ活性を指標として,使用済のセラミックスから調製した FFC 水の効果について検討したところ,未使用からの水と比べて,カルシウム濃度ならびに活性化作用の顕著な低下が認められた.このことは,継続的な使用によってセラミックスから遊離する塩類,特にカルシウムの溶出量が大きく変わることを意味し,アピラーゼを用いた本検定が,FFC 水の効果を定量的に確かめる方法の一つとして利用できると考えられた.以上,これらの結果を総合して,FFC水の植物酵素への直接的作用,ならびに植物への施用によって効果が現れる耐病性獲得作用との関連について考察した

    土壌改質材 FFC エースによるオオムギの生育と収量の促進効果

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    The effects of a unique soil conditioner, FFC-ace, on photosynthesis, transpiration, growth and yield of barley were examined in a field experiment. FFC-ace well-mixed with sandy soil greatly enhanced root and shoot growth, tillering and the number of grains per stock. The total yield in the treated plot increased by about 172%. The plants grown in the FFC-ace plot were greener and contained a higher level of chlorophyll, compared with the control. Photosynthesis and transpiration, which are tightly linked to productivity were also significantly enhanced at the broad range of photon flux observed in our study. The quality of grain harvested from the FFC-ace plot was similar to the control plot in terms of nutritional and inorganic components. The increased photosynthesis in the FFC-ace treated barley reflects a higher absorption of CO(2) from the atmosphere. It was also noted that the efficiency of water utilization for photosynthesis was significantly greater under the high light intensity in the treated plot. The relationship between application of FFC-ace and absorption of atmospheric CO(2) is discussed. Our investigation provides data showing that application of FFC-ace to soil significantly reduces water requirements for plant growth and yield.本報は,㈱エフエフシー・ジャパンから販売されている土壌改質材FFCエースTMの作物の生長促進効果について,2006年11月から翌年6月,本学農学部内の実験圃場で実施された,オオムギの生育ならびに収量調査に関する試験結果をとりまとめたものである.実施圃場の砂土壌にFFCエースを所定量混和した区画を設け,オオムギの種子を播種した.なお,対照区は非導入土壌とした.定期的に行った生育調査の結果,FFCエースを導入した土壌では非導入の区画と比べて,生育初期における根の生育が良好となり,地上部における分けつ数の増加とともに穂の生長も旺盛となって,1穂当たりの収穫量(粒数)の著しい増加をもたらした.結果,FFCエース導入区における全収量は非導入区と比べて約1.7倍となった.また,それぞれから収穫したオオムギ粒に含まれる栄養価ならびに無機元素類の量には,FFCエースの導入,非導入によって大きな違いは認められず,導入の効果は収量に大きく反映された.事実,調査期間中に行った測定から,FFCエースを投入した土壌で生育するオオムギ葉は高いクロロフィル量を示しており,光合成が促進されているものと考えられた.実際,播種後4ヶ月目以降,光合成ならびに蒸散速度値を測定した結果,FFCエース導入区で生育したオオムギでは常に高い値を示した.また,FFCエースの導入によって強光条件下における水利用効率が促進された.本報告では,FFCエースの投与と空気中からの二酸化炭素の吸収量との関連について考察するとともに,併せて,FFCエースの土壌への導入によって作物の生育に必要な灌水量を大きく減らすことができる可能性についても言及したい

    Effect of FFC Ceramic Water on the Infection Process of a Fungal Pathogen

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    In this report, an effect of FFC-ceramic (FFC-Japan Co. Ltd., Tsu) water on the process of infection by a pea fungal pathogen, Mycosphaerella pinodes was investigated. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis showed that both of the FFC-ceramic water and a common ceramic water contained mainly Ca and S elements, of which the relative atomic percentages were 53~56% and 44~45%, respectively. Lesion formation by pycnospores of M. pinodes on pea leaves was inhibited severely by the application with both ceramic waters at the 1/2~1/6 concentration of saturated solution. Cytological observation under microscope showed that germination, germ-tube elongation and penetration were severely inhibited by these ceramic waters. However, such inhibitory effect of FFC-ceramic water was superior to that of the common ceramic water. On ethanol-killed pea epidermal tissues, both FFC-ceramic water and the common ceramic water blocked the germination, germ-tube elongation and penetration by the pathogen, indicating the direct effect of both ceramic waters on the fungus. In this case, the inhibiting effect of FFC ceramic water was more intensive than the common ceramic water. CaSO(4) at a 1/2~1/4 concentration of saturated solution blocked penetration by the fungus on the killed epidermis of onion bulb but scarcely affected germination and germ-tube elongation. Based on these results, we discussed the role of FFC-ceramic water in disease tolerance of plants and its availability for cultivation.本研究は,FFCセラミックス(TM)(株 エフフシージャパン)の植物病原菌の発病抑制効果について調べたものである.FFCセラミック水は原液の1/2~1/6の濃度でエンドウ褐紋病菌の発病を顕著に抑制した.この原因を調べたところ,FFCセラミック水は,病原菌の発芽,発芽管伸長,侵入(貫入)を顕著に阻害することが判明した.FFCセラミック水中にはCa並びにS,O元素が多量に存在し,SEM観察の結果と合わせると,CaSO(4)が多量に含まれることが示唆された.そこで,CaSO(4)飽和液の1/2~1/4濃度で,病原菌に対する作用を調べた結果,発芽あるいは発芽管伸長はほとんど阻害されず,低率ながら侵入も観察された.これらの結果を総合して,FFCセラミック水やCaSO4の栽培場面での応用を考察した

    Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope

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    An overview of the current status of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope constructed and operated at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan is presented. The basic design concept and the verified performance of the telescope system are described. Also given are the status of the instrument package offered to the astronomical community, the status of operation, and some of the future plans. The status of the telescope reported in a number of SPIE papers as of the summer of 2002 are incorporated with some updates included as of 2004 February. However, readers are encouraged to check the most updated status of the telescope through the home page, http://subarutelescope.org/index.html, and/or the direct contact with the observatory staff.Comment: 18 pages (17 pages in published version), 29 figures (GIF format), This is the version before the galley proo

    QOL after RT or OP for uterine cervix cancer

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    This study aimed to research the post-treatment quality of life (QOL) between radiotherapy (RT)- and operation (OP)-treated early cervical cancer survivors, using separate questionnaires for physicians and patients. We administered an observational questionnaire to patients aged 20–70 years old with Stages IB1–IIB cervical cancer who had undergone RT or OP and without recurrence as outpatients for ≥6 months after treatment. We divided 100 registered patients equally into two treatment groups (n = 50 each). The average age was 53 and 44 years in the RT and OP groups, respectively. The RT group included 34 and 66% Stage I and II patients, respectively, whereas the OP group included 66 and 34% Stage I and II patients, respectively. The OP group included 58% of patients with postoperative RT. Combination chemotherapy was performed in 84 and 48% of patients in the RT and OP groups, respectively. On the physicians’ questionnaire, we observed significant differences in bone marrow suppression (RT) and leg edema (OP). On the patients’ questionnaire, significantly more patients had dysuria and leg edema in the OP group than in the RT group, and severe (Score 4–5) leg edema was significantly higher in the post-operative RT group than in the OP only group. The frequency of sexual intercourse decreased after treatment in both groups. On the patients’ questionnaire, there were no significant differences between the two groups regarding sexual activity. These findings are useful to patients and physicians for shared decision-making in treatment choices. The guidance of everyday life and health information including sexual life after treatment is important