41 research outputs found

    Monosomy 12 and deletion of 13q34 in a case of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with concomitant lung cancer

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    Background. We described a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and lung cancer and unusual chromosomal aberrations. Case report. At the same time with the diagnosis of B-cell CLL, squamocellular lung carcinoma diagnosis was established. Using interphase fluoresecence in situ hybridization technique (FISH) we detected monosomy 12 and deletion of 13q34 occured in the same clone. One month after the beginning of examination the patient died unexpectedly during sleep immediately before we applied a specific treatment for CLL or lung carcinoma. Conclusion. Simultaneous occurrence of monosomy 12 and deletion of 13q34 in a patient with B-cell CLL has been described only once before, but as a part of a complex karyotype. The prognostic significance of these abnormalities remains uncertain

    Proven invasive pulmonary mucormycosis successfully treated with amphotericin B and surgery in patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Invasive mucormycosis (zygomycosis) is the third most frequent fungal infection in patients with hematologic malignancies. It often results in a fatal outcome mainly due to the difficulty of early diagnosis and its resistance to antimycotics. CASE PRESENTATION: A 52-year-old Caucasian man was diagnosed with acute myeloblastic leukemia. Following the induction chemotherapy he developed febrile neutropenia. Meropenem (3×1000mg/day) was introduced empirically. A chest computed tomography showed soft-tissue consolidation change in his right upper lobe. A bronchoscopy was performed and the histology indicated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis based on fungal hypha detection. Also, high risk patients are routinely screened for invasive fungal infections using commercially available serological enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests: galactomannan and mannan (Bio-Rad, France), as well as anti-Aspergillus immunoglobulin G and/or immunoglobulin M and anti-Candida immunoglobulin G and/or immunoglobulin M antibodies (Virion-Serion, Germany). Galactomannan showed low positivity and voriconazole therapy (2×400mg/first day; 2×300mg/following days) was implemented. The patient became afebrile and a partial remission of disease was established. After 2 months, the patient developed a fever and a chest multi-slice computed tomography showed soft-tissue mass compressing his upper right bronchus. Voriconazole (2×400mg/first day; 2×300mg/following days) was reintroduced and bronchoscopy was repeated. Histologic examination of the new specimen was done, as well as a revision of the earlier samples in the reference laboratory and the diagnosis was switched to invasive pulmonary mucormycosis. The treatment was changed to amphotericin B colloidal dispersion (1×400mg/day). The complete remission of acute myeloblastic leukemia was verified after 2 months. During his immunerestitution, a high positivity of the anti-Aspergillus immunoglobulin M antibodies was found in a single serum sample and pulmonary radiography was unchanged. A lobectomy of his right upper pulmonary lobe was done and the mycology culture of the lung tissue sample revealed Rhizopus oryzae. He remained in complete remission for more than 1 year. CONCLUSIONS: Invasive mucormycosis was successfully treated with amphotericin B, surgery and secondary itraconazole prophylaxis. As a rare disease invasive mucormycosis is not well understood by the medical community and therefore an improvement of education about prevention, diagnosis and treatment of invasive mucormycosis is necessary

    Acquired von Willebrand syndrome in multiple myeloma

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    Acquired von Willebrand syndrome (AvWS) is an uncommon complication of multiple myeloma (MM), and it is believed to be connected with paraprotein. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of AvWS in patients with MM, and estimate the role of paraprotein in its occurrence. The study included 40 patients with MM. The plasma level of paraprotein, platelet adhesion on glass pearls, plasma von Willebrand factor antigen concentration, and ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA) were measured initially. Absence of RIPA was found in six patients with MM (15%); however, all six of them had normal levels of von Willebrand factor antigen. Paraprotein was isolated from the serum of these patients. Platelet aggregation was measured in six healthy donors before and after addition of the isolated paraprotein. RIPA was significantly decreased in healthy donors in the presence of paraprotein (P lt 0.001). The same test was repeated with added human immunoglobulins for intravenous use without any change in RIPA. A significant negative correlation between plasma paraprotein level and RIPA was found (P lt 0.001). These investigations have shown that paraprotein is associated with AvWS in patients with MM

    Somatic mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenases 1 and 2 are prognostic and follow-up markers in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia with normal karyotype

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    Background. Mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 (IDH1 and IDH2) genes are frequent molecular lesions in acute myeloid leukaemia with normal karyotype (AML-NK). The effects of IDH mutations on clinical features and treatment outcome in AML-NK have been widely investigated, but only a few studies monitored these mutations during follow-up. Patients and methods. In our study samples from 110 adult de novo AML-NK were studied for the presence of IDH1 and IDH2 mutations, their associations with other prognostic markers and disease outcome. We also analyzed the stability of these mutations during the course of the disease in complete remission (CR) and relapse. Results. IDH mutations were found in 25 (23%) patients. IDH+ patients tend to have lower CR rate compared to IDH-patients (44% vs 62.2%, p = 0.152), and had slightly lower disease free survival (12 months vs 17 months; p = 0.091). On the other hand, the presence of IDH mutations had significant impact on overall survival (2 vs 7 months; p = 0.039). The stability of IDH mutations were studied sequentially in 19 IDH+ patients. All of them lost the mutation in CR, and the same IDH mutations were detected in relapsed samples. Conclusions. Our study shows that the presence of IDH mutations confer an adverse effect in AML-NK patients, which in combination with other molecular markers can lead to an improved risk stratification and better treatment. Also, IDH mutations are very stable during the course of the disease and can be potentially used as markers for minimal residual disease detection

    Application of targeted next generation sequencing for the mutational profiling of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    lt b gt Uvod: lt /b gt Akutna limfoblastna leukemija (ALL) je najčešće maligno oboljenje kod dece, dok je kod odraslih njena učestalost mnogo niža. U današnjoj kliničkoj praksi kao najvažnije metode stratifikacije pacijenata u određene grupe rizika koriste se metode identifikacije citogenetičkih aberacija i malog broja molekulanih markera. Tehnologija sekvenciranja nove generacije (SNG) obezbeđuje veliku količinu podataka koji doprinose razjašnjavanju mutacionog profila dečje (dALL) i adultne ALL (aALL). lt b gt Metode: lt /b gt Uzorci DNK iz 34 dALL i aALL pacijenata analizirani su primenom SNG ciljanog sekvenciranja ("TruSeq Amplicon Cancer Panel - TSACP") kojim se sekvenciraju "hotspot" mutacije u 48 gena povezanih sa kancerom. lt b gt Rezultati: lt /b gt Identifikovano je ukupno 330 varijanti u kodirajućim regionima, od kojih je samo 95 njih za posledicu imalo potencijalnu promenu u proteinu. Posmatrano kod pojedinačnih pacijenata, detektovane mutacije su pretežno remetile Ras/RTK signalni put (STK11, KIT, MET, NRAS, KRAS, PTEN). Pored toga, identifikovano je 5 pacijenata sa istom mutacijom u HNF1A genu, koja je uzrokovala poremećaje u Wnt i Notch signalnom putu. Kod dva pa cijenta otkrivene su varijante u NOTCH1 genu. Nije detektovano istovremeno prisustvo varijanti u HNF1A i NOTCH1 genu, dok su geni uključeni u Ras/RTK signalni put pokazali tendenciju ka akumuliranju mutacija. lt b gt Zaključak: lt /b gt Naši rezultati pokazuju da ALL sadrži Mali broj mutacija, bez značajnih razlika između dALL i aALL (medijana po pacijentu 2 odnosno 3). Detektovane mutacije izazivaju poremećaje u nekoliko ključnih signalnih puteva, prvenstveno Ras/RTK kaskade. Ova studija doprinosi ukupnom znanju o mutacionom profilu ALL, što vodi ka boljem razumijevanju molekularne osnove ovog oboljenja.lt b gt Background: lt /b gt Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer in children, whereas it is less common in adults. Identification of cytogenetic aberrations and a small number of molecular abnormalities are still the most important risk and therapy stratification methods in clinical practice today. Next generation sequencing (NGS) technology provides a large amount of data contributing to elucidation of mutational landscape of childhood (cALL) and adult ALL (aALL). lt b gt Methods: lt /b gt We analyzed DNA samples from 34 cALL and aALL patients, using NGS targeted sequencing TruSeq Amplicon - Cancer Panel (TSACP) which targets mutational hotspots in 48 cancer related genes. lt b gt Results: lt /b gt We identified a total of 330 variants in the coding regions, out of which only 95 were potentially protein-changing. Observed in individual patients, detected mutations predominantly disrupted Ras/RTK pathway (STK11, KIT, MET, NRAS, KRAS, PTEN). Additionally, we identified 5 patients with the same mutation in HNF1A gene, disrupting both Wnt and Notch signaling pathway. In two patients we detected variants in NOTCH1 gene. HNF1A and NOTCH1 variants were mutually exclusive, while genes involved in Ras/RTK pathway exhibit a tendency of mutation accumulation. lt b gt Conclusions: lt /b gt Our results showed that ALL contains low number of mutations, without significant differences between cALL and aALL (median per patient 2 and 3, respectively). Detected mutations affect few key signaling pathways, primarily Ras/RTK cascade. This study contributes to knowledge of ALL mutational landscape, leading to better understanding of molecular basis of this disease

    Parallel targeted next generation sequencing of childhood and adult acute myeloid leukemia patients reveals uniform genomic profile of the disease

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    The age-specific differences in the genetic mechanisms of myeloid leukemogenesis have been observed and studied previously. However, NGS technology has provided a possibility to obtain a large amount of mutation data. We analyzed DNA samples from 20 childhood (cAML) and 20 adult AML (aAML) patients, using NGS targeted sequencing. The average coverage of high-quality sequences was 2981 x per amplicon. A total of 412 (207 cAML, 205 aAML) variants in the coding regions were detected; out of which, only 122 (62 cAML and 60 aAML) were potentially protein-changing. Our results confirmed that AML contains small number of genetic alterations (median 3 mutations/patient in both groups). The prevalence of the most frequent single gene AML associated mutations differed in cAML and aAML patient cohorts: IDH1 (0 % cAML, 5 % aAML), IDH2 (0 % cAML, 10 % aAML), NPM1 (10 % cAML, 35 % aAML). Additionally, potentially protein-changing variants were found in tyrosine kinase genes or genes encoding tyrosine kinase associated proteins (JAK3, ABL1, GNAQ, and EGFR) in cAML, while among aAML, the prevalence is directed towards variants in the methylation and histone modifying genes (IDH1, IDH2, and SMARCB1). Besides uniform genomic profile of AML, specific genetic characteristic was exclusively detected in cAML and aAML

    Complex Patterns of Chromosome 11 Aberrations in Myeloid Malignancies Target CBL, MLL, DDB1 and LMO2

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    Exome sequencing of primary tumors identifies complex somatic mutation patterns. Assignment of relevance of individual somatic mutations is difficult and poses the next challenge for interpretation of next generation sequencing data. Here we present an approach how exome sequencing in combination with SNP microarray data may identify targets of chromosomal aberrations in myeloid malignancies. The rationale of this approach is that hotspots of chromosomal aberrations might also harbor point mutations in the target genes of deletions, gains or uniparental disomies (UPDs). Chromosome 11 is a frequent target of lesions in myeloid malignancies. Therefore, we studied chromosome 11 in a total of 813 samples from 773 individual patients with different myeloid malignancies by SNP microarrays and complemented the data with exome sequencing in selected cases exhibiting chromosome 11 defects. We found gains, losses and UPDs of chromosome 11 in 52 of the 813 samples (6.4%). Chromosome 11q UPDs frequently associated with mutations of CBL. In one patient the 11qUPD amplified somatic mutations in both CBL and the DNA repair gene DDB1. A duplication within MLL exon 3 was detected in another patient with 11qUPD. We identified several common deleted regions (CDR) on chromosome 11. One of the CDRs associated with de novo acute myeloid leukemia (P=0.013). One patient with a deletion at the LMO2 locus harbored an additional point mutation on the other allele indicating that LMO2 might be a tumor suppressor frequently targeted by 11p deletions. Our chromosome-centered analysis indicates that chromosome 11 contains a number of tumor suppressor genes and that the role of this chromosome in myeloid malignancies is more complex than previously recognized

    Acute myocardial infarction during induction chemotherapy for acute MLL t(4;11) leukemia with lineage switch and extreme leukocytosis

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    Introduction. In patients with acute leukemias hemorrhage is the most frequent problem. Vein thrombotic events may appear rarely but arterial thromboses are exceptionally rare. We present a patient with acute leukemia and bilateral deep leg vein thrombosis who developed an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) during induction chemotherapy. The etiology and treatment of AMI in patients with acute leukemia, which is a rare occurrence, is discussed. Case Outline. In April of 2012 a 37-year-old male presented with bilateral deep leg vein thrombosis and malaise. Laboratory data were as follows: Hb 118 g/L, WBC 354x109/L (with 91% blasts in differential leukocyte count), platelets 60Ч109/L. Bone marrow aspirate and immunophenotype revealed the presence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cytogenetic analysis was as follows: 46,XY,t(4;11)(q21:q23) [2]/62-82,XY,t(4;11)[18]. Molecular analysis showed MLL-AF4 rearrangement. The patient was on low molecular weight heparin and combined chemotherapy according to protocol HyperCVAD. On day 10 after chemotherapy he got chest pain. Three days later AMI was diagnosed (creatine kinase 66 U/L, CK-MB 13U/L, troponin 1.19 μg/L). Electrocardiogram showed the ST elevation in leads D1, D2, aVL, V5 and V6 and “micro q” in D1. On echocardiography, hypokinesia of the left ventricle and ejection fraction of 39% was found. After recovering from AMI and restoring left ventricle ejection fraction to 59%, second course of HyperCVAD was given. The control bone marrow aspirate showed 88% of blasts but with monoblastic appearance. Flow cytometry confirmed a lineage switch from lymphoblasts to monoblasts. In further course of the disease he was treated with a variety of chemotherapeutic combinations without achieving remission. Eventually, palliative chemotherapy was administered to reduce the bulk of blasts. He died five months after the initial diagnosis. Conclusion. AMI in young adults with acute leukemia is a very rare complication which may occur in patients with very high white blood cell count in addition with presence of a CD56 adhesion molecule and other concomitant thrombophilic factors. The treatment of AMI in patients with acute leukemias should include antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy, even with more aggressive methods depending on patient’s age and clinical risk assessment. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41004

    Favorable outcome of hepatosplenic candidiasis in a patient with acute leukemia

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    Introduction. Acute leukemias treatment requires strong chemotherapy. Patients that develop bone marrow aplasia become immunocompromised, thus becoming liable to bacterial and fungal infections. Fungal infections caused by Candida are frequent. Hepatosplenic candidiasis (HSC) is a frequent consequence of invasive candidiasis which is clinically presented with prolonged febrility unresponsive to antibiotics. Case Outline. A 53-year-old patient with acute myeloid leukemia was submitted to standard chemotherapy “3+7” regimen (daunoblastine 80 mg i.v. on days 1 to 3, cytarabine 2Ч170 mg i.v. during 7 days) and achieved complete remission. However, during remission he developed febrility unresponsive to antibiotics. Computerised tomography (CT) of the abdomen showed multiple hypodense lesions within the liver and spleen. Haemocultures on fungi were negative. However, seroconversion of biomarkers for invasive fungal infection (IFI) (Candida and Aspergillus antigen/Ag and antibody/Ab) indicated possible HSC. Only high positivity of anti-Candida IgG antibodies, positivity of mannan and CT finding we regarded sufficient for the diagnosis and antimycotic therapy. Three months of treatment with different antimycotics were necessary for complete disappearance of both clinical symptoms and CT findings. Conclusion. In patients with prolonged febrile neutropenia IFI has to be strongly suspected. If imaging techniques show multiple hypodense lesions within liver and spleen, HSC has to be taken seriously into consideration. We believe that, along with CT finding, positive laboratory Candida biomarkers (mannan and IgG antibodies) should be considered sufficient for “probable HSC” and commencement of antifungal therapy, which must be long enough, i.e. until complete disappearance of clinical symptoms and CT findings are achieved. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI 175034