56 research outputs found
Alien Registration- Doak, Jane (Caribou, Aroostook County)
Alien Registration- Tomilson, R Claude (Houlton, Aroostook County)
Alien Registration- Tomilson, Margaret L. (Houlton, Aroostook County)
The Management of Inclusive School and its Institucional Intervention: tensions between the appropriateness of its actions and the necessity of a new epistemic paradigm
[EN] The following article presents a theoretical/ methodological analysis regarding the
conditions and/or cultural, organizational and ideological institutional processes that
claim opportunely and appropriately, the construction of an educational institution with
inclusive character on exclusion times. Initially, we reflect on the challenges that
postmodernist educational science faces in view of the absence of an epistemic
paradigm supporting founding challenges of this approach. In this way, its pragmatic and
epistemological obstacles are identified. Secondly, we broaden the reflection indicating
the epistemological considerations required to assume the current tensions and
challenges, which the inclusive education approach faces. We recognize the discursive
and ideological imposition of a traditional model of special education from a more
equitable and just language, incapable to assume trans-ontological challenges related to
educate the totality of citizens, beyond crystallization of categories systems which deny
human differences. Finally, we describe the basis of School management model in
inclusive education as a means of transformation and change of institutional, socioeducational
and socio-political scheme of the educational institution facing diversity,
differences and heterogeneity legitimization. As a conclusion, we identify de need to get
over the ambiguity that explains the scientific pseudo- status of the inclusive education
model over the challenges of its special education founding paradigm. This situation will
affect diametrically on the institutional intervention strategies quality destined to answer
the social concerns and needs of every citizen.[ES] Este trabajo expone un análisis teórico/metodológico sobre las condiciones y procesos institucionales, organizativos, culturales e ideológicos que aseguran oportuna y pertinentemente la construcción de una institución educativa de carácter inclusiva en tiempos de exclusión. Inicialmente, se reflexiona sobre los desafíos que enfrenta la ciencia educativa postmodernista a la luz de la inexistencia de un paradigma epistémico que sustente los desafíos fundacionales de este enfoque. Se identifican de este modo sus obstáculos epistemológicos y pragmáticos. En un segundo momento, se abordan las consideraciones epistemológicas necesarias para asumir las tensiones y los desafíos vigentes que enfrenta el enfoque de educación inclusiva en el siglo XXI. Se reconoce la imposición discursiva e ideológica de un modelo tradicional de educación especial bajo un lenguaje más equitativo incapaz de asumir los desafíos trans-ontológicos de educar a la totalidad de ciudadanos que superen los universalismos clásicos negadores de las diferencias humanas. En un tercer momento, se describen los fundamentos del Modelo de Gestión Escolar en Educación Inclusiva (MGEI) como recurso de transformación y cambio ante el reconocimiento y legitimación de la diversidad. Se concluye identificando la necesidad de superar la ambigüedad que explica el seudo-estatus científico del modelo de educación inclusiva por sobre los desafíos de su paradigma fundante de educación especial. Esta situación repercutirá diametralmente en la calidad de las estrategias de intervención institucional destinadas responder a los intereses y necesidades sociales de todos los ciudadanos.Ocampo González, AA. (2015). La gestión de la escuela inclusiva y su intervención institucional: tensiones entre la pertinencia de sus actuaciones y la necesidad de un nuevo paradigma epistémico. Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia. (9):1-30. doi:10.4995/reinad.2015.3331.SWORD1309- Macarulla, I., Saiz, M. (2009). Buenas Prácticas de Escuela Inclusiva. La inclusión del alumnado con discapacidad: un reto, una necesidad. Barcelona: Graó.- McLaren, P. (2007). Pedagogía Crítica. ¿De qué hablamos?, ¿Dónde estamos? Barcelona: Graó.- Magendzo, A. (2004). De miradas y mensajes a la educación en derechos humanos. Santiago: LOM.- Marková, I. (2006). En busca de las dimensiones epistemológicas de las representaciones sociales. En Teoría sociocultural y la psicología social actual. Madrid: Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje. 163-182.- Martín-Barbero, J. (2008). "Reconfiguraciones e la comunicación entre escuela y sociedad", en: Tenti Fanfani, E. (comp.). Nuevos temas en la agenda de política educativa. 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Alien Registration- Tomilson, Mary P. (Houlton, Aroostook County)
Frequency and voltage control of a high-penetration, no-storage wind-diesel system
Studies have shown that the integration of wind turbines into an autonomous diesel- electric system (i.e., wind-diesel) can be economically viable, and that the potential market for wind-diesel is considerable. High-penetration, no-storage wind-diesel (HPNSWD) is considered to be the most economical approach to implementing wind-diesel. A HPNSWD system requires a fast-acting dump load controller to maintain the system frequency stability and quality, and, under some applications, additional voltage control is needed to maintain the voltage quality. -- In this thesis a detailed comprehensive dynamic model of a HPNSWD system is presented. The model is implemented in the software packages Matlab and Simulink, and is based on the wind-diesel test-bed at the Atlantic Wind Test Site (AWRS) in PEL Canada. Simulations using 1st 2nd and 3rd-order electric machine models are compared with simulations using the full-order electric machine models. Wherever possible, components of the model are validated with available measurements from the AWTS system. -- Three different frequency transducers (one phase detector and two frequency detectors) are modelled and incorporated into the design of a PID dump load frequency controller. The fast frequency detector (360 Hz pulse rate) outperforms the phase detector of the same speed. The slow frequency detector (36 Hz pulse rate) is unable to sufficiently dampen the swing of the system against the wind turbine's rotor. -- The simulated voltage transients that result from the disconnection of the wind turbine are found to be well above the specified limit When a capacitor bank is added to the wind turbine these voltage transients are reduced, but the susceptibility of the system to flicker emissions due to wind turbulence remains high and unchanged. -- In this thesis, a static VAR compensator (SVC) is uniquely applied to the wind-diesel system to improve its voltage stability. With the SVC configured to compensate the reactive power of the wind turbine, the wind turbine disconnections yield similar responses as with the capacitor bank, but the flicker emissions due to wind turbulence are virtually eliminated. Adding a novel voltage control loop to the SVC reduces the voltage transients from the wind turbine disconnections to well within the specifications. In addition, the voltage stability of the entire system is improved
The experience of aging : a qualitative study of well elderly individuals
This phenomenological study was designed to explore and describe the
perceptions of well elders who are experiencing aging. The study was conducted with
a sample of nine elders ranging in age from 65 to 77 years. Data were collected by
intensive interviewing usually at the community centre or at the home of the elder.
The data were analyzed for common themes.
The findings revealed that the elderly participants described their aging
experience in terms of control. The concept of control was mentioned in relation to
lifestyle, finances, and health. The participants repeatedly emphasized that their
degree of control directly related to how positively they viewed the aging experience.
In other words, the greater the elder's perceived control over lifestyle, finances, and
health, the greater the elder's positive perception of aging.
The results of a study such as this can be used to facilitate the individual
nurse's development of knowledge and expertise as it provides information that may
be used in developing and providing nursing services for the elderly population.Applied Science, Faculty ofNursing, School ofGraduat
Alien Registration- Tomilson, Mary P. (Houlton, Aroostook County)
Summer Internship at the Holleran Center for Community Action
I was an Enrich intern for the Holleran Center for Community Action this summer. I focused on creating infrastructure for the Enrich Mentor Program to operate remotely by researching best practices, creating training modules, and creating new remote guidelines
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