11 research outputs found

    Focal hepatic uptake along the falciform: False positive for malignancy on 18F-FDG-PET in a lymphoma patient with superior vena cava obstruction

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    We present a case of focal increased intrahepatic radiotracer activity on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in a patient with lymphoma and superior vena cava (SVC) obstruction, a false positive for malignancy. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) demonstrated an enhancing region of geographic focal hypoattenuation in the liver along the falciform, corresponding to the region of increased radiotracer activity on FDG-PET, with marked narrowing of the superior vena cava and resultant collateral venous pathways to the portal vein via paraumbilical veins. CT followup demonstrated stability of the hepatic abnormality, and no lesion was evident on ultrasound, suggesting that the finding on PET-CT represented a false positive for malignancy in this patient with known SVC obstruction. In patients with SVC obstruction, radiologists should consider this phenomenon of anomalous hepatic uptake along the falciform as a source of possible false positives for malignancy on PET

    Biodistribution Analysis of Peptide-Coated Magnetic Iron Nanoparticles: A Simple and Quantitative Method

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    Biodistribution tracks compounds or molecules of interest in vivo to understand a compound’s anticipated efficacy and safety. Nanoparticles deliver nucleic acid and drug payloads and enhance tumor permeability due to multiple properties such as high surface area to volume ratio, surface functionalization, and modifications. Studying the in vivo biodistribution of nanoparticles documents the effectiveness and safety of nanoparticles and facilitates a more application-driven approach for nanoparticle development that allows for more successful translation into clinical use. In this study, we present a relatively simple method to determine the biodistribution of magnetic iron nanoparticles in mice. In vitro, cells take up branched amphiphilic peptide-coated magnetic nanobeads (BAPc-MNBs) like their counterparts, i.e., branched amphiphilic peptide capsules (BAPCs) with a hollow water-filled core. Both BAPc-MNBs and BAPCs have widespread applications as a nanodelivery system. We evaluated the BAPc-MNBs tissue distribution in wild-type mice injected intravenously (i.v.), intraperitoneally (i.p.), or orally gavaged to understand the biological interactions and to further the development of branched amphiphilic peptide-based nanoparticles. The magnetic nanoparticles allowed collection of the BAPc-MNBs from multiple organs by magnetic bead sorting, followed by a high-throughput screening for iron content. When injected i.v., nanoparticles were distributed widely to various organs before elimination from the system via the intestines in feces. The spleen accumulated the highest amount of BAPc-MNBs in mice administered NPs via i.v. and i.p. but not via oral gavage. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the magnetic sorting not only allowed quantification of the BAPc-MNBs but also identified the distribution of BAPc-MNBs after distinct administration methods

    Interobserver agreement for the ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT criteria for a UIP pattern on CT.

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    OBJECTIVES: To establish the level of observer variation for the current ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT criteria for a diagnosis of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) on CT among a large group of thoracic radiologists of varying levels of experience. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 112 observers (96 of whom were thoracic radiologists) categorised CTs of 150 consecutive patients with fibrotic lung disease using the ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT CT criteria for a UIP pattern (3 categories--UIP, possibly UIP and inconsistent with UIP). The presence of honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis and emphysema was also scored using a 3-point scale (definitely present, possibly present, absent). Observer agreement for the UIP categorisation and for the 3 CT patterns in the entAUe observer group and in subgroups stratified by observer experience, were evaluated. RESULTS: Interobserver agreement across the diagnosis category scores among the 112 observers was moderate, ranging from 0.48 (IQR 0.18) for general radiologists to 0.52 (IQR 0.20) for thoracic radiologists of 10-20 years' experience. A binary score for UIP versus possible or inconsistent with UIP was examined. Observer agreement for this binary score was only moderate. No significant differences in agreement levels were identified when the CTs were stratified according to multidisciplinary team (MDT) diagnosis or patient age or when observers were categorised according to experience. Observer agreement for each of honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis and emphysema were 0.59+/-0.12, 0.42+/-0.15 and 0.43+/-0.18, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Interobserver agreement for the current ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT CT criteria for UIP is only moderate among thoracic radiologists, AUrespective of theAU experience, and did not vary with patient age or the MDT diagnosis

    Mainstreaming African Diasporic Foodways When Academia Is Not Enough

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    More than a decade after Britain's bicentennial commemoration of the 1807 Abolition Act to end the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Scotland still struggles to reconcile her colonial past. Unlike in North America, historical archaeology centered on the history and legacy of the transatlantic slave trade is still highly marginalized in British academia. Furthermore, Scotland's roles in slave-based economies is only recently being considered a relevant area of historical studies. This paper emerges from my evolving perspective as a Black American scholar and resident in the United Kingdom, as I strive to create intellectual spaces in and outside of academia. Through civic engagement, I use my work on African diasporic foodways in the French Caribbean to link with a similar material basis of resistance in the British Caribbean and engage British audiences whose connections to Atlantic slavery are yet to be fully recognized