16 research outputs found

    Comparison of Simple Graphical Process Models

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    Comparing the structure of graphical process models can reveal a number of process variations. Since most contemporary norms for process modelling rely on directed connectivity of objects in the model, connections between objects form sequences which can be translated into performing scenarios. Whereas sequences can be tested for completeness in performing process activities using simulation methods, the similarity or difference in static characteristics of sequences in different model variants are difficult to explore. The goal of the paper is to test the application of a method for comparison of graphical models by analyzing and comparing static characteristics of process models. Consequently, a metamodel for process models is developed followed by a comparison procedure conducted using a graphical model comparison algorithm

    Understanding Digital Transformation Initiatives: Case Studies Analysis

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    Background: Complexity of the digital transformation (Digital Transformation) paradigm and its relation to the fourth technological revolution face companies with serious challenges when it comes to keeping up with the competition or becoming a leader in operating industries. Objectives: The goal of our research is to systematize, analyse and evaluate technological and business concepts of Digital Transformation, in order to identify and investigate Digital Transformation initiatives in Croatia. Methods/Approach: To accomplish this goal, we used a multiple-case study approach to gather data from experts who participated in successful Digital Transformation initiatives. Results: Questionnaires were developed and used to gather both, qualitative background and technology-business related data relevant for Digital Transformation initiativesā€™ success, discussed in the last part of the paper. The limitation of this study is a relatively small number of case studies (6), as well as its local coverage, resulting therefore with conclusions, which will serve as a base for future studies. Conclusions: There are several background, business, and technology-related concepts or factors relevant to Digital Transformation initiatives: profile and involvement of external Digital Transformation experts; the transformation drivers and expectations. In achieving most significant business concepts for business transformation, no single one right combination of technological concepts could be explicitly determined

    Smart city initiatives in the context of digital transformation ā€“ Scope, services and technologies

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    Digital transformation is an emerging trend in developing the way how the work is being done, and it is present in the private and public sector, in all industries and fields of work. Smart cities, as one of the concepts related to digital transformation, is usually seen as a matter of local governments, as it is their responsibility to ensure a better quality of life for the citizens. Some cities have already taken advantages of possibilities offered by the concept of smart cities, creating new values to all stakeholders interacting in the living city ecosystems, thus serving as examples of good practice, while others are still developing and growing on their intentions to become smart. This paper provides a structured literature analysis and investigates key scope, services and technologies related to smart cities and digital transformation as concepts of empowering social and collaboration interactions, in order to identify leading factors in most smart city initiatives

    Development of organisational performance measurement methodology using metamodeling

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    Razvoj modela mjerenja organizacijske učinkovitosti i njemu pripadajućeg sustava za mjerenje je proces obuhvaćen kontinuumom strateÅ”kog upravljanja razvoja neke organizacije. Svaki model je, kao i svaka organizacija, jedinstven i specifičan, međutim moguće je definirati smjernice i korake u postupku u obliku metodike, koju organizacije mogu primijeniti, kako bi razvojni proces bio jednostavniji i uspjeÅ”niji. U ovom radu je razvijena metodika mjerenja organizacijske učinkovitosti kroz mjerenje ostvarenja strateÅ”kih ciljeva, koristeći metodu uravnoteženih bodovnih tablica (engl. Balanced ScoreCard, skraćeno BSC). Metodika je razvijena uporabom metamodela procesa provedbe mjerenja kao dijela kontinuuma strateÅ”kog upravljanja te izradom metamodela podataka za razvoj jedinstvene baze podataka koja bi služila za potporu provedbi mjerenja. Mjerenje organizacijske učinkovitosti ostvarenja strateÅ”kih ciljeva omogućava točniji uvid u stupanj realizacije razvoja ciljeva neke organizacije, u odnosu na dosadaÅ”nji način praćenja. Pomoću razvijene metodike mjerenja organizacijske učinkovitosti moguće je upravljati procesom rasta i razvoja neke organizacije. Model omogućuje kontinuiranu i pravodobnu analizu uspjeÅ”nosti postojećih napora u razvoju, kao i metodoloÅ”ko poboljÅ”anje upravljanja budućim razvojem.The development of an organizational performance measurement model and its corresponding measurement system is a process covered by the continuum of strategic planning of an organization. Each model is, like any organization, uniqueand specific, but it is possible to define procedural guidelines and steps in form of a methodology, which organizations can apply in order to make the development process easier and more successful.This work presents the development of a methodology for measuring organizational performance through accomplishing strategic goals, using the Balanced ScoreCard method. The methodology includes the use of process metamodeling for performance measurement as a part of the Strategic planning continuum as well as the use of data metamodeling for developing a unique database for supporting measurement. It is open for further research and upgrade, and for application to manage the development of an organization. Measuring organizational effectiveness in achieving the strategic objectives allows more accurate insight into the degree of development realization of an organization, compared to the current way of monitoring. Implementation of the suggested methodology for measuring organizational performance enables more efficient processes of managing growth and development of an organization. The model allows the analysis of the effectiveness of existing efforts in development as well as a methodological improvement of management for future development

    Development of organisational performance measurement methodology using metamodeling

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    Razvoj modela mjerenja organizacijske učinkovitosti i njemu pripadajućeg sustava za mjerenje je proces obuhvaćen kontinuumom strateÅ”kog upravljanja razvoja neke organizacije. Svaki model je, kao i svaka organizacija, jedinstven i specifičan, međutim moguće je definirati smjernice i korake u postupku u obliku metodike, koju organizacije mogu primijeniti, kako bi razvojni proces bio jednostavniji i uspjeÅ”niji. U ovom radu je razvijena metodika mjerenja organizacijske učinkovitosti kroz mjerenje ostvarenja strateÅ”kih ciljeva, koristeći metodu uravnoteženih bodovnih tablica (engl. Balanced ScoreCard, skraćeno BSC). Metodika je razvijena uporabom metamodela procesa provedbe mjerenja kao dijela kontinuuma strateÅ”kog upravljanja te izradom metamodela podataka za razvoj jedinstvene baze podataka koja bi služila za potporu provedbi mjerenja. Mjerenje organizacijske učinkovitosti ostvarenja strateÅ”kih ciljeva omogućava točniji uvid u stupanj realizacije razvoja ciljeva neke organizacije, u odnosu na dosadaÅ”nji način praćenja. Pomoću razvijene metodike mjerenja organizacijske učinkovitosti moguće je upravljati procesom rasta i razvoja neke organizacije. Model omogućuje kontinuiranu i pravodobnu analizu uspjeÅ”nosti postojećih napora u razvoju, kao i metodoloÅ”ko poboljÅ”anje upravljanja budućim razvojem.The development of an organizational performance measurement model and its corresponding measurement system is a process covered by the continuum of strategic planning of an organization. Each model is, like any organization, uniqueand specific, but it is possible to define procedural guidelines and steps in form of a methodology, which organizations can apply in order to make the development process easier and more successful.This work presents the development of a methodology for measuring organizational performance through accomplishing strategic goals, using the Balanced ScoreCard method. The methodology includes the use of process metamodeling for performance measurement as a part of the Strategic planning continuum as well as the use of data metamodeling for developing a unique database for supporting measurement. It is open for further research and upgrade, and for application to manage the development of an organization. Measuring organizational effectiveness in achieving the strategic objectives allows more accurate insight into the degree of development realization of an organization, compared to the current way of monitoring. Implementation of the suggested methodology for measuring organizational performance enables more efficient processes of managing growth and development of an organization. The model allows the analysis of the effectiveness of existing efforts in development as well as a methodological improvement of management for future development

    Disruptive Business Model Innovation and Digital Transformation

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    Background: Innovating how organisations run their business is a strategic decision to create more value for customers using or consuming the product and/or service provided. In addition to the incentive of everybody embracing digital transformation, digital technologies, and digital innovation, which frame changes of operating business models today, disruptions, i.e., another incentive that occurs suddenly and impacts globally, all force businesses to adapt and change. Objectives: This research aims to provide a conceptual model that can be used for organisations to evaluate and propose feasible options for responding to disruptions that influence the businessesā€™ strategic innovation initiatives while assisting decision-makers in choosing the most appropriate option. Methods/Approach: Considering internal and external factors that influence digital transformation, the conceptual framework is designed to assess readiness and willingness to transform and create opportunities for future success digitally. Results: A conceptual framework was developed, tested, and demonstrated in a case study. The case study organisation rated positively the composition of steps to be perf readiness and willingness and choose the most feasible option to change. Conclusions: The digital environment and the influence of disruptions force organisations to change. The conceptual framework developed in this research helps the management choose the most feasible change option about the real as-is and the desired to-be state


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    Event menadžment je zasebna cjelina menadžmenta koja se odnosi na planiranje i cjelokupnu organizaciju nekog događaja, koji se u pravilu odvija jednom u vremenu. Sam tijek i funkcioniranje poslovanja u event menadžmentu podrazumijeva odličnu organiziranost, kreativnost, koncentraciju te sposobnost izvrÅ”avanja zadataka pod vrlo velikim vremenskim pritiskom, koriÅ”tenjem ograničenih i obično unaprijed definiranih resursa. Stoga je dobra iskoriÅ”tenost svih kapaciteta te pravovremeno i ciljano dopiranje do svih potencijalnih sudionika u projektu ključno za njegov uspjeh. U ovom radu prikazana je studija slučaja na konkretnom projektu, koja prikazuje osnovne poslovne procese i aktivnosti oglaÅ”avanja u event managementu koje je potrebno provesti, kako bi događaj bio proveden uspjeÅ”no.Event management is a separate part of management, related to the planning and overall organization of an event, which usually takes place once in time. The flow and functioning of business in event management implies excellent organization, creativity, concentration, and the ability to perform tasks at very high time pressure, using limited and usually predefined resources. Therefore, good utilization of all capacities and timely and targeted outreach of all potential participants in the project is crucial for its success. This paper presents a case study on a specific project that outlines the basic advertising business processes and activities in event management, which need to be carried out in order for the event to be successful


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    Event menadžment je zasebna cjelina menadžmenta koja se odnosi na planiranje i cjelokupnu organizaciju nekog događaja, koji se u pravilu odvija jednom u vremenu. Sam tijek i funkcioniranje poslovanja u event menadžmentu podrazumijeva odličnu organiziranost, kreativnost, koncentraciju te sposobnost izvrÅ”avanja zadataka pod vrlo velikim vremenskim pritiskom, koriÅ”tenjem ograničenih i obično unaprijed definiranih resursa. Stoga je dobra iskoriÅ”tenost svih kapaciteta te pravovremeno i ciljano dopiranje do svih potencijalnih sudionika u projektu ključno za njegov uspjeh. U ovom radu prikazana je studija slučaja na konkretnom projektu, koja prikazuje osnovne poslovne procese i aktivnosti oglaÅ”avanja u event managementu koje je potrebno provesti, kako bi događaj bio proveden uspjeÅ”no.Event management is a separate part of management, related to the planning and overall organization of an event, which usually takes place once in time. The flow and functioning of business in event management implies excellent organization, creativity, concentration, and the ability to perform tasks at very high time pressure, using limited and usually predefined resources. Therefore, good utilization of all capacities and timely and targeted outreach of all potential participants in the project is crucial for its success. This paper presents a case study on a specific project that outlines the basic advertising business processes and activities in event management, which need to be carried out in order for the event to be successful

    Digital Transformation Playground - Literature Review and Framework of Concepts

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    Digital transformation (DT) introduces strategy-oriented and customer-centric changes, based on innovative usage of emerging information and communication technology (ICT), to implement improved or new processes in modern organizations. This paper provides insights into academic publishing trends and offers an analysis of scientific fields in which researches were made followed by a brief analysis of the most influential articles. Paper also identifies and discusses key determinants and influence factors of DT and some emerging trends and technologies, in order to explain organizational and technological context of DT. For better understanding of this mix of business and ICT related concepts, a framework of concepts on DT was developed and called Digital transformation playground (DTP). Its purpose is to get better understanding of what are the mainstream concepts of today, what other and emerging ICT or digitalization concepts in the context of DT arise, and how these technology elements impact business related concepts


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    Razvoj novog proizvoda ili usluge najčeŔće je iniciran novom potrebom postojećih kupaca. To znači da trenutni proizvod ili usluga viÅ”e nisu dostatni za potrebe tržiÅ”ta te je razvoj novog proizvoda ili usluge odgovor na novu potrebu. Međutim, u nekim slučajevima prvo se pojavi ideja za potpuno novi proizvod ili uslugu, za koju joÅ” nisu definirani potencijalni kupci. U tom slučaju za novu ideju potrebno je identificirati kupce, njihove potrebe koje će novi proizvod ili usluga zadovoljiti, koje probleme će rjeÅ”avati te na koji način. U ovom radu biti će opisana primjena suvremenih razvojnih metoda za identifikaciju i profiliranje kupaca te određivanje vrijednosti koje im novi proizvod ili usluga pružaju. Nakon toga će biti opisano kako se rezultati primjene tih metoda mogu iskoristiti kod kreiranja marketinÅ”ke strategije za novi proizvod ili uslugu.Development of a new product or service is mostly initiated by a new need of existing customers. That means that the current product or service is no longer sufficient for market needs and the development of new products or services is a response to those new needs. However, in some cases, an idea for a brand new product or service appears first, but the potential customer is not defined yet. That means that we have to identify customers, their needs which the new product or service is going to satisfy, what problems will be solved and how. This paper will describe the application of modern development methods for identifying and profiling customers and determining the value that the new product or service provides. Afterwards it is going to be described how the methods results can be used for creating a marketing strategy for that new product or service