308 research outputs found


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    Modern political campaigns are in constant flux and are influenced by numerous factors. Voters are constantly on the move, making segmentation significantly challenging. Simultaneously, literacy and education levels among the electorate are increasing every day, leading to a more critical attitude towards the persuasion process. In addition, changes in technology and the development of information and communication systems directly and drastically impact the shaping and management of modern campaigns. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning have been influencing the creation of modern political campaigns for a decade. The significance of artificial intelligence enhances the power of big data, algorithms, and, consequently, social networks. The authors explore the impact of artificial intelligence on the planning and execution of political campaigns and the resulting consequences for political candidates, parties, and society


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    Introduction: Association of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection with the length of dialysis in dialysis patients is contradictory. This study was conducted in order to determine the association between the duration of dialysis and the HP infection status in the dialysis patients. Furthemore, biochemical parameters were monitored in two subject groups that were included in this study. Subjects and methods: The study included 51 patients on chronic hemodialysis program who had gastrointestinal symptoms. The subjects were divided in two groups per the length of dialysis treatment. In this study we analyzed age, gender, the time period since the onset of the chronic hemodialysis program, body mass index, biochemical parameters, and whether the patients have arterial hypertension and/or diabetes. The presence of HP antigen was determined in the stool samples with use of he UlcoGnost AG test plate. Results: The incidence of HP infection in hemodialysis patients, with some of the gastrointestinal symptoms, was 25.5%. Patients on hemodialysis for less than 24 months had lower incidence of HP infection than those on hemodialysis program for more than 24 months. HP positive and HP negative subjects were also compared by gender, age, biochemical parameters and body mass index. There was no statistical significant difference between the groups in any of those characteristics. When comparing the HP status of the subjects with the presence of arterial hypertension and diabetes, no statistically significant difference was found between the groups. Conclusion: This study showed negative correlation between HP infection and the length of hemodialysis program. Analysis of age, gender, body mass index, biochemical parameters, presence of arterial hypertension and/or diabetes showed no statistically significant difference was found between the hemodialysis patients who were HP positive and those who were HP negative. Additional studies are needed to elucidate the correlation mechanism between the HP infection and the duration of dialysis, in order to examine how long the dialysis time period is the most susceptible to HP infection, and then to improve the prognosis of patients with renal disease


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    Introduction: Association of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection with the length of dialysis in dialysis patients is contradictory. This study was conducted in order to determine the association between the duration of dialysis and the HP infection status in the dialysis patients. Furthemore, biochemical parameters were monitored in two subject groups that were included in this study. Subjects and methods: The study included 51 patients on chronic hemodialysis program who had gastrointestinal symptoms. The subjects were divided in two groups per the length of dialysis treatment. In this study we analyzed age, gender, the time period since the onset of the chronic hemodialysis program, body mass index, biochemical parameters, and whether the patients have arterial hypertension and/or diabetes. The presence of HP antigen was determined in the stool samples with use of he UlcoGnost AG test plate. Results: The incidence of HP infection in hemodialysis patients, with some of the gastrointestinal symptoms, was 25.5%. Patients on hemodialysis for less than 24 months had lower incidence of HP infection than those on hemodialysis program for more than 24 months. HP positive and HP negative subjects were also compared by gender, age, biochemical parameters and body mass index. There was no statistical significant difference between the groups in any of those characteristics. When comparing the HP status of the subjects with the presence of arterial hypertension and diabetes, no statistically significant difference was found between the groups. Conclusion: This study showed negative correlation between HP infection and the length of hemodialysis program. Analysis of age, gender, body mass index, biochemical parameters, presence of arterial hypertension and/or diabetes showed no statistically significant difference was found between the hemodialysis patients who were HP positive and those who were HP negative. Additional studies are needed to elucidate the correlation mechanism between the HP infection and the duration of dialysis, in order to examine how long the dialysis time period is the most susceptible to HP infection, and then to improve the prognosis of patients with renal disease

    Јапанска Soft Power архитектура: (не)намерно и неочекивано у политици културне размене

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    States’ cultural policies for international relations take various forms, both intangible and tangible. This paper will focus on the latter, namely, exported architectural manifestation utilized as cultural negotiation tools. In this research, exported architecture is considered to be any built (realized) spatial manifestations, non-native to the county in which it is placed. Subsequently, architecture is viewed and examined as a cultural resource, having the power to influence bilateral relations presenting a new term, ‘soft power architecture’ as conceived, exported, and state-controlled spatial manifestation, with a clear set of goals inscribed within cultural relations policies. The notion of architecture-as-a-negotiating-instrument between various actors is introduced, borrowing from Joseph S. Nye’s definition of the term “soft power” postulated as, in the most basic terms, as the ability to attract, with attraction often leading to acquiescence.These typologies have a profound impact and yet the policy makers remain unaware of the importance of architectural manifestations as cultural resources. Requirements of the re-conceptualization of the state’s policies regarding the planning, implementation and management processes for diplomatic-consular outpost will be discussed. Lastly, the case study of the new Japanese embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, will be examined, noting particularities of its processes, arguing an unintentional paradigmatic shift, providing a theoretical and methodological framework for future research.Међународни односи и пратеће стратегије културне размене могу попримати различите облике, како нематеријалне, тако и опипљиве. Овај рад ће се фокусирати на другу категорију, наиме, извезене архитектонске манифестације које се могу користити као оруђе у политици културне размене. У овом истраживању, за извезену архитектуру сматра се било која изграђена (реализована) просторна манифестација, која потекла из окружења у којем је смештена. Архитектура ће бити посматрана и испитивана као културни ресурс, који има моћ утицаја на билатералне односе, представљајући нови термин, „Soft Power архитектура“ који подразумева пројектовану, извезену и државно-контролисану просторну манифестацију, са јасним циљевима који одражавају тежње политике културне размене. Уводи се и појам архитектуре као инструмента преговарања између различитих актера, интерпретирајући дефиницију појма „soft power“ Џозефа С. Наја, која је дата, у најосновнијим цртама, као способности привлачења, са привлачношћу која често води ка прихватању ставова друге стране. Ове типологије могу имати снажан утицај по више основа, првенствено на просторну интеракцију и националну репутацију, међутим, креатори политике и стратегија остају несвесни важности раније поменутих архитектонских манифестација као културних ресурса. Чланак ће поставити теоретске оквире неопходности ре-концептуализације државних политика у погледу процеса планирања, спровођења и управљања дипломатско-конзуларним испоставама. Такође, проучавањем студије случаја нове јапанске амбасаде у Београду, примећује се специфичност њених управљачких процеса као и новонасталих просторних последица, стварајући парадигматични помак, описујући теоријски и методолошки оквир за будућа истраживања


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    Odnosi s medijima jedan su od najvažnijih programa odnosa s javnošću. Zbog svoje javne izloženosti često se pojmovi odnosa s javnošću i odnosa s medijima poistovjećuje. Takav je pogled ne- potpun i netočan. Odnosi s medijima područje su komunikaci- je organizacije s jednim od najvažnijih dionika, a to su mediji. Unutar takve suradnje praktičari odnosa s javnošću u stalnoj su komunikaciji s novinarima. Taj odnos često zna biti napet i prožet brojnim nesporazumima. S druge strane, moguće je izgraditi ko- rektne odnose koji će biti u interesu organizacije i medija, a time i javnosti. Autori razmatraju poglede i perspektivu novinara na te odnose kao i praktičara odnosa s javnošću. Samo potpun uvid u složenost ovih odnosa omogućava izgradnju dvosmjerne simetrične komunikacije kao modela uspješne komunikacije organizacija i medija.Media relations are one of the most important programmes of the public relations. Because of the element of publicity we frequently mix the terms media relations and public relations. Such a view is incomplete and incorrect. Media relations belong to the field of communication between an or- ganization and one of the most important participants, the media. As a part of such a cooperation, the PRs are in close communication with the journalists. The relationship is frequently tense and loaded with misunderstandings. On the other hand, it is possible to build correct relations that will be in the interest of the organzation and the media, and the public. The authors of the paper discuss the views and the perspective of journalists as well as PRs to those relations. Only a thorough insight into the complexity of these relations can build a bidirectional symmetric communication as a model of a successful communication between an organization and the media

    Psychosocial and clinical characteristics of depressive patients with the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome

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    There is a growing quantity of data showing that mental illnesses affect the somatic health. Depression is a complex disease, connected with the disturbances of sleep-cycle, appetite, body weight and level of physical activity, all of which may represent the risk factors for the development of metabolic disturbances. In the depressive patients, there is a number of various physiological mechanisms and psychosocial factors which may influence the development of metabolic syndrome (MS), such as sex, age, smoking, stress levels, nutrition and level of physical activity. It is considered that chronic stress causes depression and the resulting bad life habits may lead to MS and finally KVB. Aim of this study was to investigate the psychosocial and clinical features of depressive patients with the diagnosis of MS. The cross-reference study has been done at the sample of 80 patients diagnosed with MS. Among the diagnostic instruments applied, we have used the structured socio-demographic questionnaire, MINI questionnaire, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD-17) and Clinical Global Impression (CGI). The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome had been established following the NCEP ATP criteria. Among the depressive patients, there were 38.8% who fulfilled the criteria for establishing the diagnosis of MS. There was a greater incidence of suicide among the depressive patients with the diagnosis of MS. The diagnose was more frequently established in depressive women, while an increased intake of carbohydrates represented a significant feature of both depression and MS. Further research is needed to explain the observed gender differences and to determine if the interventions aimed to treating the depression can also contribute to accepting the healthy life habits and as a consequence, indirectly reduce the incidence of MS

    Irrigation requirements and potentials of agricultural crops in northern Croatia

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    U Republici Hrvatskoj navodnjava se oko 11.700 ha poljoprivrednih površina i nalazi se na jednom od posljednjih mjesta u Europi. Učestalost pojave suša posljednjih godina utjecala je na mišljenje javnosti o potrebi navodnjavanja. Stoga je Vlada pokrenula projekt navodnjavanja pod naslovom «Nacionalni projekt navodnjavanja i gospodarenja poljoprivrednim zemljištem i vodama u RH», koji bi se trebao realizirati u tri etape. U dio navedenog projekta uključen je i ovaj rad, koji je imao cilj za dva vremenska razdoblja (1961-2003 i 1994-2003) utvrditi sljedeće: Utvrditi evapotranspiraciju kultura (potrebnu količinu vode), utvrditi manjak vode u tlu i odrediti kakvoću vode za navodnjavanje. U radu su korišteni klimatski podaci meteorološke postaje Đurđevac, za razdoblje od 1961. do 2003., osim insolacije, koja je korištena s meteorološke postaje Osijek. Referentna evapotranspiracija (ETo) izračunata je metodom Penman-Montheitha, efektivne oborine metodom USBR (US Berau Recla-mation), a evapotranspiracija kulture (ETc) izračunata je iz odnosa ETo i koefici-jenta kulture (kc), uvažavajući različite stadije razvoja kulture. Bilanca vode u lesiviranom tlu za svaku kulturu izračunata je prema metodi Palmera (korigiranoj i kalibriranoj prema Vidačeku, 1981) za dvije različite dubine (do 0.1 m i 0.1-1,0 m). Istraživano tlo je imalo sljedeće značajke: praškasto glinasto ilovasta tekstura, poljski vodni kapacitet (Pkv)=360 mm i točka venuća (Tv)=160 mm. U razmatranju su bile sljedeće kulture: duhan, soja, suncokret, šećerna repa, kupus, kelj, paprika krastavci i rajčica. Za obradu podataka korišten je kompjutorski program «Cropwat». Kakvoća vode za navodnjavanje određivana je za vodotok Županijski kanal, uzorci vode su uzimani na vodomjernoj postaji Kapinci (područje Virovitičko-podravske županije), u razdoblju od 1983. do 2003. godine. Ocjena kakvoće vode načinjena je za svaku godinu prema Uredbi o klasifikaciji voda (NN 77/98). U pojedinačnim pokazateljima kakvoće vodotoka obrađivani su koncentracija kisika, zasićenje kisikom, KPK (kemijska potrošnja kisika), BPK5 (biokemijska potrošnja kisika). Od hranjivih tvari obrađeni su amonij i nitriti, od mikrobioloških pokazatelja ocjena kakvoće obavljena je prema ukupnim koliformnim bakterijama i broju aerobnih bakterija, te prema PB (Pantle-Buck) indeksu saprobnosti. Utvrđeni rezultati pokazuju da se kod svih kultura povećala potreba za vodom (evapotranspiracija) u posljednjem razdoblju istraživanja (1994 do 2003 godine), u odnosu na razdoblje od 1961 do 2003 godine. Prosječno povećana potreba za vodom svih praćenih kultura iznosila je 22 mm. Isto tako je utvrđen povećani manjak vode u tlu, koji je prosječno iznosio 8.9 mm. Kakvoća vode u vodotoku Županijski kanal od 21 godine praćenja, 11 godina je bila iznad treće vrste po skupnim pokazateljima. Temeljem utvrđenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su klimatske promjene u posljednjem razdoblju istraživanja prouzročile povećanu potrebu uzgajanih kultura za vodom, a time i povećani manjak vode u tlu, odnosno potrebu osiguranja veće količine zadovoljavajuće vode za navodnjavanje.With only 11,700 ha of irrigated agricultural areas, the Republic of Croatia holds one of the last positions in Europe. Frequent droughts in recent years influenced the public opinion regarding irrigation demands. For this reason, the Government started the «National project of irrigation and management of agricultural land and waters», which will be implemented in three stages. This study was included into a part of the said project. The aims of the study were to determine crop evapotranspiration (required amount of water), soil water deficit and quality of irrigation water for two time periods (1961-2003 and 1994-2003). Climatic data of the meteorological station Đurđevac for the period 1961-2003 were used, except for insolation data, which were taken from the meteorological station Osijek. Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated by the Penman-Monteith method, effective precipitation by the USBR method, while crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was calculated from the relation of ETo and the crop coefficient (cc), taking account of different stages of crop development. Soil water balance (water deficit) for each crop was calculated using the Palmer method (corrected and calibrated according to Vidaček, 1981) for two depth (till 0.1 m and 0.1 m-1.0 m). The studied soil had the following characteristics: silty clay-loam texture, field water capacity (Fwc)=360 mm and wilting point (Wp)=160 mm. The following crops were studied: tobacco, soybean, sunflower, sugar beet, cabbage kale, pepper, cucumber and tomato. Data were processed with the aid of the «Cropwat» computer program. Quality of irrigation water for the County Canal watercourse was assessed; water samples were taken at the water gauge station Kapinci in the period from 1983 to 2003. Water quality score was calculated for each year pursuant to the Water Classification Directive. The following individual watercourse quality indicators were analyzed: oxygen concentration, oxygen saturation, COD and BOD5. Of nutritious substances ammonium and nitrites were analyzed, while among microbiological indicators quality score was based on total coliform bacteria and the number of aerobic bacteria, as well as on the Pantle-Buck saporbic index. The results show increased water requirements (evapotranspiration) of all crops in the last investigation period (1994 to 2003) compared to the period from 1961 to 2003. Average increase in water requirement of all monitored crops was 22 mm. Increased soil water deficit was also recorded, amounting on average to 8.9 mm. Water quality in the County Canal watercourse was monitored for 21 years, in 11 years of which it exceeded the third quality class according to group indicators. The results allow the conclusion that climatic changes in the last investigation period caused increased water requirements of the crops grown, and thereby also higher water deficit in soil and the demand for providing larger quantities of suitable irrigation water

    Polu-spregnuta analiza dinamičkog odziva plutajućeg tijela i sidrenih linija pritegnutih pučinskih platformi

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    Matematički model nespregnutog dinamičkog odziva plutajućeg tijela i sidrenih linija pritegnutih pučinskih platformi (pritegnute plutajuće platforme, plutajuće pučinske vjetroturbine) unaprijeđen je uzimajući u obzir nelinearnu povratnu krutost kao posljedicu utjecaja sidrenih linija na dinamiku plutajućeg tijela. Osim nelinearne povratne krutosti model na jednostavan način uzima u obzir i inerciju i viskozno prigušenje prednapregnutih sidrenih linija što rezultira računalno efikasnim poluspregnutim matematičkim modelom. Točnost modela ocjenjena je na primjeru ISSC TLP-s usidrenog u moru srednje dubine usporedbom s potpuno spregnutim modelom konačnih elementa (teorija štapa) koji uzima u obzir deformacije prednapregnutih sidrenih linija. Analiza točnosti modela uključuje analizu statičkih pomaka i slobodnog njihanja plutajućeg tijela. Simulacija u vremenskoj domeni provedena je preslikavanjem linearnih hidrodinamičkih sila iz frekvencijske u vremensku domenu pomoću Cumminsovog konvolucijskog integrala, pri čemu je hidrodinamička reakcija određena programom HYDROSTAR. Neki važniji rezultati i zaključci navedeni su u radu

    Appearance of femoropopliteal segment aneurysms in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    Background/Aim. To promote better treatment outcome, as well as economic benefit it is very important to find out patients with simultaneous occurrence of both aortic and arterial aneurysms. The aim of this prospective study was to determine the frequency and factors affecting femoropopliteal (F-P) segment aneurysms appearance in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Methods. This study included 70 patients who had underwent elective or urgent surgery of AAA from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007. After ultrasonographic examination of F-P segment, all the patients were divided into two groups - those with adjunctive F-P segment aneurysm (n = 20) and the group of 50 patients with no adjunctive F-P segment aneurysm. In both groups demographic characteristics (gender, age), risk factors (diabetes mellitus, elevated serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, arterial hypertension, smoking, obesity) and cardiovascular comorbidity (cerebrovascular desease, ischemic heart desease) were investigated. Results. Twenty (28.57%) patients who had been operated on because of AAA, had adjunctive aneurysmal desease of F-P segment. Diabetes was no statistically significantly more present among the patients who, beside AAA, had adjunctive aneurismal desease of F-P segment (χ2 = 0.04; DF = 1; p > 0.05). Also, in both groups there was no statistically significant difference in gender structure (χ2 = 2. 05; DF = 2; p > 0.05), age (χ2 = 5. 46; DF = 1; p > 0.05), total cholesterol level (χ2 = 0.89; DF = 1; p > 0.05) and triglyceride (χ2 = 0.89; DF = 1; p > 0.05) levels, the presence of arterial hypertension (χ2 = 1.38; DF = 2; p > 0.05), smoking (χ2 = 1.74; DF = 1; p > 0.05), obesity (χ2 = 1.76; DF = 1; p > 0.05) and presence of cerebrovascular desease (χ2 = 2.34; DF = 1; p > 0.05). Conversly, ischemic heart desease was statistically significantly more present among the patients who, beside AAA, had adjunctive aneurismal desease of F-P segment (χ2 = 5.45; DF = 1; p < 0.05). Conclusion. Twenty patients, beside AAA, had adjunctive F-P segment aneurysm. The results of this study suggest the necessity of preforming ultrasonographic examination of F-P segment in all patients with proven AAA


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    Introduction: Topical corticosteroids are group of drugs which have anti-immuno-suppressive, anti-proliferative and vasoconstrictive effects and are among the most commonly prescribed medication, important and efficacious for management of various dermatological disorders. Strict implementation of the existing regulations is the need of the hour to prevent their widespread abuse. Aim of the study was to investigate the usage of topical corticosteroids therapy with the recipe of a doctor and without it. Subjects and methods: The subjects were patients who visited Pharmacies in Mostar from April to July 2020 and were buying topical corticosteroids with or without a recipe or medical report from the doctor. 80 subjects completed a questionnaire themselves included: the way of buying a topical corticosteroids, the information about using topical corticosteroids earlier, the information about subject\u27s visits to the doctor; the length of time using topical corticosteroids, the type of topical corticosteroids used, the part of body the topical corticosteroids was applied on. Results: A total of 80 subjects were treated in the observed period, 58.8% were female. 72.5% subjects had already used local corticosteroids, 62.50% purchased the drug at the recommendation of the pharmacist, 66.30% had no recent diagnosis or no diagnosed disease at all, 21.25% used the drug for more than a month, the most often purchased one was moderate potent local corticosteroid Betamethasone diproprionate 0.05 %. Most commonly subjects applied local corticosteroids on arms (50%). Conclusion: Strict regulations regarding only prescription-based dispensing of local corticosteroids must be put into practice. This will hopefully bring down both the extremes of ever increasing cases of steroid-induced dermatoses in everyday dermatology practise on one hand and the irrational fears of using TCs in well justified indications on the other