41 research outputs found

    Pathological pregnancy and psychological symptoms in women [PatoloÅ”ka trudnoća i psihički simptomi u žena]

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    Pregnancy is followed by many physiologic, organic and psychological changes and disorders, which can become more serious in pregnancy followed by complications, especially in women with pathological conditions during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze the prevalence and intensity of psychological disorders in women with pathological conditions during pregnancy and compare it with conditions in pregnant women who had normal development of pregnancy. The research is approved by the Ethical committee of the Mostar University Hospital Center, and it was made in accordance with Helsinki declaration and good clinical practices. The research conducted section for pathology of pregnancy of Department for gynecology and obstetrics of the Mostar University Hospital Center. It included 82 pregnant women with disorders in pregnancy developement and control group consisted of pregnant women who had normal development of pregnancy. The research work was conducted from September 2007 to August 2008 in Mostar University Hospital Center. Pregnant women had Standard and laboratory tests, Ultrasound. CTG examinations were done for all pregnant women and additional tests for those women with complications during pregnancy. Pregnant women completed sociobiographical, obstetrical-clinical and psychological SCL 90-R questionnaire. Pregnant women with pathological pregnancy exibited significantly more psychological symptoms in comparison to pregnant women with normal pregnancy (p < 0.001 to p = 0.004). Frequency and intensity of psychical symptoms and disorders statisticly are more characteristic in pathological pregnancy (61%/40.6%). The statistical data indicate a significantly higher score of psychological disorders in those pregnant women with primary school education (p = 0.050), those who take more than 60% carbohydrates (p = 0.001), those with pathological CTG records (p < 0.001), those with pathological ultrasound results (p < 0.001 to 0.216) and those pregnant women with medium obesity and obesity (p = 0.046). Body mass index (BMI) during normal pregnancy development is lower (p = 0.002) but the levels of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL and LDL in blood are higher Blood pressure in pregnant women with pathological pregnancy was statistically significantly higher (p < 0.001). Diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome were found in 19 pregnant women with the pathological pregnancy. Statistically, in those women, a significantly higher appearance of psychological symptoms and disorders was observed in comparison to the pregnant women without metabolic syndrome (p < 0.001). The research has shown that 87.8% from all pregnant women included in this study have been hospitalized due to premature birth, hypertensive disorders, and diabetes in pregnancy, and also due to bleeding in the second and third trimester of pregnancy

    Maternal immune system adaptation to pregnancy - a potential influence on the course of diabetic retinopathy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Progression of diabetic retinopathy occurs at least temporarily during pregnancy. Although the cause of this progression is not entirely understood, the immune phenomenon and chronic inflammation may play a significant role. During pregnancy in order to avoid fetus rejection, certain components of the immune system that are knowingly implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy are activated including generalized leukocyte activation and an increase in certain cytokine plasma levels. Activated leukocytes with up regulated adhesion molecules have an increased potential to bind to the endothelium cells of blood vessels. Leukocyte-endothelial interaction and the consequent leukostasis with capillary occlusion, ischemia and vascular leakage have a substantial role in the development of diabetic retinopathy. Furthermore, certain increased cytokines are known to cause blood-retinal-barrier breakdown whilst others promote angiogenic and fibrovascular proliferation and thereby can also be implicated in the pathogenesis of this diabetic complication.</p> <p>Presentation of the hypothesis</p> <p>We hypothesized that the activation of the immune system during gestation may have an influence on the course of retinopathy in pregnant diabetic women.</p> <p>Testing the hypothesis</p> <p>We suggest two prospective follow up studies conducted on women with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The first study would include a group of non-pregnant women and a group of diabetic women undergoing normal pregnancy matched for age and duration of diabetes. In the second study pregnant women would be divided into two groups: one with normal pregnancy and the other with preeclampsia. The procedure and data collection in both studies will be identical: a complete ophthalmological examination, glycaemic control, blood pressure measurement and venous blood samples for the determination of plasma levels of cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8) and adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, VCAM-1).</p> <p>Implications of the hypothesis</p> <p>Considering the present assumption, the gestational immune activation could be suggested as a potential risk factor for the development and progression of retinopathy in diabetic women. A better understanding of immunomodulatory effects of pregnancy on diabetic retinopathy pave the way for further investigations of the mechanism of its pathogenesis and could be essential for novel approaches to the treatment of this serious sight threatening complication of diabetes mellitus.</p

    Prinos mesa jaradi srpske bele koze u zavisnosti od telesne mase pre klanja

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    Investigations were carried out on three groups of kids of Serbian White breed as follows: group of lighter kids, average body mass at slaughtering 12,65 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) and average age of 70 days; group of medium heavy kids, body mass of 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) and average age of 97 days, and group of heavy kids, body mass prior to slaughtering of 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) and average age of 129 days. Objective of this research was to determine the meat yield (dressing percentage) and share of some slaughtering products in the mass prior to slaughtering and share of giblets in the mass of chilled carcass. It was established that heavier kids have lower dressing percentage (55,01%) compared to lighter (57,21%) and medium heavy kids (58, 21%), more favorable conformation evaluation (4,22 points in heavier, 3,77 points in medium heavy and 3,52 points in lighter kids), better covering of carcass with fat tissue (3,71 points in heavier, 3,66 points in medium heavy and 3,32 points in lighter kids) and better evaluation of the meat color (4,78 points in heavier, 4,66 points in medium heavy and 3,79 points in lighter kids). Share of edible giblets/offal (pre-stomach, small intestines, mesentherium) in the mass of carcass prior to slaughtering was higher in lighter kids (6,45%) compared to medium heavy (5,83%) and heavy kids (6,15%). Share of giblets/offal in chilled carcass was the lowest (15,91%) in heavy kids, slightly higher (17,16%) in medium heavy and the highest in lighter kids (18,86%).Ispitivanja su obavljena na tri grupe jaradi srpske bele koze i to: lakÅ”ih, prosečne telesne mase pri klanju 12,654 kg (8,8 - 15,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta od 70 dana; srednje teÅ”kih telesne mase 17,61 kg (15,1 - 20,0 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 97 dana i teÅ”kih telesne mase pred klanje 22,70 kg (20,1 - 25,7 kg) i prosečnog uzrasta 129 dana. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je da se utvrdi prinos mesa (randman) i udeo nekih pratećih proizvoda klanja u masi pred klanje i udeo iznutrica u masi ohlađenog trupa. Utvrđeno je da teža jarad imaju manji randman (55,01%) u odnosu na lakÅ”e (57,21%) i srednje teÅ”ke (58, 21%), povoljniju ocenu konformacije (4,22 poena u težih, 3,77 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,52 poena u lakÅ”ih), bolju prekrivenost trupa masnim tkivom (3,71 poena u težih, 3,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,32 poena u lakih) i bolju ocenu boje mesa (4,78 poena u teÅ”kih, 4,66 poena u srednje teÅ”kih i 3,79 poena u lakÅ”ih). Udeo jestivih iznutrica (predželudac, tanka creva, opornjak) u masi trupa pred klanje je veći u lakih jaradi (4,45%) u poređenju sa srednje teÅ”kim (5,83%) i teÅ”kim jaradima (6,15%). Udeo iznutrica u ohlađenom trupu je najmanji (15,91%) u teÅ”kih, neÅ”to veći (17,16%) u srednje teÅ”kih i najveći (18,86%) u lakih jaradi

    Tehnologija i kvaliteta skorupa - tradicionalnog crnogorskog mliječnog proizvoda

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    Skorup is Montenegrin traditional dairy product. Its main characteristics are extremely high content of milk fat and centuries-old technology. Due to the specific technology, high nutritional value and its historical heritage, Skorup deserves to be labelled as product with protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indication (PGI). The purpose of this study was to collect the most important data about Skorup technology and quality and to launch the process of protection. The chemical quality of raw milk was analysed using IR spectrophotometry, the number of somatic cells and total bacteria count by flow cytometry, and Skorup composition by FTIR spectrophotometry. The presence of Escherichia coli, coagulase positive staphylococci and aerobic mesophilic bacteria in Skorup was detected by standard broth base methods. All Skorup samples contained more than 80 % of fat in dry matter, more than 70 % dry matter, approximately 60 % milk fat and 6 % proteins. The sensory characteristics of all samples were excellent, and according to sensory classification, they belong to the highest classes (I and IA). However, five out of twenty samples did not meet requirements for hygienic quality, which implies the urgent need for improvement of hygiene conditions during its production.Skorup je crnogorski tradicionalni mliječni proizvod. Njegove glavne karakteristike su izuzetno visok udjel mliječne masti i stoljećima stara tehnologija. Zbog specifične tehnologije, visoke hranjive vrijednosti i povijesne baÅ”tine, skorup zaslužuje da bude zaÅ”tićen kao PDO ili PGI. Svrha ovog istraživanja je prikupiti najvažnije podatke o tehnologiji skorupa i njegovoj kvaliteti kako bi se inicirao postupak zaÅ”tite. Kemijska kvaliteta sirovog mlijeka analizirana je pomoću IR spektrometrije, broj somatskih stanica i broj mikroorganizama protočnom citometrijom, a sastav skorupa FTIR spektrofotometrijom. Prisutnost Escherichia coli, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke i aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija u skorupu određena je standardnim mikrobioloÅ”kim metodama. Svi uzorci skorupa su sadržavali viÅ”e od 80 % masti u suhoj tvari, viÅ”e od 70 % suhe tvari, i oko 60 % mliječne masti i 6 % proteina. Prema senzorskoj ocjeni i klasifikaciji, svi uzorci su odlične kvalitete i pripadaju I i IA klasi. No, pet od dvadeset uzoraka nije zadovoljilo uvjete higijenske kvalitete, Å”to ukazuje da je neophodno raditi na poboljÅ”anju higijenskih uvjeta tijekom njegove proizvodnje

    Liječenje izvanmaternične trudnoće metotreksatom

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze retrospectively the safety and success rates of single- and two-dose methotrexate (MTX) protocols for the treatment of hemodynamically stable cases of ectopic pregnancy at University Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Zagreb University Hospital Center, during a five-year period. The study evaluated MTX treatment efficacy in 35 women with ectopic pregnancies in relation to the initial levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and progesterone. Successful treatment was recorded in 32/35 women, 24/25 on single dose MTX and 8/10 on double dose MTX, whereas 3/35 patients underwent laparoscopy. The mean initial hCG level in all 35 patients on day 0 was 657.54Ā±592.4 IU/L; 572.99Ā±488.10 IU/L in those successfully treated with MTX and 1560.30Ā±890.70 IU/L in those requiring additional laparoscopy (p<0.005). The mean initial hCG level was 393.10Ā±305.9 IU/L in patients successfully treated with a single dose of MTX and 973.5Ā±722.40 IU/L in those with an additional dose of MTX (p<0.002). The mean initial progesterone level was 16.36Ā±10.70 nmol/L in 35 MTX-treated ectopic pregnancy patients, 13.64Ā±8.89 nmol/L in those with treatment success and 28.45Ā±11.32 nmol/L in cases of treatment failure (p<0.05). The mean level of progesterone on day 0 was 12.74Ā±8.30 nmol/L in patients successfully treated with a single dose of MTX and 26.10Ā±18.80 nmol/L in patients treated with double-dose MTX (p<0.006). It is concluded that pretreatment values of hCG and progesterone are inversely related to medicamentous treatment success in selected cases of hemodynamically stable patients, thus they may be used as an important predictor in the management of ectopic pregnancy treated with MTX.Cilj ove studije bio je retrospektivno analizirati uspjeÅ”nost i pouzdanost liječenja metotreksatom (MTX) kroz protokole pojedinačne i dvostruke doze u slučajevima hemodinamski stabilnih izvanmaterničnih trudnoća u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode, KBC Zagreb tijekom petogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja. U radu se procjenjivala učinkovitost liječenja 35 izvanmaterničnih trudnoća pomoću MTX u odnosu na početne razine humanog korionskog gonadotropina (hCG) i progesterona. UspjeÅ”no liječenje zabilježeno je kod 32/35 žena, od kojih 24/25 uz pojedinačnu dozu, a 8/10 uz dvostruku dozu MTX, dok su 3/35 bolesnica podvrgnute laparoskopiji. Prosječna početna razina hCG nultoga dana u svih 35 bolesnica bila je 657,54Ā±592,4 IU/L, 572,99Ā±488,10 IU/L kod bolesnica izliječenih pomoću MTX i 1560,30Ā±890,70 IU/L kod žena u kojih je bilo potrebno dodatno načiniti laparoskopiju (p<0,005). U bolesnica uspjeÅ”no liječenih pomoću MTX prosječna početna razina hCG bila je 393,10Ā±305,9 IU/L kod žena s pojedinačnom dozom i 973,5Ā±722,40 IU/L kod žena s dvostrukom dozom lijeka (p<0,002). Prosječna početna razina progesterona u svih 35 žena liječenih pomoću MTX bila je 16,36Ā±10,07 nmol/L, 13,64Ā±8,89 nmol/L kod izliječenih žena i 28,45Ā±11,32 nmol/L u slučajevima izostanka uspjeÅ”nosti (p<0,05). Kod bolesnica izliječenih jednom dozom MTX prosječna početna razina progesterona bila je 12,74Ā±8,30 nmol/L, a kod onih s dvije doze lijeka 26,10Ā±18,80 nmol/L (p<0,006). Može se zaključiti da su početne vrijednosti hCG i progesterona bile obrnuto proporcionalne s uspjeÅ”noŔću medikamentnog liječenja u odabranoj skupini hemodinamski stabilnih bolesnica i da su važni prediktori u liječenju izvanmaternične trudnoće pomoću MTX

    Available Agricultural Areas and the Use of Forests for Biofuel Production in Croatia

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    Zbog ekonomskih i ekoloÅ”kih razloga nastavlja se unapređivanje proizvodnje i Å”irenje koriÅ”tenja biogoriva u svijetu i Europskoj uniji (EU). Zbog ograničene povrÅ”ine za proizvodnju biomase, biogoriva bi mogla zamijeniti fosilna goriva samo u jednom dijelu. Po EU do 2030. godine, uz razvoj ostalih obnovljivih izvora energije, biogoriva bi u Hrvatskoj zamijenila naftu u prometu za 25 %, Å”to iznosi 452.325 t. Danas poljoprivredne povrÅ”ine zauzimaju 2,955.728 ha. Od toga su 1,074.159 ha pogodne, 1,074.510 ha ograničene, a 806,328 ha trajno nepogodne povrÅ”ine za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Potencijali obradivih povrÅ”ina iznose 2,150.000 ha, a obrađuje se svega 1,092.000 ha. Danas je moguće u poljoprivredi iz biomase (organskih ostataka i otpadaka) dobivati 673.530 t/godiÅ”nje biogoriva, a da se ne ugrozi stalnost prirodnog obnavljanja organske tvari u tlu. Hrvatska raspolaže s 2,688.687 ha Å”uma i Å”umskog zemljiÅ”ta, gdje godiÅ”nje priraŔćuje 10,526.000 m3, a sječivi etat je 6,564.000 m3. Od toga se za industrijsko drvo i ogrjev iskoristi 60 % ili 3,938.400 m3, a ostatak od 40 % ili 2,625.000 m3 ostaje kao otpad u Å”umi. Ako bi se otpad sveo na normalnu količinu od 15 % ili 984.600 m3 onda bi za bioenergiju ostalo 45 % ili 2,953.800 m3. Ta količina drva za bioenergiju dovoljna je za proizvodnju 600.000 t biogoriva u ekvivalentnim količinama nafte. Koristeći postojeće zalihe u poljoprivrtedi i Å”umarstvu danas se može proizvesti 1,273.530 t/godiÅ”nje biogoriva. Taj iznos premaÅ”uje za 2,8 puta potrebnu količinu, koju će Hrvatska, trebati koristiti 2030. umjesto fosilnih goriva. Hrvatska raspolaže s potrebnim povrÅ”inama u poljoprivredi, kao i s kvalitetnim Å”umama u svrhu proizvodnje hrane i biogoriva po postojećim direktivima EU.The production and expansion of biofuel use in the world and the EU has been prompted by economic and ecological reasons. Fossil fuel reserves (oil and gas) are being depleted and becoming more expensive. At the same time the Kyoto Protocol stipulates the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of mitigating climatic phenomena which could cause unforeseen consequences. Land for biomass production is limited: therefore, biofuels could, following the EU strategy, replace fossil fuels only in one part. In addition to developing other renewable energies (hydro energy, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy), the EU committed itself to replace traffic oil with biofuels by 25 % by the year 2030. As Croatia is an EU membership candidate, the first thing it is required to do is to fulfill the obligation of achieving a 5.75 % proportion of biofuels (104,034 tons), held by each member state, by the year 2010. This is followed by the fulfillment of the commitment for the year 2020 (180,930 tons) and by the year 2030 (452,325 tons). Of the total continental land area of Croatia (5,662,031 ha), agricultural land covers 2,955,728 ha or 52.2 %. In Croatia, 55.9% or 1,202,000 ha of a total of 2,150,000 ha of potentially arable land are cultivated. If pastures are excluded, then arable land amounts to only 50.8 % or 1,092,000 ha. With the application of more or less intensive ameliorative measures, agrocultures could be cultivated for food production and partially for biofuel production over as many as 947.080 ha of available land in Croatia. Permanently unsuitable land for agricultural production in Croatia amounts to 806,328 ha. This land could be used for the establishment of forest cultures where timber for industry and bioenergy could be produced. The current conditions in Croatia give us reason to believe that there are good possibilities for biodiesel production from rape seed (especially rape oil) using first generation technologies, and biodiesel from lignocellulose biomass and its residues in agriculture and forestry with the application of second generation technologies. Moreover, a large number of cattle farms in Croatia produce large quantities of organic residue (especially animal manure) which could be usefully converted into biogas for both economic and ecological reasons. The quantity of biomass from agrocultures amounts to 1,239,550 (t) annually, which is only 30 % of their value. The remaining 70 % of the biomass should be left on agricultural land to allow organic matter in the soil to regenerate naturally. The total equivalent value in crude oil from agricultural areas is 428,992 t/annually. Apart from biomass from agricultures, significant biomass quantities also exist in cattle breeding. Animal manure and organic residue from cattle are used for biofuel production ā€“ biogas. Annual quantities of overall animal manure in Croatia amount to 381,480,000 t and represent 25 % of the existing annual quantities. This biomass quantity (organic residue in husbandry) may provide a total of 244,538 t of annual equivalent values of crude oil. Present agricultural production may provide 673,530 t/annually of biofuels from biomass (organic residue and waste) in the equivalent value of crude oil without jeopardizing permanent natural regeneration of organic matter in the soil. Croatia possesses 2,688,687 ha of forests and forestland with 397,963,000 m3 of growing stock which increments annually by 10,526,000 m3. The annual cut or the prescribed cut is 6,564,000 m3 of gross volume. Of the total annual cut, about 40 % or 2,625,600 of timber is used for processing, 20 % or 1,312,800 m3 for of fuelwood for energy and the remaining 40 % or 2,625,000 m3 is left in the forest as waste. Of this residue, 62.5 % or 1,641,000 m3 could be used for bioenergy production, while 37 % or 984,000 m3 would remain in the forest as waste. If this amount suitable for bioenergy is added to the quantity of 1,312,800 m3 of fuelwood, the total quantity of energy wood that could already be placed on the energy market amounts to 2,953,800 m3, which is 45 % of the total annual cut. This quantity could provide 600,000 t/annually of biofuel in the equivalent value of crude oil. Therefore, Croatia can produce an annual biofuel quantity of 1,273,539 t from the existing reserves in agriculture and forestry. This amount is 2.8 times higher than the quantity (452,325 t) which Croatia is obliged to use in traffic instead of fossil fuels by 2030 (the EU Directive of 2003). Taking into account realistic potential possibilities of biofuel production in agriculture and forestry, we believe that a strategy on biomass use and biofuel production should be developed in Croatia with the goal of achieving economic and ecological bene

    Available Agricultural Areas and the Use of Forests for Biofuel Production in Croatia

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    Zbog ekonomskih i ekoloÅ”kih razloga nastavlja se unapređivanje proizvodnje i Å”irenje koriÅ”tenja biogoriva u svijetu i Europskoj uniji (EU). Zbog ograničene povrÅ”ine za proizvodnju biomase, biogoriva bi mogla zamijeniti fosilna goriva samo u jednom dijelu. Po EU do 2030. godine, uz razvoj ostalih obnovljivih izvora energije, biogoriva bi u Hrvatskoj zamijenila naftu u prometu za 25 %, Å”to iznosi 452.325 t. Danas poljoprivredne povrÅ”ine zauzimaju 2,955.728 ha. Od toga su 1,074.159 ha pogodne, 1,074.510 ha ograničene, a 806,328 ha trajno nepogodne povrÅ”ine za poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Potencijali obradivih povrÅ”ina iznose 2,150.000 ha, a obrađuje se svega 1,092.000 ha. Danas je moguće u poljoprivredi iz biomase (organskih ostataka i otpadaka) dobivati 673.530 t/godiÅ”nje biogoriva, a da se ne ugrozi stalnost prirodnog obnavljanja organske tvari u tlu. Hrvatska raspolaže s 2,688.687 ha Å”uma i Å”umskog zemljiÅ”ta, gdje godiÅ”nje priraŔćuje 10,526.000 m3, a sječivi etat je 6,564.000 m3. Od toga se za industrijsko drvo i ogrjev iskoristi 60 % ili 3,938.400 m3, a ostatak od 40 % ili 2,625.000 m3 ostaje kao otpad u Å”umi. Ako bi se otpad sveo na normalnu količinu od 15 % ili 984.600 m3 onda bi za bioenergiju ostalo 45 % ili 2,953.800 m3. Ta količina drva za bioenergiju dovoljna je za proizvodnju 600.000 t biogoriva u ekvivalentnim količinama nafte. Koristeći postojeće zalihe u poljoprivrtedi i Å”umarstvu danas se može proizvesti 1,273.530 t/godiÅ”nje biogoriva. Taj iznos premaÅ”uje za 2,8 puta potrebnu količinu, koju će Hrvatska, trebati koristiti 2030. umjesto fosilnih goriva. Hrvatska raspolaže s potrebnim povrÅ”inama u poljoprivredi, kao i s kvalitetnim Å”umama u svrhu proizvodnje hrane i biogoriva po postojećim direktivima EU.The production and expansion of biofuel use in the world and the EU has been prompted by economic and ecological reasons. Fossil fuel reserves (oil and gas) are being depleted and becoming more expensive. At the same time the Kyoto Protocol stipulates the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of mitigating climatic phenomena which could cause unforeseen consequences. Land for biomass production is limited: therefore, biofuels could, following the EU strategy, replace fossil fuels only in one part. In addition to developing other renewable energies (hydro energy, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy), the EU committed itself to replace traffic oil with biofuels by 25 % by the year 2030. As Croatia is an EU membership candidate, the first thing it is required to do is to fulfill the obligation of achieving a 5.75 % proportion of biofuels (104,034 tons), held by each member state, by the year 2010. This is followed by the fulfillment of the commitment for the year 2020 (180,930 tons) and by the year 2030 (452,325 tons). Of the total continental land area of Croatia (5,662,031 ha), agricultural land covers 2,955,728 ha or 52.2 %. In Croatia, 55.9% or 1,202,000 ha of a total of 2,150,000 ha of potentially arable land are cultivated. If pastures are excluded, then arable land amounts to only 50.8 % or 1,092,000 ha. With the application of more or less intensive ameliorative measures, agrocultures could be cultivated for food production and partially for biofuel production over as many as 947.080 ha of available land in Croatia. Permanently unsuitable land for agricultural production in Croatia amounts to 806,328 ha. This land could be used for the establishment of forest cultures where timber for industry and bioenergy could be produced. The current conditions in Croatia give us reason to believe that there are good possibilities for biodiesel production from rape seed (especially rape oil) using first generation technologies, and biodiesel from lignocellulose biomass and its residues in agriculture and forestry with the application of second generation technologies. Moreover, a large number of cattle farms in Croatia produce large quantities of organic residue (especially animal manure) which could be usefully converted into biogas for both economic and ecological reasons. The quantity of biomass from agrocultures amounts to 1,239,550 (t) annually, which is only 30 % of their value. The remaining 70 % of the biomass should be left on agricultural land to allow organic matter in the soil to regenerate naturally. The total equivalent value in crude oil from agricultural areas is 428,992 t/annually. Apart from biomass from agricultures, significant biomass quantities also exist in cattle breeding. Animal manure and organic residue from cattle are used for biofuel production ā€“ biogas. Annual quantities of overall animal manure in Croatia amount to 381,480,000 t and represent 25 % of the existing annual quantities. This biomass quantity (organic residue in husbandry) may provide a total of 244,538 t of annual equivalent values of crude oil. Present agricultural production may provide 673,530 t/annually of biofuels from biomass (organic residue and waste) in the equivalent value of crude oil without jeopardizing permanent natural regeneration of organic matter in the soil. Croatia possesses 2,688,687 ha of forests and forestland with 397,963,000 m3 of growing stock which increments annually by 10,526,000 m3. The annual cut or the prescribed cut is 6,564,000 m3 of gross volume. Of the total annual cut, about 40 % or 2,625,600 of timber is used for processing, 20 % or 1,312,800 m3 for of fuelwood for energy and the remaining 40 % or 2,625,000 m3 is left in the forest as waste. Of this residue, 62.5 % or 1,641,000 m3 could be used for bioenergy production, while 37 % or 984,000 m3 would remain in the forest as waste. If this amount suitable for bioenergy is added to the quantity of 1,312,800 m3 of fuelwood, the total quantity of energy wood that could already be placed on the energy market amounts to 2,953,800 m3, which is 45 % of the total annual cut. This quantity could provide 600,000 t/annually of biofuel in the equivalent value of crude oil. Therefore, Croatia can produce an annual biofuel quantity of 1,273,539 t from the existing reserves in agriculture and forestry. This amount is 2.8 times higher than the quantity (452,325 t) which Croatia is obliged to use in traffic instead of fossil fuels by 2030 (the EU Directive of 2003). Taking into account realistic potential possibilities of biofuel production in agriculture and forestry, we believe that a strategy on biomass use and biofuel production should be developed in Croatia with the goal of achieving economic and ecological bene

    The treatment of scaphoid nonunion using the Ilizarov fixator without bone graft, a study of 18 cases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>Evaluating the safety and efficacy of the Ilizarov fine-wire compression/distraction technique in the treatment of scaphoid nonunion (SNU), without the use of bone graft.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>A retrospective review of 18 consecutive patients in one centre.</p> <p>Patients and Methods</p> <p>18 patients; 17 males; 1 female, with a mean SNU duration of 13.9 months. Patients with carpal instability, humpback deformity, carpal collapse, avascular necrosis or marked degenerative change, were excluded. Following frame application the treatment consisted of three stages: the frame was distracted 1 mm per day until radiographs showed a 2-3 mm opening at the SNU site (mean 10 days); the SNU site was then compressed for 5 days, at a rate of 1 mm per day, with the wrist in 15 degrees of flexion and 15 degrees of radial deviation; the third stage involved immobilization with the Ilizarov fixator for 6 weeks. The technique is detailed herein.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Radiographic (CT) and clinical bony union was achieved in all 18 patients after a mean of 89 days (70-130 days). Mean modified Mayo wrist scores improved from 21 to 86 at a mean follow-up of 37 months (24-72 months), with good/excellent results in 14 patients. All patients returned to their pre-injury occupations and levels of activity at a mean of 117 days. Three patients suffered superficial K-wire infections, which resolved with oral antibiotics.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In these selected patients this technique safely achieved bony union without the need to open the SNU site and without the use of bone graft.</p

    Promene botaničkog sastava lucerkinih smeÅ”a u zavisnosti od vrsta u smeÅ”i i đubrenja N

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    Alfalfa is the most important forage plant in our country. It is mainly grown as pure crop for livestock nutrition, although it gives very good results when grown in mixture with other plant species. By growing in mixtures many advantages are achieved, the most important are: possibility for alfalfa to be used in grazing and reduced need for fertilization of grassland. In two year trial (2003-2004), changes in botanical composition of alfalfa mixtures depending on the present species in the mixture, i.e. their competitive abilities and fertilization with N, were monitored. Investigations showed that by ageing of crops the share of grasses increases and share of legumes and weeds decreases. Fertilization showed positive effect on strengthening of competitive abilities of grass in relation to leguminous species and increased share of weeds in forage mixtures.Lucerka je najvažnija krmna biljka kod nas. Uglavnom se gaji kao čist usev za ishranu stoke, mada veoma dobre rezultate daje gajenjem u smeÅ”i sa drugim biljnim vrstama. Gajenjem u smeÅ”ama ostvaruje se čitav niz prednosti od kojih su najvažnije: mogućnost koriŔćenja lucerke u ispaÅ”i i smanjenje potrebe đubrenja travnjaka. U dvogodiÅ”njem ogledu (2003-2004) praćene su promene u botaničkom sastavu lucerkinih smeÅ”a u zavisnosti od prisutnih vrsta u smeÅ”i odnosno njihovih kompeticionih sposobnosti i đubrenja N. Ispitivanja su pokazala da sa starenjem useva dolazi do povećanja udela trava, a smanjenja udela leguminoza i korova. Đubrenje je pokazalo pozitivan efekat na jačanje kompeticionih sposobnosti travnih u odnosu na leguminozne vrste i povećan udeo korova u krmi smeÅ”a

    An aggressive chondroblastoma of the knee treated with resection arthrodesis and limb lengthening using the Ilizarov technique

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    This case report describes the management of a 15 year old male with a biologically aggressive chondroblastoma of the knee. Following CT, bone scan, angiography and an open biopsy, the diagnosis was confirmed histologically and immunohistochemically. The patient underwent a 13 cm en-bloc excision of the knee, and knee arthrodesis with simultaneous bone transport using an Ilizarov ring fixator. Following 136 days of bone transport, the patient achieved radiological and clinical bony union after a total frame time of 372 days. He then commenced 50% partial weight-bear in a protective knee brace and gradually worked up to full weight-bearing by 4 months. The patient developed superficial pin tract infections around the k-wires on 2 occasions; these settled with a cephalosporin antibiotic spray and local dressings. At 13 years follow-up there are no signs of disease recurrence or failure at the fusion site. The patient is able to fully weight bear and stand independently on the operated leg. Knee arthrodesis with simultaneous limb-lengthening is an effective treatment modality following en-bloc resection of an aggressive chondroblastoma. The case is discussed with reference to the literature